January-February 1985 Newstand Date - March . WHITEWATER PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN WHITEWATER AFFILIATION € x JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1985 Vol. XX 2 I rn - € 1 D The American Whitewater Affiliation Board of Directors President Con tents: MARGE CLINE 1343 North Portage Palatine. IL 60067 Page Perception Conservation Award - by Jeannie Tom McCloud 11352 Mobile Estates Davis West Lafayette, IN 47906 Risa Shimoda - Rockette Woman - by Pete Jim Stohlqulst P.O. Box 291 Skinner Buena Vista. CO 81211 First Descent of Middle Fork San Joaquin - Mike Beard by Reg Lake 400 No. Walnut Little Rock. AR 72205 Boat Notes: Cold Weather - by Bill & Ann Kelth Thompson Sweeney 1171 N, loth Street I-aramie, WY 82070 Getting on Americas Rivers - by Al Ainsworth Fred Young The Chill Factor - by Tom McCloud 10401 Geneva Drive RoScoe, lL 61073 Braldu River - Part II - by Andrew Embick Executive Ofrector Incident on The Cheat - by Wade Sims Charles Andre 1083 Meridian Ct. Making the Most of Roll Practice - by Marge & Lexington. KY 40504 Chicago Whitewater Assoc. Conservation Direcror Delafield Dubols Book Reviews Box 4936 Albuquerque. NM 87196 New Equipment Treasurer Whole River Catalog Clalre Gesalman 6301 H~llcrestPI Alexandr~a,VA 22312 Marketing Rlsa Shimoda 428 Page Ave. #I1 Atlanta. Georgia 30307 AWA Jwnul AWA STAFF Edflor-m-Chfef Editor: Dave McCourtnev. Box 273. Powell Butte, OR 97753 Dave McCourtnev Racing Edltor Barb ~c~ee.1167 Mallstone River Rd Hlllsboro NJ 08876 Box 274 Rcplonal Edltors: Powell Butte, OR 97753 Rocky Mts: Ed Sibert California: Rich Bangs Noriheast: Mike Rodgers (503) 447-6293 Idaho: Rob Lesser Mldwest: Fred Young Alaska: Jack Allen Membership Director: Marge Weaver. 146 N. Brockway, Palatine, IL 80067 Advertising Director: Bert Uhr. 716 Laurel, Des Plaines. lL 60016 Conservation: Karla Matzke, Bob Patraw Safety: 0 K Goodw~n Ken Horwitz Afllliate Coordinator: Rob Forker Prlntlng Conaultant: Jim Muhlhahn C/O Romer Address Changes and Missing Journals: Contact Peter Skinner. Box 272, Snyder Drawer 440 Rd.. West Sand Lake, NY 12196, (518) 674-5519 (H) Benton, TN 37307 AWA Products: Marge Weaver, 146 N. Brockway, Palatine, IL 60067 ~quipmeniperformiice Evaluation: Bob Patraw Pohr N. Sklnner AWA Is published six times yearly. Single copies $1.50 ea. Surplus back copies and Box 272, Snyder Rd other AWA Products are available from AWA, 146 N. Brockway, Palatine, lL60067. West Sand Lake. NY 12196 1985 American Whitewater Affiliation. All rights reserved. Ron Wmlten Idaho State Un~vers~ty Box 8118 Cover Photo: Peter Cogan at Ender Rock on the Numbers on Pocatello. ID 83209 the Arkansas River. Dave Harnlin photo. Dear Readers: Author's response: Fair criticism, but a Keep the stories and photos coming. I savage sexist I'm not! Relationships am finally able to start projecting ahead, and we will be able to get the journal out define paddlers, male or female, as much faster. Issue #5 of 1984, 1 would like to as their accomplishments in other areas; thank Joyce Wellhouse for the excellent we just tried to present, inartfully per- photos on The Open Boat Nationals, haps, that side of a great person. I dis- story by Ray McClair. Sorry I didn't mention my thanks to Peter Skinner for a agree, however, that sexism has been to fine story on Risa. Risa is our new blame for the paucity of women cruisers. marketing director. She and I welcome Interesting question, indeed. any thoughts on AWA you may have. Also thanks to Tom McCloud for another fine story. dmTo The Editor Sincere% Dave McCourtney Dave - Enclosed is a newspaper clipping from the Laramie "Daily Boomerang", Dear Dave: showing better news than I sent you You are to be commended for your last week. Congress has acted to pro- decision to write about the growing tect two good whitewater rivers in number of women in whitewater southern Wyoming by designating the sports. However, the style in which it "Encampment River Wilderness" and was done makes one wonder if it will the "Platte River Wilderness". The best do more harm than good in helping whitewater of the Class Ill-V Encamp- women enter the sport. The article on ment has been included, and the ever- Cameron O'Connor was filled with popular Northgate Canyon (Class Ill-IV) such blatant sexism that if I was a of the North Platte River has been in- women I would avoid the group of peo- cluded. Hooray for our legislators (at ple that endorsed it. least once in a while). When was the last time you wrote an Sincerely, article on a top male paddler and in- Keith Thompson cluded in it a pararaph on what role Laramie, Wyoming women played in his life and asked whether he had a girlfriend or not? I Southeastern Whitewater would venture to say never. The fact that such a pararaph was included in Championships the article on Cameron O'Connor in- The planned scheduling