- : X-WWB 'V;' AVEBACEB DAILY qiRODLATION poreowt ei p> g. tjfsahsf^ Birtiilf?: for the Montti of Febnmxy, 18St 8imw M gu TimAw 5 3 3 5 b|y diaiigUg to rain Toesiijr; «lew- Member of Audit Burean ly rUlnf tenverahne. of Obroilstlon. 9 ' SOUTH MANC»EStER, <X)NN.,^ MARCH 21. 1932, (TWELVE PAGES) VOL. U ., NO. 146. OO Pftf* YOU CANTT HOIiD CHILD ntOTEST SLASH FOB ITS BOABD BILL In New-Kidnaping Scare Near Lindbergh Estate Montreal, March 21. ^ Hold­ ing a child as hostage until a IN FARM BOARD board biU is paid is aU w rong, Mr. Justice Boyer in Practice Court here has ruled. The case came up when Joseph l E A D E ^ W A ® deroux was hailed into court and CHURCHES asked to show cause why he was holding the baby girl of James Patrick Lapierre. Oeroux con­ Officials Defend Salaries tended that Lapierre owed him Soviet Troops Shoot Down ^ 5 for boarding the baby for 16 Hooded Band Lashes months and that he was holding Paid As Necessary To the child until the bill was paid. Peasants On Ukranian Parents of the child admitted Make Orgamzations Fnnc- giving the child to Cleroux to Man Who Beat Wife Border — Eye Witnesses board and that he had refused to give their baby back to them « tkm SnccessfnDy. when they had called for it. Shenandoah Junction, W. 'Va.,^ While several men fired shots into Say Red Soldiers Tried March 21—(AP)—While a fiery the air, Barron was released and cross burned on a hill in the distance, taken to his home. There, in the Washingrton, March 21.— (AP)— a dozen white-robed and hooded fig­ presence of his wife, he was accused To Wreck Churches aid C. E. Huff of Chicago, president of ures publicly whipped Lloyd Barron, of beating her. He denied it but BAY STATE G .O .P. his wife is said to have admitted the Farmers National Grain Cor­ 35, Saturday night, it was learned the Women Resisted today. having been beaten. Thereupon poration, today defended the sala­ The incident raisM excitement to Barron was whipped again until he ries paid officials of his organiza­ IS GETTING BUSY a high pitch in the village. promised to treat his wtCe better. Them. tion. The robed band found Barron in a 'The band then disappeared. He told a Senate committee only restaurant. He was lashed to a No arrests have been made in con­ seven men in th© corporation would telephone pole and whipped by four nection with the Inddent. Bucharest, Rumania, March 21— be affected by the bill of Senator No complaints have been lodged Fight In Democratic Ranks or five men until he begged for (AP) — ^Reports reaching here from Borah (R., Idaho), to cut Farm m ercy. .with police. Board salaries and limit the pay of Rumanian villages on tbe Ukraiq- nffiHnig of borrowing organizations Enconrages Republicans; ian border today said a number of to $15,000. PRIEST KILLED BOY women were shot down by Soviet “The mishandling of a single “WHH£ UNCONSCIOUS” troops In a “Bloody Sunday” yes­ day’s business would cost as mudh Talk Candidates. AUTOIST CRASHES as their combined salaries for the terday while defending their Rome, March 21.—(AP) — entire twelve months,” Huff assert­ churches. Paoll de Bene, 13-year-old stu­ ed, contending that executives “to Boston, March 21.— (AP)—Rum­ TROLLEY HEADON dent, was found dead in bed, with The reports described alleged eye­ be induced to leave their own busi­ bles from the hitherto quiet Repub­ his head almost severed from the witness accounts of Soviet church- ness must be paid reasonably ade­ body by a knife wound, in a dor­ wrecking activities which were re­ quate salaries.” lican sector of the Massachusetts sisted by the villagers. At Highland Park, N. J., less than 20 miles from the Lindbergh estate, an Intruder used methods similar mitory at the Catholic Institute Dameron H. V /ilHams, o f Gas­ political battlefield shared attention In the Ukrainian village of Tas- today with the maneuvers of the to those of the Lindbergh kidnapers in trying to enter the nursery in the home of J. Seward Johnson, million­ Albert C. Klotzer of Cam­ of Pius IX yesterday. tonia, N. C., a member of the Amer­ Paoll Sociarelll, a priest, was lak, across the river from the ican Cotton Shippers Association, rival Democratic camps espousing aire manufacturer of hospital supplies. At right'is Mrs. Johnson with two of her children who were in the held by police, who said be ad­ Rumanian village of Kitzani, they told the committee considering the the political candidacies of Gover­ house pictured above. The arrow shows the windoW against which a ladder had been placed. Georg;e Mal­ said, Soviet soldiers attempted to nor Franklin D. Roosevelt and Al­ den, left, was held as^ a suspect after