FROM THE OFFICE OF GOVERNOR DUKAKIS STATE HOUSE BOSTON 02133 FOR RELEASE 2:00 P . M. THURSDAY CONTACT MARY FIFIELD SEPT . 11, 1975 (617) 727-2766, 2780 Governor Michael Dukakis today invited citizens from throughout - the Northeast to a public forum later this month in Springfield where seven Democratic Presidential hopefuls will confront the issues facing the region. The Governor also signed into law the so-called Regional Presidential Primary bill, and said the two steps together will assure that candidates address the issues of particular concern to New Englanders. The Governor is co-sponsoring the session, the Northeast Democratic Conference, at the Springfield Civic Center on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 27-28, with New York Lt. Governor Mary Anne Krupsak, who made a simultaneous announcement in Albany. Dukakis said seven individuals who either have declared their candidacy or have Presidential campaign committees operating on their behalf will attend, including: Sen. Birch Bayh of Indiana; former Gov. Jimmy Carter of Georgia; Sen. Frank Church of Idaho; former Sen. Fred Harris of Oklahoma; former Gov. Terry Sanford of North Carolina; Gov. Milton Shapp of Pennsylvania; and 1972 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Sargent Shriver. The conference, financed by the Americans for Democratic Action - and several national labor unions, will feature open forums where the candidates will be examined both in "Meet the Pre ss" format by a panel of journalists a nd politica l leaders and mo re inf o r mally by the general public. On Sun day , con f erence p a rtic ipa nts will hold workshops on affirmative action and delegate sele ction issues. The conference is the secon of f i. e nat ionwide this Fall with he first in Mihneapol is -this week e nd a nd subseaue n t ' sessi ons slate~ for BalOimore, Los Angeles and Atlant~. Regional coordinators for the conference are Steven Cohen, president of the Massachusetts chapte r of Americans for Democratic Action; and Peter Dicicco, regional director of the International Union of Electrical Workers. The conference is scheduled to begin with opening remarks by Governor Dukakis, Springfield Mayor William Sullivan, U.S. Rep. Ecl ·:arc.1 P. Boland, and Minnesota Cong. Donald Fraser, national A.D.~. chairman, at 9:30 a .m. Sept. 27. Opportunities to que stion candidates individually and collectively will occur throughout the day Saturday, and workshops will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Sunday . STATEMENT BY GOVRR~OR DUKAKIS TO ALT O? US. CLOTrHHG A~;i) ZL2C:TRICITY ••• At.fD ABOUT A \i1II'.i'E nous....., EI'fSR.GY POLICY THAT IS FALI..in;--:. PARTICUi.ARLY Ii.ARD Oil CONSUN2RS IN TH:S NO:tTE-iZ· STERii STA'.l'ES. E"VERY f,}IERICAN HAS A STAKE IN 'fiffiSE ISSUE:3, AND O\!ES IT TO . HIMSELF OR HERSELF TO DET2~iIINE ~·t'HICH PRESID20TTIAL CAi\IDIDA'rES A.HE UILLING TO CO:NFRONT rrr·IEH AND OTHER CRI'rICAL ISSUES O?ErTLY AND DIRECTLY. EA.SIER FOR CITIZEns IN MASSACHUSETTS A1~D I?O: 'fiiOS~ Hf NE.I Er--;GLJ.\ND Al:JD IT.2W YORK TO DETERrIINE \f.H.AT Tl-i3 CAJDIDATES ARE SAYDTG. TO :BEET TEE D.G: ·IOCR/1_TIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDAT:r=S AT AH O?EN .FORUT-I , !:_ND US 'J'O DISCU.:.i.:i ISSUES THAT /1.R;~ UP:?ET~110S1~ I.f r'ZtJ?i..T:~ 1 S lTCr:D3. 2-2-·2-2-2 PRir·L\RY , Al'-8 IT IS A PLEASUFtE FO.r EE TO SIGiJ THIS BILL, WHICH ·,"IAS CO- IT IS OU?. :,O?E T:f-L\T SEVERAL STATES nr Th'.E HEGION i:fILL HOLD THEIR PRIMARY ELECTimrs ON THE SAHE DAY' THEREBY REQUIRING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES TO ADDRESS ALL _OF OUR CITIZENS? AND EACH OTHER, ON THE I SSUSS TfL-\T ARE OF P.AR.TICULAR CONCERN TO OUR REGION. THE ISSLJ"ES 'i'HAT :MOST DIRECTLY AFFECT US CAN NO LONGER BE IGNORED BY PR:2:SIDENTIAL CANDIDATES WHO PICK Al"\JD CHOOSE PRIMARY STATES AT VILL. Ci'J\TDIDATES WILL BE ABLE TO EFr'ECTIVELY ORGANIZE THEIR C.AHPAIG·-.:rs, EVEN vr;e-TH LIMI TED FD{ANCIAL R.ESOlJRCES , AND t.fEW ENGLAND 1 FOR '].'HE FIEST ·rIME , WILL I{AVE THE OPPORTUNI'rY TO GO TO THE COi'i/Et'fTIONS "WITH T1IB - U:NIFIED STREL-IGTH TFLL1..DITIONALLY HELD ONLY BY LARGER STATES. WE 01:iE A DP.BT OF TI-rnl'TXS '.i?O LI~.;uTE,L\J IT GOV}~J.t-TOil O I HEILL' 'l'O SENA'l'E PRESIDENT KEVIri lL/:i.PJUrJGTON ArTD SPEAKER 'I'rD :.'-lJ;.S i-:iCG'ES' At':D TO REPRESENTATIVE BARNEY FRAHK 1 AI10HG OTHERS , FO?.. THSIR SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS A'l' GETTING 'I'HIS BILL PASSZD . I/ JL ,, .11 'L" ,, J' Tl'~r ;." if fr tf ,fir .
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