Carter, Reagan lead on primary eve HARTFORD (UPI) - President RrlalrH ntorieH and pirlurea nn Jimmy Carter and Ronaid Reagan, pageH ,3 and 16. two candidates already enjoying the momentum of a locomotive, are the JiandiFBlrr ble to vote in Tuesday’s election — recognized ieaders on the eve of 600.000 registered Democrats and Connecticut’s first state-run 400.000 Republicans. More than 500,- presidential primary. 000 independent voters were not eligi­ A tight GOP race had been ble for the primary, which doesn’t expected until Reagan swamped his allow cross-over voting. opponents in Illinois last week. After Officials were hoping for a turnout that, state experts began talking of as high as 30 percent to 50 percent by the time polls close at 8 p.m. EST. the former California governor’s But a forecast of rain on primary day momentum and tabbed him the front­ runner. lEu^ntng had the potential to keep some of I Vol. XCIX, No. 148 - Manchester, Conn., Monday, March 24, 1980 ' Since 1881 • 20d Single Copy • 15q: Home Delivered those voters at home. Supporters of Carter and Sen. The Democrats had their own Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., both primary in 1976 — and Carter won it agreed the president was leading in Republican Geoi'ge Bush, who was stand.” made up their minds. actively campaigning. by a slim margin. But this is the first the Democratic race, which only bom in Massachusetts but grew up in An independent U niversity of Anderson and Bush workers hoped The UConn poll of 605 Democrats time the state has sponsored a two- months ago had loomed as a Kennedy Connecticut, knew he had to do well Connecticut survey also backed those their candidate’s last-minute efforts also backed the experts' opinions, party presidential primary. runaway. in the primary and spent six straight assessments, saying a survey of 427 would grab a large chunk of the un- saying the president led by about a 2- The voting was originally supposed days cam pai^ing in the state. Republicans showed Reagan with 24 decideds. to be part of a New England-wide At stak e are 54 D em ocratic to-1 margin. He planned a major policy state­ percent. Bush 17 percent and Illinois Anderson had hammered away at presidential ballot, but Democratic delegates and 35 Republicans — who ment at Yale University for today — Rep. John B. Anderson 12 percent. Reagan and Bush during a two-day There are four candidates on the party officials — concerned about a must base their support of the can­ the day before the voting. But the poll showed large numbers swing through the state. Democratic ballot, but only Carter strong early primary showing by didates at their national nominating and Kennedy had serious campaigns But Reagan backers, sensing their of undecided voters in both parties. It Eight GOP candidates are on the Kennedy — convinced Connecticut conventions proportionally on how in the Nutmeg state. said 45 percent of the Democrats and ballot, but five have either lawmakers to move the voting back well they do in the Connecticut candidate’s knockout punch, labeled 43 percent of the Republicans hadn’t withdrawn from the race or stopped About 1 million voters were eligi- three weeks. balloting. the state contest as “Bush’s last MV Fund cuts 1 .M ’ll Ciaimo decides no cure, »n IT says Neil against running By MARY KITZMANN HARTFORD (UPI)- Rep. Robert federal revenue sharing. Herald Reporter N. Giaimo, D-Conn, an 11-term con­ It would reduce the flow of federal gressman and chairman of the funds to Connecticut by almost $59 MANCHESTER - A balanced powerful House Budget Committee, million. budget should be achieved by announced today he would not seek President Carter had called for $13 limiting spendng growth, not through another term. billion in cuts to balance the federal budget cuts, Neil Bush, son of the Giaimo. who has served in budget. presidential candidate George Bush, Congress longer than any other Giaimo said his recommendations said today. Connecticut representative, last “represent some painful choices Neil Bush, and his mother, Bar­ week released a budget with cuts They will require sacrifice from bara, were in Manchester for the se­ which went even deeper than Presi­ millions of Americans ” cond time, preparing for the state’s dent Carter’s proposal. Word of Giaimo's announcement first presidential preference primary “Under this wonderful system of sped through the Connecticut tomorrow. ours every two years since 1958 I Capitol, prompting much speculation The Republican candidate, who is have had to face the decision of about who would seek the 3rd expected to come in Second whether to seek re-election. For District seat tomorrow behind Ronald Reagan, some time I have reflected on the at­ Senate Majority Leader Joseph agrees with President Carter the Family campaigners tractions of becoming a private Lieberman, D-New Haven, said budget should be balanced, but Bush family