Jiumb•. 6 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1945 juhlisgtb h!J '.autgority WELLINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY -31, 1945 Consenting to the Raising by the Mount Albert Borough Council of section nine of the Local Authorities Interest Reduction and Loans Portion (£22,000) of the Roading Loan, 1926, £537,500, and the Conversion Amendment Act, 1934, and of all other powers and Balance (£18,000) of the Drainage Supplementary Loan, 1941, authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby consent to the £20,000, and prescribing the Conditions thereof borrowing in New Zealand by the said local authority of the said sum of forty thousand pounds (£40,000) or any part thereof for the respective purposes for which the said loans were authorized, and C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows:- ORDER IN COUNCIL (1) The term for which the said sum or any part thereof may be borrowed shall not exceed twenty-five (25) years. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 17th day of (2) The rate of interest that may be p~id in respect of the said January, 1945 sum or any part thereof shall be such as t;!hall not produce to the Present: lender or lenders a rate exceeding three pounds seven shillings and · THE RIGHT RoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL sixpence (£3 7s. 6d.) for the first fifteen (15) years of the 1lerm and a rate exceeding three pounds ten shillings (£3 10s.) for the remaining HEREAS by Order in Council made on the twenty-eighth day ten (10) years. W of June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, consent was. given to the raising by the Mount Albert Borough Council (3) The said sum or any portion thereof, together with interest (hereinafter called " the said local authority ") of the. sum of five thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half-yearly hundred and thitty-seven thousanq. five hundred pounds (£537,500), instalments extending over the term as determined in (1) above. by a loan to be known as "Roading Loan, 1926," of which the sum (4) The payment of such instalments shall be made in New of sixty thousahd two hundred pounds (£60,200) has not been Zealand, and no such instalments shall be paid out of loan-money. borrowed: (5) The rate payable for orokerage, underwriting, and pro­ And whereas by section nine of the Local Authorities Interest curation fees in respect of the borrowing of the said sum or any part Reduction and Loans Conversion Amendment Act, 1934, the consent thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of any given by the said Order in Council was revoked in so far as the amount raised. authority conferred thereby had not been exercised, and it is not now (6) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the lawful or competent for the said local authority to borrow any expiration of two years from the date hereof. moneys to which such consent relates except in accordance with the provisions of an Order in Council under section eleven of the Local C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Government Loans Board Act, 1926: . (T. 49/212/4.) And whereas by Order in Council made on the tenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, consent was given to the raising by the said local authority of the sum of twenty The Land and Income Tax ( Annual) Act, 1944.-Income-tax payable thousand pounds (£20,000) by a loan to be known as "-Drainage Supplementary Loan, 1941," of which the smn:of eighteen thousand pounds (£18,000) .las not yet been borrowed: . N accordance with Order in Council dated 13th September, 1944, And whereas it is expedient to authorize the said local authority I issued under the Land and Income Tax Act, 1923, and the Land to borrow on the conditions hereinafter mentioned the sum of forty and Income Tax (Annual), Act, 1944, I hereby notify that the thousand pounds (£40,000) (hereinafter called "the said sum"), income-tax leviable under section 3 of the latter Act is payable being portion, twenty-two thousand pounds (£22,000), of the un­ at my office in one sum on Wednesday, 14th February, 1945, and exercised balance of the " Roading Loan, 1926," and the balance, that additional tax accrues if not paid by 7th March, 1945. Liability eighteen thousand pounds (£18,000}, of the "Drainage Supple­ is not suspended by any objection, and tax must be paid. by the mentary Loan, 1941": prescribed date to avoid additional percentage; any overpayment,' N 6w, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the will be refunded. Dominion of New Zealand, acting by arid with the advice and consent Demands will be issued on or about 7th February, 1945, and of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and must be presented witli all payments. Taxpayers who d.o not exercise of the powers· and authorities conferred on him by section receive an expected demand should notify me. · eleven of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926, and by. F. G. OBORN, Commissioner of Taxes, THE NEW' ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. :6 Officiating Ministers.for 1945.