THE EVENING STAR. ITBLIsnEI) DAILY, Kxcept Snndaj, Telegrams to The Star. A r THE STAlt It UILDIITGS, ruuu) ivaula Avenue, coruer lltb »Lre«t ET THE POTTER ! N V ESTMiATION The Evening Star Newspaper Company, a. U. KAVFFMAJSS, Frts'i. EUROPEAN SENSATIONS EXPLODED. IB! Evening Star is served to sut.scrlber* In ttr city by carrier*, on their own account, at iu cetjt* per week, or 44 centa per m<>uth. Copies at {toe ocunter, S cents each. By mailr-postage pre¬ Ant-Austrian Excitement in paid 00 cents a month; one rear, |8. Italy. T 1,1 wkkk ly st sm..pabllshed on rrt«w.W » postage prepaid. 10 copied for |li». M topioa OHIO CONGRESSIONAL JMHr All ma"! snbscrlptlons mast T>e paid in ad- CAMPAIGN. Ta- e; no paper sent longer than so pa.u iOV. tg- blitos of advertising madekuowuon appiloSr V^. 52.15". 7,89(5. WASHINGTON, D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 187S. TWO Hon. 2V, CENTS. MEXICAN BORDER TROUBLES EXCUKSIONS AXD PICNICS SPECIAL NOTICES. THE Important Decision In a Railroad The II mi Ion Controversy. Who 1* to l>e Xoxl President? EVENING STAR. l.aud Cane. MK. COLUMBUS ALEXANDER'S LATEST CARD. EX-SECRETARY FISH'S VIEWS ON TUE ultVNT TEXAS UKMMKATK (O.WKNTIOV M'EL I'OIST EVCI HSI«\. Five rr .3. I. O. O. F..GRAND LODGE.-The Decision was rendered at the Interior Mr. Columbus in List MOV EM EXT. ETC. / niU;n'-s* wa ft »<¦ the grounds. _r IK--' annual session will be beldon WE JNfc- to-day Alexander, evening's » C'll th" «i. ¦%. 24th at 8o'clocfc. Elec¬ department ia the case of Nelson Alexandria Gazette, has a card of two columns E\-Secretary Fish has been Interviewed Wool music fciisja^U for *1 Da» EVENING, instant, News Dulymott, the by jih ii. jj23 2.* tion of officers. Washington and Gossip, which involves the of the of in answer to that of New York Herald on various political top¬ EIROPCII tri'UKV r. H. 8WEET. G. 8. question right Gen. Eppa Hunton, pub¬ ics. that of the renomination of 1"- _Jyi3-2t Government Receipts To-day..Internal possession of large tracts of lands granted lished on Mr. Alexander carried his including Gen. t'npl. lt«>icHr«liiM lo Shoot In l.n«land. Friday. (Jrant for the Presidency. He does not believe i «'Mh«s. July A return iii^icm l>r*twci*>» cuoAus JUSTICES' OFFICE, revenue, customs conditionally to the Kansas Pacific Railroad card from Washington to Alexandria that Grant wants it. or of Ji LY 24rH. 456 Louisiana avknu. $1^5,707.22; $551,531.37. day yester¬ ihat any his friends A. II. Bogardus, the American W£DSE.-DAY. in the act of himself. Gen. Hunton was at Orange had anything to do with the vplainshot and pigeon ( . 8. BUNDY, opposite City Ha'l, Justice of to Company, Congress, July 1,1S>2, Court Mr. bringing up idea, champion, Mr Cbolmondely Penned, Tickets. 25 cents. the Peace. Subscriptions tlie tour per ceut. loan to¬ under which the House, Va. Alexander denies in although thousands of them desire his member of the jy6-lm lands were granted, it wa# this that he '. might Park and «.itn The St'amcr Mary Washington will Itave her day amounted to $1,077,700. that the land not within three publication declined to accept re-election. But," he continued, "it seems as Clubs, who was Huriiiigham bv wl.i.rf .: i; :. di.. ul>out 11 .i ¦¦ provided sold Hunton's but says he has as much in barely defeated H<iMrdu« returning THE BEST SUMMER DRINKS, years should he sold to settlers under the challenge, if the democrats and disaffected republicans the international match on the N.h of < «sock. a: .1 a<*v» var.l "-¦»***5« mmh The President and party are expected pre¬ right to fear the Alexandria police as Hunton are the ones are last rt.. emption law at $1.25 the to be only who trying t<> nuke month, will shot Tbev are to «ai? w».;t>?3« hewlnrf on her MILBURB'S POLAR SODA, back from Ohio this per acre, money had to fear "hose of the District of Columbia. Grant the at one today. shoot turn »iowi music wir l*. provided. Tickets a' evening. paid to the company. The railroad was ac¬ He concludes by saying: republican candidate, aud if they hundred birds each foi #l,n»>a side. l.al »: > : oami \\ hl'aKer's it -okytore*; Thoinp- With Ice-cold Coffee and at 1429 cepted as completed in 1872, and much of the " persist they may make him President,for their lor Tea, Chocolate, Secretary Evarts will return to the ir/io is a "malicious liar, a vulgar black¬ uow. Victory K»*ar«lu«. or of Geo. W. Choate, manager. Pennsylvania avenue. city land still remains unsold. An attempt to fi!e and an titter outcry against nim before he or 1X)MK)N, July .lii the i»ik*'k<tu to-morrow. a guard, irresponsible coward" is not any of his friends have even thought of such a match to Hhootlnu s^.