STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING PROGRAM TREY BOTTEN STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Back Squat- 5/5/3 - 5/5/5+ Any time you see a “+” in this program, it is indicating that you will perform as many reps as possible on the last set. For all conjugate strength exercise (Back Squat, Strict Press, Deadlift) when a 5/5/3 rep scheme is indicated, you should be increasing weight each set. Record the weight and how many reps you completed each time. FOCUS: Take 15 min to build to a 1 rep max box jump ACCESSORY: - Sumo Deadlift- 3x10 - Goblet Squat (KB)- 3x10 WORKOUT: 10 MIN AMRAP o 5 Pull-ups o 10 Push-ups o 15 Air Squats P A G E 1 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: - Strict Press- 5/5/3- 5/5/5+ ACCESSORY: - Supine Bar Row 3x8 - Ring Dips 3x5 WORKOUT: 4 RDS o 6 Toes to Bar o 9 Squat Jumps o 12 KB Swings (53# BEAST/ 46# RX) P A G E 2 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WORKOUT: - RUN 1 Mile/ Rest 5 MIN - RUN 400 M/ Rest 5 MIN - RUN 1 Mile Score: Total Time P A G E 3 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Deadlift: 5/5/3-5/5/5+ ACCESSORY: - Snatch Grip Deadlift w/ Shrug (5x10) WORKOUT: - Take 10 Min to build to a high Box Jump. Tabata: (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) o Pushups o V-ups o Air squats o Target jumps P A G E 4 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WARM-UP - Hip Mobility - Resistance Band Warm-up WORKOUT: - 8X100 M SPRINT - 6X50 M SPRINT - 4X25M SPRINT o (REST 90) P A G E 5 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: - Back Squat- 5/5/3- 3/3/3+ ACCESSORY: - Straight Leg DeadLift (Box) 4x5 WORKOUT: 30-20-10 o Burpees o Shoulder to OH (75/45) o Walking Lunges P A G E 6 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: - Strict Press- 5/5/3- 3/3/3+ ACCESSORY: - Handstand Development - Strict Pull-ups 6xME WORKOUT: 10 MIN AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) o 5 Front Squats (135/95) o 10 Box Jumps (20) o 15 Weighted Sit-ups P A G E 7 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WARM-UP: Mobility/ Resistance Band WORKOUT: - 2 Laps Fitness Trail (800 M) - 1 Lap Plate Carry OH (400 M) - 2 Lap Fitness Trail (800 M) P A G E 8 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Deadlift 5/5/3-3/3/3+ ACCESSORY: Clean 5-4-3-2-2-2 WORKOUT: - 75 KB Swings o Rest 1 MIN - 50 KB Swings o Rest 1 MIN - 25 KB SWINGS P A G E 9 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WORKOUT: - Sprint Ladder “6” (one length of the gym is “1”) Start with one sprint, rest, then two, rest, then three etc. Once you reach “6”, work your way back down to “1” o Rest 10 MIN w/ YOGA Sprint Games (or create your own sprint routine) o Steer Wrangling o Poke the Bear o Wild Goose Chase P A G E 1 0 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: - Back Squat- 5/5/3- 5/3/1+ WORKOUT: 12 Min AMRAP o 5 Power Cleans (135BM/95RX) o 10 Bar Burpees o 1 Stair Sprint P A G E 1 1 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: - Strict Press- 5/5/3- 5/3/1+ ACCESSORY: For Time: - Hand Stand Pushups 15-12-9 - Ring Dips 15-12-9 WORKOUT: - Partner Workout o Barbell Overhead Hold (95/75) o 250 Air Squats o 200 Pushups o 100 Pullups - Partner can only A.S. when bar is OH. P A G E 1 2 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WARM-UP: - Resistance Band/Mobility/ Yoga WORKOUT: - Run 1.5 MILE o 4 Burpee Broad Jumps EMOM (every minute on the minute) P A G E 1 3 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: - Deadlift 5/5/3- 5/3/1+ - :20 Seconds Jumping Lunge ACCESSORY: - Snatch Grip DL w/ Shrug 4x8 WORKOUT: 