Oldest In INtwspapei Alaska. *'J]jc News oi the Day In Pictures** Member of Hie Associates! Press ___l NOME NUGGET VOL. 44. No. 92. NOME. ALASKA. FRIDAY. JULY 10. 1942 Per Copy 154 Russians Torpedo Nazi Battleship U. S. Sub Torpedoes 5th Jap Destroyer at Kiska Russians Report Sub Torpedoed Nazi German Forces Report Axis Navy Announces Sul) Torpedoes 5th Admiral von Tirpitz In Barents Sea Bite Into Defenses Reinforcing Jap Destroyer In V icinity of Kiska Of \oronezh — Rommel’s Armies MOSCOW, July 9 (AP) The powerful new Ger- WASHINGTON, July 9 — The Navy announced man battleship Admiral von Tirpitz, now on the loose that a U. S. sub torpedoed and believed sunk a Jap — her Moscow, 10 10 — again from Norwegian Fjords refuge and ranging July (AP) Cairo, July (AP) destroyer in the vicinity of Kiska Island on July 5th. the United States German tank forces, which British mobile and British supply route to north- columns The Navy said this is the fifth enemy destroyer be- ern has mossed the Don riv- El Russia, been torpedoed twice and seriously upper southwest of Alamein. lieved sunk or damaged by U. S. subs in this area in damaged by a Russian submarine. A Russian commun- er. bit nto Soviet defenses squeezed Rommel’s armor the two-dav period. July 4th and 5th. Low visibility ique announced that the 35.000-ton battleship, pride before Voronezh, and p ed right Hank back toward continued in the Aleutians, the Navy added. miles to the south the sea of the Nazi fleet and sister ship of the Bismark which hundred while U. S. bomb- Previously the Japs were reported to have lost 5 the British navy harried to her doom, was hit bv two i sec nd furious battle rag ers and British submarines ships sunk and 9 damaged in the invasion of the west- torpedoes in the Barents Sea. Russians in the same 'd in full force at the ap- sought to cut the Mediter- ern Aleutians. waters sank a German transport and damaged another. proaches to Rossosh where ranean supply line. The Tirpitz was attacked in the general area where reinforced German troops An admiralty communi- President Persuade the Germans claimed Tuesday and Wednesday to have have driven a new salient, que from London credited Vttempts Congress -sunk 32 vessels and a heavy United States cruiser out t:>0 miles into the Russian a submarine with sinking End Deadlock over of a 38-ship convoy carrying supplies and war mat- line. one merchant ship in a Agriculture Dept, erials to Russia. The Red Star, organ of strongly guarded Axis con 4he Soviet army said condi voy bound for Libya, and WASHINGTON, July 9 (AP) — President Roose- 'ions west of Voronezh are a DENY REPORT VON TIRPITZ ATACKED sending naval auxiliary velt made another attempt to persuade Congress to 9 “more to the bottom. BFiRLIN, July (AP)—The High Command denied lecommg eomplicat , break the long deadlock over Agriculture Department the Russian ed," and those near Ross- report that Germany’s biggest battleship, A British broadcast quot operations, declaring “Our war needs don’t permit osh are difficult.” the Admiral von Tirpitz, was attacked and damaged “very ed Ankara reports that the compromise or partisan discord.’’ The issue, in mat- Combat is to the by a Russian sub. close city- Axis is moving reinforce- ters of disagreement between the House and Senate, hut an important Red ments from the Balkans to he said in a statement, is that there be “more abun- NAZIS CLAIM SINK counter attack, how- 35 OF 38-SHIP CONVOY Army North Africa, pulling Ger- dant production of the things we need.” He added, 10 — German ever, is threaten- BERLIN, July (AP) military quar- reported man troops out of Yugo- “We can’t afford to cripple any part of our productive the German in ters reported that Nazi subs and warplanes sunk 3 ing flank, slavia and even Crete to effort with unnecessary shackles.” more an effort to relieve the ships in attacks on a big British-American con- pres strengthen Rommel. The statement was accompanied by his signature sure on Voronezh. voy enroute to Archangel. “Thus 35 ships have been on the stop gap bill to supply funds for the depart- sunk out of a which had 38 convoy originally ships.” STRONG FORCE RAF ment for the month of July. Congress is still wrangel- Holds over the full Disagreement Up HIT YVILHELMSHAVEN ing Department’s year appropriation. German Offensive In 1942 Amendment Organic Act Main points of the disagreement are questions of sell- Mightiest London. 