PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 1 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 2 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 3 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 4 MINING PLAN ALONG WITH PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN FOR BHADAWAR DOLOMITE MINES AT VILLAGE BHADAWAR, TEHSIL BADWARA, DISTRICT KATNI (M.P.), AREA 1.777 HECTARES CHAPTER - I 1.0 GENERAL This Mining plan for Bhadawar Dolomite Mines, over an area of 1.777 hectares of Lessee Shri K. Durga Rao, S/o Shri K. Apparao. Address: M.I.G.-2 Housing Board Colony, Katni District Katni (M.P.), situated at Village Bhadawar, Tehsil Badwara and District Katni of State Madhya Pradesh is being submitted under the Rule 42 (E) & 42 (J-2) of MP MMR 1996. The details of Bhadawar Mines are given below: S.No. Particulars Details a) Name of the lessee SHRI K. DURGA RAO, S/O SHRI K. APPARAO Address: M.I.G.-2 Housing Board Colony Teh. & dist. Katni (M.P.) PHONE NO. 8770829044, email address: [email protected] b) Status of Lessee Individual c) Mineral (s) which are included in the PL Dolomite d) Mineral (s) which is/ are included in the Dolomite letter of Intent/ lease deed e) Mineral (s) which is the applicant/ lessee Dolomite intends to mine f) Name of Recognized Person under Rule Indraneel Dawande MP MMR 1996 Address 1338, Vijay Nagar, Jabalpur (M.P.) Phone & Fax: 07612641694, Mo.: 09425387402 email: [email protected] Regn no. RQP/DGMMP/002/2013 Date of issue by DGM 18-04-2013 Valid up till 17-04-2018 PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 5 CHAPTER - II 2.0 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY a) Lease Detail Bhadawar Dolomite Mines Name of the mine Latitude : 23° 41’ 39.8” to 23° 41’ 44.7” Longitude : 80° 34’ 15.8” to 80° 34’23.8” Lease area 1.777 ha and lease period is effective from 17/02/1978 to 16/02/2028 (50 years) (see annexure no. I) and as per latest amendment in Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Amendment Ordinance 2015 for 50 years lease period and lease period should be up to 16/02/2028. Date of Grant/ sanctioned Shri K. Durga Rao, S/o Shri K. Apparao, Address: M.I.G.-2 Housing Board Colony Teh. & dist. Katni (M.P.) State Govt. Vide letter no. 3-174/77/12, Bhopal dated 01-02- 1978. b) Name of the lease holder & Postal SHRI K. DURGA RAO, Address S/O SHRI K. APPARAO Address: M.I.G.-2 Housing Board Colony Teh. & dist. Katni (M.P.) c) Details of lease area with location Please refer Plate no. II Map DETAILS OF LAND FOREST NON FOREST FOREST AREA WASTE LAND, GRAZING LAND, AREA (HA) (SPECIFY) (HA) AGRICULTURE LAND, OTHER - - GOVT. WASTE LAND 1.777 Khasra No. 640,639,649 PART= 1.777 ha TOTAL LEASE AREA 1.777 hectares State: Madhya Pradesh, District: Katni, Tehsil: Badwara, Village: Bhadawar Whether area falls under Coastal No. Regulation Zone (CRZ)? If yes, details Existence of public road/ railway No. line, if any nearby and approximate distance Toposheet No. with latitude & 64 A/ 10 and pillar coordinates are given on page 7. longitude of all corner boundary point/ pillar Attach a general location map Please refer Plate no. I - III and Plate no. IX showing area and access routes. It is preferred that the area be marked on a Survey of India topographical map or a cadastral Map or forest map as the case may be. However, if none of these are available, the area may be shown on an administrative map. Coordinates of lease pillar: See Plate no. IV PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 6 PILLAR WISE COORDINATES OF THE LEASE AREA COORDINATES Latitude Longitude PILLAR NO. 1 23° 41’ 40.7” 80° 34’ 22.8” PILLAR NO. 2 23° 41’ 39.8” 80° 34’ 17.2” PILLAR NO. 3 23° 41’ 40.6” 80° 34’ 17.5” PILLAR NO. 4 23° 41’ 41.4” 80° 34’ 18.4” PILLAR NO. 5 23° 41’ 44.1” 80° 34’ 15.8” PILLAR NO. 6 23° 41’ 44.7” 80° 34’ 22.4” PILLAR NO. 7 23° 41’ 44.6” 80° 34’ 23.8” Please see the details on Surface Plan Plate no. IV PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 7 CHAPTER - III 3.0 DETAILS OF APPROVED MINING PLAN/ SCHEME OF MINING (IF ANY): 3.1 DATE AND REFERENCE OF EARLIER APPROVED MP/ SOM: Since this is a case of Rule 42(E) MPMMR1996 and earlier no compliance has been done under Rule 11 MCDR 1988 hence this is the case first time is being submitted for approval. 3.2 DETAILS OF LAST MODIFICATION IF ANY (FOR THE PREVIOUS APPROVED PERIOD) OF APPROVED MP/ SOM INDICATING DATE OF APPROVAL, REASON OF MODIFICATION: Not applicable. 