a marauder had been frightened away from the home during an ex­ bridge Street Badly Hart mitted he must have killed the Borah bill "the Farm Board by un­ boy “in a moment of unconscious­ destroy a church an(i were faced by wise use of its powers is literally fred E. Smith. change of shots with a watchman. ' ' « a crowd of 300 women. The soldiers In the Democratic primary battle ness.” The dormitory was occu­ crushing the co-operative move­ Early This Morning. pied by forty boys and four fired their machine guns and killed being waged by the Smith and m ent.” priests. and wounded seversd, the reports Salaries Not Voted Roosevelt forces, Massachusetts Re­ said. < J > - -<$> Huff asserted there was no voting publicans saw an opportunity to re- Other Reports captiure the governorship which was NEW PEACE PARLEY, Albert C. Klotzer of 93 Cambridge of salaries by Grain Corporation of­ SIGNED COVER UP NOTE street was seriously injured at 4:40 Another report from the Ruman­ ficials "out of which they could ben­ lost when Governor Joseph B. Ely ian military post at Mihaiviteazu was swept into office by 16,000 o’clock this morning adien his light efit" and said “our concern lies in sedan collided with the first car of 9VI0LENTDEATHS said' the Soviet soldiers “could be effectively doing the Job with which votes in 1930. NEW WAR TRENCH clearly seen” shooting down fifteen Those Republican leaders who the Connecticut Company leaving we are entrusted." TO AID AL’S CAMPAIGN the Center at 4:30 one hundred peasants, including several women, Referring to George S. Mllnor, would like to see as their guberna­ while the latter were trying to de- torial candidate someone other than <«>- yards east of the Manchester line at REPORTED IN STATE general manager, whose salary of the top of Wickham’s hill. 'fend the holy cross in the 'village $50,000 has been severely criticisra. Lieutenant Governor William S. War and Peace Strangely square at Buturaga, where the sol­ 'Youngfman already have been look­ Motonnan’s Story Huff said he did not know what the Smith’s Friends Say They Did Edward Joyce, motorman of the diers were destroy!^ religious em­ ing over the field and have sound­ )H)LIT1CAL TRUCE position of the corporatimi and its car had almost reached the Man- blems. ed out former Governor Alvan T. wheat activities would have been if Mixed and Delegates Meet chester-Elast Hartford town line Heaviest Toll In Many There were reports too that sev­ a mar' of “less experience, or less Fuller. It On Promise They WonU when be saw Klotzer’s car rounding eral peasants from the Ukranian Former Governor Frank C-. Allen, sound judgment" had been in DECLARED BY JAPS the curve near the Woodland Paper village of Scblofiagra tried to escape cbaij^ “or had devoted himself less To Discuss Terms. Weeks — Three Men with their families across the. (Oonliin ed oa Page Hove.) Not Ifaye To Pay — Are Company plant coming east. When closely to the task.” the car had almost reached the town. Dniester by hiding their wives and Aided Price Stmctore line the approaching automobile Drowned h Automobile. children in barrels and driving down Huff said he believed the cor­ Soed For 1225,000. National HoB byStoprF w a fflianghai, March 21.—(AP) — veered ^larply right and crashed along the river bank as though they poration had beneficially'., affected New parleys for peace and the into the front end of the trolley at Intended to g et w ater out througph SEES U H L E GAIN milling of new. tr^nchffs for war boles in the ice. •: the whole price structure. tbe front Steps. B y A ssod sted PreMu The seven executive^ whqjgs sala- N ew -' T ^ k JM etfiv Ichmn!:piip^'vere uside^^ way dmultaaeously . Connecticut Copipany en^ployees . Occupants Shot riM woiJd be raected by the B oi^ on the car went ah^d to^ e Wood­ The “Tiger room” conference, at today. Japanese and Chinese nego- Nine vielant -deaths, the heaviest Whto the coast was clefs'they bin and their present monthly pay land switch and notified East Hert­ would whip up their horses and rdee UrWETMTIMENT A eF adioas. tiatos continued their peace pdir- were given as: which it is charged a number of ford police. In the meantime- a toll ih zJany weeks, were reported across the ice to the Rumanlab Huff, $1,250; W. L Beam, vice- friends of Alfred E. Smith in the ______ Ileys under the auspices of neutral Connecticut Company bus being in Connecticut during the first wieek shore. One wagon was said to have president and treasurer, $2,500; ' ' ' j I observers, while out along the driven to Manchester to go on/ the end of spring.
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