AN ASSESSMENT OF VISUAL ENCOUNTER SURVEYS FOR AN ELUSIVE SPECIES - THE DUNES SAGEBRUSH LIZARD (SCELOPORUS ARENICOLUS) by Maxie Lu Kiehne. B.S. A thesis submitted to the Graduate CounciL of Texas State University in partiaL fulfiLLment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science with a Major in WiLdlife Ecology August 2019 Committee Members: MichaeL R.J. Forstner, Chair Paul Crump Joseph A. Veech COPYRIGHT by Maxie Lu Kiehne 2019 FAIR USE AND AUTHOR’S PERMISSION STATEMENT Fair Use This work is protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States (Public Law 94-553, section 107). Consistent with fair use as defined in the Copyright Laws, brief quotations from this materiaL are aLLowed with proper acknowLedgement. Use of this materiaL for financiaL gain without the author’s express written permission is not aLLowed. Duplication Permission As the copyright holder of this work I, Maxie Lu Kiehne, refuse permission to copy in excess of the “Fair Use” exemption without my written permission. DEDICATION To my parents – Travis and Tammy Kiehne, my sisters – Kadie and HaLey Kiehne, and my grandmother – Dorothy Ake. Without you, I would not have had the courage nor the strength to traveL away from everything I know to pursue this dream. Thank you for everything you have done and everything that you continue to do for me. I Love you more than you wiLL ever know. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would first Like to express my gratitude for my major advisor, the members who served on my thesis committee and aLL of my lab mates, and other individuaLs, who assisted me aLong the way. To Dr. MichaeL R.J. Forstner, thank you, not only for the amazing research opportunities and experiences you provided me with, but aLso for your mentorship aLong my path to graduation. Your support and demand for exceLLence, was undoubtably the beginning of my evolution, into what wiLL hopefulLy, one day, be an individuaL who is self-sufficient enough to conduct independent research. To Dr. Paul Crump, thank you for aLways aLLowing me to see situations from multiple standpoints. Your vision, encouragement, benevolence and abiLity to have a positive outLook, even in a world where there is not much optimism, is truly inspiring. To Dr. Joseph A. Veech, thank you for aLL of your guidance and patience. You heLped me buiLd an anaLyticaL portion of my mind that I did not know existed. To my lab mates, thank you for enduring the Long hours it took to heLp colLect the data for this thesis. I am genuineLy pleased and humbled to have had the opportunity to work with aLL of you. I would aLso like to thank Josh Fish, Matthew CresweLL, Nicah Gutierrez and Shyann Vance for their constant support and love throughout this journey. Thank you for simply being in my life and aLways supporting me. Josh, you heLped me endure some of the darkest portions of not only this experience, but my life. I wiLL never be able to thank you enough for aLL you have done for me. I love you aLways. Matthew, I am positive I would have never made it this far without your constant support, humor and kindness. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ vii LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................ ix ABSTRACT .........................................................................................................................x CHAPTER I. AN ASSESSMENT OF VISUAL ENCOUNTER SURVEYS FOR AN ELUSIVE SPECIES - THE DUNES SAGEBRUSH LIZARD (SCELOPORUS ARENICOLUS) .....................................................................................................1 Introduction ...................................................................................................1 Methods .........................................................................................................5 Results .........................................................................................................10 Discussion ...................................................................................................14 Tables ..........................................................................................................21 Figures .........................................................................................................25 APPENDIX SECTION ......................................................................................................32 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................40 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. TotaL number of sites seLected for Sceloporus arenicolus – Dunes Sagebrush Lizard ..21 2. TotaL number of raw lizard observations recorded during visuaL encounter surveys ....21 3. AICc modeL seLection results for Uta stansburiana .......................................................22 4. AICc modeL seLection results for Aspidoscelis marmoratus ..........................................23 5. Estimates for the top modeL seLected for Uta stansburiana ...........................................24 6. Estimates for the top modeL seLected for Aspidoscelis marmoratus ..............................24 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Photographic image of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard – Sceloporus arenicolus .............25 2. TotaL geographicaL range of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard – Sceloporus arenicolus .....26 3. Lizard species LeveL observations recorded during visuaL encounter surveys ................27 4. IndividuaL detections among survey types .....................................................................28 5. Sceloporus arenicolus detections located within large open dune blowouts .................29 6. Sceloporus arenicolus detections located outside large open dune blowouts ...............30 7. Comparison of lizard surveys to associated detection probabiLity .................................31 viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Description AICc .................................. Akaike Information Criterion – corrected for smaLL sample size A. marmoratus .............................................................................. Aspidoscelis marmoratus at ................................................................................................................... Air temperature bp........................................................................................................... Barometric pressure CPUE ................................................................................................... Catch-per-unit-effort DSL ................................................................................................ Dunes Sagebrush Lizard GLMM ............................................................................... GeneraLized linear mixed modeL Q. harvardii.............................................................................................. Quercus harvardii rh ............................................................................................................... ReLative humidity S. arenicolus ....................................................................................... Sceloporus arenicolus st .......................................................................................................... Substrate temperature TCP ................................................................................................ Texas Conservation PLan U. stansburiana .......................................................................................... Uta stansburiana USFWS .................................................................. United States Fish and WiLdlife Service VES ................................................................................................. VisuaL encounter survey WND ............................................................................................. Weighted naïve detection ws ........................................................................................................................ Wind speed YDWMA .......................................................... Yoakum Dunes WiLdlife Management Area ΔAIC ........................................................................................................... DeLta AIC vaLue ix ABSTRACT The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard (Sceloporus arenicolus - DSL) is a highly cryptic, habitat speciaList that shows a preference for environments comprised of large wind- blown sand dune complexes and dense arrays of shinnery oak (Quercus harvardii). This species occupies a narrow range in the Monahans SandhiLLs of Texas and the MescaLero Sands of New Mexico and like many habitat speciaLists, they are sensitive to disturbances within their environment. Conservation of this species reLies upon precise assessments of the occurrence, abundance, and the trends in both metrics for this lizard. The standard method for detecting the DSL, visuaL encounter surveys (VES), was utiLized to estimate the probabiLity of detection, across sites that had varying degrees of reported suitabiLity. Three separate VES methodologies were anaLyzed: 1) plot size: 200m x 200m; survey duration: 15 minutes, 2) plot size: 400m x 400m; survey duration: 60 minutes,
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