TELEGRAPH HEADLINES ROAD SAFETY Concerning the Russian If you drink, don't parlcl AjRMLpjsX. ^joHMjedt inrf American space flights. Too many people are caused •'MAN UP IN SPACE." sy accident. THE U.4.U. NEWSPAPER 'BOY, WHAT A RIDE." Friday. Mav 18 1961 RegWared «t th» CP.O.. BrIsbiM. for Volume 31, No. 5 riiuct;', -Tiaj i.o, i7Ui tranimlMlon l>y post « • p«ri6dlcal. *v^ QUEENSLAND NICK OFF!! UNIVERSITY dark resigns LIBRARY Mr. Nick Clark has resigned as Prestdenf of the Students' Union. This foilows a No Con­ fidence motion which was passed against him last March. We print, without comment, Mr. Clark's letter of resignation. ANYONE FOR MOSCOW? H. P. Roeser, Esq., President should do to fulfil his responsibility lo all Three weeks in Moscow, three weeks in Communist China^ and a week in Indonesia. Want to go? It's free. Chairman of the Council, the members of the Lmion by whom he is elected. I find, because of my observations of their conduct, that Tho story Is that it you go | treasurers. The second University of Qld. Union, I am unable to have any confidence in ^e ability or you will be able to meet with met-tlnfi: was even moro dlf- youth from all nations for. flcult to stack. At this there St. Lucia, sincerity of two of the senior officers of the Union, "a serious and frank ex-' wore eight people. They In- BRISBANE. the Honorary Secretary and the Chairman of the chanffe of oplniony in a'eluded three Presbyterians, House Committee. spirit of mutual tolerance' Needless to say these were Dear Peter, 1 bear no lasting grudge against the inexperienced a n d undcratandlnir. and nol there as odlclal rcpro- every participant will bo scnt.allvcs. A Methodist waa I am writing to confirm the decision I have already members of the Council, although they, in their ignor­ guaranteed a free expros-iulso there, too. communicated to you, that I shall no longer continue ance have done inrcpaiiabic damage to the Union. .sfon of his or her point of i II would appear that the in office as the President of the Union. I would be Damage which ha-s destroyed the standing of the view." 'committee — which has no grateful if you would inform the Council of tJiis Union, not only with the University's academic and Ot course, if you eo, you'll llmly delineated lines — any probably be classified as a, body Interested can' become decision. I shall inform the members of the Union administrative staff, but with the members of the security risk. A mate of;a committee member — un- of it and the reasons for it through "Semper Floreat". TnisTrsity itself. In the ^hort term, the personal ani­ mlne ha.s been connected '• less he's a Kascist or an I have taken this step for a number of reasons and mosities of certain persons have been sated, in the long with it. He's not a Comma-i apartheid supporter—ie term, the members of the Union will suffer through nist, not a fellow traveller, ': bending over backwards to with considerable feelings of regret. In the last two but one of those rarities a,try to get .somebody who and a half years in which I have held the offices of close University control of the Union's affairs. As the Christian who believes that; would really represent some Assistant Honorary Secretary, Honorary Secretary, example of other Universities shows, this leads to an Christians don't havo to bo ^ large sogmeiit of Queensland President and President for a second term I have efficient Union "organisation", generally blind to the afraid of Communists. The r youth, i^o. if you're interest- interests of its members. converse according to hlm;ed, send your nomination to seen the Union grow from a body with an income Is the case. At any rate, he the Queensland Preparatory of less than £10,000 to one in excess of £125,000; In leaving active participation in the control of the received a phone call from Committee World Youth from a paid staff of four to a staff of over fifty; from Union's affairs, I have feelings of regret at leaving a one of the organisers up at'forum. Box 191, Post Ofilce, tho Trades Hall at his work. North Quay. Brisbane, by an organisation that w.is considered of litde impor­ job unfinished. However. I have the personal satisfac­ Within twenty-four hours ..Mine 3. On this you should tance, the playground of law students, to one that tion of a job well done. In particular, I know that the .security was onto his boss list your name, address, sex. affects, and is of interest to, alt members of the Uni­ constilutional changes effected during the last year, telling him to bo careful. married or single, ago, occu- versity; iiom an organisation