TOWN OF FLORENCE SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Mayor Tara Walter Florence Town Hall Vice-Mayor John Anderson 775 N. Main Street Councilmember Bill Hawkins Florence, AZ 85132 Councilmember Kristen Larsen (520) 868-7500 Councilmember Karen Wall www.florenceaz.gov Councilmember Michelle Cordes Meet 1st and 3rd Mondays Councilmember Judy Hughes Monday, June 17, 2019 4:30 PM ____________________________________________________________________________ Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the Town of Florence Council and to the general public that a Special Meeting of the Florence Town Council will be held on Monday, June 17, 2019, at 4:30 p.m., in the Florence Town Council Chambers, located at 775 N. Main Street, Florence, Arizona. The agenda for this meeting is as follows: 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL: Tara Walter __, John Anderson__, Bill Hawkins__, Karen Wall____, Kristen Larsen___, Michelle Cordes__, Judy Hughes ___. 3. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION For the purposes of discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body and/or legal counsel pursuant to A.R.S. Sections 38-431.03 (A)(3), (A)(4) and (A)(7) to consider its position and instruct its representatives and/or attorneys regarding: a. Town’s position and instruct its attorneys regarding pending litigation in Maricopa County Superior Court: Town of Florence v. Florence Copper, Inc. CV2015-000325, including counterclaims. b. Town’s position and instruct its attorneys regarding Arizona Department of Environmental Quality proceedings, related to Water Quality Appeals Board Case No. 16-002, including appellate proceedings to reviewing courts. c. Town’s position and instruct its attorneys regarding permitting, constructing and accepting of irrigation wells and National Environmental Policy Act 26 (“NEPA”) and the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”). 4. ADJOURNMENT FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION 5. MOMENT OF SILENCE 6. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 7. CALL TO THE PUBLIC Call to the Public for public comment on issues within the jurisdiction of the Town Council. Council rules limit public comment to three minutes. Individual Councilmembers may respond to criticism made by those commenting, may ask staff to review a matter raised or may ask that a matter be put on a future agenda. However, members of the Council shall not discuss or take action on any matter during an open call to the public unless the matters are properly noticed for discussion and legal action. 8. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation to introduce the Town of Florence’s inaugural Community Emergency Response Team. (David Strayer) b. Presentation on the Active Transportation Plan. (Bryan Hughes) c. Presentation by Tim Kanavel, Pinal County Economic Development Program Manager, on the Pinal County High Technology Corridor. (Brent Billingsley) d. Presentation on the Internet of Things. (Trent Shaffer) e. Presentation on the Strategic Plan Update. (Ben Bitter) 9. CONSENT: All items on the consent agenda will be handled by a single vote as part of the consent agenda, unless a Councilmember or a member of the public objects at the time the agenda item is called. a. Appointment of an Ad Hoc Sign Committee of the following members: Mayor Walter, Councilmember Larsen, Councilmember Cordes, Larry Johnson from the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce, Harold Christ from the Windmill Winery, Becca Doughty from Bailey Street Bed and Breakfast, Manuel Perez-Cerros from Lidia's Cocina @ Old Pueblo Restaurant and staff liaison Larry Harmer. (Lisa Garcia) b. Table discussion regarding the Sign Code until the Ad Hoc Sign Committee issues a report and makes recommendations to the Town Council. (Lisa Garcia) c. Approval of entering into a Professional Services Agreement with the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce for the term of July 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020. (Jennifer Evans) d. Approval of the April 15, May 6, and May 20, 2019 Town Council Meeting minutes. e. Receive and file the following board and commission minutes: i. April 11, 2019 Arts and Culture Commission Meeting minutes ii. April 18, 2019 Florence Youth Commission Meeting minutes iii. March 27, 2018 Historic District Advisory Commission Meeting minutes iv. March 7, April 18, and May 16, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting minutes 10. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of accepting a $2,000 donation from the Michelle Gallagher Foundation. (Bryan Hughes) b. Ordinance No. 678-19: Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF FLORENCE, PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA, ADOPTING A LOCAL ALTERNATIVE EXPENDITURE LIMITATION FOR THE TOWN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (Rey Sanchez) c. Resolution No. 1701-19: Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF FLORENCE, PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA, ADOPTING THE RECOMMENDED TOWN OF FLORENCE FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020 EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION AND CLASSIFICATION PLANS. (Scott Barber) d. Resolution No. 1703-19: Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of A RESOLUTION OF TOWN OF FLORENCE, PINAL COUNTY, ARIZONA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING MAYOR TARA WALTER, TOWN MANAGER BRENT BILLINGSLEY, AND FINANCE DIRECTOR REY SANCHEZ, TO ACT AS SIGNATORIES FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS ON THE TOWN OF FLORENCE BANKING ACCOUNTS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (Lisa Garcia) 11. MANAGER’S REPORT 12. CALL TO THE PUBLIC 13. CALL TO THE COUNCIL – CURRENT EVENTS ONLY 14. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION For the purposes of discussions or consultations with designated representatives of the public body and/or legal counsel pursuant to A.R.S. Sections 38-431.03 (A)(1) to conduct the annual review of the Town Manager. 15. ADJOURNMENT FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION 16. ADJOURNMENT Council may go into Executive Session at any time during the meeting for the purpose of obtaining legal advice from the Town’s Attorney(s) on any of the agenda items pursuant to A.R.S. § 38- 431.03(A)(3). One or more members of Council may appear for part or all of the meeting including Executive Session telephonically. POSTED ON JUNE 13, 2019 BY LISA GARCIA, TOWN CLERK, AT 775 NORTH MAIN STREET, FLORENCE, ARIZONA, AND AT WWW.FLORENCEAZ.GOV. *** PURSUANT TO TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), THE TOWN OF FLORENCE DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITY REGARDING ADMISSION TO PUBLIC MEETINGS. PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY MAY REQUEST REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS BY CONTACTING THE TOWN OF FLORENCE ADA COORDINATOR, AT (520) 868-7574 OR (520) 868-7502 TDD. REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW TIME TO ARRANGE THE ACCOMMODATION. *** TOWN OF FLORENCE AGENDA ITEM COUNCIL ACTION FORM 8a. MEETING DATE: June 17, 2019 Action Information Only DEPARTMENT: Fire Department Public Hearing Resolution Ordinance STAFF PRESENTER: David Strayer, Fire Chief Regulatory 1st Reading SUBJECT: Community Emergency Response Team 2nd Reading Presentation Other STRATEGIC PLAN REFERENCE: Community Vitality Economic Prosperity Leadership and Governance Partnerships and Relationships Transportation and Infrastructure Statutory None RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Special presentation to introduce the Town of Florence’s inaugural Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. CERT offers a consistent, nationwide approach to volunteer training and organization that professional responders can rely on during disaster situations, which allows them to focus on more complex tasks. Through CERT, the capabilities to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters is built and enhanced. A VOTE OF NO WOULD MEAN: Special Recognition Only A VOTE OF YES WOULD MEAN: Special Recognition Only FINANCIAL IMPACT: None Subject: Community Emergency Response Team Presentation Meeting Date: June 17, 2019 Page 1 of 2 ATTACHMENTS: None Subject: Community Emergency Response Team Presentation Meeting Date: June 17, 2019 Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF FLORENCE AGENDA ITEM COUNCIL ACTION FORM 8b. MEETING DATE: June 17, 2019 Action Information Only DEPARTMENT: Community Services Public Hearing Resolution Ordinance STAFF PRESENTER: Bryan Hughes, Regulatory Community Services Director 1st Reading 2nd Reading SUBJECT: Active Transportation Plan Presentation Other STRATEGIC PLAN REFERENCE: Community Vitality Economic Prosperity Leadership and Governance Partnership and Relationships Transportation and Infrastructure Statutory None RECOMMENDED MOTION/ACTION: Presentation only, no action required. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Town was awarded a grant from the Maricopa Association of Government (MAG) to produce an Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The ATP focuses on bicycle, pedestrian, and trails connectivity in the community. Michael Baker International (MBI) was selected as the consultant for the study; the consultant team is led by Kevin Kugler. MBI is also the consultant on the Florence Transportation Planning Study, part of the Planning Assistance for Rural Areas (PARA) grant program sponsored by the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), currently being conducted. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was established to guide and coordinate the consultant’s efforts throughout the course of the Florence Transportation Planning Study process. The Active Transportation Plan will utilize many of the same TAC members. The projected began in August
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