PAGE b8 THE STATE JOURNAL JNUARA y 31, 2012 Tuesday RYA mE reel tAlk ALMANAC 50 YEARS AGO Miss Virginia Ann Greer, daughter of Mrs. W.F. Greer, made a 3.88 grade point av- ‘The Grey’ expertly crafted erage out of a possible 4.0 standing for the fall quar- ter at Michigan State Uni- versity, East Lansing, Mich. Even without outrageous fight scene, film a thinker’s thriller Miss Greer was a sophomore at MSU and a graduate of Frankfort High School. 25 YEARS AGO Kentucky State University scheduled cultural events, including poetry readings, lectures and films, as part of the university’s observance of Black History Month dur- ing February. Dr. Leonard A. Slade Jr., professor of Eng- lish and dean of the College Josh Raymer of Arts and Sciences at KSU, STATE JOURNAL ARTS ANd would present an evening of ENTERTAiNmENT WRiTER poetry readings in Hatha- way Hall Faculty Lounge. All f you’ve seen television events were free and open to previews for “The Grey” the public. then you know the out- rageous scene the mov- tYOdA in hiStORY Iie’s marketers have used to By The AssociATed Press sell it – Liam Neeson, broken Today is Tuesday, Jan. 31, bottles taped to one hand the 31st day of 2012. There are and a knife taped to the oth- 335 days left in the year. er, does battle with a blood- On Jan. 31, 1961, NASA thirsty wolf. launched Ham the Chimp That’s what drove this aboard a Mercury-Redstone critic to the theater on open- rocket from Cape Canaver- ing weekend, at least. The al; Ham was recovered safely thought of Neeson fighting from the Atlantic Ocean fol- anything, whether it be Eu- lowing his 16¬Ω-minute sub- ropean bad guys like he did orbital flight. in “Taken” and “Unknown” In 1606, Guy Fawkes, con- or, once again, wolves, is a AP/O Pen ROAd Films, KimbeRley FRench victed of treason for his part cinematic treat I can’t resist. d allas Roberts, left, dermot mulroney, liam neeson and nonso Anozie are shown in a scene from “The Grey.” in the “Gunpowder Plot” So imagine my disap- against the English Parlia- pointment when that big, ment and King James I, was juicy scene doesn’t actually wilderness. Worse than the movies, characters in “The tails. There’s also a hefty ter long stretches of camp- executed. happen in the movie. subzero temperatures is Grey” are not one-dimen- amount of profanity, but fire discussion or wander- In 1797, composer Franz Let me repeat that: You a ferocious pack of wolves sional. They go through all you have to credit the movie ing through wilderness. Schubert was born in Vien- never get to see Neeson who see the survivors as in- the phases one would ex- for being realistic. It’s expertly crafted, na. punch a wolf with a fist full truders and begin hunting pect of a plane crash sur- Neeson crackles with though, and is one of those In 1865, Gen. Robert E. of broken bottles. them down one at a time. vivor – shock, denial, grief, that reserved intensity he’s rare movies that makes Lee was named general-in- I won’t spoil anything Being the alpha male terror and resistance – and famous for, and he doesn’t you marvel at the magic chief of all the Confederate but to say that the brief flash (and bonafide action star) they actually make logical disappoint in the action that goes into filmmaking. armies. from the previews of Neeson that he is, Neeson leads the choices. scenes. While we’re robbed Watching the actors slog In 1917, during World War holding up his taped fists is men on a fight for survival The survivors also spend of his broken-bottle rumble, through waist-deep snow I, Germany served notice it all you get. Granted, when that challenges their will to a fair amount of time pon- Neeson does grapple with a and brave freezing tem- was beginning a policy of you see the build up to that live every second of the day. dering the meaning of their wolf early in the movie and peratures (at least it looks unrestricted submarine war- scene, you know how it ends, There are genuine “jump survival, debating the fickle actually punches it in the that way!) will surely make fare. but still, being robbed of that out of your seat” thrills dur- nature of fate and question- face. viewers think twice before In 1929, revolutionary smackdown is tough. ing the movie’s 117-min- ing whether there are larger So there’s that. they curse 40-degree winter Leon Trotsky and his family For those who haven’t ute running time, most of forces at work. Those expecting a thrill- days. were expelled from the Sovi- seen the previews, “The which involve the wolves, “The Grey” is not for the a-minute type movie