-Notice No. 1 THE MARRIAGE AcT, 1908 Registrar-General's Office, Wellington 23rd January, 1\J45. URSUANT .to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, the following list of Officiatin6 Ministers within the meaning of the P said Act is published for general information:- The Church of the Province of New The Chiirch of England-continued The Church of England-continued Zealand, commonly called the The Reveren:d- The Reverend.:_ Church of England Chandler, Charles Walter, Canon. Fountain, Howard Herbert, B.A. _The Reverend.,--- Chard, Edward Franais, David. Lloy9-. Abbott, John Charles, B.A. Charles, 'Austin Clelland Flower~ Fraser, Archibald James Thomas, Acheson, Archibald Howar~· Mc- day M.A., B.D. Causland, M.A. The Righ-t Reverend Bishop- Friberg, Nils Arnold Adams, Geoffrey Owen, M.A., LL.B. Cherrington, Cecil Arthur, B.D. Froud, John Dakers Adams, James The Reverend- Fry, Henry Eric Kyrle, M.A., Adflis, Ellis Avenel Childs; Henry Arthur, M.A. Honorary Canon Aiken, David Leslie, B..A. Chitty, Ernest, M.A. · Gardiner, Sydney Reade, M,A. Ai:z:es, Raymond Charles, M.A., Christy, Horace Oliver· William The Venerable Archdeacon­ L.Th. Clark, Richard Rex, M.A., L.Th. Gavin, Gordon Hay Allen, Francis Lechampion. Clarke, Neil Stenson All t A th R 11 MA Coats, RobBrt George, Canon The Reverend- er on, r ur usse ' · · Cocks, Hubert Maurice, M.A. ' Geddes, Robert Finlay, M.A. Anderson, Alfred Reid, M.Sc. Anderson, .James John Cole, James Cedric Alwyn, B.A. The Very Reverend Dean- Anderson, John Lawrence, M.A. Coleman, Basil Denis O'Dell, M.A. Gibson, Osborne Stanley Oliver, Andrews, Roydon Percival Collard-Scruby, Allington Frank L.Th. Andrews-Baxter, Kingston Dudley Collins, Leonard Kilby The Reverend­ Arnold, Harry Coleridge, M.A. Connolly, Richard Lawder, Canon Godfrey, Richard Arnold, Walter Charles, B.A. Connolly, William Edward Goertz, Herbert Louis Barton Ashley-Jones, J a.mes Edwin -· cook, Frank, M.A. Goodman, John Norman . Ault, Harold Frank, M.A.; L.Th. Cook, George Pilkirrgton . Gourdie, Rona McLeod, L.Th. (Mr.) Austin, Hugh Warren, M.A. Cooper, Samuel James Gowenlock, Frederick Corbin, Samuel Bertram Roberts Grave, Selwyn Alfred, M.A. The Most Reverend AI'~hbishop_- _ ' Corney, Samuel - Greenwood, Arthur John Averill, Alfred Walter, M.A., D.D. The· Venerable Archdeacon- Greer, John Lawrence The Reverend,- Cowie, Edmund Mortlock, M.A; Gribble, Eric Livingston Bulmer, Ayerill, Walter 'Wootten, B.A., The Reverend- L.Th. Catron Crossman, George Arthur, L. Th. Griffin, George William Garland Ball, Frederick Offwood, L. Th. Canon Groves, Leslie David Calder, L.Th. Bamford, Eric Ellerslie, M.A., L. Th. · The Very Reverend- Guinness, Jack Clephane, L.Th. Barclay, Nigel Ernest William Cruickshank, George Craig, M.A.., The Very Reverend Dean­ Barker, George ... Dean Haggitt, Percy Bolton, M.A. Barnes, Lewis Agassi~, M.A., L.Th. , 'The Reverend-:- .... · .. The Reverend- Barnett, Arthu,r Harold Cullwick, Thomas C a :r t w r i g h t, . Hall, Alfred Francis, M.A., Canon Barnett, Neville Selmes, L.Th. Canon Hall, Rupert Thomas, L. Th., Cano,,n Bates, Daniel Crosse Cunliffe, William Richard Hamblett, William Alexander Harry, Bathurst, Keith Orton, M.A., Curnow, Tremayne · Monro, . M.A., L. Th., Canon L.Th. L.Th. Hamilton, Hugh Staples Bean, Walter Stanley, L.Th., Canoh The Venerable Archdeacon- Hamilton, Staples, B..A.., · L.Th., Beaumont, William Arthur Curzon-Siggers, William, M.A. Canon Bedwell, Walter William The Reverend- Hanby, Herbert Osmond Townsend, Beech, Walter Herbert, L.Th. Curzon-Siggers, William Arthur, L.Th., Canon Beere, Lionel O'Sullivan, M.A. :fy.f.A., LL.M. Hancock, Edgar William, L. Th. Bell-Booth, William Louis Dalby, Ross Howieson Hands, William James, L.Th. Bell, William Datson, John Harold Hansell, Arthur Lloyd, M.A. Benham, Noel Francis, L.Th. David, Conrad Frederick Adam Harawira, Herepo The Right Reverend Bishop- Davidson:, Gerard Walkinshaw Harbour, William ~eslie Scott · Bennett, Frederick Augustus, L.Th. Davies, David Jones, B.Sc., Honorary Harcourt, . Melville, L. Th. The Reverend- Canon · Harding, Ernest Osbourne Bennett, Manu Augustus Davies, John. Caradog Harding, Harold Frederick, M.A. Bianchi, Valentine Albert Davies, Walter Ernest Detheridge Harding, William Douglas, M.A., · Davies, Walter Merlin, B.A. L.Th. · Bird, William George Davis, Percy Coleman Harold, George Leslie, A.K.C. Blackburn, Alan Hopton Dawson, Frederick Oberlin Hart, Frederick Blakiston, Edward Nevile, L. Th. D h · A B.
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