www.ukrweekly.com PublislMd by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. ^ I I ic. a fraternal non-profit association! rainian V Vol. LXI No. 27 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAYШ, JULY 4, 1993 SOcente Judge finds "subst-antial doubt" Ukraine's populace is sl<epticai that Demjanjuk was "Ivan" on ramifications of referendum population takes part in this plebiscite, it dence they possessed, and this led them by Marta Kolomayets JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Federal Kyyiv Press Bureau will have no legal implications, but will District Judge Thomas Wiseman has to abandon leads which contradicted cost Ukraine's citizens hundreds of mil­ concluded in his report to the 6th Circuit their interpretation of the evidence." KYYIV — With Ukraine's national lions of coupons. Court of Appeals that there is "substan­ Judge Wiseman's report also criti­ referendum less than three months away, However, since Parliament voted on tial doubt" that John Demjanjuk, the for­ cized U.S. prosecutors for their neglect political analysts, journalists and parlia­ June 17 to hold this referendum, myriad mer Cleveland autoworker convicted in in not releasing evidence to the mentary observers have begun to ques­ sociological surveys have been conduct­ Israel in 1988 of Nazi war crimes, is Demjanjuk defense. He noted: tion its feasibility, political weight and ed among the populace. And although "Ivan the Terrible of the Treblinka gas "The government... did little or noth­ over-all significance. results are diverse, most polls show that chambers." ing to ensure that the materials it Some even doubt that 50 percent of neither the president nor the Parliament The report, issued on June 30 after a received from the Soviet Union on Mr. Ukraine's voters will come to the polls will receive the majority vote of confi­ 10-month special inquiry ordered by the Demjanjuk's behalf represented what the on September 26 to express their confi­ dence. government itself had received and had Cincinnati Circuit Court, noted: "The dence, or lack of confidence, in the pres­ Speaking at a press conference on statements of former Treblinka guards ident and in the Parliament. Others sus­ (Continued on page 4) Friday, June 18, President Leonid and laborers recently obtained from the pect that even if 50 percent of the voting Kravchuk told journalists, "If we are to Soviet Union constitute an harmonious go by the Constitution, then the Supreme chorus which inculpate a man named Council in of itself cannot force the pres- Ivan Marchenko as the Ivan who worked ident to resign. As noted in the at the gas chambers, and thus exculpate Global gathering mourns Patriarch Constitution, if the president violates the Mr. Demjanjuk from those specific by Andrij Wynnyckyj On Monday, June 21, the patri­ Constitution or the laws, then on the crimes." arch's body was brought to St. basis of decisions reached by the Judge Wiseman, who was appointed SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. Andrew's Memorial Church, arriving Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the special master by the 6th Circuit Court with his family from Canada, and the Supreme Council can begin actions to of Appeals, also reported that U.S. gov­ — In a three-day cycle of ceremonies, an international gathering of the faith­ initial stage of the requiem services of impeach the president (a two-thirds ernment prosecutors who succeeded in an Orthodox clergyman's funeral majority is needed). However, today that having Mr. Demjanjuk stripped of his ful, political dignitaries and Church hierarchs of various denominations were conducted. Archbishop Antony is not the case. I repeat, this is only if American citizenship and extradited to covered the deceased hierarch's head there is a breach of the Constitution or of Israel had "failed to challenge the evi- paid their last respects to the man who, for many, came to symbolize with the traditional "vozdukh" (air) the laws and only after conclusions the aspirations for an independent vestment, symbolizing the subordina­ reached by the Constitutional Court. We Ukrainian Orthodox Church, tion of the individual's features to the simply do not have a Constitutional UNA scholarships Mstyslav I, patriarch of Kyyiv and all greater importance of his teachings Court." Ukraine. Everywhere on the grounds and the teachings of Christ. Thus, the president has basically said total $116,300 of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church As the primate of the Ukrainian that he will not consider the results compound in South Bound Brook, Orthodox Church in the U.S.A., legally binding. However, he told jour- JERSEY CITY, N.J. — The N.J., flags flew at half mast to honor Metropolitan Constantine served as Ukrainian National Association's the departed. (Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 18) Scholarship Committee has awarded $116,300 in student scholarships for aca­ demic year 1993-1994 to 230 of its members in the United States and Ukraine