15-12-9 o Thrusters (75/45) o Pull-ups REST 2 MIN 12-9-6 o “ “ REST 2 MIN 9-6-3 o “ “ P A G E 1 4 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WARM-UP: - Dynamic Warm-up WORKOUT: - 150 Push-ups - Sprint 40M Any rest or change in form, sprint 40 M. Keep a cumulative count. P A G E 1 5 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Back Squat 30-20-5x15-30 2 Min rest in between sets WORKOUT: 3 rounds - 1 min Max Target Jumps - 1 Min Max Pull-ups - 1 Min Max Hollow Rocks - 1 Min Max KB Swings - 1 Min Rest Score is total reps P A G E 1 6 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING FOCUS: Handstand Practice Sprint Relays WORKOUT: 15 Min AMRAP 7 Hang Cleans 7 Push Press 7 Toes to Bar P A G E 1 7 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Deadlift 6x5 Clean Max (4 Second Count Down, 2 Seconds up) WORKOUT: 20 Minutes Every Other Minute 10 Goblet Squats (3 Cleans Advanced at 75%) 7 Burpees P A G E 1 8 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WORKOUT: Partner (Optional) 1 Mile run 150 Wallballs 100 Slamballs 50 Wall Ball Toss 1 Mile Run P A G E 1 9 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Floor Press x5/ Window Washer :30 Seconds Pushups x5/ Plank :30 WORKOUT: Tabata (20 Seconds work/10 sec rest) Front Squat Double Unders OH Plate lunge Weighted Sit Ups P A G E 2 0 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Back Squat 5x5 (3 sec down -1 sec pause at bottom -2 sec up) 8 Squat Jumps WORKOUT: 10 MIN AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 10 KB Swings 10 Push-ups P A G E 2 1 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Take 15 Minutes to build to a 1 rep max Push Jerk WORKOUT: A. 4 Rounds 1 Min. Each - Max Calorie Bike - Max Pull-ups - Max Jump Squats - Max Push Press from floor (95/65) B. One Mile for time P A G E 2 2 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WORKOUT: ARMY RANGER PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST 2 Minutes Push-ups 2 Minutes Sit-ups Max Pull-ups 5 Mile Run P A G E 2 3 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Deadlift 10-8-6-4-4x2 5 Step Ups (Bar or KB) 1 Stair Sprint WORKOUT: 12 MIN AMRAP 3 power cleans 95/65RX 135/95ADV 5 back squats 7 bar-facing burpees P A G E 2 4 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING FOCUS: Sprint Games (or sprint workout) A. 5 min AMRAP 5 Squat Jumps 1/2 Court Sprint B. Card Game Shuffle a deck of cards. Place the cards at one end of the gym. Choose a suit for yourself or your team. Sprint down to the deck and draw one card. If the card is your suit, take it back to your side. If the card is not your suit, place it to the side of the deck, face up. Once you have all cards of your suit, you are finished. P A G E 2 5 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Back Squat 5/5/5-5/5/5+ ACCESSORY 5x5 Negative Pull-ups (Jump into a pull-up, count 3-5 seconds down) 5X5 Supine Ring Rows OLD SCHOOL 5 rounds :30 sec Max reps Plate Press (Lie on back, squeeze two 10 lb plates together and perform a chest press) Plank hold Band Bicep Curls Then... 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Wall-walk Burpees P A G E 2 6 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Strict Press 5/5/3-5/5/5+ KB Swing 15 Heavy Reps (not for time) WORKOUT: 14 MIN Amrap 5 Front Squats 7 Push Jerk 9 Pull-ups P A G E 2 7 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WORKOUT: 800 forward 400 Backward run 800 forward 400 backward run Then 4-3-2-1 Stair sprints COOLDOWN: Hip mobility/yoga P A G E 2 8 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Deadlift 5/5/3-5/5/5+ 5 x Box Jumps (high) in between each Deadlift set Step down WORKOUT: 3 rounds for time 8 Deadlifts (65%) 7 hang Cleans 6 hand release push-ups Rest 3 minutes 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Double Unders KB swings P A G E 2 9 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WARM-UP: Resistance Band/ Dynamic Warm-up SPEED FOCUS: 400M Sprint 100 M Slow Jog 300 M Sprint 200 M Slow Jog 200 M Sprint 300 M Slow Jog 100 M Sprint Repeat P A G E 3 0 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Back squat 5/5/3-3-3-3+ Jumping pull up x5 3 sec down WORKOUT: Every 5 minutes for 25 minutes complete: 4 minute AMRAP, rest 1 minute - 6 KB Clean - 8 KB push press - 10 burpees - 1 stair sprint P A G E 3 1 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Strict Press 5/5/3-3/3/3+ ACCESSORY: Floor Press 5x8/ :20 secs window washers Plate press 5x8/:20 plank WORKOUT: 4 Rounds for time: 6 Toes to Bar 9 Squat Jumps 12 Russian KB Swings 8 min time cap or 100 push-ups Rest 3 MIN As a group 4 rounds 30 hollow rocks / 1 minute plank P A G E 3 2 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Power Clean Take 10 min to build to 1 rep max (5-4-3-2-2-2-1 example) WORKOUT: 3 rounds 1 min each - Stair sprints - OH Lunge - Slamballs - Jump rope Rest 1 minute THEN 6-5-4-3-2-1 Wall walk Sprint P A G E 3 3 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Deadlift 5/5/3-3/3/3+ WORKOUT: 30 Minutes EMOM 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 air squats Penalty if you finish: 5-10 min 50 burpees then 1 mile run 10-15 min 40 burpees then 3 laps 15-20 min 30 burpees then 2 laps 20-29 min 20 burpees then 1 lap 30 min- 10 burpees P A G E 3 4 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: 15 Min Snatch Development ACCESSORY: 5x10 Strict Press 5x 10 DB Sumo Deadlift WORKOUT: 400 M Run 21-15-9 BURPEES KB Swings Double Unders P A G E 3 5 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Back squat 5/5/3-5/3/1+ WORKOUT: Teams of 3 Complete 1 Mile for time 1 OH Plate Carry 10 lbs/BM 15 1 Farmer Carry 35#/BM 44# 3 Burpee penalty any time the weight touches the ground P A G E 3 6 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: Strict Press 5/5/3- 5/3/1+ ACCESSORY: Clean Series 4 ROUNDS 1 PC/1 HPC/ 1 HC/ 1 PP or PJ 3x30 Seconds (Flutter Kicks/Recovery Position) WORKOUT: 6 Min AMRAP 8 Burpees 30 Double Unders Rest 90 sec 6 Min AMRAP 8 Burpee Box Jump (24”/20”) 30 Double Unders Rest 90 sec 6 Min AMRAP 8 Box Jumps 30 Double Unders P A G E 3 7 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH: 10-1 Front Squat 1-10 Push Press WORKOUT: 6x400 Rest 2 Min 2 Min Time cap- snake the stairs penalty Record Slowest Time P A G E 3 8 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING STRENGTH Deadlift 5/5/3- 5/3/1+ FOCUS: Take 15 min to build to a 1 rep max box jump (Compare to day 1 height) WORKOUT: 7 MIN AMRAP 3 Clean Complex (Childs Pose + Clean + Hang Clean + Thruster) 5 Toes to Bar 7 Standing Barbell Rows Rest 3Min Clean Ladder 1 Min Rotation Clean/Hang Clean (Must be done in succession) 65-75-85-95-105-115-125-135 ( Start higher for more advanced lifter) P A G E 3 9 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING WARM-UP: Resistance Band/ Dynamic Warm-up SPEED FOCUS: 15 Minutes 30 Second Sprint 60 Second Jog 90 Second Walk Running Clock P A G E 4 0 STRENGTH AND CONDITI ONING RECORD PROJECTED 1 REP MAX Back Squat 1RM Phase 1: Back Squat 1RM Phase 2: Strict Press 1 RM Phase 1: Strict Press 1 RM Phase 2: Deadlift 1 RM Phase 1: Deadlift 1 RM Phase 2: Max Box Jump Day 1: Day 39: P A G E 42 .
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