11K views 1 0 RELATED TITLES Lecture 6--The Engineer's Transit and Theodolite Uploaded by Fio SV Full description Nscp Design THERMODYNAMICS Surveying Hand Thermodynamics Loads CHAPTER 4 Signals Chapter 1 Save Embed Share Print Outline I.I. Engiinneeeerr’’s TTrraannssiitt The Engineer’s Transit II.. MMaaiinn PPaartrtss I.I. UUppppeerr PPllaattee and Theodolite IIII.. LLoowweer PlPlaattee Lecture 6 IIIIII.. Leveling Head Assembly GE10: General Surveying I IIII.. SSeettting up thee ttrransitt IIIIII.. Leveling of the Trannssiitt IIVV.. Care of the TTrransit IIII.. TThheeooddoolliittee I.I. TTyyppeess ooff TThheeooddoolliittee I.I. RReeppeeaattiningg TThheeooddoolliittee IIII.. Direccttiioonal Theodoolliittee IIIIII.. Digital Theodolliittee Department of Geodetic Engineering University of the Philippines, Diliman IIII.. MMaaiinn PPaartrtss IIIIII.. Setting up the theodolitee Engineer’s Transit Main Parts Creddiitteedd ttoo Roemer,, aa DDaaninisshh AAsstrtroonnoommeerr,, wwhhoo 11.. Upper Plate (or Alidade) iinn 11669900 uusseedd tthhee iinnssttrruummeenntt ttoo oobbsseerrvvee tthhee ppaassssaaggee (t(trraannssitit)) ooff ststaarrss aaccrroossss tthhee cceeleleststiaiall 22.. Lower Plate meridian 33.. Leveling Head Assembly Essentially a telescope and two large protractors 1 protractor mounted in the horizontal plane and the other in a vertical plane An instrument of precision Main Parts of the Engineer’s Transit Parts of the Engineer’s Transi 11K views 1 0 RELATED TITLES Lecture 6--The Engineer's Transit and Theodolite Uploaded by Fio SV Full description Nscp Design THERMODYNAMICS Surveying Hand Thermodynamics Loads CHAPTER 4 Signals Chapter 1 Save Embed Share Print I. Upper Plate I. Upper Plate Consists of the entire top of the 1. TELESCOPE transit Used for: Entire assembly rotates about a 1. Fixing the direction of LOS 2. Viewing the objects vertical axis 3. Magnification in the FOV Contains the ff: vertical circle and vernier Can be rotated about its horizontal axis standards: supports the telescope and level tube Direct position => level vial is above the telescope compass box Reversed position => level vial is below the telescope circular cover plate and plate level vials upper clamp tangent screw needle lifter I. Upper Plate I. Upper Plate 2. STANDARDS 3. COMPASS BOX Integral parts of the upper plate Used to: Used to: 1. Establish magnetic meridian 1. Hold into position the horizontal axle level 2. Allow rough checks on measured angles 2. Elevate or depress the telescope by Magnetic needle can be lifted from its pivot by the rotating on an axis perpendicular to the needle lifter LOS I. Upper Plate I. Upper Plate 5. VERTICAL CIRCLE 4. PLATE LEVEL VIALS Attached to the telescope and rotates with it Positioned at right angles to each other Used to measure vertical angles Used to establish the upper and lower plates in a horizontal plane 11K views 1 0 RELATED TITLES Lecture 6--The Engineer's Transit and Theodolite Uploaded by Fio SV Full description Nscp Design THERMODYNAMICS Surveying Hand Thermodynamics Loads CHAPTER 4 Signals Chapter 1 Save Embed Share Print I. Upper Plate I. Upper Plate 6. PLATE VERNIERS Two opposite verniers (A & B) 7. TELESCOPE CLAMP A vernier is adjacent to the Tightened to hold the telescope horizontal or eyepiece where it is easily used any desired inclination B vernier is 180o from A vernier Located near the horizontal axle of the transit I. Upper Plate I. Upper Plate 8.TELESCOPE TANGENT SCREW 9. UPPER CLAMP a.k.a. vertical circle tangent screw A locking device Enables the telescope to be rotated When tightened, it causes the in small movements about the upper and lower plates to lock horizontal axis when the telescope together clamp is tightened Most have round heads and Useful when setting the cross hairs usually turn in the direction precisely on a distant point sighted tangent to the motion they control I. Upper Plate II. Lower Plate Or horizontal circle 10. OPTICAL PLUMMET Where horizontal angles are measured Small telescope thru the vertical center of the Graduated on its upper face and divided around transit its circumference into 360o and further Enables the instrument to be centered over a subdivisions given point quickly and precisely by means of Can be held stationary while the upper plate is an optical system rotated or can be rotated independently 11K views 1 0 RELATED TITLES Lecture 6--The Engineer's Transit and Theodolite Uploaded by Fio SV Full description Nscp Design THERMODYNAMICS Surveying Hand Thermodynamics Loads CHAPTER 4 Signals Chapter 1 Save Embed Share Print II. Lower Plate II. Lower Plate 1. LOWER CLAMP 2. LOWER TANGENT Attached to the horizontal SCREW circle Used to make precise settings Does not rotate with the after the lower clamp is horizontal circle tightened Used to control the rotation of It moves the lower plate to a the horizontal circle desired exact position using a Stops any motion between the small range of movement leveling head and the lower plate III. Leveling Head Assembly III. Leveling Head Assembly 1. LEVELING SCREWS Lower part of the transit Used for leveling the Allows the transit to be leveled and centered over instrument by the plate levels a point Operate in pairs and always Consists of: turned in opposite directions 1. bottom horizontal foot plate Screws are loosened when 2. 