![Arxiv:1004.5516V2 [Nucl-Ex] 18 Jul 2010 P](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
The Status of Exotic-quantum-number Mesons C. A. Meyer1 and Y. Van Haarlem1 1Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (Dated: October 31, 2018) The search for mesons with non-quark-antiquark (exotic) quantum numbers has gone on for nearly thirty years. There currently is experimental evidence of three isospin one states, the π1(1400), the π1(1600) and the π1(2015). For all of these states, there are questions about their identification, and even if some of them exist. In this article, we will review both the theoretical work and the experimental evidence associated with these exotic quantum number states. We find that the π1(1600) could be the lightest exotic quantum number hybrid meson, but observations of other members of the nonet would be useful. PACS numbers: 14.40.-n,14-40.Rt,13.25.-k I. INTRODUCTION More information on meson spectroscopy in general can be found in a recent review by Klempt and Zaitsev [3]. The quark model describes mesons as bound states of Similarly, a recent review on the related topic of glueballs quarks and antiquarks (qq¯), much akin to positronium can be found in reference [4]. (e+e−). As described in Section II A, mesons have well- defined quantum numbers: total spin J, parity P , and C- parity C, represented as J PC . The allowed J PC quantum II. THEORETICAL EXPECTATIONS FOR numbers for orbital angular momentum, L, smaller than HYBRID MESONS three are given in Table I. Interestingly, for J smaller than 3, all allowed J PC except 2−− [1] have been ob- A. Mesons in The Quark Model served by experiments. From the allowed quantum num- bers in Table I, there are several missing combinations: In the quark model, mesons are bound states of quarks 0−−, 0+−, 1−+ and 2+−. These are not possible for sim- and antiquarks (qq¯). The quantum numbers of such ple qq¯ systems and are known as \exotic" quantum num- fermion-antifermion systems are functions of the total bers. Observation of states with exotic quantum numbers spin, S, of the quark-antiquark system, and the relative has been of great experimental interest as it would be orbital angular momentum, L, between them. The spin clear evidence for mesons beyond the simple qq¯ picture. S and angular momentum L combine to yield the total spin LSJ PC LSJ PC LSJ PC 0 0 0−+ 1 0 1+− 2 0 2−+ J = L ⊕ S; (1) 0 1 1−− 1 1 0++ 2 1 1−− 1 1 1++ 2 1 2−− where L and S add as two angular momentums. 1 1 2++ 2 1 3−− Parity is the result of a mirror reflection of the wave function, taking ~r into −~r. It can be written as PC TABLE I. The allowed J quantum numbers for qq¯ systems. P [ (~r)] = (−~r)= η (~r) ; (2) arXiv:1004.5516v2 [nucl-ex] 18 Jul 2010 P Moving beyond the simple quark-model picture of where ηP is the eigenvalue of parity. As application of mesons, there have been predictions for states with these parity twice must return the original state, ηP = ±1. In exotic quantum numbers. The most well known are spherical coordinates, the parity operation reduces to the qq¯ states in which the gluons binding the system can reflection of a Ylm function, contribute directly to the quantum numbers of the me- l son. However, other candidates include multi-quark Ylm(π − θ; π + φ) = (−1) Ylm(θ; φ) : (3) states (qqq¯ q¯) and states containing only gluons (glue- From this, we conclude that η = (−1)l. balls). Early bag-model calculations [2] referred to states P For a qq¯ system, the intrinsic parity of the antiquark with qq¯ and gluons as \hermaphrodite mesons", and pre- is opposite to that of the quark, which yields the total dicted that the lightest nonet (J PC = 1−+) might have parity of a qq¯ system as masses near 1 GeV as well as distinctive decay modes. They might also be relatively stable, and thus observ- P (qq¯) = −(−1)L : (4) able. While the name hermaphorodite did not survive, what are now known as \hybrid mesons" have become a Charge conjugation, C, is the result of a transforma- very interesting theoretical and experimental topic and tion that takes a particle into its antiparticle. For a qq¯ the status of these states, with particular emphasis on the system, only electrically-neutral states can be eigenstates exotic-quantum number ones is the topic of this article. of C. In order to determine the eigenvalues of C (ηC ), 2 we need to consider