January; 1991 1009 DRESSER COURT, RALEIGH, NC 27609 PHONE 919/ 872- 6274 PROJECT ASSIST IN NORTH CAROLINA Sally Malek Project Manager What follows is anintroductory article American Cancer Society of North and Mr. Robert Parker, Representative, on Project ASSIST in North Carolina. Carolina. Sally Herndon Malek, Divi- Local Health Directors Association and The North Carolina Public Health Asso- sion ofAdult Health and Betsy Mitchell, Director, New Hanover County Health ciation is pleased to be associated with American Cancer Society, NC Division Department. this important public health initiative, as will serve as Project Managers and The objectives of the National Project a member of the statewide ASSIST to staff to the Executive Committee. ASSIST are 1) to demonstrate and evalu- Health Coalition. The NCPHANewslet- As required by the National Cancer ate ways to accelerate the decline in ter will feature articles and updates on Institute, the Executive Committee has smoking prevalence in all ASSIST sites Project ASSIST as it proceeds. equal representation from the statehealth to reach a prevalence of less than 15% of ASSIST, the American Stop Smok- department and the ACS, as well as adults by the year 2000, and 2) to reduce ing Study for Cancer Prevention repre- Coalition representation. The Execu- by 50% thenumberofnew smokers among sents a collaborative effort in North tive Committee sets planning andbudget adolescents in all award sites by theyear Carolina between the North Carolina parameters, determines program direc- 2000. Department of Environment, Health, tion, sets program goals and approves North Carolina will develop objectives and Natural Resources ( DEHNR), the and oversees Coalition plans. Its cur- during the planning phase ofthis Project. American Cancer Society (ACS), North rent membership includes: Dr. John A Site Analysis will help provide infor- Carolina Division, the Statewide AS- Sessions, UNC School ofMedicine and mation to formulate the objectives for SIST to Health Coalition and local coa- ACS volunteer and Board member; Dr. Project ASSIST in North . Carolina. litions across the state. The mission Albert Wiley, Jr., Chair, Medical and North Carolina' s planwill address smok- statement is as follows: Project ASSIST Scientific Committee and Director, ing as well as smokeless tobacco use, due in North Carolina will work to prevent Leo Jenkins Cancer Center in Greenville; to its high prevalence in our state. deaths and health problems due to to- Dr. Elmer Oettinger, ACS representa- The overall smoking prevalence in bacco use. ProjectASSIST will buildthe tive, Tri -Agency council; Dr. William North Carolina, age 16+ was 29. 8%, ac- capacity of existing organizations and Shingleton, Duke University Medical cording to the 1985 Current Population community groups to assist in the elimi- Center and President Elect, ACS North Survey of the U.S. Census. The preva- nation of tobacco use by bringing effec- Carolina Division; Mr. Charles lence rates for males was 37. 9%, second tive prevention and cessation interven- Blackmon, Senior Vice President, highest among all states. tions to those who participate voluntar- North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance According to the North Carolina Be- havioral Risk Factor Surveillance Sys- ily. Specifically, Project ASSIST is Co. and Chair Ad-hoc ASSIST to focused on: children and adolescents, Health Coalition; Dr. Tyler Hartwell, tem, white males age 18+ ( 30. 8%) had pregnant women, and tobacco users who Co -Principal Investigator, Project COM- similar prevalence as non-white males want to quit. MIT and Vice Chair Ad-hoc ASSIST to age 18+( 29. 8%). They were followed by An ASSIST Executive Committee will Health Coalition; Dr. Ann Wolfe, Direc- white females, ( 24. 1%) and non-white coordinate and manage the Project. It tor, Division of Maternal and Child females ( 19%). will be- Co- chaired by Dr. Georjean Health; Mr. Delton Atkinson, Director, Stoodt, Project Director and Director, State Center for Health and Environ- continued on p.3) Division ofAdult Health and Mr. Roger mental Statistics; Mr. Donald Follmer, O' Quinn, Executive Vice President, Director, DEHNR Public Affairs; FROM THE PRESIDENT Committee, chaired by Lillie Dewitt, Southern Health Association Meeting it has met and selected this year's theme Little Rock, Arkansas. She also reporte ' and designated potential general session that Wilmington will be the host for the speakers for the annual educational con- SHA meeting in 1993. ference in Greensboro. The Member- The Executive Committee discussed ship Committee, chaired by Belinda issues of computerization needs, lobby- Randall Turpin Allison, has begun to target ways in ing efforts, grant resources, taxes, and which to increase and retain our mem- ways to maintain