hHMECHEM NE-S ='--•d, : : , +.`fa * / / // VOLUME 7 NO. 2 September, 1 964 MESSAGE THEAMCHEMREws ;:i`:fajgiv5:..:`:``:±¥::±s;::.::`::€B::Tp+:i:.:.`€B:.±`>`:.:: from the Chairman The People in In previous Iriternational Cormerit4on issues of the NE:WS this apace coos de,1)oted to a AM-Gems Welcome Message. But since there ij)ill be a Welcome Message in a s'pecial "Amchem ffdanwaotiic,t£Scg::gweht°h:*tb;ehc¥gehismind Farndy" brochure published for di those Wi,nston S. Clurchill attending the Corroention, I know of no Ghe cpilt,e green gtouse better way to use this s'pace than by print- ing the statemerit issued by former Prestden.i Herbert Hoover on the eve of his 90th ;:oero#ymmai.Fete:a:!:::ef.i:|ifpeto:rifEii!y:a:frsee; \67H: through chemical thinning; a nation-length study of soil, birtlnday. I persorvally wo`u,ld lthe ei]eryone most provincial building on the Amchem premises Jcrmes F. Byrnes of our employees to read and digest the houses the most cosmopolitan group in the entire climate and other environmental factors that influence the thoughts expressed `-;.;:`; 0-year-old ex- organization-the Interniiti()hill Division. action of herbicides; an address before the Agronomic Society keiYa::dedaevc:5et°;aeetthheTg;:S:±:Etarte6 president. Seeing one of its occupimts, briefcase in hand, emerging of Chile. These were but a few of Ken's Chilean activities. complain. 7fz%/f%fty from the enclosed porch of that 1910 era Scrmuel, Jchmson rman Of the Board Mr. Hoover wrote: bungalow, you'd never suspect that he might HE members of International Divi- gehe£:ka£E]% :; ?anxe. thing no one has ever uR American form of civilization has been deluged with be on his way to Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, or sion specializing in metalworking C. F. Ketterin€ Helsingfors, Finland, for the International's T rising criticism, from both home and abroad. Altogether, :as: chemicals funct:on with t-he same dispatch ii 0 operations frequently take them to such the critics say, we seem to be in a very, very bad way, and en- :;|€ their field, as a review of one of Joe Dudek's places. What Commander Whitehead is to ;ohuercea,:£en]cyer::a:£Eeprroo;intg,ea:Eftvhearts,: gaged in our decline and fall. :;|€ recent visits to south America shows. your own self. Schwepps, these men are to Amchem- Aidous Huxley Criticism is no doubt good for the soul but we must beware and more! that it does not upset our confidence in ourselves. So perhaps the If you will not hear reason, she will Whereas the genial Commander, 1uxur- :!j!!: byJ::rv#i:e5 =:iau`f::::::ngg pa`sas:tcs|a::;irceec: time has come for Americans to take stock and to think some- surely rap your knuckles. ating in the 20th Century comfort of a plush :;|€ ommended equipment improvements where Benjc[min Frawhttn thing good about themselves. TV studio, has only tc) tilt his Edwardian We could point to our constantly improving physical health beard in an effort to win over a few million :;j{£; ;i;:_:.;_:_r_ ::Facj:I;ecny_ o:°_±_g:I:;:e:s :;rtLar£:::+:S::gj and lerigthening span of life. equipment where economy of time and a ::I:irng::,s:#:sa:sdfLo=tTieeet:rse:i|etiytlast= viewers to gin and tonic, an Amchem em- our garden. In the governmental field, we could suggest our supposedly more advantageous use of chemicals could Volwire "decadent" people still rely upon the miracle of the ballot and issary's mission may take him to a muddy :;|€ :;V+evffeucut;i[ii5eui;sDcuus°svedu+p;;:Uni;1-aa:°d i:aua: rice paddy field in the Orient or a strip line the legislative hall to settle differences of view, and not upon a marks and other matters to further the solidi- in a hot steel mill in West Germany. :il€ fication of our business relationships with g:::o,,ef:.:i`b.egpo,e;re:riTaefdoarsgT.i.::lgg.csvaee:r:bra:':e,: Secret police. Confc.nwed on page ll Si,r Walter Raleigh :il€ our manufacturing associates south of the * T£=]:gte|eRe=P:rig:;:SrvL°sforKfeo: :;{€ Border. A liberal is a man too broadminded to take lnlemalionql Convenlion, Sepl. 27-Oct. 3 his own side in a quarrel. :;+i Ken and Joe are both products of the Robert Frost Agricultural Chemicals in Malaya and India. :;+i: chemistry laboratory -Ken in agricultural national Division Convention here in Ambler, thus coinciding 8GINNING September 27, Amchem will hold its week-long Inter- Making a complete West-to-East encircle- :;|€ chemicals and Joe in metalworking. Thus with the observance of the Company's 50th Anniversary. At press time, acceptance of invitations indicates that 93 delegates representing 121 ¥::t s°pfetnhte s:x]°dbaey:n s:u];t;[];gvtehrefi:%e::sekos£ :§j;; countries in the freeworld will attend. Many of them will be accom- ;§j!; £::*]trd]::Ss:Spi:Sm].::teadt;a;tehar°sfotfe::::::_I