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This project engquest.org.au) have had a demonstrable won the 2008 Autodesk BIM Award (www. impact. However, even we did not predict intelibuild.com). the impending scale of this problem. For me the most relevant feature of Last month my company hosted a think this project was the complete integration tank to debate potential solutions to the of design, construction and operations skills shortage. Discussions were focused which delivered efficiencies even beyond Merv L indsay on better utilisation of the resources we the expectations of the project team. [email protected] already have. We have spent hundreds of years per- We discussed whether our traditional fecting the representation of 3 dimensions project delivery mechanisms could be in 2 dimensions. It is now time to relearn transformed through adopting efficiencies to build directly from all the dimensions I b elieve Building available through Building Information available with BIM. Information Modelling Modelling (BIM). In order to achieve this paperless I believe BIM will prove to be the documentation revolution, new skill will prove to be the biggest revolution in our industry since sets are needed across the construction biggest revolution in computerisation. It is bigger than CAD, industry. Modellers (traditionally referred because CAD was just a documentation to as drafters) and those building from our industry since revolution. BIM is changing the way pro- the modellers' outputs need overlapping jects are delivered and, if used to its full skill sets. computerisation. potential in building and infrastructure The BIM revolution may therefore need delivery, I believe it can reduce pressure a revolution in the way we educate both on our limited skills resources. drafters and builders. I am offering the BIM is more than a drafting tool. It concept of a BIM Technology Degree to is a project planning tool, a construction become the future education and train- sequencing tool, a costing and procure- ing delivery mechanism for modellers. ment tool and a whole-of-life building Moreover, I believe that such a degree management tool. should substantially overlap with building BIM can produce a virtual product and engineering degrees, and vice versa, complete with every intricate detail, thereby producing modellers, builders whether it is a building, a processing plant, and engineers, trained to work together an aeroplane, a shiploader or whatever. in project delivery via BIM technology. Furthermore, if developed interactively Our skills shortage will not be solved with the whole design team, including for us. It is incumbent on us to deliver, the builder and the operator, it is possible in spite of it. We, as an industry, need to electronically construct a model where to embrace the potential of available every aspect of the product has been technology, particularly BIM to respond designed, preplanned, costed and, most to the challenge. importantly, understood by the end user. Equally, we need to revisit project deliv- I am arguing that the potential for the ery models to best utilise the benefits that BIM revolution be recognised as part of can come from these technologies, and in the skills shortage solution. What's more, the process minimise waste of Australia's it is a solution over which we have con- limited engineering skills. trol. To best utilise BIM, I believe project "Business as usual" won't work delivery models need to be tailored to when our business environment is not its advantages. My view is that the full "as usual". ENGINEERS A USTRALIA | JUNE 2011 3 I |HE T JOURNAL OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA COVER S TORY Australia's T op 100 engineers ENGINEERS ® AUSTRALIA 28 The e ighth annual list reveals engineers are influential in many areas including business, government and research. Cover i mages: iStockphoto fDesign o cover and cover story: Melanie Goodsir INFLUENTIAL E NGCNNEERS ALSO... Excellence i n construction 26 Melbourne h ighway project wins national construction award. CONTENTS ENGINEERS MEDIA HEAD O FFICE ACCOUNTANT V ictoria & Tasmania Tissa Mohotti Wyeth Media Services Pty Ltd Engineers A ustralia magazine, published by 2 E mest Place, Crows Nest, NSW Engineers Media (registerednameEngineers (PO Box 588, Crows Nest 1585) NATIONAL MARKETING MANAGER 10 Keysborough Close Australia Pty Limited, ACN 001311511), Terry Marsden Keysborough Vic 3173 phone 02 9438 1533 PO Box 161 Dingley Vic 3172 Engineers Australia's publishing company, fax 02 9438 5934, PRQDUCTIQN MANAGER phone 03 9701 8844 is a magazine reporting