associational costs at Your Executive Committee met on De- the lowest point possible. Your elected cember 5, 1991, in Raleigh. The first bership this year. TheTreasurer, SylviaDaniel, presented Executive Committee meeting allowed officers are working very diligently to the FY' 92 proposed budget on behalfof for the President and Executive Staff to address membership needs and organiza- the Finance Committee. Thebudgetwill tional development. receive input and guidance in establish- ing this year's objectives for NCPHA. be discussed and voted upon by the Please remember to share any concerns Governing Council at its January 24, or notes of appreciation with the Execu- Several Committees have already been tive Staff, Executive Committee, your active and through the appropriate chan- 1992 meeting in Greensboro. Your SHA Representative, Susan section chair, or myself. nels, provided their activities/ requests to O'Brien, reported that NCPHA willhave the Executive Committee. The Program a booth at this year' s annual Randall A. Turpin From the Executive Director Monitoring the activities leading up to Attendance at Women' s Health the appointment of members of the Legis- Roundtable Discussion, sponsored by lative Research Commission's Committee N.C. Equity. on Health Systems Issues. Contacted the Attendance ay Forum for Nonprofits Co -Chairman of the Committee by letter on new IRS Lobbying Regulations. Attendance at OpenHouse for DEHNR Tom Elkim and did the follow-upwith State Sen. " Coop" Eastern Office in Washington. N.C. Executive Director Cooperbyphone. Also havekeptin contact with Richard House, NCPHA member on Sitting in on the NCPHA Program Committee. Commitee as they discussed ideas for In this report, I would like to share with next year' s annual conference. you some ofthe activities ofyour associa- Meeting with Dr. Ron Levine's Legisla- Membership in the Association of Ex- tion and our efforts to increase the visibil- tive Planning Committee. Meeting with staff in speaker Blue and ecutives ofNorth Carolina., professional ity and involvement of the N.C. Public Senator Barnes' offices in the N.C. General group of association chief executives. Health Association. Promotes better methods of association These activities include: Assembly. management, networking of association Attendance at three of the Executive Meeting with Henry Jones, NCPHA leg- islative counsel. managers, and provides information on Committee Meetings oftheN.C. Associa- association trends and regulations. etc. tion ofLocalHealthDirectors to get abreast Meeting with the DEC Directors to en- courage their greater involvement in involving associations. ofcurrentpublic health issues facing local NCPHA. Membership in the N.C. Center for health departments. Meeting with the Executive Committee Public Policy Research, anonprofit, state- Meeting with Vaughn Upshaw of the ofwestern NCPHA to facilitate even stron- wide organization studying state govern- Association of N.C. Boards of Health to ger ties between NCPHA and its affiliates. ment policies and practices. Health care plan for coordinated efforts between the is the most recent area of research. two associations. Meeting with the North Central Environ- mental Health District Members to discuss Registration withthe Secretary ofStatds Meeting with the N.C. Association of NCPHA and to hear comments and sugges- Officeas aLegislativeAgentforNCPHA. County Commissioners with representa- tions. Meeting with theAnnual Meeting Com- tives of the N.C. Association of Local mittee. Health Directors and the Association of Meeting with Georgia Chandler, NCPHA Resolutions Chairmanto discuss theresolu- Attendance at theDEC/Leo M. Croghan N.C. Boards ofHealth to plan for awork- tions process. Conference. shop at the 1992 County Commissioners Meeting with N.C. Medical society - Associations annual conference in Au- Sitting in on the NCPHA Membership Margaret Woodcock. gust, 1992. Committee as they discussed ideas for re- cruiting new members. continued p.5) The entire state is the site from the of the project will be sought in Phase I. Project ASSIST (from p.1) Project' s statewide interventions. Local These include business and industry, In the Youth Risk Behavior Survey coalitions will apply to become partners media, minority organizations, women's conducted by the North Carolina in Project ASSIST in North Carolina; groups, youth groups and other organiza- Department of Public Instruction, 65. 5% these local coalitions will participate tions representing AS SIST target groups. of ninth graders and 73. 5% of 12th fully over the two year planning phase The Coalition will become formalized at graders have smoked cigarettes, with in order to prepare for intervention the outset of Phase I, with the develop-
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