housed in untidy, some­ in the creation of the four departments of the Union, It'B been an Interesting patlon, past or present ox- what dirty, sheds to one that is housed in buildings Entertainment, Activities, House and Clubs and business this preparatory perience in organisations. Coniniittec for the world I The forum will be from unequalled in other Australian Universities. And paral­ Societies, will have lasting beneficial effects. I know youth forum. I've heard a j July 25 to August 3. leling this material development there has been an that the members who may now purchase text books lot about Communist stack- i We have It on reliable in- even more spectacular development in the social, cul­ at a discount and obtain assistance with their accom­ Ing of meeting which have i formation that If you hap- modation problems which were not available a'year anythlng to do with "peace" | pen lo be selected the newly tural and other activities of the I'nion and its mem­ —you know that thoy'formed Liberal Party Club bers. It is impossible to play a part in such develop­ ago will be grateful. fiwamp such organisations | and the Evangelical Union ment without becoming keenly interested and working Men who seek power will play a dirty game. This and honest Christians or | will he combining for prayer other folk can't get a look n»eetinK.s for the safety of hard to ensure that it is guided towards satisfactory occurs not only at the level of public life but has also and suitable goals. In. I your soul and your belief In occurred in the Union. The members of the Union Well, at tho ilrst meeting dcmocrnoy (Western Ver- Whatever the materia! efficiency of the Union may will Joon be able to judge from the effects on the at which there were some |slon). be, it is a useless organisation unless, in it, all of its Union whether their motives for seeking power are twenty-six people, the posl- i (It Is hoped a young tion ,of president waa ban-': Libera! will apply and got members may find some activity of interest. The cleaner than their methods of getting it. died about for several.the po.st.)—Have a go. you decisions and trends of the Union during the last six In these circumstances, your position as Vice- minutes. Nobody really never know your luck, months have converted it into an organisation hunting President of tho Union is a difficult one and I hope wanted to become secretary, only for commercial gain, where a decision is sound my departure fiom the scene will ease it somewhat. they' ended up with three \ B. R. IJOXG. only if it results in a profit to the organisation of the I have always had confidence in your ability and the vice-presidents and two| (Executive Jfember) Union, not if it is of benefit to the members of the results of last year's election showed that the members Union. of the Union have also. Ceramic It is with regret that I am retiring before being Yours sincerely, , able to reverse this trend. Signed. Nick Clark. floor & wall tiles 1 find that the calls on my time caused by my -exclusively throughout studies, employment and marriage are such, that in the new Student's Union the current unhealthy political climate o( the Union, THIS WAS COMMEM I am unable to do effectively those things that d Building by . LABOUR OF LOVE • All lypcs ceramic lloor litcs & glazed wall tiles. Tho Union Executive Offi- modern STOP PRESS ;cr. mil Love, prepared the • Complete quounion & tpeclul Union Building sup- skilled laying service. Mr. Dan O'NollI, a for­ ilcmcnt In this "Semper". • Tiles and materials sup­ mer "Semper" Editor tiles plied to trade & "do-it- (1959) haa won a Uni- yourjeifers". voraity Travelling' Scho­ pty. ltd. 64 WICKHAM STREET larship, possibly to a jmall English village m VALLEY, BRISBANE sailed Oxford which is {G88 than 300 miles from Dublin. "Semper" a a y a ..^' til* mtrchantt "Congratulations, Dan." It tiling contractors- Union Building Supplement Inside PAGE 2 SEMPER FLOREAT, THURSDAY, A^Y 18, 1961 LETTERS TO SEMPER is the Opium of the Intellectuals CKARLMARXJ THE EDITOR the fair sex ^'lady chat'- that man Dear SlrB. Dear Sin, Dear Sirs, Aa one of the "average Unl. girls" Although no definite statement is made Dear Sirs, We aro, referred to by Broken Student (Semper to this effect, I am assuming that "Broken Anyone who waded through Semper's- —BErDTARD JOHN GOLDBERGER, B.A. 28.4.G1), may I congratulate that worthy Student" (S.P. 28/4/61) is (more or less) "Lady Chattcrlcy" (10/3/61), should bo Dear Sirs, (whoever he may be) on exposing a racket male.
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