DIY MEXICO: Bonefish, Snook, andT arpon PAGE 62 ® THE FLY FISHING AUTHORITY we AMERICAN ANGLER BASIC & FLY TYER 13 SKILLS 2016 Simple Fundamentals MEDIA KIT To Catch More Fish we PUGET SOUND Appalachian PINK SALMON TROUT TRIFECTA THE VERSATILE WOOLLY BUGGER FISHING FRY FLIES ”EXPEDITIONS” TRAVEL RATES AMERICAN ANGLER FREQUENCY 1X 3X 6X 2015/16PUBLICATION PUBLICATION A D SIZ ES SCHEDULE BLACK & WHITE: S C H EDU LE March–APRIL NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2015 FULL PAGE FULL-PAGE $2,260 $1,840 $1,530 Ad Close: 12/23/09 1 7 Ad Closing: 8/24/15 8 ⁄8” x 10 ⁄8” MaterialsMaterials D Due:ue: 8/28/15 12/28/09 TWO-THIRDS 1,740 1,430 1,230 Mail Date: 2/2/10 TRIM Mailing Date: 9/24/15 3 1 8 ⁄8” x 11 ⁄8” ONE-HALF 1,430 1,120 920 BLEED JMANUAAY-JRY/FUNEEBRUARY 2016 ONE-THIRD 920 710 550 AAdd C Closing:lose: 2/25/10 10/27/15 (SEE MECHANICAL MaterialsMaterials D Due:ue: 11/5/15 3/1/10 REQUIREMENTS) ONE-SIXTH 610 500 330 MailingMailing D Date:ate: 11/25/15 4/6/10 ONE-TWELFTH 400 230 180 MJULY-ARCHA/UGUSTAPRIL 2016 AAdd C Closing:lose: 4/21/10 12/28/15 Materials Due: 1/7/16 TWO-C OLOR A DVERTISING: Materials Due: 4/26/10 MailingMailing D Date:ate: 2/18/16 6/2/10 Contact your advertising representative. 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Whether the reader is a beginner or an expert, Angler sharpens every fly fisher’s skills by teaching him the most effective techniques on the 6 WET FLIES TO MATCH CLASSIC HATCHES water today. We do “how to” better than any other publication. ® Ameri- Beautifully written, photographed, and illustrated by craftsmen who know their sport, can Angler is a fly fisher’s best source for improving his game. Every issue delivers what seri- ous anglers want: articles about new and useful fly-fishing tactics, along with productive fly patterns and exciting angling destinations. THE FLY FISHING AUTHORITY American Angler also provides compelling But there’s more than just how-to and where-to: profiles of notable anglers, coverage of important conservation issues, and informative fea- tures about the technologies that shape our sport. And, while freshwater fly fishing is the edi- PALE now features a saltwater section with each issue, making this MORNING torial core, American Angler DUNS the most comprehensive fly-fishing magazine on the newsstand. Western fl y fi shing from American Angler readers expect and get: an eastern · Hot new strategies, techniques and tactics. angle PAGE 38 20 WAYS · In-depth tackle and gear reports. TO TIE · Accurate and detailed coverage of fly-fishing destinations. BETTER · Beautifully rendered and clearly illustrated fly-tying articles on the patterns DRY FLIES that fish can’t resist. · Extensive coverage of warmwater and saltwater tactics, flies, and destinations. JU R E 1 THEWORDS “MATCH THE HATCH” CON dos patient ly si fting f dr y fl y a fi c i o n a - HOW TO FISH LAKE up images o g for the perfect fl y, achie v throu gh boxes, searchin lection. e y ma ke t he correct se ing nirvana w he n t h POINTS FOR BIG BASS Indeed, there’s nothing I like more than fooling less it ’s foo lin g a trout on a trout on a dry—un wet fl . y gnize that The more I fi sh them, the more I reco a t c hT . hat ’s DARK