E1174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 29, 2015 the citizens of Eastern Washington and wish combat hunger in our communities but also to as my Legislative Assistant and became one him the best of luck in the next chapter of his help other nations through trade as well as to of the few individuals who can say they life. assist them in providing lunches for some 40 worked for every Portuguese Republican from f million school children throughout the devel- California in the House of Representatives. oping world. During her time in my office, she handled sev- RECOGNIZING THE 51ST PASSAGE Mr. Speaker, this is why I am proud to re- eral legislative portfolios, including agriculture, OF THE ‘‘FOOD STAMP ACT’’ member the positive impact that the ‘‘Food energy, healthcare, homeland security, immi- Stamp Act’’ has had on our communities, and gration, trade, and water. Last year, she was HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE nation as a whole, along with the millions of promoted to Legislative Director and handled OF TEXAS lives it has improved over the decades. my work on the Appropriations committee. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f On August 1, 2015, Ms. Butler’s time in my Wednesday, July 29, 2015 office will come to an end. Ms. Butler is return- IN RECOGNITION OF WILLIAM ing to Texas, where she will marry Mr. Nathan Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise GRIGGS’ SERVICE AS WYAN- Russell, a nuclear plant operator who has today to recognize the 51st anniversary of the DOTTE CITY CLERK loved her since their freshman year of high ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ of 1964, an act that school, on September 19, 2015. While I know strengthened the agricultural economy and im- HON. DEBBIE DINGELL her family will be happy to have her back in proved levels of nutrition among low income OF MICHIGAN the Lone Star State, she will be greatly missed households. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as a member of my team. This impactful legislative achievement was Wednesday, July 29, 2015 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the passed by the historic 88th Congress of the United States House of Representatives to United States, and signed into law by Presi- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join me in commending Jessica Butler for her dent Lyndon B. Johnson on August 31, 1964. recognize William Griggs for his forty two public service to the people of the Central Val- During the 1960’s our nation was in the years of service to the city of Wyandotte. First ley and wishing her well in this next chapter of midst of the biggest legislative civil rights bat- elected in 1973, Bill is one of the longest serv- her life. tle since the ratification of the 14th amend- ing public officials in the Downriver commu- f ment of the Constitution, which addressed citi- nities. zenship rights and equal protection under the Bill is described by his colleagues as dedi- TO HONOR THE TEXAS JOB CORPS law. cated and kind, and is praised in the commu- GRADUATES Mr. Speaker, it is difficult to imagine that nity for the dignity and professionalism he has during a time where the country was experi- brought to the clerk’s office. His presence as HON. GENE GREEN encing its largest uninterrupted period of eco- a leading voice in Wyandotte has been recog- OF TEXAS nomic expansion, American families were bat- nized by generations of residents, and with the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tling a war on poverty. dedication of the City Council chambers in his Leaders like President Johnson, who him- honor will be recognized by many more. Wednesday, July 29, 2015 self grew up in a poverty stricken family in Bill has served as a role model in our com- Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, Stonewall, Texas, had a firsthand account of munity, serving as the director of Wyandotte’s I rise today to honor the hard work and dedi- these struggles that many American families adaptive recreation program and on the Board cation of the recent graduates of the Texas faced on a daily basis. of Directors for the National Wheelchair Ath- Job Corps Centers. President Johnson took action and pursued letics Committee. He inspired people with dis- The four Job Corps centers in Texas have an agenda, which he called ‘‘The Great Soci- abilities with his participation in the 1968 and served the people of our great state for over ety.’’ 1972 Paralympics Games, and was inducted 50 years, providing a no-cost education and The ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ is a legislative vic- into the Michigan Athletes with Disabilities Hall career technical training program that helps tory for his agenda that benefits those Ameri- of Fame in 2002. young Texans from ages 16 to 24 improve the cans who are living below the poverty line, by Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me quality of their lives through career technical providing a sustainable source of food. today to honor William Griggs for his forty two and academic training. The impact of this legislation was simple; it years of service and his lasting impact on the By graduating from the Job Corps, these helped put food on tables. Wyandotte community. I thank him for his young men and women have proven that they In my city of Houston, Texas, Supplemental leadership, and wish him many years of suc- have skills and determination to succeed and Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has cess. be valuable contributors to communities helped establish nine major Food Banks that f throughout Texas and the country. serve the city and its citizens with providing On behalf of the people of the 29th Con- the much needed access to nutrition for fami- IN RECOGNITION OF MS. JESSICA gressional District of Texas, I would like to lies and individuals who otherwise would be BUTLER congratulate the 2015 Job Corps graduates of unable to afford it without programs created by all four centers in our state—David L. the ‘‘Food Stamp Act.’’ HON. DAVID G. VALADAO Carrasco Job Corps, Gary Job Corps, Laredo As President Johnson remarked when he OF CALIFORNIA Job Corps, and North Texas Job Corps. signed this act that it, ‘‘weds the best of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I would also like to recognize the Texas Job humanitarian instincts of the American people Corps for their half century of success and say Wednesday, July 29, 2015 with the best of the free enterprise system.’’ thank you for the service the Job Corps Pro- The most important benefactors of this pro- Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gram and its graduates have provided to gram have been the children of this nation. thank Jessica Butler for her service to my of- Texas. The ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ at the time when it fice and the 21st Congressional District of f was signed into law assisted 17 million chil- California over the past two and a half years. dren by giving them access to hot lunches in Ms. Butler was born in Wharton, Texas to IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- their schools. Robert and Carol Butler and spent her youth MENT OF ADMIRAL JAMES A. For many of these children this was the first in Bay City, Texas with her siblings, Sarah WINNEFELD, JR. time they had a lunch while at school. and Sam. After completing her high school Mr. Speaker, hunger in our nation does not education, Ms. Butler studied poultry science HON. MIKE ROGERS see color or sex or religion. This is a problem and food safety at Texas A&M University and OF ALABAMA that affects us all no matter our background. Auburn University. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES While simultaneously strengthening our mar- After college, Jessica accepted a Fellowship Wednesday, July 29, 2015 kets for the farmers, the ‘‘Food Stamp Act’’ with Congressman DEVIN NUNES through the has immeasurably improved the volume of re- American Association for the Advancement of Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I tail food sales in our nation and around the Science and the Federation of Animal Science ask for the House’s attention today to recog- world. Societies. Her work in Mr. NUNES’ office led nize Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Jr., who is Our national food abundance should be her to discover her passion for policy. After retiring July 31, 2015, after serving with dis- continuously used constructively not only to completing her fellowship, she joined my office tinction for more than 37 years, culminating VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:33 Jul 30, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JY8.038 E29JYPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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