932broadway.com BOOK YOUR POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep (781)485-0588 Wednesday, March 10, 2021 Edwards holds hearing to further protect tenants By John Lynds Last Wednesday, City Councilor Lydia Edwards held a hearing with the Boston City Council’s Committee on Govern- ment Operations to rec- ommend passage of her ordinance extending and enhancing protections for City Councilor tenants facing displace- Lydia Edwards. ment by condominium or cooperative conversion. monwealth of Massachu- As Chair of the Boston setts has afforded munici- City Council’s Committee palities the option to enact on Government Opera- protections for tenants re- tions, Edwards ordinance siding in properties subject will strengthen existing to condominium conver- protections afforded by sion. Boston’s condomini- the current ordinance in um conversion ordinance, light of the rapid increase updated in 2014, affords City of Boston’s Veterans Affairs Commissioner Robert Santiago presents East Boston resident and World War II veteran of small apartment build- residents of covered prop- Salvatore Murano with a special citation on his 100th birthday during a parade past his Leyden Street home Sunday. ings being converted to erties a notice period, right condominiums in East of first refusal to purchase Boston and throughout the their unit, relocation assis- City officials, neighborhood honor World War II Vet on his 100th Birthday city. Since 1983, the Com- By John Lynds for his 100th birthday. hicles, police cruises and Robert Santiago. “As a See EDWARDS Page 2 Mr. Murano, a lifelong fire engines from the local Veteran myself, it’s al- On Sunday the City of Eastie resident who served fire station drove by to sa- ways an honor to help cel- Boston officials and neigh- as a rifleman in the U.S. lute him on his birthday. ebrate the WWII Veterans Unsung hero bors honored East Boston Army in Italy from 1944 “We need to celebrate, who sacrificed so much resident and World War II to 1945, sat outside his honor, and recognize all to save the world. These Eastie’s Abdi Mohamed Warsame Dirie veteran Salvatore Murano Orient Heights home and our WWII Veterans,” said celebrations never get old. with a special parade past watched as the parade of the City of Boston’s Veter- honored with state’s Black Excellence Award his Leyden Street home patriotically donated ve- ans Affairs Commissioner See MURANO Page 6 By John Lynds In honor of Black His- APPRECIATION tory Month, East Boston resident Abdi Mohamed Warsame Dirie received Longtime East Boston Activist John DiMille, well-known local DJ the state’s Black Excel- Dr. Edith ‘Edie’ DeAngelis at 91 and dedicated Savio Alum, at 66 lence on the Hill during a State House ceremony at the end of February. By John Lynds By John Lynds The Black Excellence When you think of the Just a few short months on the Hill award cele- women that made a last- ago, longtime East Boston brates black culture, ex- ing impression on East DJ and Savio Alum John cellence, and achievement in the Commonwealth. Boston, the names Mary DiMille took to Facebook Eastie’s Abdi Mohamed Ellen-Welch, Fran Rowan on New Year’s Eve and The award by the Massa- Warsame Dirie. and Dr. Edith DeAngelis offered words of hope for chusetts Black and Latino are without doubt the tri- the New Year. Caucus honors the unsung umvirate, and their contri- “Happy New Year’s heroes that make our com- butions to the trajectory of Eve, everyone and let’s munities thrive. he has helped increase this community was un- say goodbye to 2020,” Abdi Mohamed War- civic engagement on is- matched. wrote DiMille, who was same Dirie was nominat- sues of racial justice by Dr. DeAngelis, who Dr. Edith ‘Edie” DeAngelis. the house DJ for the for- John DiMille. ed for the award by East heightening awareness dedicated more than sev- mer Jimmy Maggs for Boston State Rep. Adrian of legislative efforts and en decades to improving many years. “Let’s pray 6 DiMille, a lifelong res- Madaro. community affairs im- Sargent College at Boston “I was honored to nomi- pacting Black and Indig- greenspace in the neigh- University and received a for a great 2021. For ident of Orient Heights, borhood as well as being those who went to Jimmy died with his wife and nate longtime East Boston Bachelor’s of Science De- resident Abdi Mohamed See HONORED Page 2 a longtime supporter of gree in 1951, Master’s De- Maggs in East Boston I sons by his bedside. numerous Eastie organi- would play (Frank Sina- DiMille worked as a Warsame Dirie for the gree in 1955, and a Doctor 2021 Black Excellence THINKING OF zations, died at Brooks- of Education in 1977. tra’s) “My Way.” This healthcare Management by Village in Peabody on song