® DADANCO E U R O P E Active Chilled Beams Frequently Asked Questions ® DADANCO E U R O P E ACTIVE CHILLED BEAMS FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 7KHIROORZLQJDUHIUHTXHQWO\DVNHGTXHVWLRQV )$4·V RQ'$'$1&2$&%$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPV\VWHPV7RDVVLVW\RX LQILQGLQJDQDQVZHUWR\RXUTXHVWLRQWKH)$4·VKDYHEHHQSXWLQWRWKHIROORZLQJJURXSLQJV 1. Introduction to DADANCO Active Chilled Beam Systems 2. Comparing Active Chilled Beam and other System Alternatives 3. Air-side Application Considerations 4. Water-side Application Considerations 5. Heating 6. Installation 7. Controls, Commissioning and Maintenance 7RJDLQWKHPRVWEHQHILWIURPWKH)$4·VSOHDVHWDNHWKHWLPHWRUHDGWKHPDOO7KLVZLOOSURYLGHDIDUEHWWHU understanding of Active Chilled Beams systems in general, and specifically DADANCO unit characteristics and performance. 1. INTRODUCTION TO DADANCO ACTIVE CHILLED BEAM SYSTEMS 1.1 What is an Active Chilled Beam? An Active Chilled Beam is a combination air-water system that uses the energy conveyed by two fluid streams (air and water) to achieve the required cooling or heating in a space. The air supplied by the central air handler to the Active Chilled Beams is called primary air. The primary air is supplied WRWKH$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPVDWDFRQVWDQWYROXPHDQGDWDUHODWLYHO\ORZVWDWLFSUHVVXUH(typically under 125Pa) Within the Active Chilled Beam unit the primary air is discharged from the primary air plenum into a mixing chamber through a series of nozzles. A zone of relative low pressure is created within the mixing chamber, thereby inducing room air through the secondary water coil into the mixing chamber. The induced room air is called secondary air. The secondary air mixes with the primary air, and the mixed supply air is delivered to the room. ,QWKHFRROLQJPRGHWKHSULPDU\DLULVQRUPDOO\GHOLYHUHGFRRODQGGU\VDWLVI\LQJDSRUWLRQRIWKHURRP·VVHQVLEOHORDG and all of its latent load. The secondary water coil within the Active Chilled Beam is supplied with chilled water to satisfy the remaining sensible load of the room. The chilled water temperature is always provided above the room design dew point temperature to preclude sweating/condensation on the water coil. Primary air nozzles Primary air plenum Mixing Chamber Secondary water coil Ceiling Supply Air Supply Air Secondary Air ,VQ·WDQ$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPDQLQGXFWLRQXQLW" Yes ² well sort of. Active Chilled Beams operate on the basis of the same well established induction principle. The PDLQGLIIHUHQFHVLVWKDWWKH$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPVXWLOL]HYHU\ORZSULPDU\DLUVWDWLFSUHVVXUHV(typically under 125Pa DWWKHXQLW·VLQOHW DQGRIWHQOHVVSULPDU\DLU$OVR$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPVDUHLQVWDOOHGLQWKHFHLOLQJDVRSSRVHGWR floor/wall-mounting. In addition to energy savings, the lower static pressures greatly reduce the noise generated. 2 ® DADANCO E U R O P E 1.3 What is the entrainment ratio? Entrainment ratio is the ratio of secondary (induced) air volume to primary air volume. This ratio is typically in the order of 2.5 to more than 4 for better performing Active Chilled Beams. This ratio should be taken into consideration when evaluating the performance of different Active Chilled Beams. It should be noted, however, that the entrainment ratio is directly affected by the fin density of the secondary water coil. DADANCO Active Chilled Beams use coils with 12 fins per inch, typically at least twice the fin density of units from others, while providing comparable or greater entrainment ratios. :K\DUH'$'$1&2·VHQWUDLQPHQWUDWLRVKLJKHUDQGQRLVHOHYHOVORZHUWKDQRWKHUV" DADANCO Active Chilled Beams utilize unique nozzle and unit fluid dynamics technology. This patented technology provides very high air entrainment ratios. DADANCO can typically provide unit selections with either higher capacity or reduced size. This often results in cost savings through the use of smaller and/or less units. DADANCO Active Chilled Beams also have an added advantage with respect to noise levels. The patented multi-lobed DADANCO nozzles are generally much quieter than Active Chilled Beams from others due to this unique nozzle configuration. 