should Then again, watching et Union. Grey” is about a group of but some that come from faint of heart. Men get eaten probably look elsewhere, “The Grey” might also make In 1944, during World War oil drillers who are forced trying to survive the treach- by wolves, and director Joe because while “The Grey” you curse deceptive mar- II, U.S. forces began a suc- to survive when their plane erous Alaskan wilderness. Carnahan doesn’t shy away delivers the thrills, those keting. cessful invasion of Kwajalein goes down in the Alaskan Unlike most survival from showing the gory de- jolts of adrenaline come af- Reel grade: 81 out of 100. Atoll and other parts of the Japanese-held Marshall Is- lands. In 1945, Pvt. Eddie Slovik, 24, became the first U.S. sol- www.fpb.cc 352-4372 dier since the Civil War to be ON TV TONIGHT Brought To You By executed for desertion as he was shot by an American fir- TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY 31, 2012 WEDNESDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 1, 2012 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 ing squad 6:00in France. 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Wave 3 News at NBC Nightly News WAVE 3 News at WAVE 3 News The Biggest Loser The teams compete for a valuable prize. (N) ’ Å Parenthood Adam and Crosby work to WAVE 3 News at The Tonight Show In 1950,Wave 3 News President at NBC Nightly Har- News WAVE 3 News at WAVE 3 News Whitney “Mind Are You There, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WAVE 3 News at The Tonight Show # # 6 (N) (N) ’ Å 7 (N) Å at 7:30 land a client. ’ Å 11 (N) With Jay Leno (N) # # 6 (N) (N) ’ Å 7 (N) Å at 7:30 Games” (N) Å Chelsea? (N) ’ rapist with a unique tattoo. ’ Å Investigating a 13-year-old’s pregnancy. 11 (N) With Jay Leno (N) WHAS-11 Live at ABC World News Entertainment Inside Edition (N) Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Celebrity Wife Swap (Season Finale) Body of Proof “Gross Anatomy” A body WHAS11 News 11 (11:35) Nightline ry S. TrumanWHAS-11 Live announced at ABC World News he Entertainment Inside Edition (N) The Middle “Heck- Suburgatory “Hal- Modern Family “Hit (9:31) Happy End- Revenge “Treachery” Emily’s plot contin- WHAS11 News 11 (11:35) Nightline + + 6PM (N) Å Tonight (N) ’ Å ’ Å ’ Å ’ Å Celebrity wives trade places. (N) Å is found at a medical school. ’ at 11 (N) Å (N) Å + had+ ordered6PM (N) Å development of Tonight (N) ’ Å ’ Å ing Order” loween” ’ Å and Run” ’ ings ’ Å ues to unravel. ’ Å at 11 (N) Å (N) Å LEX 18 News at 6 NBC Nightly News LEX 18 NEWS Access Hollywood The Biggest Loser The teams compete for a valuable prize. (N) ’ Å Parenthood Adam and Crosby work to LEX 18 News at 11 The Tonight Show LEX 18 News at 6 NBC Nightly News LEX 18 NEWS Access Hollywood Whitney “Mind Are You There, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit LEX 18 News at 11 The Tonight Show _ 2 (N) Å (N) ’ Å Late Edition (N) (N) ’ Å land a client. ’ Å (N) Å With Jay Leno (N) _ the2 hydrogen(N) Å bomb.(N) ’ Å Late Edition (N) (N) ’ Å Games” (N) Å Chelsea? (N) ’ rapist with a unique tattoo. ’ Å Investigating a 13-year-old’s pregnancy. (N) Å With Jay Leno (N) 27 Newsfirst at CBS Evening Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) Å NCIS “Enemy on the Hill” A killer targets NCIS: Los Angeles “Backstopped” Unforgettable “Friended” Carrie and Al 27 Newsfirst (N) Å Late Show With In 1958,27 Newsfirst the at UnitedCBS Evening States Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! “College College Basketball Georgia at Auburn. (N) (Live) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The 27 Newsfirst (N) Å Late Show With & ; 6:00pm (N) Å News/Scott Pelley “Fabulous Food” a lieutenant commander. ’ Searching for stolen explosives. ’ investigate a murder. ’ Å David Letterman & ; 6:00pm (N) Å News/Scott Pelley “Fabulous Food” Tournament” former Mayor of Las Vegas is shot. David Letterman WLKY News at CBS Evening Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) Å NCIS “Enemy on the Hill” A killer targets NCIS: Los Angeles “Backstopped” Unforgettable “Friended” Carrie and Al WLKY News at Late Show With enteredWLKY the News Space at CBS Age Evening with Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! “College Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials Criminal Minds “Proof” A series of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation The WLKY News at Late Show With , @ 6:00PM (N) News/Scott Pelley “Fabulous Food” a lieutenant commander.
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