Vol. 1, Issue. 1 January - June, 2016 Proposed Design of a Network Supply Chain for the Cocoa Agro Chain of Viota Municipality, Cundinamarca Propuesta de Diseño de una Red Supply Chain para la Agrocadena de Cacao, Municipio de Viotá, Cundinamarca dx.doi.org/10.17981/ijmsor.01.01.05 Research Article - Reception Date: December 9, 2015 - Acceptance Date: December 27, 2015 Alexander Sepúlveda Perico, Servicio Educativo Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA [email protected], Bogotá, Colombia Roberto Martínez Castro Servicio Educativo Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA [email protected], Bogotá, Colombia Samir Medina Roncancio Servicio Educativo Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA [email protected], Bogotá, Colombia Fernando Salazar Arrieta Corporación Universidad de la Costa - CUC [email protected], Barranquilla, Colombia To reference this paper: A. Sepúlveda Perico, R. Martínez Castro, S. Medina Roncancio and F. Salazar Arrieta “Proposed Design of a Network Supply Chain for the Cocoa Agro Chain of Viota Municipality, Cundinamarca”, IJMSOR, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 35-42, 2016. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17981/ijmsor.01.01.05 Abstract-- The paper addresses the proposed design of a net- Resumen-- El documento aborda la propuesta de diseño de una red work Supply Chain to the agro chain of cocoa in the town of Supply Chain para la agrocadena de cacao en el municipio de Viotá Viota Cundinamarca, from the application of concepts of prin- Cundinamarca, desde la aplicación de conceptos de principios y teo- ciples and theories related to network management and logis- rías relacionadas con la Gestión de redes de valor y Logística, en- tics, emphasizing the strategic processes in collaborative envi- fatizando en los procesos estratégicos en entornos colaborativos des- ronments from a practical implementation in a real context of de una implementación practica en un contexto real de productores farmers to the industrial customer that meets the needs of the agrícolas hasta el cliente industrial que se ajusta a las necesidades region expressed through the “Asociación de Cacaoteros del Bajo de la región expresada a través de la Asociación de Cacaoteros del Tequendama Viota” -ASCABATE, (Cocoa Farmers Association Bajo Tequendama de Viotá -ASCABATE, y registrada mediante in- of Low Tequendama Viota – ASCABATE) and recorded by re- vestigación realizada, a través de una entrevista, a 10 agricultores search conducted through an interview of 10 farmers in the re- de la región. El análisis arroja una serie de datos que evidencian la gion. The analysis yields a set of data that demonstrate the need necesidad de integración entre los cultivadores de cacao del munici- for integration between cocoa farmers in the municipality with pio con los proveedores de agro insumos, de servicios y así mismo con suppliers of agricultural inputs, services and also with clients clientes como Casa Luker y la Nacional de Chocolates; se plantea la such as Casa Luker and Nacional de Chocolates; the definition definición de una red Supply Chain que permite integrar a estos of a network Supply Chain that integrates these actors for de- actores en pro del desarrollo de los cultivadores y sus familias, se velopment of farmers and their families, the functionality of a comprende la funcionalidad de una unión a partir de la identifica- union is evident from the identification of the Leading Company ción de la Empresa Líder como parte integradora de la red Supply as an integrating part of the network poses with the purpose of Chain, con el propósito de vincular a los agricultores agremiados en linking farmers union members in the association ASCABATE la asociación ASCABATE la cual se prospecta como la que desem- which shows how to play this role, including suppliers, custom- peñaría este papel, entre proveedores, clientes y otros actores que; ers and others who directly or indirectly participate in the col- de manera directa o indirecta, participen en el proceso colaborativo laborative process to create value as a benefit to Viota region. para generar valor como un beneficio a la región de Viotá. Keywords-- Supply Chain Management, Value Networks, Lo- Palabras claves-- Redes de Valor, Logística, Cacao, Procesos gistics, Strategic Processes, Agricultural Chains. Estratégicos, Supply Chain Management, Agro-cadenas. Address correspondence to Fernando Salazar, Universidad de la Costa, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Calle 50 N° 55-66. Barranquilla, Colombia, E-mail: [email protected] © The author; licensee Fundación para la Investgación, el Desarrollo y la Innovación I+D+I. IJMSOR vol. 1 no. 1, pp. 35-42. January - December, 2016 Barranquilla. ISSN 2539-5416 Online PROPOSED DESIGN OF A NETWORK SUPPLY CHAIN FOR THE COCOA AGRO