impartially the www.engineersmedia.com.au latest news of interest to engineers, The Chris Gerelli [email protected] PRODUCTION , f statements made or opinions expressed in EDITORIAL E MAIL Stefan Novak, Michelle Watts South Australia & Nerf-hem Territory the magazine do not necessarily reflect the [email protected] Russell Baker Advertising & Marketing views of the Institution. EA BOOKS MANAGER PO B ox 413 Engineers M edia retains copyright for this ADVERTISING E MAIL Daniel K neprath North Adelaide, SA 5006 publication. Written permission is required [email protected] ADVERTISING MANAGER phone 08 8267 1198 for the reprinting of any ofits content. New S outh Wales (Head office) [email protected] GENERAL M ANAGER Ma“? Mamone Western Australia Bruce Roff BOARDF O DIRECTORS mobile 0417 266 459 O'Keeffe Media Services E/Prof Elizabeth Taylor, AO FIEAust [email protected] ,Unit 2 266 Hay Street, MANAGING E DITOR (chair); Gunilla Burrowes, FIEAust; Rupert ADVERTISING R EPRESENTATIVES Subiaco, WA 6008 Dr Dietrich Georg, FIEAust Grayston, FIEAust CPEng; David Lees, Queensland phone 08 9381 7766 MIEAust CPEng; Bruce Roff, FIPA ACIS; MBL Media, PO Box 5834, Q Supercentre, [email protected] Share ai Yeung, J ey|3|r§§narég|lgEAUSt ust ng. hks EDZESRCIQEeron , Kirill Reztsov, , Need Nee Hels, Michael Lee, Thomas Derricott Chone 0,7 559,4 Hin [email protected] a Average Net Distribution 6 | Edit P P Reader surveys b enera tion Memberof Publishers Australia sv ME 31243 T Nielsen CIRCULATIONS Ocltober ae Vol 83 No 6 media that engages 828 Media Resea woe ISSN 1448-4951 ENGINEERS A USTRALIA | JUNE 2011 THE J OURNAL OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA I IN T HIS ISSUE... 3 F ROM THE PRESIDENT 74 POLICY The B uilding Information Modelling Surveys s upport claims of skills shortages revolution 76 T ERENCE JEYARETNAM 6 F ROM THE ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE Food a nd sustainability Addressing c limate change 77 M ARGOT CAIRNES 8 LETTERS Taking responsibility for ourselves 12 NEWS 78 SOFTWARE -Feature -- 25 SNAPSHOT 84 PUMPS & PIPES - Feature Lucia Cade - President of the Australian Water Association 89 COURSES, CONFERENCES & MEETINGS 26 CONSTRUCTION -- Melbourne freeway receives 90 PRODUCTS & PROCESSES national award 91 C LASSIFIEDS 28 C OVER STORY 72 M ANUFACTURING Showcasing d efence engineering capabilities N ATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENTS NEWCASTLE VICTORIA ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA Alex Baitch, FIEAust CPEng; Doug Gillott, 1 22 Parry St, Newcastle West 2302 1 3-21 Bedford St, North Melbourne 3051 NATIONAL OFFICE FIEAust CPEng; Bruce Howard, FIEAust phone 02 4926 4440, fax 02 4929 7121. phone 03 9329 8188, fax 03 9326 6515. 11 N ational Circuit, Barton, ACT 2600 CPEng; D avid McHugh, FIEAust CPEng; phone 02 6270 6555, fax 02 6273 1488 Bronte Strout, FIEAust CPEng NORTHERN WESTERN A USTRALIA www.engineersaustralia.org.au G PO Box 417, Darwin 0801 712 Murray St, West Perth 6005 ACTING C HIEF EXECUTIVE Customer Service email phone 08 8981 4137, fax 08 8941 3449. phone 08 9321 3340, fax 08 9481 4332. Rupert Grayston, FIEAust CPEng. [email protected] HONG K ONG CHAPTER 1300 653 113 COLLEGE C HAIRS QUEENSLAND Paul Kwong, Hon Secretary 4 47 Upper Edward St, Brisbane 4000 Graeme Macaulay, MIEAust (biomedical); phone 852 2828 5969 NATIONAL P RESIDENT phone 07 3832 3749, fax 07 3832 2101. Matthew O'Hearn, FlEAust CPEng (civil); email [email protected] Mervyn Lindsay, FIEAust CPEng Brian O'Neill, MIEAust CPEng (chemical); Mark Blundell, FIEAustCPEng (electrical); Dr SOUTH A USTRALIA MALAYSIA S OCIETY NATIONAL D EPUTY PRESIDENT JuliaLamborn,FIEAustCPEng (environmen- Level 11, 108 King William St, CK Liew, Hon Secretary David Hood, FIEAust CPEng tal); Peter Hitchiner, FIEAust CPEng (ITEE); Adelaide 5000 email [email protected] Earl Heckman, FIEAust CPEng (mechanical); phone: 08 8202 7100, fax 08 8211 7702. NATIONAL I MMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Philip Blundy, FIEAust CPEng (structural). SINGAPORE G ROUP Prof Doug Hargreaves, FIEAust CPEng SYDNEY Lawrence Lim CM, Hon Secretary EngExec DIVISION OFFICES L evel 3, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood 2067 phone +65 9616 7862 CANBERRA Phone 02 9410 5600, fax 02 9410 0000. email [email protected] COUNCILLOR R ESPONSIBLE FOR FINANCE PO Box 6038, Kingston, ACT 2604 Dr Marlene Kanga, FIEAust CPEng phone 02 6270 6519, fax 02 6273 2051. TASMANIA UKASSOCIATION 2 D avey St, Hobart 7000 P eter Walsh, Hon Secretary phone 03 6234 2228, fax 03 6234 2216.
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