3.3 REVIEW OF EARLIER APPROVED MINING PLAN: REVIEW OF COMPLIANCE POSITION OF SALIENT FEATURES OF THE MINING PLAN ON CHAPTER WISE BASIS BRINGING OUT MARKED DEVIATIONS, IF ANY, AND JUSTIFICATIONS/ REASONS THEREOF. ITEMS TO BE COVERED MAY INCLUDE EXPLORATION, MINE DEVELOPMENT, EXPLOITATION, AFFORESTATION PROGRAMME, RECLAMATION AND REHABILITATION, CONTROL OF DUST, NOISE AND GROUND VIBRATION AND ANY OTHER SIGNIFICANT FEATURES: Since this is a case of Rule 42(E) MPMMR1996 and earlier no compliance has been done under Rule 11 MCDR 1988 therefore achieved mining activity has been discussed here: [i] EXPLORATION As per available information from lessee no exploration has been done, during the carried out mining activity period. The present development has been considered as exploration to evaluate the mineral resource. ii] DEVELOPMENT AND OB MANAGEMENT From the mines opening to till date about 1.02 hectare has been developed for avg. 6-8m depth and during the about 0.5-1m avg. thick soil /alluvium has been excavated about 2365m3 has been spread over the agriculture land and rest has been dumped in the lease area . While below the soil capping the area has been developed for Dolomite excavation .As on date the following single pit is available. PIT LOCATION SIZE- Ha. X depth -m PIT - 1 As Per shown on plan 1.02 ha x 6-8m up to MRL 436m EXITING OB DUMPS DETAILS DUMP NO. TYPE ACTIVE/ BASE AREA (AVG.) Height QUANTITY- m3 REMARK INACTIVE D1 INACTIVE 230 m2 3m 690 m3 D2 INACTIVE 354 m2 1m 354 m3 WEATHERED LATERITIC SILICEOUS D3 INACTIVE 440 m2 3m 1320 m3 MATERIAL Area covered by dumps 1024 m2 [iii] EXPLOITATION: PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 8 All PIT *ACHIEVEMENT YEAR LATE .SOIL AS MURUM M3 DOLOMITE - t Pit -1 1988-89 4729 NIL 1989-90 NIL 1990-91 370 1991-92 475 1992-93 1352 1993-94 5214 1994-95 2882 1995-96 5102 1996-97 3150 1997-98 3223 1998-99 TO 2016-17 NIL PRODUCTION * Production detail data is given by Lessee [iv] AFFORESTATION: As per received information in early period about 42 plantations has been carried out but most of the plants could not survived due to improper care. Precaution: Now in ensuing years lessee will take care of plantation by appointing one gardner, fencing around the plantation, regular watering and manuring at required interval. And special attention will be given for better survival of the proposed afforestation. [v] MINE RECLAMATION & REHABILITATION OF MINED OUT AREA AND MATURED DUMPS Since the mineral is continued hence no reclamation and rehabilitation has been done [vi] CONTROL OF DUST: As per given information at the time of carried out mining activity sprinkling of water around the has been done working area, hence such problem has not been noticed. [viii] GROUND VIBRATION This being a small mine require very little blasting operation hence ground vibration problem was not apprehended. [viii] ANY OTHER SIGNIFICANT FEATURES No. c) REVIEW OF THE COMPLIANCE POSITION OF CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS IMPOSED, IF ANY, WHILE APPROVING THE MINING PLAN. IN CASE OF NON-COMPLIANCE/ PARTIAL COMPLIANCE DETAILED JUSTIFICATIONS/ REASONS THEREOF MAY BE FURNISHED ALONG WITH PROPOSAL FOR COMPLIANCE IN THE ENSUING PERIOD. No. d) REVIEW OF THE COMPLIANCE OF VIOLATIONS POINTED OUT AFTER INSPECTION UNDER MCDR 1988 DURING THE LAST 5 YEARS THE POSITION EMERGING OUT OF THE YEARLY REVIEW OF THE MINING PLAN BY CHECKING UP THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MINING PLAN IN THE FIELD SHALL ALSO BE TAKEN NOTE OF AT THIS STAGE: None. INDICATE AND GIVE DETAILS OF ANY SUSPENSION/ CLOSURE/ PROHIBITORY ORDER ISSUED BY ANY GOVERNMENT UNDER ANY RULE OR COURT OF LAW: No. PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 9 ANY OTHER POINTS REQUIRING ATTENTION IN THE INTEREST OF PROPER MINE DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, CONSERVATION, ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY OF THE AREA The production figure and exploration status has been informed by the lessee and accordingly this Mining Plan has been synthesized and is being submitted to competent authority. No other points are required in the interest of proper mine design, development, conservation and ecology of the area because proposed mining operation is of systematic pattern. 3.6 IN CASE THE MP/ SOM ARE SUBMITTED UNDER RULES 42 D OF THE MP MMR 1996 OR UNDER RULE 42 (D) OF THE MP MMR 1996 FOR APPROVAL OF MODIFICATION SPECIFY REASON AND JUSTIFICATION FOR MODIFICATION UNDER THESE RULES: Not applicable because this case is being submitted under Rule 42(E) & 42(J) of MP MMR 1996. PREPARED BY: INDRANEEL DAWANDE, ENGEOTECH CONSULTANT, JABALPUR (M.P.) Page 10 PART - A CHAPTER A - 1.0 1.0 GEOLOGY AND EXPLORATION a) TOPOGRAPHY Topographically, the area is characterized by gentle rolling topography but the major part of the area is degraded in the form pit/ excavation , hence the area posses 448m surface RL in the south-eastern part of the lease area and pit bottom is near 436m say avg.6-8m is the pit depth.
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