CHAIN OF VIOTA MUNICIPALITY, CUNDINAMARCA I. INTRODUCTION with a 12% participation, according to an evalu- ation made by Agro chains [5]. The Cocoa Chain In the municipality of Viota, cocoa farming is devel- encompasses the production of the bean, its process- oped mainly by a small group of farmers, in individ- ing and production of chocolate and sweets. Accord- ual property farms; many of these farmers struggle ing to [6], 75% of cocoa is absorbed by the process- to make a living against difficulties like the aging ing companies through stockpilers or authorized of trees, loss of soil fertility, non-attended plagues agents fort purchasing the beans, and the rest is and that destroy their crops. Presently, more than destined to small processors or for export in mar- six million cocoa farmers in the world support their ginal volumes. families through the planting, care and harvest of According to [5], the Productive Chain of Cocoa cocoa grains, the raw material of processed choco- - Chocolate contributes 2.4% of agricultural jobs; in late, used to elaborate chocolate, caramels and oth- the industry of cocoa transformation and manufac- er products [1]. ture of chocolates, the contribution is 1.5% to the The challenges faced by these small cocoa farm- total of food industry, and 0.3% to the total of the ers, due to the conditions of their farms, are multi- manufacturing industry. The industry takes care of plied, among other causes, by the nonexistence of the processing and elaboration of cocoa by-products. a value network, which limits access to informa- According to [7] in the chain mainly intervene four tion, to knowledge about better practices, to the types of agents: farmers (approximately 25.000 pro- big buyers and market information. This is the ducers), stockpilers, exporters and the processing reason that motivates the master research team in industry. Management of Value and Logistics Networks, III Since it is a crop for small farmers, cocoa has not cohort, to become integrated to the Project Frame benefited from the research and technical support of Universidad Piloto de Colombia named Produc- which helped increase the productivity and profit- tive and Associative Model , Cocoa Supply Chain in ability of basic food crops. Fort the cocoa industry the Provinces of Sumapaz and Tequendama (Cun- to become truly sustainable, these farmers must dinamarca), Viota Epicenter [2], with the project change into a priority for all, in order to be able to “design proposal of a network supply chain for the make their small farms a professional affair, in- COCOA Agro chain in the municipality of Viota, crease their profits, diversify their crops, and sup- Cundinamarca”, with the purpose of promoting the port their families [1]. Cocoa Farmers Association of Low Tequendama, This article summarizes the “Design proposal with 57 members, 7 of which are permanently dedi- of a Supply Chain Network for the Cocoa Agro cated to farming cocoa, meaning only 12.28%. It is chain in the municipality of Viota, Cundinamarca”, necessary then, to promote the Supply Chain Net- through the same name Project, as a sequence of work, with the intent of improving the cultivation of interconnected commercial activities that add value cocoa in the region, the increase of production and in a progressive manner to the bean crop, to the propose the development of agreements with the big post-harvest and commercialization, taking advan- cocoa commercializing companies, as manifested by tage of the government industrial policy about in- Luis Eduardo Moreno Malagón [3], representative creasing the possibilities of the sector in terms of of the Cocoa Farmers Association of Low Tequen- export, and strengthen the productivity of the co- dama, which gathers together the producers of this coa link, as expressed by [8]. fruit, from the municipalities of Anapoima, Apulo, In the first part of the work, the background of Tocaima and Viota. establishing a Supply Chain Networks is analyzed In this regard, and with the purpose of strength- and the approach to the problem, goals and theo- ening the transference of technologies in the ag- retical frame are performed. In a second section, a ricultural cultivation of cocoa in Viota and other characterization and diagnosis are made about the municipalities of Cundinamarca, as well as raising cocoa crop in the region of Viota, Cundinamarca. In the technical level of the officials of Umata, The a third section, it is assessed the design proposal of Office of the Agricultural and Rural Development a Supply Chain Network for the cocoa agro chain Secretary of Cundinamarca, in association with the in the municipality of Viota and its social, environ- Company Casa Luker, a course was programmed mental and economic impact. Finally, the conclu- about
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