a wave function that includes both case of the I = 0 states, the first is taken as the mostly spatial and spin information uu¯ and dd¯state (so-called nn¯), while the second is mostly ss¯. For the I = 0 states, C-parity is well defined, but for Ψ(~r;~s) = R(r)Ylm(θ; φ)χ(~s) : (5) I = 1, only the neutral member can have a defined C- As an example, we consider a uu¯ system, the C opera- parity. However, the more general G-parity can be used tor acting on this reverses the meaning of u andu ¯. This to describe all of the I = 1 members (see equation 8). has the effect of mapping the vector ~r to the u quark Thus, the G-parity can be used to identify exotic quan- into −~r. Thus, following the arguments for parity, the tum numbers, even for charged I = 1 members of a nonet. spatial part of C yields a factor of (−1)L. The spin wave For the case of the kaon-like states, neither C-parity nor G-parity is defined. Thus, the I = 1 members of a nonet function also reverse the two individual spins. For a sym- 2 metric χ, we get a factor of 1, while for an antisymmetric can not have explicitly-exotic quantum numbers. 1 χ, we get a factor of −1. For two spin 2 particles, the S = 0 singlet is antisymmetric, while the S = 1 triplet QNs Names PC G G is symmetric. Combining all of this, we find that the J (I )(I )(I) ++ − + 0 1 1 (1 ) a1 (0 ) f1 f1 ( 2 ) K1 C-parity of (a neutral) qq¯ system is −− + − 1 ∗ 1 (1 ) ρ1 (0 ) !1 φ1 ( 2 ) K1 L+S −+ − + 0 1 C(qq¯) = (−1) : (6) 0 (1 ) π0 (0 ) η0 η0 ( 2 ) K0 −+ − + 0 1 ∗ 1 (1 ) π1 (0 ) η1 η1 ( 2 ) K1 Because C-parity is only defined for neutral states, −+ − + 0 1 2 (1 ) π2 (0 ) η2 η2 ( 2 ) K2 it is useful to extend this to the more general G-parity +− + − 0 1 ∗ 0 (1 ) b0 (0 ) h0 h0 ( 2 ) K0 +− + − 0 1 which can be used to describe all qq¯ states, independent 1 (1 ) b1 (0 ) h1 h1 ( 2 ) K1 +− + − 0 1 ∗ of charge. For isovector states (I = 1), C would trans- 2 (1 ) b2 (0 ) h2 h2 ( 2 ) K2 form a charged member into the oppositely charged state (e.g. π+ ! π−). In order to transform this back to the TABLE II. The naming scheme for hybrid mesons. The first original charge, we would need to perform a rotation in state listed for a given quantum number is the isospin one isospin (π− ! π+). For a state of whose neutral member state. The second state is the isospin zero state that is mostly has C-parity C, and whose total isospin is I, the G-parity u and d quarks (nn¯), while the third name is for the mostly is defined to be ss¯ isospin zero state. Note that for the kaons, the C- and G-parity are not defined. Kaons cannot not have manifestly G = C · (−1)I ; (7) exotic quantum numbers. States that have exotic quantum numbers are shown in bold. which can be generalized to In Table III we show the J P of the three exotic I = G(qq¯) = (−1)L+S+I : (8) 1 mesons from Table II. We also show the normal (qq¯) P G The latter is valid for all of the I = 0 and I = 1 members meson of the same J and the I quantum numbers of a nonet. This leads to mesons having well defined for these states. The exotic mesons have the opposite quantum numbers: total angular momentum, J, isospin, G-parity relative to the normal meson. This provides a I, parity P , C-parity, C, and G-parity, G. These are simple mechanism for identifying if a charged I = 1 state represented as (IG)J PC , or simply J PC for short. For has exotic quantum numbers. the case of L = 0 and S = 0, we have J PC = 0−+, while for L = 0 and S = 1, J PC = 1−−. The allowed quantum J P normal meson exotic meson numbers for L smaller than three are given in Table I. name (IG) name (IG) + − + 0 a0 (1 ) b0 (1 ) − + − 1 ρ (1 ) π1 (1 ) + − + B. Notation and Quantum Numbers of Hybrids 2 a2 (1 ) b2 (1 ) The notation for hybrid mesons we use is that from TABLE III. The J P and IG quantum numbers for the exotic P the Particle Data Group (PDG) [1]. In the PDG no- mesons and the normal mesons of the same J . tation, the parity and charge conjugation determine the name of the hybrid, which is taken as the name of the normal meson of the same J PC and isospin. The total spin is then used as a subscript to the name. While var- C. Model Predictions ious models predict different nonets of hybrid mesons, the largest number of nonets is from the flux-tube model The first predictions for exotic quantum number (see Section II C).
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