IUCN SSC Giraffe and Okapi Specialist Group 2018 Report Julian Fennessy Noelle Kumpel Co-Chairs Mission statement nium, but hope to begin to stem the species- Julian Fennessy (1) The vision of the Giraffe and Okapi Specialist wide declines and increase some populations, Noelle Kumpel (2) Group (GOSG) is: viable populations of Giraffe such as the Niger giraffe. However, we do need and Okapi, iconic African species, and their to increase survey effort and accuracy in order Red List Authority Coordinator habitats, are conserved sustainably and for to gauge any sort of conservation success, so this is a priority for Okapi, though heavily David Mallon (3) their evolutionary potential across, and role in, naturally functioning ecosystems; are valued dependent on funding and the security situation which is a considerable and difficult to counter Location/Affiliation and protected, locally and globally, recognising threat to this species in particular. (1) Giraffe Conservation Foundation, Windhoek, their independent right to existence and our Namibia duty to current and future generations. We will Targets for the 2017-2020 quadrennium (2) Independent (BirdLife International), achieve our vision by: (1) providing coordina- Cambridge, UK tion, support and technical advice; (2) moni- Assess (3) Division of Biology and Conservation toring and reporting of population status and Red List: (1) update Giraffe and Okapi species Ecology, Manchester Metropolitan University, trends; and (3) raising awareness and providing Red List assessments; (2) complete nine Giraffe Derbyshire, UK information. subspecies Red List assessments. Research activities: (1) establish a giraffid publi- Projected impact for the 2017-2020 Number of members cations/metadata repository; (2) Giraffe and quadrennium 58 Okapi taxonomy review; (3) develop stan- By the end of 2020, we expect to have a clearer, dardised methods or protocols for Giraffe and Social networks coordinated, joint framework for conserving Okapi surveys. Website: both Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and Okapi Plan (Okapia johnstoni) in the form of two species- http://www.giraffidsg.org Planning: (1) develop an Africa-wide Giraffe wide conservation strategies, guiding conser- conservation strategy; (2) develop four national vation action and resources. This will guide and Giraffe conservation strategies. support newly-developed national-level conser- Policy: (1) submit an IUCN resolution to high- vation strategies and engagement to support light the decline of and threats to giraffids and priority populations and increase multi-stake- conservation needs; (2) proposal submitted and holder buy-in and cooperation. We will also accepted to list Giraffe on the Convention on have further raised awareness of the plight the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild of both Giraffe and Okapi at the international Animals (CMS) Appendix II. level and within range states, by improving and scaling up the GOSG communications and Act working to support things like World Okapi Conservation activities: implementation of IUCN Day and World Giraffe Day and increase range Okapi Conservation Strategy 2015-2025. state involvement. We hope to have increased Network funding targeted towards conservation of both Proposal development and funding: support species, and raised the need for safeguarding of fundraising for Giraffe and Okapi research and their habitats and management actions up the conservation. political agenda. Given the pressures on both Synergy: establish an Advisory Committee species, we do not anticipate improving the Red to improve governance of GOSG and support List status at species-level within this quadren- Co-Chairs. West African giraffe mum and calf, Niger Photo: Fennessy, Giraffe Conservation Foundation Angolan giraffe Photo: Giraffe Conservation Foundation Communicate Policy Technical advice Communication: (1) develop and implement i. GOSG with support of Giraffe Conservation i. GOSG members have provided consider- GOSG communications strategy; (2) develop Foundation drafted the proposal for inclusion able support to Giraffe and Okapi range States and publish improved GOSG website and social of the Giraffe on CMS Appendix II on behalf of throughout Africa on a range of policy, legisla- media outreach; (3) support communications Government of Angola, which was subsequently tion, conservation and management actions. around World Okapi Day and World Giraffe Day; approved. (KSR #26) (KSR #27) (4) produce and disseminate biannual Giraffid Act newsletter. Conservation activities Acknowledgements Technical advice: provide technical advice to i. Various aspects of the Okapi strategy have We thank all Giraffe range States and partners relevant parties on Giraffe and Okapi research been undertaken by GOSG members, in partic- who have assisted in the development of the and conservation issues. ular Okapi Conservation Project, Chester Zoo updated Red List assessment. Additionally, we and Lukuru Foundation. (KSR #31) would like to thank the Giraffe Conservation Activities and results 2018 Foundation and Zoological Society of London for Network co-hosting the Specialist Group. Assess Synergy Red List i. Advisory committee established and discus- Summary of activities 2018 i. Seven Giraffe subspecies assessed by begin- sions shared for comment amongst members. ning of 2018 and planned for nine Giraffe One of the committee members resigned Species Conservation Cycle ratio: 5/5 subspecies to be assessed by end of 2019. and a new member will be sought in the next Assess 3 ||| (KSR #1) quadrennium. Plan 2 || Research activities Communicate Act 1 | i. Giraffe Resource Centre (www.giraffere- Communication Network 1 | sourcecentre.org) established online in 2017 by i. Draft Communications Strategy developed; Communicate 5 ||||| Giraffe Conservation Foundation with support however, it remains unfinished as the Focal from partners. Ongoing Okapi resources being Main KSRs addressed: 1, 26, 27, 28, 31, 43 person was unable to commit further, and as collated although limited updates. (KSR #1) Resolutions addressed: WCC-2016-Res-012 such implementation is limited. (KSR #28) ii. Ongoing taxonomic research being under- KSR: Key Species Result ii. Website was adapted with support of the taken, which will feed into review. Discussions Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and is avail- with potential assessors undertaken and devel- able online. There are limited updates due to opment of draft Terms of Reference. (KSR #43) limited availability of the Co-Chair and Focal Plan person. (KSR #28) Planning iii. Ongoing increase in World Giraffe Day and i. Kenya National Strategy completed and World Okapi Day communications, predomi- launched, Uganda National Strategy and Action nantly through Giraffe Conservation Foundation Plan drafted, DRC National Strategy and Action and ZSL, and individual members. (KSR #28) Plan developed and implementing, Tanzania iv. New partner identified to develop Giraffid National Strategy and Action Plan drafted, and newsletter. (KSR #28) Niger National Strategy and Action Plan set to review in 2020. (KSR #43).
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