U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Plants of Havasu National Wildlife Refuge The Havasu NWR plant list was developed by volunteer Baccharis salicifolia P S N John Hohstadt. As of October 2012, 216 plants have been mulefat documented at the refuge. Baccharis brachyphylla P S N Legend shortleaf baccharis *Occurance (O) *Growth Form (GF) *Exotic (E) Bebbia juncea var. aspera P S N A=Annual G=Grass Y=Yes sweetbush P=Perennial F=Forb N=No Calycoseris wrightii A F N B=Biennial S=Shrub T=Tree white tackstem Calycoseris parryi A F N Family yellow tackstem Scientific Name O* GF* E* Chaenactis carphoclinia A F N Common Name pebble pincushion Agavaceae—Lilies Family Chaenactis fremontii A F N Androstephium breviflorum P F N pincushion flower pink funnel lily Conyza canadensis A F N Hesperocallis undulata P F N Canadian horseweed desert lily Chrysothamnus Spp. P S N Aizoaceae—Fig-marigold Family rabbitbrush Sesuvium sessile A F N Encelia frutescens P S N western seapurslane button brittlebrush Encelia farinosa P S N Aizoaceae—Fig-marigold Family brittlebrush Trianthema portulacastrum A F N Dicoria canescens A F N desert horsepurslane desert twinbugs Amaranthaceae—Amaranth Family Antheropeas wallacei A F N Amaranthus retroflexus A F N woolly easterbonnets redroot amaranth Antheropeas lanosum A F N Tidestromia oblongifolia P F N white easterbonnets Arizona honeysweet Ambrosia dumosa P S N burrobush Apiaceae—Carrot Family Ambrosia eriocentra P S N Bowlesia incana P F N woolly fruit bur ragweed hoary bowlesia Geraea canescens A F N Hydrocotyle verticillata P F N hairy desertsunflower whorled marshpennywort Gnaphalium spp. A F N Asclepiadaceae—Milkweed Family cudweed Asclepias subulata P F N Pleurocoronis pluriseta P S N rush milkweed bush arrowleaf A. albicans P F N Hymenoclea salsola P S N whitestem milkweed burrobrush Funastrum hirtellum P F N Lactuca serriola B F N hairy milkweed prickly lettuce Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllum Malacothrix californica A F N P F N California desertdandelion Hartweg’s twinevine Monoptilon bellioides A F N Asteraceae—Aster Family Mojave desertstar Ambrosia ambrosioides P S N Palafoxia arida A F N ambrosia leaf bur ragweed giant Spanish needle Symphyotrichum divaricatum A F N Pectis papposa A F N southern annual saltmarsh aster manybristle chinchweed Chloracantha spinosa P F N Perityle emoryi P F N spiny chloracantha Emory’s rockdaisy Xylorhiza tortifolia P F N Peucephyllum schottii P S N Mohave woodyaster Schott’s pygmycedar Machaeranthera canescens B F N Pluchea sericea P S N hoary tansyaster arrowweed Atrichoseris platyphylla A F N Pluchea camphorata A F N parachute plant camphor pluchea Porophyllum gracile P S N Chenopodiaceae—Goosefoot Family slender poreleaf Salicornia spp. P S N Psathyrotes ramosissima A F N pickleweed velvet turtleback Atriplex canescens P S N Rafinesquia neomexicana A F N fourwing saltbush New Mexico plumeseed Atriplex hymenelytra A S N Sonchus asper A F N desertholly spiny sowthistle Atriplex canescens var. linearis P S N Stephanomeria pauciflora P F N thinleaf fourwing saltbush brownplume wirelettuce Atriplex semibaccata P S Y Trixis californica P S N Australian saltbush American threefold Atriplex elegans var. fasciculata P S N Verbesina encelioides A F N wheelscale saltbush golden crownbeard Atriplex lentiformis P S N Xanthium spp. A F N big saltbush cocklebur Atriplex polycarpa P S N Bignoniaceae—Trumpet-Creeper Family cattle saltbush Chilopsis linearis P T N Bassia hyssopifolia A S N desert willow fivehorn smotherweed Chenopodium album A F Y Boraginaceae—Borage Family lambsquarters Amsinckia tessellata P F N Chenopodium murale A F Y bristly fiddleneck nettleleaf goosefoot Tiquilia plicata P F N Bassia spp. A F N fanleaf crinklemat smotherweed Cryptantha maritima A F N Salsola tragus A S Y Guadalupe cryptantha prickly Russian thistle Heliotropium curassavicum P F N Suaeda moquinii P S N salt heliotrope Mohave seablite Pectocarya recurvata P F N curvenut combseed Convolvulaceae—Morning-glory Family Plagiobothrys arizonicus A F N Convolvulus arvensis A F N Arizona popcornflower field bindweed Cuscuta denticulata parasite N Brassicaceae—Mustard Family desert dodder Arabis glaucovalvula P F N bluepod rockcress Cucurbitaceae—Cucumber Family Brassica campestris A F N Cucurbita palmata A F N field mustard coyote gourd Dimorphocarpa wislizeni A F N Cyperaceae—Sedge Family touristplant Cyperus rotundus P F N Lepidium densiflorum A F N nutgrass common pepperweed Cyperus esculentus P F N Lesquerella palmeri A F N yellow nutsedge bladder pod Eleocharis geniculata A F N Sisymbrium spp. A F N Canada spikesedge hedgemustard Eleocharis palustris P N Streptanthella longirostris A F N common spikerush longbeak streptanthella Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani P N Brassica tournefortii A F Y