16482 (:ONGRESSIONAL ~CORD- HOUSE August 6 general public ln the name of veterans, and in United States through research and de­ By Mr. SELDEN: for other purposes; to the Committee on velopment by creating a Coal Research and H. R. 13700. A bill to provide for the denial Veterans' Affairs. Development Commission, and for other pur­ of passports to supporters of the interna­ By Mr. ANDERSON of Montana: poses; to the Committee on Interior and In­ tional Communist movement; to the Com­ H. R. 13690. A bill to authorize Federal sular Affairs. mittee on Foreign Affairs. grants to assist States to survey the need for, By .Mr. PATTERSON: to plan the construction of, and to construct H. R. 13695. A bill authorizing the con­ needed homes for the aged; to the Commit­ struction of a project on the Sucker Brook for PRIVATE Bn..LS AND RESOLUTIONS tee on Banking and Currency. local flood protection at Winsted, Conn.; to Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. CELLER: the Committee on Public Works. bills and resolutions were introduced and H. R.13691. A bill to provide for the ad­ By Mr. PORTER: severally referred as follows: H. R. 13696. A bill to change the method of mission of 50,000 refugees; to the Committee By Mr. GUBSER: on the Judiciary. selecting candidates for appointment to the Military Academy, the Naval Academy, and H . R. 13701. A bill for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. CELLER (by request): Sonja Winther; to the Committee on the H. R. 13692. A bill to eliminate all respon­ the Air Force Academy; to the Committee on Armed Services. Judiciary. sibility of the Government for fixing dates By Mr. BOYLE: on which the period of limitation for filing By Mr. RUTHERFORD: H. R. 13702. A bill for the relief of Je­ suits against Miller Act payment bonds com­ H. R. 13697. A bill to authorize a substitute rome Blaz; to the Committee on the Ju­ mences to run; to the Committee on the plan of repayment for the Balmorhea project, diciary. Judiciary. Texas; to the Committee on Interior and In­ By Mr. SAUND (by request): By Mr. DENT: sular Affairs. H . R. 13703. A bill for the relief of Gene H. R. 13693. A bill to amend part II of the By Mr. FULTON: R. Hickcox and Gudrun B. Hickcox; to the Interstate Commerce Act, so as to clarify the H . R. 13698. A bill to amend the Universal Committee on the Judiciary. authority and jurisdiction of the States in Military Training and Service Act with re­ By Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey: those portions of the motor carrier field in spect to reemployment rights of certain vet­ H. R. 13704. A bill for the relief of Louis which Federal authority is exerted; to the V. Papadopoulos (also known as Louis erans; to the Committee on Armed Services. Pappas); to the Committee on the Ju­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ By Mr. VORYS: diciary. merce. H. R. 13699. A bill to provide for the tem­ By Mr. WILSON of California: By Mr. MOORE: porary denial · of passports to supporters of H. R . 13705. A bill for the relief of Pat­ H. R. 13694. A bill to encourage and stimu­ the international Communist movement; to rick W. Gowan; to the Committee on the late the production and conservation of coal the Committee on ·Foreign Affairs. Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A Tribute to Capt. John T. Ferrier I would like to quote a few lines of the tlement Commission of the United editorial which eloquently express the States. tribute due Captain Ferrier: Commissioner Clay was highly suited EXTENSION OF REMARKS for the task he has so well performed. OF It was the kind of heroism that keeps the fine traditions of our fighting forces fresh. He is a graduate of the Taft School HON. FRED SCHWENGEL Nothing replaces a living father; but Captain in Middletown, Conn., a graduate of Ferrier's children will grow up knowing OF IOWA Union College and the University of their father passed the test of heroism as Virginia Law School. After having IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gloriously as anyone has ever done. made an outstanding record as a prac­ Wednesday, August 6, 1958 The Davenport area will long remem­ ticing attorney in New York City he Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker, last ber Captain Ferrier. His memory is to volunteered his services to the Federal August I had the privilege of witnessing be perpetuated in the Capt. John T. Government. He was a former Chair­ an amazing demonstration of precision Ferrier Memorial Award Trophy which man of the International Claims Com­ flying by the Minute Men, the precision will be presented to the scout or ex­ mission. When this Commission was jet flying team of the Air National plorer having the best character, sports­ merged with the Foreign Claims Settle­ Guard. · manship, leadership, and highest