1.5 What type of Active Chilled Beam models are available? Ceiling-mounted 1 or 2-way discharge cassette models are the most common. Ceiling and bulkhead-mounted concealed models are also available. Ceiling-mounted Cassette Ceiling-mounted Concealed Bulkhead-mounted Concealed 1.6 What are common applications of Active Chilled Beams? Active Chilled Beams are ideal for buildings and zones with medium-to-high sensible cooling and heating load GHQVLWLHV7KHUHGXFWLRQLQSULPDU\DLUIORZVDVFRPSDUHGWRFRQYHQWLRQDO´DOODLUµV\VWHPVVXFKDV9$9LQWKHVH situations is dramatic -- often 70 ³ 80% less. Common applications include offices, laboratories, universities, hospitals, schools and libraries for both new construction and existing building renovations. Buildings that have low noise level requirements are good candidates due to the very low noise levels of Active Chilled Beams. Also, buildings where there is concern about indoor air quality are ideal candidates. Active Chilled Beam systems are constant volume and provide proper ventilation air and humidity control to the zones at all times and under all sensible load conditions. Buildings most affected by space constraints where the reduction in the size of the central air handlers and ductwork system serving the terminal units can greatly simplify and facilitate the installation are also ideal candidates. Finally due to the dramatic energy savings possible with Active Chilled Beam systems, probably the most common application is in those buildings that are striving to achieve LEED certification (as developed and administered by the US Green Building Council). There are a number of areas where Active Chilled Beams can help achieve LEED credits including energy efficiency, indoor air quality, individual temperature control and thermal comfort. 3 ® DADANCO E U R O P E 2. COMPARING ACTIVE CHILLED BEAM AND OTHER SYSTEM ALTERNATIVES +RZGR\RXFRPSDUHDQ$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPV\VWHPZLWKDQ´DOO-DLUµV\VWHPOLNHYDULDEOH air volume (VAV)? Both systems will generally have the same installed refrigeration and heating and as a result, common chiller and boil- er plants. The main differences are in the air handling systems. With the greatly reduced primary airflows and static SUHVVXUHVRI$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPV\VWHPVWKHIDQHQHUJ\VDYLQJVRYHU´DOODLUµV\VWHPVFDQEHGUDPDWLF particularly in buildings with relatively high sensible load densities. While this is true for both single duct and fan-powered VAV systems, the savings are even more dramatic in the latter case as all the fans and motors in the VAV terminal units are eliminated. With respect to the installed cost of Active Chilled Beam systems, the terminal units normally cost more as typically more of them are required. There are, however, offsetting installed cost savings in the system. The size and cost of the central air handlers and ductwork/risers in the Active Chilled Beam system are significantly reduced due to the UHGXFHGLQSULPDU\DLUIORZV7KHFRVWRIWKHEXLOGLQJ·VRYHUDOOHOHFWULFDOLQIUDVWUXFWXUHPD\DOVREHUHGXFHGGXHWR much lower fan power requirements. Wiring expenses are reduced as there are no main power connections to the Active Chilled Beams. Controls are also often less expensive as the Active Chilled Beams are controlled by simple low voltage zone valves. In addition there are also ongoing maintenance cost savings. The Active Chilled Beams have no moving parts and do QRWUHTXLUHUHJXODUPDLQWHQDQFH RWKHUWKDQLQIUHTXHQWYDFXXPLQJRIWKHXQLW·VFRLODVUHTXLUHG The following are major points of comparison: VAV ACB Net for ACB Installed Costs Central air handlers size Much Larger Much Smaller + + + Ductwork/risers size Much Larger Much Smaller + + + Ceiling space required Larger Smaller + + Water piping Slightly Smaller Slightly Larger - Control system complexity Higher Lower + + Operating Costs Fan energy Much Higher Much Lower + + + Pump energy Slightly Lower Slightly Higher - Maintenance Higher Lower + + Comfort Thermal control Same/Slightly Worse Same/Slightly Better + Humidity control Much Worse Much Better + + + Noise levels Higher Lower + + Air Movement Variable/Worse Constant/Better + + Other Contribution to LEED credits Little Significant + + $UHWKHIDQRSHUDWLQJSUHVVXUHVLQ$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPVV\VWHPVFRPSDUDEOHZLWK´DOODLUµ systems ? Yes. When comparing the two systems, it is necessary to take into account the pressure losses in the central air handlers, (coils, filters, dampers, etc.), supply ductwork, the terminal unit and its downstream ductwork/outlets and the return air ductwork. The pressure losses of the VAV terminal unit, downstream ductwork and supply outlets will be very close to or higher WKDQWKH$FWLYH&KLOOHG%HDPXQLWV ZKLFKDUHW\SLFDOO\VHOHFWHGDW 125Pa or less inlet static pressure) With respect to the other losses as the duct system for the Active Chilled Beam system is much smaller, it is possible (and quite common) to design the duct system at lower velocities and lower resultant pressure losses with no concern about space constraints. 4 ® DADANCO E U R O P E 2.3 How specifically can DADANCO help reduce the installed cost of an Active Chilled Beam system? There are many areas where DADANCO units can reduce system installed costs when compared to Active Chilled Beams from others including: x Shorter unit lengths fitting into conventional T-bar ceiling modules x Less number of units to cover a specific area x Potentially less primary air resulting in smaller ductwork system and central air handlers 2.4 When comparing the energy savings of an Active Chilled Beam system with other systems, what items are not subject
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