for the South- dicates the presence of a primitive at- eastern Whitewater Championships has titude that thinks that women only have been returned to the former 2 day format value in relationship to men. Women this year in response to those who have paddlers should be considered in their told us they had difficulty racing on own right and their relationships with Fridays: men left for Cosmopolitan magazine Frlday, June 14,1985 - unless you want to begin providing the 5 p.m. - (Slalom practice) Saturday, June 15.1985 - same material on the male paddlers 8 am. - Decked Boat Slalom 4 p.m. - Wlldwafer - all classes that you profile. Sunday, June 16,1985 - Those of us who find much satisfac- 8 am. - Open canoe Slalom tion in whitewater sports should be ex- SOUTHEASTERN CUP: We will again cited to see a class of people enter the award a cup to the recreational paddling sport who have for many socioloical club in the Dixi Division whose members reasons been excluded from it score the most points in the races, with 5 previously. But as we welcome them to points awarded for a first place finish, 3 the sport let us be a little more for a second and 1 for a third. On the thoughtful about our attitude toward application there will be a place foreach women lest we propogate the same racer to designate his club. To be myths that have kept women out of the eligible the racer must bea paid member sport for such a long time. for 1984 or 1985 by 6-14-85 fo a recrea- Sincerely, tional club which is or has been an (David) Kerry Edwards affiliate or activity member of the Ameri- Aurora, Colo. can Canoe Association in 1984 or 1985. We hope your club will be well repre- 6) that each aecked boat competitor, sented at the races and expect a good regardless of ACA or NSWC mem- time to be had by all. We would also ask bership status, will contribute to the 8 that, if your members score the most U.S.A. Whitewater Team Fund points in the Southeastern Cup compe- through a $1 .OO increase in theentry tition, your membership chairperson fee would help us to establish the eligibility Entry requirements for most events of the race medalists. are receipt of a signed entry form and Race applications will be available entry fee 10 days prior to the race. This about the 1st of April from: schedule was compiled using informa- Ben R. Maxwell, Jr. - Registrar tion received from NSWC Divisional 2758 Staunton Drive Representatives on or before November Marietta, GA 30067 29, 1984. (404-953-3972) KEY: Last year's racers will automatically SL . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. Slalom receive applications. Others will need to DR . Downriver (Class I & II) request them from Ben. WW . Wildwater (Class Ill & up) We would certainly appreciate any JANUARY publicity which you could give the race 19-20 Kernville January Mini-Slalom, and the Southeastern Cup. If we could Kernville, CA (SL), Michael Hearn, supply you with copy for your news- 4367 W. 136 St. Apt. A, Hawthorne, CA letter, what format and length would you 90250 require? 26-27 NOC Winter Race, Bryson City, I hope we will see many of your NC (SL/WW), NOC, US 19W, Box 41, members on June 14th - 16th at the Bryson, City, NC 28713 Nantahala. FEBRUARY 2-3 Snowballs Slalom, Bryson City, NC 1985 NSWC (SL), AWC, Box 33, Clarkston, GA RACE SCHEDULE 9-10 Kernville February Mini-Slalom, Kernville, CA (SL), Michael Hearn, These races have been conditionally 4367 W. 136 St. Apt. A. Hawthorne, CA sanctioned by the National Slalom and 90250 Wildwater Committee (NSWC) of the 16-17 Cache Creek, Rumsey, CA (SL/ American Canoe Association (ACA). As WW), Larry Smith, 418 Hill St., San a result, the organizers of these events Francisco, CA 94114 have agreed to specific guidelines sum- 17 Texarkana Pool Slalom, Texarkana, marized below: TX (SL), Dan Hammock, #3 Cerrato, 1) changes to any information will be Texarkana, TX 75503 published in the COMPETITOR'S 23-24 NOC Glacier Breaker, Bryson NEWSLETTER City, NC (SL/WW) NOC, US19W, Box 2) the following ACA/NSWC rules 41, Bryson City, NC must be followed: safety; lifevests 24 Hueco Falls Slalom, New Braufels, (PFD's); judging and scoring; all TX (SL), LONE STAR CUP RACE #1, amateur rules; and the opportunity Tom Cowden, 3709 East Ledge, Austin, to enterthe ACNNSWC recognized TX 78731 classes: K-1, K-1 W, C-1, C-1 W, C-2, MARCH C-2W, C-2M 2-3 Russian River Races, Cloversdale, 3) any deviations from other ACA/ CA, (SL/WW), Jerry Albright, 226 NSWC rules must be announced at Gilbert Dr., Santa Rosa, CA 95405 the competitor's meeting 9-10 Mulberry Fork Race, Birmingham, 4) membership in the ACAand sales of AL (SVDR), DIXIE DIVISION SLALOM WHITEWATER '85 will be promoted & WILDWATER CHAMPIONSHIPS 5) race results will beforwarded within SOUTHERN CUP RACE #1 four weeks of the race for publica- Rod Miller, P.O.
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