i:i:en;I;t;¥:]¥:0:::::i:ij:i*;¥:eriy::ri:i::tit:§j§:ytrh;:; Femc in sugar cane ci.ops in H{`waii. ence in the field on a worldwide basis. panied by their wives and a few by their families. Continuing to Malaya, he visited 22 estates Lon Dorsay, Ray Montecino, Stig Sasse The last time the International Division Convention was held in g;v£:.rnmental power, not the increase within a period of eight days inspecting vast and Bill Snyder all carry out important as- Woodrow Wi,lson Ambler was in September, 1957. In the meantime, convent].ons were signments. All have been overseas this year held in Copenhagen, June, 1959 and in Paris, March, 1961. The first rubber and palm oil plantations, evaluating International Division Convention took place in the latter city in the the effectiveness of Amchein herbicides and ;fJ{ ;;:i`-i-;;-;`L;a-i;`~a'd-h;r~e--t-o-e'q~a-ail-y-t-i-;it 'a-n~a ::...<2;:as;:::..::.:r€j:..t:5`:.::-:`€`±`::±5.:.::`:.<Lt::*5`.:.: early 1930's. Among those having the distinction of having attended making copious notes of the results. :i+i: :as: :ii€ :ii€:fi€:ii€ :+i€:il€:il€:;i€ :i+i: :i-;-cti=8 -sch;-dL-I;s-. that event of over thirty years ago, as well as attending the forthcom- Pushing on to India, he was drafted the The Amchem International Division staff ing Convention, are Mr. Norman Cooper, Imperial Chemical Industries, d€iy following his arrival for an unscheduled speech before has been trained in international commerce and licensing by Ltd., England; Mr. Adrien Hess, Cie. Francaise de Produits Industriels, the Indian Agricultural Research Institute. For one hour he International Division Manager Warren Weston and his THE AMCHEM NEWS France; and Mr. Albert Mangin, Societe Mangin, France. informed his attentive audience on the latest developments predecessor, Vice President Director of Marketing I. 0. I. The schedule of events will begin, after registration of delegates and Vol.7,No.2 September,1964 in the herbicide industry. Succeeding days found him at the Shellenberger, who organized the International's operations Published by guests at the George Washington Motor Lodge, Willow Grove, with foot of the Himalayas in 110° heat, not to prove that "mad into an independently functioning division of the Company an informal reception at 5 P.M. Sunday, September 27. The Conven- AMCHEM PRODUCTS, lnc. dogs €`nd Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun," but in the in 1951. tion program will get under way the following moi.ming with addresses Ambler, Pennsylvania business interests of an Amchem manufacturing associate by officers of the Company. in the Interest of AMCHEM whose client had a serious weed problem. Employees and Their Families A new film on the Company will conclude the in()I.ming program. Manager Weston, the concept of *• Ac?i::::.Gngt: A licensing occurred in the late l920s when ex- William A. Dri§lone, Edi./or Working sessions will begin immediately i`fter lunch on that day, with each succeeding day of the week i`dhei.ing to €` tight working * KEgc'`S]oite].:I:]r:rEoin£:uy:ewdhesrt:,p]sn ::d¥]::r:;'coBvae:: change controls in the various European countries made it schedule devoted to Metalworking, Agric`iltui-{`l, and Foster products; difficult, in some cases impossible, to do business overseas their uses, methods of zipplication, case histoi.ies and prospects, in their oh our Cover ing technical m€`tters he also made calls in an administrative consistently in any other way. To overcome this difficulty, respective fields. capacity. And before reaching New York, he made two licenses were granted to reliable overseas firms and indi- International Division Manager Warren Weston bids Several attractive tours have been pl:mned for lady visitors. These Lon Dorsay, also International Division, bon voyage include a trip to famous Longwood Gardens, Peddlers Village (Bucks official stop-offs in Engl:`nd. viduals who were willing to devote their time and talents to as Lon departs from the "LITTLE GREEN HOUSE" A 1963 jaunt of Ken's to Chile was marked by a some- the making and.marketing of the Company's products abroad, for Zurich, Switzerland. With International Division County) , and a few of Philadelphia's historical shrines. The Week's activities will end with a banquet at Cedarbrook Coun- what similar schedule: a speech before the 2nd Apple Cc)n- Amchem being compensated on a royalty basis. personnel constantly visiting overseas countries in the "Most of these very early licensees are still with us. Some business interests of Amchem, such scenes as this are try Club, Friday evening, October 2. Warren Weston, Manager of the gress of Chile on the prevention of fruit drop of apples International Division, has organized this comprehensive program.
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