would be playing and Information Systems Di- Award from The Massa- SELLING YOUR Dr. DeAngelis, or chusetts Black and Lati- February 28 after a long “Edie” as she was affec- I would do the countdown rector for many years but HOUSE??? illness. She was 91 years with big screen live from was best known as East no Legislative Caucus,” tionately known in the said Madaro. “Last year, Call for an old. community, dedicated her New York City.” Boston’s “Number One "Absolutely FREE Dr. DeAngelis was DiMille called 2020 a DJ Johnny D”. Abdi created the Eastie Market Analysis" life to teaching and began Anti-Racism Coalition, born in Eastie on March her career in Winthrop ‘tough year’ for many and “Today the airwaves 617-461 4238 22, 1929 and raised in looked forward to getting are quiet and dance floors a grassroots community www.unitedbrokersworld.com Public Schools. Later, af- group advancing equity East Boston. She graduat- ter receiving her doctorate past the pandemic and are empty as we have lost ed from East Boston High back to a life of normalcy. one of the great ones, DJ and racial justice work in East Boston. Since then, School in 1947, attended See DeANGELIS Page 2 Sadly, on Friday, March See DiMILLE Page 2 Ruggiero Family Memorial Home “Proud to welcome to our staff Mark Tauro, former owner and director of Rapino, Kirby-Rapino Funeral Homes” • Ample Off Street Parking • Complimentary Valet Parking • Nonsectarian Transportation To & From Visiting Hours For Family & Friends • Se Habla Espanol 971 Saratoga St., Orient Heights East Boston 617-569-0990 • Visit us at our website: www.RuggieroMH.com For the latest news in East Boston that you need to know, check eastietimes.com Page 2 THE EAST BOSTON TIMES-FREE PRESS Wednesday, March 10, 2021 Ways and Means Chairman Aaron Michlewitz DeAngelis // CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 endorses Jon Santiago for Mayor of Boston she taught Physical Edu- Boston,” said former City she got on in years she cation and Recreation, as a Councilor Diane Mod- moved out of East Boston Just over a week after our city and state, I’ve Professor and Department ica. “If you marvel at to housing that better fit Jon Santiago launched his seen firsthand how much Head, at Boston State Col- our beautiful parkland in her needs. But I will tell campaign, State Repre- he cares about our city lege (later UMass Bos- Eastie, think of and thank you she may have moved sentative Aaron Michle- and expanding opportuni- ton). Edie as she thought of all but she certainly was still witz from the North End ty for all,” Santiago said. But it was Dr. DeAnge- of us as beneficiaries of here. In any documenta- has endorsed Jon Santiago “I am humbled to receive lis’s dedication to the com- her persistence. She lived ry or case study of which for Mayor of Boston. his endorsement and look munity she loved made a number of years with East Boston was the topic, “I am proud to endorse forward to working with her an iconic community indigenous peoples and any one producing such Jon Santiago for Mayor of him and community lead- leader for over 75 years. her sensibilities were en- would be asked, ‘Before Boston. Our city stands on ers throughout Boston to Dr. DeAngelis partici- hanced by that experience. we start, have you spoken the precipice of a new era bring our city back stron- pated or volunteered for She was a very accom- to Edie yet?’ You couldn’t of leadership and I know ger than ever.” countless committees here plished woman. She was really fact check the com- Jon’s experience as a Jon Santiago. Jon Santiago is cur- in Eastie and citywide as a formidable advocate for munity’s history unless doctor, a veteran, a Peace rently serving his second well as state and national East Boston against the you spoke to her first. Corps volunteer, and as a term as the State Repre- named Chair of the House organizations. big guns that had endless Above all she was a smart, state representative make sentative for the 9th Suf- Ways and Means Commit- However, she had pas- resources. Whether it was well spoken, caring heart him the most qualified folk District representing tee and continues to hold sion for many organiza- Massport, the City of Bos- and a friend to all and to lead us into that new that post. Born and raised the South End, Roxbury, tions that focused on the ton or any other agency or era,” said Representative Back Bay, and Fenway was passionate about her in the North End, Rep. environment. private corporate mogul family and her commu- Michlewitz. “He will help Michlewitz and Santiago neighborhoods of Bos- In her youth growing up she did not back down us recover as a city and re- ton.
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