4 leveling screws 3. plumb bob chain desired to shift transit 4. a device that permits small lateral movements of transit laterally with respect to the foot plate III. Leveling Head Assembly 2. PLUMB BOB CHAIN Chain with a hook: Suspended from the bottom part of the leveling head assembly SETTING UP THE Hangs between the tripod legs Used for attaching a string an a plumb bob so that the instrument may be set exactly over the TRANSIT selected point on the ground 11K views 1 0 RELATED TITLES Lecture 6--The Engineer's Transit and Theodolite Uploaded by Fio SV Full description Nscp Design THERMODYNAMICS Surveying Hand Thermodynamics Loads CHAPTER 4 Signals Chapter 1 Save Embed Share Print 1. POSITIONING THE TRIPOD 2. MOUNTING THE TRIPOD 1. On fairly level ground: tripod is set up near and over the selected point with the 1. Remove the transit from its carrying case by legs well spread apart to ensure stability grasping it with both hands at the leveling see to it that the tripod head is nearly stable head assembly or at the upright standards 2. On hillsides or along a slope: 2. With one hand, screw the leveling head of the 1 of its legs should extend uphill and the 2 downhill transit and firmly onto the tripod head while each tripod leg is then moved as required to make holding the standards at the other hand the tripod head nearly level 3. The transit should fit snugly and bear firmly 3. Set the tripod in a convenient height (no need to 4. Remove the objective cap and replace with the stretch or stoop) sunshade 3. ATTACHING THE PLUMB BOB 4. FINAL CENTERING Plumb bob and a string is attached to the transit by See to it that the wing nuts of the tripod is suspending it from the hook and chain that hangs at tightened the bottom of the leveling head. Shift the leveling head of the transit along the foot Raise or lower the plumb bob using the sliding loop- plate to exactly center the plumb bob knot Use the optical plummet if available for accurate Lower down the plumb bob within about 0.5 cm centering: above the ground point look at the optical plummet Bring the plumb bob close to the center of the point shift the instrument until the reticle is precisely by moving or pressing 1 or 2 tripod legs more firmly centered on the ground point into the ground LEVELING THE PLATE LEVEL BUBBLE LEVELING OF THE TRANSIT 11K views 1 0 RELATED TITLES Lecture 6--The Engineer's Transit and Theodolite Uploaded by Fio SV Full description Nscp Design THERMODYNAMICS Surveying Hand Thermodynamics Loads CHAPTER 4 Signals Chapter 1 Save Embed Share Print LEVELING THE PLATE LEVEL BUBBLE LEVELING THE PLATE LEVEL BUBBLE 1. The bubble is centered by rotating screws 1 and 2 in 5. Return to the original position and check opposite directions centering of the bubble. the rotations (see figure) will cause the bubble to 6. Rotate through 180o so that end A of the bubble move from left to right tube is on line with level screw . 2. Next, rotate the instrument so that the one end of the 7. Repeat the previous steps so that all bubble tubes bubble tube is aligned with the remaining screw are leveled in every direction. 3. Center the bubble in this position by rotating this remaining screw 4. The rotation indicated in the figure will cause the bubble to move away from level screw 3 CARE OF THE TRANSIT 1. Store the transit in its carrying case when not in use 2. Remove the transit from the tripod and carry it in its box when transporting in a vehicle or over a CARE OF THE walking distance 3. If it becomes went or damp, dry it off with absorbent cloth or preferably in sunlight TRANSIT 4. The objective lens should not be wiped as it is easily scratched clean it by rubbing gently with a piece of soft cloth moistened in alcohol or with a piece of lens paper finish off with a camel’s hair brush CARE OF THE TRANSIT CARE OF THE TRANSIT 5. Protect the instrument at all times from any shock 7. The transit should be lifted from the carrying case or sudden jolt by grasping the standards and NOT by the never allow the instrument to fall or drop telescope. 6. Hold the transit in the arms with the tripod 8.
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