HENDRICKSON e best matc h fo r a h WINGED WET WHY THE DEAD DRIFT wet fl ies are o ften t h you to fi sh under the hatch— Hatch: Hendrickson 14 . ecause the y allow HOOK: Wet fl y , si zes 12 to b Gra y 6/ 0. MATCH fee ding—as insects emerge THREAD: rs. he trout are ha ckle fi be wh e re t y, as James TAIL: Dark du n h en shin g a we t fl fu . r ISN’T ALWAYS BEST y e gg s. You are fi B O D Y : Musk ra t o r l a n. “...at the point where the trout is HACKLE: Dark du n h e Leisenring said, WING: Woo d duc k. most likely to take his food.” ’t ro c ket sci- g t he ha t c h w it h we ts isn Ma t c hin do is dup licate Technical “how- days, a ll you nee d to ICELAND’S AMAZING ence. Most 2 GAMENext time your attempts to match the size and color of the natural, then drift’ sor position. T he ta kes e t ro u t ies fail, try sw ing t he fl y ove r t h g the most a gg ressive hits a hatch with dry fl on wets are amon a lso ten d ATLANTIC SALMON 3/25/14 3:10:26 PM to” is the essence hat ’s m o re , t he fi sh matching it with one of these y o u ’ll experience. W y, in part, b y y patterns. ge r. ( B i g t ro u t get that wa to be lar g t he m s e lves. ) time-tested wet fl be i n g s h y a bo u t s ho w in American by Steve Culton Here are eight popular, widespread hatches, pattern, so you of h a proven wet fl y TINY BLUE-WINGED ma tc hed w it y o u r e OLIVE SOFT-HACKLE t h e n e x t t i m e a t r o u t s a v a n t Hatch: Baetis can look look like a troutsavantthenexttimeyou’re like r em er ge r HOOK: St an da rd ddry oo on the water. ttoo ssizze.e n. Whether THREAD: Oli vee oor br ow Lo n. Angler TAIL: OOli ve o r brb owwn Z- W or ki ng tthr ea d.d BODY: al ).) RIB: GoldGol dwire wiw (optional).ree ((op ti on they are chasing HACKLE: Blue dun dun hen. hen. AMAMG_1405MJ_cover1blank.indd 75 Who Is the trout or salmon, 3 reader? bass or steelhead, SQUIRREL AND GINGER readers rely on us. Hatch: Caddis d,d roong s cu HOOK: 2 X shs or t, 2 X st American Angler 1 6.6 ssi ze s 12 tthr ouo gh THREAD: Or an ge 66/0 . Gi ng er A Ang orra go att. B O D Y : sh RIB: GreenGre en KrystalKry Flash.st ala Flaa FFilox squ irre l sparse ly HACKLE: loop . woun d on a dubbi ng He’s a well-heeled, well-educated family man in M A Y /JUNE 201 4 I 53 G WWW.AMERICANANGLER.COM WWW.AMERICANANGLER.COM 3/25/14 2:31:28 PM 52 I AMERICAN ANGLER a household where 2 people, on average, fish: AMAMG_1405MJ_wetflies.indd 53 ® 3/25/14 4:14:04 PM FLY TYER I ARTICLE & PHOTOGRAPHY BYSCOTT SANCHEZ Parachute Nymphs AMAMG_1405MJ_wetflies.indd 52 98% male audience. imported hen hackles. Hen hackle has softer · fi bers than rooster hackle and will provide Transfer this proven dry-fl y tying more motion in a de a d-drift e d fl y . Another possibility is genetic rooster method to your nymph patterns. hackle. If profi le is more important to you than motion, rooster dry fl y hackle · 87% have a college or postgraduate degree. ARACHUTE DRY FLIES A R E basic format for this hackle style came works best in moderate currents, and is works fi ne. However, there are a couple among the most popular fl ies toda y from some of the parachute damsel adult very effective prior or early in the ha tch.
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