score ment Commission of the United States This unit appeared at the conserva­ in this year's tournament scheduled for he became its most experienced member. tion sports tourney in Davenport, Iowa, Davenport August 10. Such an award Many members of the bar of the vari­ sponsored by the Davenport chapter of will become a feature of all succeeding ous States who have appeared before the Izaak Walton League in conjunction sport tournaments sponsored by the Commissioner Clay have expressed them­ with the Buffalo Bill area council of the Izaak Walton League and the Boy selves on not only his ability but his Boys Scouts of America. Scouts of the Dave_nport area. courtesy and fair treatment. I had a chance to meet each member It pleases me to see this action taken. I speak for many Members of Con­ of the team at that time. I was im­ Captain Ferrier was the prototype of gress in expressing the deepest regret pressed by these fliers and proud of the every young American's ideal airman. that he has chosen to withdraw from fact that men of this caliber and fitness His heroism will inspire youngsters for Federal service. It is understandable, were a part of our first line of defense. generations to come. however, that his public service could not On June 7, of this year, Capt. John continue forever due to personal com­ Ferrier. "slot" position pilot on the team, mitments and a large young family. We was killed during an air show at Patter­ wish him well. son Air Force Base, Ohio. It is the be­ Commissioner Henry J. Clay lief of all who witnessed the accident that Captain Ferrier sacrificed his life to EXTENSION OF REMARKS protect the people in the residential sec­ Interpreting ADA tion adjacent to Patterson Air Force OF Base. Although he had ample oppor­ HON. STUYVESANT WAINWRIGHT EXTENSION OF REMARKS tunity to successfully eject himself from OF the crippled aircraft, he obviously OF NEW YORK elected to stay with his jet until the last IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. STEVEN B. DEROUNIAN possible moment to divert its course into Wednesday, August 6, 1958 OF NEW YORK a nonpopulated area. He was success­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ful in doing so, but in the process was Mr. WAINWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, forced to wait too long to have sufficient 4% years ago an able, young lawyer of­ Wednesday, August 6, 1958 time to escape. fered his services to the Eisenhower ad­ Mr. DEROUNIAN. Mr. Speaker, on In an editorial, the Denver Post has ministration. Today Henry J. Clay is July 29, the gentleman from New York called this the highest brand of heroism. resigning from the Foreign Claims Set- [Mr. CELLERJ, who enjoys the respect of 1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 16483 all Members of this body and with whom May of this year the ADA issued a state­ after delay before the new weapon was I have served many years, extended his ment which, when the backing and fill­ adopted. remarks in the RECORD to disagree with ing is removed, says, "ADA urges imme­ Congressman SIKES was correct in my comments about Americans for diate negotiations toward diplomatic pointing out that money has been a Democratic Action 3 days earlier. recognition of the Peking regime." scarce item for weapon procurement not Certainly, we all respect the great wis­ The gentleman from New York quotes because of Congressional policies as much dom of the gentleman and agree that on me incorrectly when he says I claimed as those of administration and Bureau most subjects he is both articulate and the ''ADA is· devoted to a program of full of the Budget policies. And because of knowledgeable. It is unfortunate that and steady employment." What I said these policies the pilot line production of he, like so many of those he considers was "the ADA, through its program, the new M-14 rifie is just beginning at truly patriotic Americans, have a blind promises full and steady employment the Springfield Armory. spot in their thinking about this group and production." The inference is quite I agree with Congressman SIKES that which first infiltrated and then took over different. A promise by the ADA is icing the situation in the Mid East is a clear the Democrat Party. on an unbaked cake. indication that the day of the foot soldier It is with considerable regret that I In reading the remarks of the gentle­ and the rifle is not past. The United must correct the gentleman, but I feel man from New York it is obvious that he States, therefore, cannot afford to send he will be the richer because of what I has misinterpreted statements concern­ its ground troops into the field with out­ say and the people of our great State of ing the ADA which I made on the House moded equipment.
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