Degree project work Development of an energy dense, protein enriched oat-based yogurt Author: Frida Sjöberg Supervisor: Olof Böök, Hanna Magnusson (Aventure AB), Kjell Edman (LNU) Examiner: Anna Blücher Date: May 24, 2017 Subject: Chemistry Level: First cycle Course code: 2KE01E Abstract As of today, there is a challenge amongst the elderly to get the energy they need. Malnutrition is a fact for too many and protein is one of the most common deficiencies among macronutrients in this age group. Another group, also in the need of extra energy and protein, are those with a higher level of physical activity. Aventure AB in Lund, Sweden, has earlier developed an “in between meal beverage”, based on oats, with high energy and protein content called “Skaka & Smaka”. This beverage has with promising results been distributed to selected hospitals in Sweden as a pilot-trial. As an expansion of this product, Aventure wanted to create an oat-based, energy dense stirred yogurt. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of addition of different protein sources to create an energy dense stirred yogurt with good texture and a balance of macronutrients. Four different types of protein sources were, separately or in combination, added to the original recipe of “Skaka & Smaka” (without added flavour), after which it was fermented and evaluated regarding sensory and physio-chemical properties. Three different fruit purée mixtures were added separately to the fermented oat-base in different proportions and evaluated by taste, color and flavour intensity. Salt concentration was adjusted and two final products were developed and evaluated through a sensory consumer test, at two different retirement homes in Hässleholm, Sweden. To measure the participants opinions a 9-point hedonic scale was used and attributes evaluated were first impression, color, taste, consistency, thickness, spoonability and total impression. All of the 11 individuals who participated were at the age of 75 and over, where of 2 were men and 9 were women. The proportions of added protein in the two final products were 10% casein and 90% whey. The two selected fruit purées, “skogen” and “havet”, were added in the concentration of 30%. The addition of salt was increased with 100%, resulting in a final concentration of 0.08 g per 100 grams. The sensory analysis revealed no statistical significance between any of the related attributes of the two yogurts. The attribute most important for general liking was taste, followed by texture and color. Seven individuals (64%) said they could consume this kind of product a few times a week and all participants thought that there was a need for this kind of product. The two yogurts developed in this project, “skogen” and “havet”, and the concept behind them seem to have good potential for consumer liking, though further development of taste and texture is needed. i Keywords High-energy yogurt, casein, whey, plant-based protein, malnutrition, elderly, physically active Thanks I would like to start off by thanking Olof Böök, my main supervisor at Aventure AB, for giving me the opportunity and experience to carry out this project and for his guided commitment trough this whole journey. I also wish to thank Hanna Magnusson for her truly appreciated guidance and support in and outside of the lab. I’d like to thank my internal supervisor at Linneaus University, Kjell Edman, for his kind support, shared knowledge and help during the writing process. I also like to thank Eva Malm Körkkö (Ehrenborg residential home), Caritha Andersson (Högalid residential home), all the parcipitants and staff at these retirement homes for making the sensory analysis possible. I would also like to thank my family for their love and encouragement. Finally, I would like to thank all the great people at Aventure for brightening up each and every single day with good conversations and many great laughters as well as stories during our beloved Thursday “fika”. ii Swedish summary Som det ser ut idag så finns det en utmaning bland de äldre att få i sig den energi de behöver. Undernäring är ett faktum för allt för många och protein är en av de vanligaste bristerna bland makronäringsämnena inom denna åldersgrupp. En annan grupp som också är i behov av extra energi och protein är de med en hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå. Aventure AB i Lund, Sverige, har tidigare utvecklat en mellanmåls dryck, baserad på havre, med ett högt energi- och proteininnehåll, kallad ”Skaka & Smaka”. Denna dryck har i ett pilot försök och med lovande resultat distribuerats till flertalet utvalda sjukhus i Sverige. Som en vidareutveckling av denna produkt ville Aventure skapa en havrebaserad, energität, rörd yoghurt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka geomförbarheten i tillsättning av olika