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The Prophecy Embark on an adventure of magical my tery to save the Kingdom of the Blue Rocks from the evi l wizard Kraal. Your journey takes you through a fantastic, medieval universe of art, romance, mys­ tery, murder and wizardry. You'll battle your way through danger­ ou mazes and fighr heinous creatures. Features sweeping 3-D ani­ .\1r,1p 111 for fas/ ac/1011 arcade l>attle 111 mation, brilliant VGA graphics, and a mystic soundtrack. 1111/er spolce <11ul f11/f1/I the In a prophecy. Sierra Discovery Series Alphabet Blocks Now any child who can use a mouse can learn to read! Alphabet Blocks is a revolutiona ry educational program rhar reaches your child all the letters and sounds of rhe alphabet u ing .1ccurate, syn­ chronous facial expre ion and digitized peech. ln this fun, engaging introduction ro a lphabet sounds and names, two computer friend coach your child through reading basic and give your child a signifi­ cant head ran in reading proficiency. 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