softstem bulrush Sahara mustard Schoenoplectus californicus P N Cactaceae—Cactus Family California bulrush Opuntia basilaris P N Ephedraceae—Mormon-tea Family beavertail pricklypear Ephedra nevadensis P S N Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa P N Nevada jointfir buckhorn cholla Equisetaceae—Horsetail Family Cylindropuntia echinocarpa P N Equisetum laevigatum P S N Wiggins’ cholla smooth horsetail Cylindropuntia bigelovii P N teddybear cholla Eurphorbiaceae—Spurge Family Echinocereus spp. P N Croton californicus P F N hedgehog cactus California croton Ferocactus spp. P N Fabaceae—Pea Family barrel cactus Acacia greggii P T N Characeae—Green algae Family catclaw acacia Chara spp. N Alhagi maurorum P F Y muskgrass camelthorn Parkinsonia florida P T N Loranthaceae—Mistletoe Family blue paloverde Phoradendron californicum parasite N Parkinsonia microphylla P T N mesquite mistletoe yellow paloverde Lythraceae—Loosestrife Family Krameria grayi P S N Ammannia coccinea A F N white ratany valley redstem Lotus strigosus var. tomentellus A F N Lythrum californicum P F N strigose bird’s-foot trefoil California loosestrife Lupinus arizonicus A F N Arizona lupine Malvaceae—Mallow Family Lupinus sparsiflorus A F N Malvella leprosa P F N Coulter’s lupine alkali mallow Melilotus indicus A F Y Sphaeralcea ambigua A F N annual yellow sweetclover desert globemallow Olneya tesota P T N Marsileaceae—Water-clover Family desert ironwood Marsilea vestita P F N Dalea mollis P F N hairy waterclover hairy prairie clover Lamiaceae—Mint Family Marina parryi P F N Hyptis emoryi P S N Parry’s false prairie-clover desert lavender Parkinsonia P T Y Salazaria mexicana P S N paloverde Mexican bladdersage Prosopis pubescens P T N Salvia columbariae A F N screwbean mesquite chia Prosopis glandulosa P T N honey mesquite Najadaceae—Water-nymph Family Sesbania herbacea A F N Najas marina A F N bigpod sesbania spiny naiad Fouquieriaceae—Ocotillo Family Nyctaginaceae—Four o’clock Family Fouquieria splendens P S N Abronia villosa A F N ocotillo desert sand verbena Boerhavia coccinea P F N Geraniaceae—Geranium Family scarlet spiderling Erodium cicutarium A F Y redstem stork’s bill Onagraceae—Evening Primrose Family Erodium texanum A F N Gaura mollis A F N Texas stork’s bill velvetweed Camissonia claviformis A F N Hydrophyllaceae—Waterleaf Family browneyes Eriodictyon spp. P S N Mirabilis laevis var. retrorsa P S N yerba santa wishbone-bush Eucrypta micrantha A F N Camissonia boothii spp. desertorum A F N dainty desert hideseed desert suncup Nama demissum A F N Camissonia brevipes A F N purplemat golden suncup Nemophila spatulata A F N Camissonia refracta A F N Sierra baby blue eyes narrowleaf suncup Phacelia tanacetifolia A F N Oenothera deltoides A F N lacy phacelia birdcage evening primrose Phacelia crenulata A F N Camissonia cardiophylla A F N cleftleaf wildheliotrope heartleaf suncup Juncaceae—Rush Family Orobanchaceae—Broom-rape Family Juncus torreyi P N Orobanche cooperi parasite N Torrey’s rush desert broomrape Juncus acutus ssp. Leopoldii P N Leopold’s rush Papaveraceae—Poppy Family Argemone spp. P F N Loasaceae—Loasa pricklypoppy Eucnide urens P S N Eschscholzia glyptosperma A F N desert stingbush desert poppy Entzelia albicaulis A F N Eschscholzia minutiflora A F N whitestem blazingstar Mentzelia involucrata A F N pygmy poppy whitebract blazingstar Plantaginaceae—Plantain Family Mentzelia tricuspis A F N Plantago major A F N spinyhair blazingstar common plantain Petalonyx thurberi P S N Plantago ovata A F N Thurber’s sandpaper plant desert Indianwheat Poaceae—Grass Family Resedaceae—Mignonette Family Aristida spp. A/P G N Oligomeris linifolia A F N threeawn lineleaf whitepuff Arundo donax P G Y Salicaceae—Willow Family Giant reed Populus fremontii P T N Beckmannia spp. A G N Fremont cottonwood sloughgrass Salix exigua P T N Bromus rubens A G Y narrowleaf willow, coyote willow red brome Salix gooddingii P T N Cynodon dactylon P G Y Goodding’s willow Bermudagrass Distichlis spicata P G N Scrophulariaceae—Figwort Family saltgrass Mohavea confertiflora A F N Echinochloa colona A G Y ghost flower jungle rice Mohavea breviflora A F N Eragrostis lutescens A G N golden desert-snapdragon sixweeks lovegrass Castilleja exserta A F N Pleuraphis rigida P G N exserted Indian paintbrush big galleta Solanaceae—Potato Family Leptochloa dubia P G N Datura wrightii A F N green sprangletop sacred thorn-apple Pennisetum setaceum P G Y Lycium andersonii P S N crimson fountaingrass water jacket Phragmites australis P G N Lycium andersonii var. deserticola P S N common reed water jacket Setaria pumila A G Y Lycium cooperi P S N yellow foxtail peach thorn Setaria italica A G Y Nicotiana glauca P T N foxtail millet tree tobacco Polypogon monspeliensis A G Y Nicotiana obtusifolia
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