The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus fcVS \ ^ I -ft^ Bliiliii the dead women and children lying there. And I watched as a photogra­ Alumni Ash pher snapped a picture of my Marines "I do not believe ND has digressed as far as some are led moving past the dead civilians, sending it for you to see. So now you can to believe." form your accurate conclusions about how immoral our actions are in Viet­ ABOUT CHANGES AT ND It may be too early to judge the nam. And don't forget to gather your results of the changes that are taking statistics! And by all means, go on It is with mixed emotions that I report place but what was so wrong with the the (lack of) activities of the Ohio believing the half-truths of the press. "old time religion" that produced You may say what you like (I was Valley ND Club. Recent changes at such men as Cardinal O'Hara, Tom ND and the adverse publicity they one of many thousands who fought Dooley, Knute Rockne, Father Nieuw- over there to ensure you of that have generated have caused most of land and Pat Crowley? the local Alumni to become dis­ privilege). But I respond to your interested to the extent that our ND statements as one who has been there, Club has had no activities since last To refute the statement that stu­ who knows that your words are not fall. dents of yesterday did not care about true. Of course, if you doubt my their fellow man, one only has to ex­ word, I have an excellent suggestion. When questioned about lack of amine the works of the above men Why don't you go over there and see and the many others who carried on for yourself? Then let me hear from interest, some of the answers are—^ND their work without fanfare or protest is no longer a Catholic University; marches. you I Material wealth has spoiled ND; Re­ —Ed Banks '58 ligion is being neglected at ND; It Because the present-day student Stolen Island, NY is not the same school we attended; does not have leaders to turn to, and I would not send my son to ND. radical groups seize upon the op­ Capt. Jack Gleason III does not speak portunity to promote their ideologies. "for all ND men who have served as As the father of two sons at ND I Many radicals have found ND a good members of the Armed Forces" in have had the opportunity to visit the place to expound their ideas. Many feeling the pious and patriotic privi­ Campus and talk with some of the are led to believe all of the ideas lege he experiences in committing students. I am sorry to say there are expressed at ND are approved by the murder in Vietnam. some reasons for the above criticism, administration. Would it not be better I am a former Marine Corps officer but I do not believe ND has digressed if their ideas were expressed else­ —I resigned from the reserve in 1966. as far as some are led to believe. where? I am thinking of the Father having served on active duty from Kavanaugh incident. We still have a 1957 through 1960—^who does not In the first place the students have hard time proving he was not presi­ "sincerely believe that seldom has a not changed appreciably in the past 35 dent of ND. man been able to live more fully years. It is the dicipline and leader­ —Bill Milsch '33 according to the ideal of God, Country ship that has changed. The students Wheeling, W. Vo. and Notre Dame than as a member of yesterday were as confused about of the Armed Forces participating in the future as those of today. Then the defense of the Republic of Viet­ it was the depression; today it is the The ALUMNUS welcomes all letters nam against an enemy seldom equalled war. Not much to look forward to. regarding the University and its in cruelty or in complete disregard of Then students looked to their instruc­ Alumni but reserves the right to basic human and individual rights." tors and the school administration for edit them to meet space limitations. Such disgusting stupidity! guidance; today they are led by their Short letters stand the best chance elected classmates who have to be of publication. —Berl G. Hornback '57, '61, '64 controversial to maintain their posi­ Ann Arbor, Mich. tions. MORE ABOUT PEACE AND WAR Congratulations to the 3000-plus brave Yesterday it was the Scholastic and This time last year I was there . and patriotic student "freedom fight­ the Daily Religious Bulletin that commanding a Marine rifle company. ers" who signed the ROTC-inspired guided the students. Today it is the For 13 months, I lived through the petition condemning demonstrators Scholastic and Observer. The Scho­ hell of heat often in excess of 120 who show a "basic disregard of human lastic of yesterday was also edited by degrees, flood-causing rains, treacher­ freedom" by non-violent direct action students but the administration must ous rivers, mud, lats, ants, flies, against the Presidential Review. have been consulted more about its mosquitos and (lest I forget) "Viet­ Signing such petitions is an ND contents because it did not receive namese Nationalists" . shooting, tradition. Back in January, 1939, 600 the adverse publicity it is now re­ mining, shelling . maiming and undergraduates heroically went on ceiving. killing the cream of American youth. public record as opposing the lifting of the US embargo on arms shipments Most of the older Alumni of the Believe me, my young conscientious to Spain, thereby demonstrating the valley are concerned about the article objectors, it is not a Vietnamese Na­ ND man's devotion to the cause of "Religion on the Campus" in the tionalist that we US occupation forces human freedom as represented by the March-April issue of the ALUMNUS. are fighting in Vietnam. It is a Fascist Franco and his reactionary It evidendy was not written by some­ ruthless, calculating, unscruptdous, allies (Hitler, the Catholic Church, one who lived there during the "old totally unethical Communist who will the Army and the landowners). times" described, at least not during stop at nothing to further his aim. I More recently, in 1965, 3000 stu­ the years 1929-1933. I do not re- saw him kidnap innocent civilians, dents blindly signed a petition sup­ memiier any demands that students terrorize peaceful communities with porting the US adventure in South attend daily Mass and receive holy assassinations, use civilians as human Vietnam—like Spain, a "defense of Communion. They were encouraged shields while he fired upon US and freedom" from "Communism" which to receive daily and opportunities for South Vietnamese men, blow up his has produced more than its share of the sacraments were more available. bridges, blow up civilian buses and Guemicas. other civilian vehicles ... his own An ND student petition is com­ I also do not remember the whole countrymen, if your reasoning is valid. parable in weight and honor to a student body assembling at the Grotto This is the enemy we are fighting in HUAC citation. To borrow from a during May. That too wras voluntary Vietnam, the Vietnamese Nationalist famous comment on the latter, I think and was attended by fewer than 500 you claim to support! it may be fairly observed that any ND students. demonstrator who b not at one time Yes, I saw civilians that we killed! or another, for one reason or another, It is true that lights were out at I saw my men pinned hopelessly in condemned by a student petition may midnight (10 pm for freshmen) but open rice paddies, casualties mount­ be regarded as having wasted his time that was an advantage. Everyone ing from the relentless fire we were there and its opportunities for pro­ knew he would have to plan his day receiving. I issued orders for artillery gressive citizenship and service to so he had his work done by midnight. fire to be delivered on the village, the god(s), country and Earth Mother There was no studying all night and source of the enemy fire. Afterwards, University. sleeping through or in class the next we moved through the village and my —Howard J. Dooley '66 day. men searched for the enemy. I saw Caithersburg, Md. 2CIT60 In This Issue GLADLY WE ACCEPT VoL 46 No. 4 July 1968 August Just as sure as April brings showers and May blossoms forth in newborn flowers, June (for Notre Dame Alumni) means only one thing: Class Reunions. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION This year ten classes represented by more than 1,300 Alumni made the OFRCEHS five-year rendezvous and this issue of the ALUMNUS, under the guidance Ambrose F. Dudley Jr '43 of a gal whose name is June (June Shassere, our loyal assistant editor for HONORARY FIIESIDENT the past year) recalls the old-fashioned three-day jam session for all to Richard A. Rosenthal '54 enjoy. The fun begins on page 10. PRESIDENT William D. Kavanaugh '27 For the magazine staff and myself, thb time of the year also signals a VICE-PRESIDENT reunion of another sort, the annual meeting of alumni editors. Convening WUHam F. Kerwin Jr '40 this year under Miami's air-conditioned palms at the American Alumni VICE-PRESIDENT Council convention, the editors blew their own minds for three days — in Leo V.
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