JUNE 29, 1964 50 CENTS 330 YEAR Broadcasting THE BUSINESSBUS WEEKLY OF TELEVI SION AND RADIO Collins quits NAB for new civil rights job. p9 Television advertisers will spend more to sell more. p29 FTC cigarette -ad rule is first shot of long battle. p32 CC to duplicate some clears; raise power of others. p48 COMPLETC INDEX PAGE Y STATION DEMAND... TWO ADDITIONAL RUNS NOW IN RELEASE HE RIFLER!JAN Delivering some of the most fantastic successes in syndication . in over 120 markets. Rated No. 1 in its time slot in 32 markets by latest ARB Reports' Rates great stripped or once -a -week . against news, movies, action, and kids. PROVEN - PROGRAMMING" FROM 600 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK YE RIFLEMAN ' STARRING CHUCK CONNORS 20 ?STARRING JOHNNY CRAWFORD AND PAUL FIB Four Star and LARYGerone, La.en PTAducoon NEW YORK 88 HALF H'UN EPISODES DISTRIBUTION CORP LT 1 -8530 A SUBSIDIARY OF FOUR STAR RIIYILON ourse' ARS March -Ap I I Tempest in a Teapot? "Nope. Tempest for a teapot, you might say. Big doin's for our yachtsmen and the U.S.A. - The America's Cup races off Newport, Rhode Island. Like a second Armada! "A thousand boats, lobstermen to liners, loaded to the gun'Is with people an' good cheer. Everybody hollerin and bumpin' together; Coast Guard chargin' around. All watchin' a British sailboat race one of ours, tryin' to get back a mug we won from them 113 years ago. That's enthusiasm for you!" But of course people throughout the Providence market do have a special brand of enthusiasm, in their buying as well as their boating. And from New London, Con- necticut to Worcester, Brockton and the Cape in Massa- chusetts, they have the money to indulge. Providence is Rhode Island, of course. People in television say Providence is WJAR -TV. Yours for the asking? personal print. suitable for framing. f OUTLET 1PG3 FIRST TELEVISION STATION IN RHODE ISLAND AN OUTLET CO. STATION NBC - Edward Petry & Co. Inc. Remember Hal Carter? A great role played by William Holden opposite Kim Novak ...in the never to -be- forgotten film tin color). .. "Picnic ". It's one of 60 prime -time - calibre features, from the Columbia Post-'50 Group II, just released for television. Poe details, contact SCREEN GEMS RELAX Let WGAL -TV do your sales work. It is the outstanding selling medium in the Lancaster /Harrisburg /York TV market. MULTI -CITY TV MARKET i TOWN y....x `.. L ' iÉ READING D .,.\ 1 'ANON HARRISBURG .*NUM r.\.... INIDIVNI[IIAxD LANCASTER D..S YORK m...m,. ONNINTINI, Doba e11A.DSVNII u.xn,x OEHYSRURG, WGALTV xxovn .o.,«. ... ATNISIO.O D I3TOWN 8 WTSTATINSTTN Channel /:..DIE Lancaster, Pa. ,,..ECSO,: STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. DO Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. i 316,000 WATTS New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, June 29, 1964 Who succeeds Collins? CLOSED CIRCUIT® Who will succeed LeRoy Collins as president of NAB, now that he has grams is inconsequential by compari- to start (see page 32). Broadcasters accepted (subject to Senate confirma- son with time spent on free TV. may soon be faced with big problem - tion) key post of director of com- carrying public service spots against munity relations services under new Research that was described to FCC last Tuesday was commissioned by smoking and at same time commercial civil rights legislation being rushed announcements for tobacco products. through Congress? Prospect is that Time -Life Broadcasting Inc. and answer won't be forthcoming anytime WDSU -TV New Orleans and conducted soon. Vincent T. Wasilewski, execu- by Spindletop Research Center (formed Luncheon with LBJ tive vice president, will be caretaker. some time ago by former Rand Corp. While he's not candidate, Mr. Wasi- experts) in Lexington, Ky. Project re- Two members of FCC were White lewski will have considerable support portedly cost about $100,000. FCC House luncheon guests last week. from some board members but likeli- got its briefing -at its request-from Commissioner Rosel H. Hyde, dean hood is that majority would favor fol- Weston C. Pullen Jr., T -L president, by virtue of having served continuous- lowing precedent of getting outstand- and Edgar Smith, vice president. ly since 1946, broke bread on Monday ing public figure. Edgar Stern Jr., president of WDSU -TV, at luncheon given Turkish Prime Min- was unable to attend. ister Ismet Inonu. Commissioner Rob- When Governor Collins was selected ert T. Bartley, second in seniority, hav- in fall of 1960 for presidency, runner - UHF harbinger? ing served since 1952, was luncheon up in eliminations was George V. guest last Thursday when President Allen, who had just retired as career What is seen as vote of no -confi- Johnson honored Greek Prime Minis- ambassador and who previously had dence in UHF came in unusual action ter George Papandreou. been assistant