9 (AP) —A ing wheat at sub-parity prices, livestock feeding, and WASHINGTON, July ft (VP) — July force RAP bomb- the size of the for the Farm The House on strong of appropriation Security Fails Gain Foothold East Don River disagreed the Sen- Administration. ate. amendment on bill by Del- ers attacked Wilhelmshav- egate Dimond amending the Or- en German naval base & MOSCOW, 9 (AP) — Act of the July Germany’s mightiest ganic Territory. They sub building center, last offensive in 1942 failed thus far to broad foot sent the measure into conference gain any in the first attack on British Assault I. S. Planes Attack to iron out the difference. night, hold east of the Don river barrier, and Red Armv since the The measure provides for an Germany night counter attacks on the flanks the Nazi drive endangered increased Legislature of 1G Sen- of July 2. The air ministry Axis Desert Forces At Hankow west of the battlefront With Japs river, dispatches reported. ators and 24 representatives. The announced that four bomb massed tanks and an force added to infantry heavily Senate amendment made the act ers are missing, and added Storms In Bad Weather with Rumanians, Hungarians and Slovaks for numer- effective immediately. Dimond Despite that fighter command air- Cairo, 9 (AP)— Brit ical the Germans are still forc- said such an amendment will re July superiority, reported craft, at the same at- quire special elections, as the time, ish fighters and bombers in 9 ing crossings in small groups in an effort to regain foot Chungking, July (AP) tacked airdromes — candidates have already filed for enemy day long assaults, despite adverse wea- holds where an earlier bridgehead was smashed. Some Braving office. He urged that the bill not and other objective in oc- dust storms, smashed at ther, American of these, the Russians said, weer wiped out but others of be made effective until the next bombing cupied France. The raid on Axis vehicles and made another dam- Axis advance forces are on territorial election. He said he landing planes holding grimly in the face 5 Germany followed nights in the western de- attack on of intense and expected the Senate to agree to grounds aging Hankow, artillery machine gun fire. of bad weather. the proposal when the situation sert after a sharp night Japan’s main base in inter Russian dispatches said, as a result of tank-led Rus- was explained to it. raid by ground troops who ior China, Lieut. sian counter blows, which recaptured several com- Monday, FUEHRER OF U S. BUND destroyed a number of Ger Gen. Stilwell’s munities on the flanks of the Nazi wedge west of the headquar- man cannon and killed and ters announced. Oil stor- river, the Germans were forced to divert large forces GERHARD KUNZE, IS New captured some of the en- wharves were raided from their drive on Voronezh, Purchasing HELD BY THE FBI age emy. and eight fires left burning Office Set NEW HAVEN. — A in the area Up Conn., July communique reported target of the 20 Men Located, of 70 Hitler Yields to High Com- Tall dark acting- “Fuehrer" of that British planes concen- great city on the Yangtze Miles the German American Bund, Ger Trapped Wi Down mand Restore Brauchitsch For W ar Metals j trated particularly on the river, a communique said, hard Wilhelm Kunze, whom the In Mine Blast and Fire As Commander-in-Chief southern sector, 70 miles and added, in the attack on Hartford Federal Grand Jury to an west of Alexandria, where Hankow on bomb- 9 — According agreement charges plotted to aid July 2, W. LONDON, July <7P) The Germany Morgantown, Va., July signed l, the Metals Reserve Rommel had folded back Stockholm correspondent of th* July and Japan, furnishing them with ers damaged wharves and — 10 (AP) Rescue work- of the Federal govern- Daily Mail reported today that Company United States military informa- his line to avoid being out- warehouses and probably ment at the instance of Jon ers located the bodies of Adol Hitler who last December has, tion, is being held by FBI of- flanked. athan Garst of the War Produc- damaged enemy shipping. 20 men from the Pursglove assumed the military leadership ficials, it is said, in a Mexican tion Board, accepted a proposal jail. Mine explosion and fire, of the German armies, yielded to IIARRY HOPKINS BE FORMAL CHARGES OF made by Territorial Commission The arrest of self-de- two the demands of his High Com- Kunze, which trapped crews, er of B. D MARRIED AT WHITE VIOLATION WAR LAWS mand and restored Field Mar- Mines Stewart, scribed “third generation Am- 4 and one-half miles inside metals be shall Walter von Brauchitsch as whereby strategic may erican aiming at the establish- HOUSE ON JULY 30 FILED AGAINST EIGHT the workings. The com- commander-in-chief. purchased outright by Stewart ment of a white man’s United for the — — pany said there were 70 government.
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