campaigners Jamie Bush citizen, of surrendering the rigors Giaimo had shown himself to be “a differs on how to accomplish it. Ingraham (on the phone) and local coor­ remarkable man with a sincere con­ (left), nephew of George Bush, and Barbara and responsibility of public service to Explaining his father’s position at dinator Ted LaBonne showed them around. younger, more eager hands, ” he said cern" for the people of his district a coffee hour this morning, Neil Bush Bush, the candidate’s wife, visit Manchester (Herald photo by Adamson) in a statement released from and the state said that if spendng growth were Bush headquarters. Volunteer Bruce Washington. Lieberman compared Giaimo to limited, revenues would eventually “This year the answer is different. match expenditures without Carter’s Ribicoff and said he "commanded I shall not seek re-election," Giaimo the respect and high esteem of the proposed budget cuts. said. “People are moving into higher tax people of his state and his collegues Giaimo. 60, of North Haven, is the in (Congress " brackets as their incomes rise,’’ the Abuse suspect arraigned second veteran Connecticut candidate’s son said, ‘"rhis would representative to announce he would Sources close to Lieberman’s of­ provide the needed revenue if spen­ MANCHESTER — Patricia R. Mrs. Crouse's boyfriend, Steven A. Edgewood, Md.,‘ and Mrs. Crouse not run again in 1980. Sen. Abraham fice said the New Haven Democrat ding were limited.” Wilson, of Aberdeen, Md., was were arrested last Sunday. Ribicoff, D-Conn.. announced his was almost certain to run for He added that the “people,who Crouse, 20, of 34 Williams St. who charged in Amy’s death. retirement last May. Giaimo’s seat. really need help” would not be hurt was arrested Friday and charged Manslaughter charges are being Kristine was removed from the Giaimo last week presented a There is already a flurry of con­ by budget cuts under the plan. ’This is with a second count of risk of injury sought by the state’s prosecuting at­ Crouse home last Sunday and taken proposed budget which called for tenders for the 2nd District seat Rep. a criticism of Carter’s proposal. to a minor, was presented this mor­ torney and are expected to be lodged to Manchester Memorial Hospital for $15.9 billion in cuts, including Satur­ Christopher Dodd, D-Conn,, is George Bush, like other presiden­ ning at East Hartford Superior Court Friday when a psychiatric examina­ tion report on Wilson is presented to day mail service and state shares in vacating to run for the Senate. tial candidates, ties inflation to after being held by police over the treatment of minor injuries. She was Superior Court Judge Sabino Tam- federal spending. “When the infla­ weekend on a $25,000 bond. released Tuesday and placed in a borra. tion rate was 13 percent my father Mrs. Crouse, the mother of Amy foster home by the Department of Crouse, the 13-month-old girl who Children and Youth Services. Mrs. said that 4 percent was caused by Mrs. Crouse, who was released on died after apparently being beaten, Crouse was arrested following Amy’s OPEC, and 9 percent by deficit spen­ a $10,(X)0 bond, following the first risk was arrested in connection with the funeral Friday. Ailing ex-shah ding,” the younger Bush explained. Wilson, 26, a soldier based at the of injury charge, had her new bond Tied to his father’s proposal to abuse of her other daughter, Aberdeen Proving Grounds in reviewed this morning. curb inflation through a balanced Kristine, 4. budget is relaxing the regulations local and state government face in flies to Egypt complying with federal standards. There would be appointed regulators to oversee the programs, CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) — The ailing you live here permanently after the but the amount of regulations would shah, a virtual international fugitive operation? ” decrease. since he was toppled from Iran’s "Yes, yes, " Sadat replied very Another aspect of the proposal is a Peacock Throne, flew to Egypt from emphatically The shah nodded in as­ 20-billion dollar tax cut, mainly for Panama today for emergency sur­ sent. businesses. “Giving money back (to gery in his new home in exile. The two, followed by their wives, the taxpayer) is a simplistic way of In Iran, Tehran Radio gloated over walked to the elevator and went up to dealing with the problem,” Bush the shah's forced departure from the second floor where a 15-room said. “Th economy must be Panama in search of medical treat­ suite has been reserved for the shah stimulated with incentives.” ment, and emphasized that the flight Some of these incentives would be of the "Hitler of our age” will not Cairo officials did not say when the tax breaks for companies which help the United States in its efforts to surgery, requiring massive blood locate in high unemployment areas, free the hostages.
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