Index \Kindly look her up in my index, Doctor," murmured Holmes without opening his eyes. | ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE, A Scandal in Bohemia (1891) A suffix “t” after a page number denotes a table, “f” a figure, “n” a footnote, and “q” a quotation at the opening of a chapter. Aspects of TEX are indexed under LATEX. Definitions of technical terms can be found in the glossary. a or an, 30 an or a, 30 a or the, 24, 76–77 analog tools, 3 abbreviations, 30–32 and, comma before final, 53–54 abstract, 99–101 antonyms, 69 citing references in, 100 apostrophes, 50–51 generic, 101 appendices, 117 mathematics in, 100 article processing charge (APC), publication peculiarities, 102 199, 211 structured, 101 articles (the, a, an), 24, 30, 76–77 acknowledgments, 115 arXiv repository, 202 acronyms, 30, 32 preprints active voice, 32–33 BibTEX entries for, 179 adjectives, 34 reference format, 121 absolute, 32 asides, see also publication Adobe Acrobat, 147, 208, 311 peculiarities adverbs, 33–34 brief history of scholarly affect versus effect, 38 publishing, 215 -age words, 34–35 glossary for mathematical -al words, 34–35 writing, 21 algorithms, typesetting of, 168 oral examination procedure, alphabet 262 choosing notation from, 11 Oxford commas, 54 Greek, 297 spotlight factor, 98 alternate versus alternative, 38 ten commandments of good altmetrics, 295 writing, 61 341 342 Index aspell, 191 book, 263–273 AucTEX (Emacs package), 184, 270 audience, 265 audience, analyzing, 90–91, 225 captions for table of contents, author list 271 order of, 96–99 coauthorship, 265–266 publication peculiarities, 96–98 copy editing, 269 spotlight factor, 98 date for reference list, 119 autocompletion, in text editors, 185 exercises, 266 automation, in text editors, 185 file arrangement, 270 AWK, 177 fine-tuning, 272 headers, 271 indexing, 269 backups, 189 LAT X, use of, 270–272 bastard enumeration, 46 E preface, 267 Beamer (LAT X class), 230–235 E proposal, 267–269 because of, 39 reviewing, 221–222 bibclean, 177 publisher, choice of, 268–269 biber, 180 review writing, 222 bibexport, 177 source code, final changes to, bibextract, 177 271–272 bibliography, see B T X; ib E why to write, 264–265 references both, 47 BibNet, 176, 177 brackets, in expressions, 26 BibTEX, 173–180 abbreviations, 178 calligraphic font, 152 annotated bibliographies, 176 capitalization, 35, 122 bibliography style, 174 of titles, 95 BibNet, 176, 177 of words after colon, 35 capitals, protecting, 178 CC-BY licenses, 212 t Collection of Computer cf., 31 Science Bibliographies, chemical formulas, typing in LATEX, 176 171 databases, maintaining, 177 citation indexing, 294–295 DOI field, 178 citing the references, 112–114 entries, examples of, 179–180 by name and year, 112 keys, choosing, 177–178 by number, 112 month field abbreviations, 178 Harvard system, 112, 114 URL field, 178 including author’s name, 113 blackboard bold font, 152, 172 placement of, 112 blog posts, 287–291 signposting, 113 BibTEX entries for, 180 Vancouver system, 112 graphics, importance of, 290 Collection of Computer Science reference format, 121 Bibliographies, 176 reposting, 288 collocations, 75 software for writing, 290 colon topic, choice of, 288–289 capitalizing words after, 35 Index 343 colon (continued) criticism, constructive, 3 in LATEX, 159 cross-references, in LATEX, 147 in range expressions, 26 Crossref organization, 120, 203 in titles, 94 CTAN (Comprehensive TEX color, RGB versus CMYK, 194–195 Archive Network), 147, commandments 177, 233 of giving a talk, 239, 246 of good writing, 61 dangling participles, 37–38, 135 commas, 50 dangling theorems, 122–123 before final “and”, 53–54 dashes, 161 Oxford, 53–54 dating work, 99, 165 serial, 53–54 definitions, 9–11 compare to versus compare with, 38 delatex, 192 completion, in text editors, 185 delay in publication, 200 Comprehensive TEX Archive delay in refereeing, 200 Network (CTAN), 147, Dewey Decimal Classification, 177, 233 295–296 comprise versus compose, 38 diamond open access, 205 computational experiments and diction, 192 results, reporting, dictionaries, 66–68, 84–85 105–106 American Heritage College Computer Modern Bright font, 162, Dictionary, 67 164 t American Heritage Dictionary Computer Modern font, 162, 164 t of the English Language, Computing Reviews, 295 67 conclusions section, 114–115 bilingual, 84 conference proceedings, 198 Chambers Dictionary, 67 conflict of interest, as referee, 220 Collins Cobuild Advanced conjectures, 7 Learner’s Dictionary, 84 connecting words and phrases, 44, Collins English Dictionary, 67 78–82 Collins Plain English consistency, 37 Dictionary, 84 constants, typesetting in roman Concise Oxford Dictionary, 67 font in LATEX, 151 learner’s, 84 constitute, 39 Longman Dictionary of constructions, common ones in Contemporary English, 84 mathematical writing, 77, Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate 78 t Dictionary, 67, 163 contractions, 37 Oxford Advanced Learner’s copy editor, role of, 197 q, 205–206 Dictionary, 84 copyright, 210–211 Oxford English Dictionary, 66 corollaries, 6 Random House Webster’s cover letter, with journal Unabridged Dictionary, submission, 201 67 Creative Commons licenses, 211, Shorter Oxford English 212 t Dictionary, 67 344 Index dictionaries (continued) epsilon, alternative symbols, 26 using, 84–85 equations Webster’s New World College displaying, 18–19 Dictionary, 67 line breaks in displayed, 20 Webster’s Third New numbering, 123–124 International Dictionary, punctuation of, 15 66, 67, 163 referencing numbered, 25 diff (Unix utility), 147, 190 which to display, 18 diffs (differences of files), 147, 190 errata, 213 displayed equations, 18–19 errors to check for, 130, 131 f dissertation, see thesis essentially, 34 distraction-free writing, 185 etc., 31 DOI (Digital Object Identifier), examples, role of, 8–9 119–120 exclamation marks, 50 field in BibTEX, 178 exercises, in books, 266 doi2bib, 176 expressions, punctuation of, 15 dots ground level, 22 false friends, 84 in LATEX, 156, 159 false ifs, 41–42 vertically centered, 22, 26 fast Fourier transform, notation for, double negatives, 40, 77 12 drafts, revising, 127–143 fences, ordering of, 26 due to, 39, 134 fewer versus less, 39 file organization, 187–189 e-posters, 253 (the) following, avoiding, 49 e.g., 30 fonts effect versus affect, 38 available in LATEX, 162–163 either, 47 blackboard bold, 152, 172 elegant variation, 41 boldface mathematics, 152 ellipses calligraphic, 152 in LATEX, 156 roman versus italic, 21–22 to denote omission, 22 sans serif, 230 em-dashes, 161 footnotes, 123 Emacs (editor), 68, 177, 183 q, placement of symbol, 27 184–185, 195, 270, 290 for example, 30 backups, 189 Fourier math font, 162 Org mode, 183 q, 184, 186, fraud, 125 187, 188 t, 194, 290 Free Software Foundation, 184 org2blog package, 290 full stops, see periods embedded indexing, 277 functions, mathematical en-dashes, 161 in LATEX, 151 English language examinations in roman font, 21 IELTS, 86 TOEFL, 86 galley proofs, 206 n English language, thinking in, 74 Git, 189 English usage, guides to, 69–70, 87 glossary, 309–313 Index 345 GNU Emacs, see Emacs multiple entries for one topic, gold open access, 205 276 Google Scholar, 294 multiple indexes, 280, 284 grammar checkers, 192–194 preparing, see index-writing graphs, 111–112 process Greek alphabet, 297 purpose of, 276 green open access, 205 see and see also entries, 280 grep (Unix utility), 177 subentries, using connectives, 279 index-writing process, 277–285 h-index, 294 embedded indexing, 277 halmos ( ), 8, 14 in LAT X, 281–285 hanging theorems, 122–123 E index (LAT X package), 284 Harvard system (for citations), 112, E MakeIndex, 282–285 114 number of \index commands hyphenation, 42–43, 161 per page, 284 exceptions for TEX, 163–165 showidx (LATEX package), 284 hyphens, suspensive, 43 initialisms, 30, 32 hypotheses, 7 Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 294 I versus we, 60–61 integer, spelling out, 49 i.e., 30 introduction, 103–104 idiomatic phrases, 74 ISBN (International Standard Book idioms, 75 Number), 122, 177 IELTS, 86 -ise and -ize endings, 37, 57 iff, 31 ISO standard for mathematical inventor, 14 typesetting, 21 ifs, false, 41–42 ispell, 191 impact factor, 199 ISSN (International Standard Serial index, 276–286 Number), 122, 177 amusing index entries, 285 it, ambiguous, 35 double-posting, 280 italic font, usage in typesetting for book, 269 mathematics, 21–22 gloss, parenthesized, 279–280 its or it’s, 37 headings choosing, 278 JabRef, 177 singular vs. plural, 278 journal indexer, choice of, 276–277 abbreviations of names, 119 length, 281 accessibility, 199 locators Chinese economic, rejection at main versus subentry from, 197 q level, 280 choosing, 198–200 formatting of, 284 open access, 199 maximum number per publication delays, 200 entry, 278 refereeing delays, 200 346 Index journal (continued) bmatrix environment, 161 submitting a manuscript, boldface mathematics, 152 200–202 \boldmath, 152 JPEG files, 147, 195, 310 books, tips for producing with, including in LATEX, 170 270–272 Jupyter Notebook, 194 booktabs package, 108, 169 \cdot, 159 keywords, 102 \cdots, 156 Kincaid formula (readability), 192 chapterbib package, 271 Kronecker delta, 13, 14 t checking cross references and citations, 201 lacheck, 173 chemical formulas, 171 LATEX, 145–181 \cite, 148 \! (negative thin space), 158 cmbright package, 163 \* (discretionary \colon, 159 multiplication sign), 156 constants, typesetting in \, (thin space), 154 roman, 151–152 \\ (correct usage of), 148 control space (\␣), 167 \@ (to mark end of sentence), dashes, 161 167 \date, 165 \| (norm symbol, k), 159 dcolumn
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