proteinkällor för att skapa en energität, rörd yoghurt med bra konsistens och en balans av makronäringsämnen. Fyra olika typer av proteinkällor tillsattes, separat eller i kombination, till originalreceptet för ”Skaka & Smaka” (utan tillsatt smak), vartefter blandningen fermenterades och utvärderades utifrån sensoriska och fysio-kemikaliska egenskaper. Tre olika fruktpurée blandningar tillsattes separat till den fermenterade havrebasen i olika proportioner och utvärderades utifrån smak, färg och smakintensitet. Saltkoncentrationen justerades och två slutliga produkter utvecklades och utvärderades genom ett sensoriskt konsumenttest, vid två olika äldreboenden i Hässleholm, Sverige. För att mäta deltagarnas åsikter användes en 9-punkt hedonisk skala och de attribut som utvärderades var första intryck, färg, smak, konsistens, tjockhet, skedbarhet och totalt intryck. Alla de 11 individer som deltog var av ålder 75 och över, varav två var män och nio var kvinnor. Proportionerna av tillsatt protein i de två slutliga produkterna var 10% kasein och 90% vassle. De två valda fruktpuréerna, ”skogen” och ”havet”, tillsattes i en koncentration på 30%. Tillsatsen av salt ökades med 100%, vilket resulterade i en slutlig koncentration på 0.08g per 100 gram. Den sensoriska analysen visade inte på någon statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan de relaterade attributen för de två olika yoghurtarna. Attributen som var av störst vikt för generellt tycke var smak, följt av konsistens och färg. Sju individer (64%) sa att de kunde konsumera en produkt som denna ett par gånger i veckan och alla deltagande tyckte att det fanns ett behov av en produkt som denna. De två yoghurtarna som utvecklades i detta projekt, ”skogen” och ”havet”, och det bakomliggande konceptet tycks ha god potential bland konsumenter, men vidare utveckling av smak och konsistens är nödvändigt. iii Contents 1 Introduction ________________________________________________________ 1 1.1 Aim ____________________________________________________________ 1 2 Background ________________________________________________________ 2 2.1 Nutrition and the elderly ____________________________________________ 2 2.1.1 Recommendations _____________________________________________ 2 2.2 Nutrition and physical activity _______________________________________ 2 2.2.1 Recommendations _____________________________________________ 3 2.3 Earlier product and further development _______________________________ 4 2.4 Oat and health ____________________________________________________ 4 2.5 Protein sources ___________________________________________________ 4 2.5.1 Casein ______________________________________________________ 4 2.5.2 Whey ________________________________________________________ 5 2.5.3 Rice protein __________________________________________________ 6 2.5.4 A mix of rice and pea protein _____________________________________ 6 2.6 Protein properties _________________________________________________ 7 2.6.1 Solubility ____________________________________________________ 7 2.6.2 Emulsification ________________________________________________ 8 2.6.3 Rheology ____________________________________________________ 8 Viscosity_________________________________________________ 8 Flowability_______________________________________________ 8 2.6.6 Texturization _________________________________________________ 8 2.6.7 Flavour binding _______________________________________________ 9 2.7 Fermentation _____________________________________________________ 9 2.8 Sensory analysis __________________________________________________ 9 3 Materials and Methods ______________________________________________ 11 3.1 Experimental trials _______________________________________________ 11 3.1.1 Screening of starter culture and addition of whey and casein protein ____ 11 3.1.2 Effect of different volumes of transferred inoculum on fermentation time _ 11 3.1.3 Addition of vegetable proteins ___________________________________ 11 3.1.4 Lowered heat treatment ________________________________________ 11 3.1.5 Optimum ratios of whey/casein, increased LOB and addition of fruit purée 11 3.1.6 Different fruit purée concentrations and texturizer ___________________ 12 3.1.7 Lowering of casein and an increase in pH _________________________ 12 3.1.8 Adjustments to the pasteurisation step and increased content of texturizer 12 3.2 Sample preparation _______________________________________________ 12 3.2.1 Preparation of Glucanova oat base (10 wt%) _______________________ 12 3.2.2 Preparation of “Skaka & Smaka” oat base (yogurt substrate) __________ 12 3.2.3 Preperation of starter culture inoculum ___________________________ 13 3.4 Fermentation ____________________________________________________
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