intercepts Canada. During its daylong meeting at the Russian sliipment UNA Home Office on June 11, the com­ mittee reviewed 259 applications for bound for Libya UNA scholarships and approved grants WASHINGTON — Ukraine inter­ to undergraduates students in amounts cepted and impounded a shipment of ranging from $1,500 to $300. rocket fuel ingredients bound from The 1993-1994 scholarships were Russia to Libya, winning the praise of allocated as follows: one for $1,500; U.S. officials who expressed frustration three for $1,200; one for $1,100; 18 for over Russia's continuing exports of arms $1,000; one for $900; 11 for $800; six to problem states, reported Reuters. for $750; 27 for $600; 30 for $500; 43 Speaking on June 23, State for $400; and 82 for $300. Department spokesman Mike McCurry Among these scholarships there were told reporters: "The United States wel­ six special awards: comes the Ukrainian action. Seizing the •The Anthony Dragan Memorial cargo of ammonium perchlorate demon­ Scholarship, named for the longtime edi­ strates a responsible approach to prolif­ tor-in-chief of Svoboda, was awarded to eration by the Ukrainian government." Halyna Kuzyszyn, 21, a media studies Mr. McCurry said the shipment, first major at Fordham University, who hails reported by The New York Times, was from Maspeth, N.Y. She is a member of destined for Libya and intended for use UNA Branch 158. The scholarship was Yaroslav Kulynych in the Libyan missile program. awarded in the amount of $ 1,200. Ukrainian Orthodox hierarchs (from left) Archbishop Roman of Rivne, Reuters said the State Department • The Roman Slobodian Memorial spokesman stressed that Secretary of Scholarship, presented in honor of the Archbishop Antony of New York and Washington, Metropolitan Constantine of the USA, and Belarusian Metropolitan Iziaslav, conducting State Warren Christopher has highlight­ longtime UNA supreme treasurer, was ed efforts to halt the proliferation of mis- awarded to Alexandra Holowchak, 20, the patriarchal panakhyda at St. Andrew's Memorial Church in South Bound Brook, on June 23. (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 12) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1993 No. 27 French firm is named to build Newsbriefs new sarcophagus at Chornobyl on Ukraine JERSEY CITY, NJ. — Campenon which indicate that coping with the after­ Bernard SGE, a French-based conglom­ math of the nuclear cataclysm accounts erate and a subsidiary of G6nerale des for 11 percent of Ukrane's national bud­ Ukraine^ Russia agree on gas prices in two high schools and one college. The Eaux, was declared the winner of an get. two countries also plan to establish spe­ international competition held to design As he made his announcement. Dr. KYYIV — Ukraine and Russia have cial trading zones along their borders. and build a new "sarcophagus" for the Paton also stated that the winning firm agreed on gas prices, said ITAR-TASS (RFE/RL Daily Report) disabled fourth reactor at the Chornobyl was awarded only a second prize, valued on June 25. The agreement was reached nuclear power station, Reuters reported. at $10,000, because of certain shortcom­ after the official part of Russian Prime Rutskoi calls for rejection of fleet pact Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin's visit to Borys Paton, president of Ukraine's ings in the design. He was quoted by SYMFEROPIL— According to a Academy of Sciences and head of an Reuters as saying that "in a secret ballot Ukraine had ended. It covers the price of Russian gas, the cost of its transport report in the June 28 Ekho Moskvy, international jury selected for the con­ of 90 international experts, it was decid­ Russian Vice President Aleksandr test, made the announcement on June 18. ed not to award the first prize," adding through Ukraine and Ukraine's gas debt to the Russian Federation. Ukraine is to Rutskoi has called upon sailors of the According the Dr. Paton, this means that that "none of the entries fully met the Black Sea Fleet to reject the June 17 the French company, among six finalists requirements set down by the jury." pay 42,000 rubles per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. As of January 1, 1994, this will Moscow agreement on splitting the fleet in a field of about 400 entries accepted, Bouyges, another company from France, and to raise the Russian naval ensign. will oversee construction of a replace­ the favorite, according to Renter, came change to hard currency payments at a rate of $80 per 1,000 cubic meters. Mr. Rutskoi's action came on the heels ment for the containment structure that in third. A German consortium named of a statement made by senior staff offi­ was hastily built in May 1986, following "Chornobyl" was fourth. Recendy Russia has begun renegotiating its gas prices with all of the CIS states in cers of the fleet also expressing total the disastrous explosion at the The jury's sentiment was recently opposition to the Kravchuk-Yeltsin Chornobyl plant.
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