secretary of state in last week involving KcHU (ch. 18) San charge of overseas (now USIA) infor- Bernardino which surrendered its li- Wall Street on Madison Ave. mation operations. Mr. Allen subse- cense last Thursday (story page 53). quently became and is president of still Times Mirror Co. (Los Angeles Times Current Wall Street look at adver- Tobacco Institute, trade group to- for and related newspaper enterprises) has tising agency business has come up Among others bacco manufacturers. purchased San Bernardino (Calif.) with this "discovery": instability in who been had under consideration Sun and Telegram for undisclosed agencies appears to be myths, at least earlier but were found not available amount. Interpretation given transac- in specific case of Foote, Cone & who were Henry Cabot Lodge, subse- tion is that Times Mirror Co. didn't Belding, first major -billing agency to quently became Republican vice presi- want UHF outlet, although it was part go public. Report on FC &B by un- dential nominee. of San Bernardino properties. KCHU identified brokerage house, one of 50 has been on air since Feb. 26, 1962, underwriters of FC &B stock last fall, to make network Blind spots and had been unable found that of FC &B's 18 top execu- affiliation. It has lost money both tive officers, not one has been at agen- years as independent. cy less than eight years; turnover Some radio stations are reportedly of personnel is far below public carrying commercials inviting listen- impres- sion and employment by most large ers to "write in for free booklet on Out in Austin? agencies of more than one executive family planning." Booklet is actually on single account has reduced ad for foam contraceptive product. Odds are that Texas Broadcasting fear of CO. (KTBC- AM -FM -TV Austin), prin- employe leaving agency with "captive" National Association of Broadcasters' account. code authorities have advised against cipally owned by President Lyndon B. wife and daughters, will not direct advertisement of similar prod- Johnson's Among several other findings in to acquire one -half of uct in response to inquiry from one exercise option study: "No man or group of men who system in Austin manufacturer, and reportedly will al- merged single CATV has left agency since 1958 has taken estimated $1.5 so forbid indirect approach if matter (story page 54). With account of "significance "; record of ac- to be paid for acquisition of comes to their official attention. million count movement in overall agency Cable by TV Cable, in which Capital business disproves belief that accounts company holds 50% option, Johnson switch so frequently as to cause marked with like amount estimated as in- Pay -TV briefing and upswings or downswings in income. vestment in latter company, it would FCC commissioners and some staff entail at least $1.5 million payment by members were briefed last week on KTBC to acquire overall 50% interest. Seven Arts over seven seas secret research into probable fate and Both companies reportedly have sus- effects of pay TV. Afterward word tained losses. Option runs until Jan- Wide expansion in activities is around FCC was that these were uary 1966. planned by Seven Arts' international among research project's findings: division, which intends to place into Wired pay TV is less promising than Smoke boomerangs overseas distribution shortly more on -air pay TV because of high costs than 400 hours of programing, in- of stringing cable into low- density resi- Broadcasting, with history of full cluding feature films, cartoons and dential areas where upper- income fam- support of public service campaigns, syndicated series, nearly quadrupling ilies, who are best pay -TV prospects, may be faced with decision that could last year's volume. In 1963, Seven live. Unless artificially restrained, pay bring on case of schizophrenia for ra- Arts placed 88 features, totaling 103 TV on air can become viable. It will dio and TV. Potential lies in mounting hours, into foreign sales. Rapid make little mark on free TV since pressures for government to undertake growth of global market during past amount of time pay -TV subscribers national educational campaign to per- year prompted decision to step up op- can afford to spend viewing pay pro- suade people to stop smoking, or not erations in this area. Monday, 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS Inc.. Published every D. C., offices. 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, and additional You come into billions in the Golden Triangle The WSJS Television Market- No. 1 in North Carolina Spelled out, these billions look like this: total retail sales, over $1 Billion; total consumer spendable income, over $11/2 Billion. Vitally important elements to have when you're seeking markets c71''CU''' for sales.
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