^ngstore, This TONIC 80DA !s unrivalled. declaratory statement upon certain lands of necessary Wine to So much about that day between Captain B « ..irdu^and i> srinwi,.- jy5-tr the kind suggested in Kansas was denied say! thing, must force him upon public notice." vt. stki'ii kvjTsTx ii NoCabinet Meeting To-day..There being by personal difficulty between General Hunton " You believe Cbolmondely Pennell. Bogardus was the win¬ n: .-ti; a nxi .ai. l'n \:v,and Di^tki- r>\ DR. JNO. J. DYEB, a former I.and Commissioner and the Ac.lag and But 1 cannot really that Gen. Grant, in his ner by two birds. I «. but two myself. politically 1-t him own J t IION K PRE.M I r v ai A ;»'<stsn Island, KT Office and Residence: members of the Cabinet in the city no Secretary of the Interior on the ground that go. He is the friend of the heart, does not desire another term of WU»N KSDAY July 24. 1878. meeting of that body was held the condition in the act is a various District office, Mr. Fish?'' Telet;ra|»hlr Interrupt Ion. t 113 street northwent. to-day. proviso running has " ..An I'.ir.cirif >i ill xni)iii. nee at 1 p. m. .fe Twelfth jyl-lm with the and riDgs; always voted for them and against I do. most Gen. Grant was Lonikjn, July interruption in the SiTiri Ki-rr..ire Will start from High St. wiuii Not Written by Stanley Matthew?.. grant beyond the jurisdiction of the honest people of this District; has re¬ sincerely. [this telegraphic w ires between Pari> NATIONAL 8AFE DEPOSIT COM- the Land Office. The present Commissioner not only said in a rather enthusiastic tone lor so re¬ the andYienua exery five minutes. ir~=p>THEPAN Y, corner 15th and New York avenue, Gen. Butler is in the New York Tribune of the Land Oflice cently merely voted for, but engineered served a man as Mr. is the most delays receipt of uews from Eastern T.- kr, > 25 i ts.: Children's Tickets 15 rts.jj22 2* quoted sustained these rulings in one of the worst most Fish] simple, receives Trunks of Silverware and other valuables as that the case of and the case through, and cruel unassuming, the most unselfish man I have Europe. on are saying he intends to call before the Dudymott, was ap measures against the < al>le inn >hlkn hunk <»¦* deposit; al30 rents Safes. Its vaults burglar. Potter Atlantic pealed to the Secretary of the Interior, who poor, ring-impoverished known all my life. I know.nobody could Sensations IHh|h»s<><| Of. lUlf )I»C H»K !<? CENTS. Ore and damp proof. Charges moderate. Office committee at City the gentle¬ people of this District, which, if carried out, know it to no one Lomk>n, -{..The blue book is 9 m. m. man who was editor of the now reverses the decision of the Commis¬ will better, for did Jie speak on July published 8 f.itrfr M A KY WasHISGTOS hours, a, to 4 p. jel3-2m Republican of this bring under the hammer many of the the more containing Hie detailed protocols of the Will leave her wharf, foot ot' city in February and March of 1877. sioner, and throws open the land to settlement homesteads of our citizens for the of subject unreservedly and intimately lin iter ami IMPORTANT TO TaX-PAYERS. During at $1.2o an acre. An elaborate decision is given, benefit .t hat when Grant's second nomination was congress, and the om< i al report of its pro¬ Pevem:, nn-e:. eveij MOSDAY FRIDAY, that time certain articles appeared in the R°- the moneyed interests: has in return been re¬ broached he ceedings. '1 disclose of at 10 i in.; r. t iming ar 4:45 p.m. A Moonlight pitblieaji on the of what should be fullv reviewing the matter in all its phases warded with most did not desire it. He wanted to hey nothing interest I* on t,vh of the ahove Only thirty days, from June 19, are allowed in subject Reference is made to extensive ring patronage, back to St. Ixmis. on his farm. to American readers which we have not rtrurMon will given done by the President in dealing with the the intent of the condi¬ and for that and other similar reasons we ask go He was as ai- nights (M.-r.itay an»l Pritlav).
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