. X X V , ASBURY PARK; NEW- JERSEY; FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1900. n o ; 2 0 0 . H. BROWN A DELEGATE bodies all the patriotism there Is In the BISHOP M’CABE WANTS ftCEAN GROVE SUPREME; GRIFFIN AND BARRETT APPROPRIATIONS MADE country. TO NATIONAL CONVENTION. Former Assemblyman Brown was re­ FITZGERALD TO QUIT ASBURY PARK IMPOTENT. CANNOT SELL LIQUOR BY COMMON COUNCIL quired to make a-speech and declare^ The Whimsical Chaplain Creates n Stir at And This Explains, According to Secretary Their Applications for License, Opposed The City Fathers Increase Appropriation The Third Congress District Republican that os s delegate .be will go to the nat­ the general Conference by Sesiring ; Evans, Why the Sunday Train Lease. by the Church People, Were Rejected For Police $ 3 0 0 Oyer Last Year. Convention Met Here Wednesday and ional convention to vote for the renomlna. Ocean Grove's President to Resign. Thursday .at Freehold by Judge Elected Two {Representatives ia tion of President McKinley Though Broken, is Still Enforced Sewall and' Munroe^Avenues to Wilbur A; Helsley. the Philadelphia Convention. Formes- Assetnblyrtsan Tice, as ■ tbe Dr. Handley lauds England. / By Ocean Grove. he Improved -Minor Matters. Oliver BP. Brown of Spring Lake and alternate for Middlesex, pledged himself, At tho general conference of the Meth­ i The public interest In Sunday train James Griffin and Michael Barrett were Appropriations fof the coming year Frederick P. Olcott of Bernardsvlllo were should he be called on to vote, to cast his odist Episcopal church, now being halt! 'service for Aaijury Park and the possibil­ Thursday refused liquor licenses by were decided upon Monday night in Com­ elected delegates to tW BepublioaD na­ ■ballot as Mr, Brown has decided to do. ie Chicago, Ohapiata Charles C, McCabe ity of securing such service in the'future Judge Wilbur A, Helsley in the Free­ mon Council and are as follows ^ Street?, tions! convention, nt a meeting of the O. H. Brown, the Moaraoutb county of Fort Worth, Tex., created a great wars' is not by any means dampened by the h o ld court, 18,500; police, $7,000; fire department^ Third congress district In Educational delegate, represented his county In the of excitement, Tuesday, when tho follow* agreement between the Ocean Grove Samuel A. Patterson secured their over, ,$5,000; free public library, $1,100; main­ hoi! Andrew S. Church and bouse of assembly in 1897. H e la vice ing resolution, prepared by- him, was Camp Meeting Association and the rail­ throw, representing, as he did, the power­ tenance account, $8,000; schools, $16,000; Wednaadey. ful opposition of . Neptune township, Former Afjaemblymaa GeorgeS, Tice of president of the First National Bank of read; road company. That there is is more Water meters, $2,000; isolation hospital, Ocean Grove and the property owners. Middlesex county were named ajs alter­ Asbury Park and conducts a large furni­ “Resolved, That Bishop Fitzgerald be than remote possibility In the realization $500; poor, $200; road bonds, $1,000. Griffin wanted to open a saloon In Cor- nates. ... ture store in Spring Lake. requested.to resign his posStlo« as head of of a common hope is acknowledged to be The police account is increased by $500 the Ocean Grovs camp meeting.” lles avenue, West Grove; Barrett, in Avon. J, B. Clever of Middlesex county was F. P. Olcott, Somerset county’s dele­ contained In the following clause In the over last year on account of tbe appoint­ They were defended by Thomas P. Fay. made tempbrary and permanent chairman gate, Is president of the Central Trust The resolution did not come before the ioase of a strip of land by the Ocean ment of an extra policeman. At a pre­ In regard to Griffin’s application, It and W illiam S. Gllhuly of Somerset Company of NewYork. His home is in conference formally, because <ft tbe rule, Grove Association to the, New York and vious meeting several other appropria­ was proved by evidence produced by county, temporary and permanent" secre­ Bernardsvllle, prohibiting the introduction of measure?* Long Branch Railroad Company, the in­ tions were snade because of their Counselor Patterson that his application tary, of the meeting. The New Jersey delegates to the nat­ by biBhops. strument having been recorded lt\ the urgency. : . '----- ;---------- — • had only eleven freeholders’ signatures, . Mr. Brown’s name waa placed In nomi­ ional convention have all been named. Bishop McCibe’s action wns described, county clerk’s office In Freehold October Surety bond* for' city officials were the law requiring twelve, This barred nation by Assemblyman Samuel \V. Klrk­ Tijft'ifour delegates at large ara; Senator today by Ocean Grove Camp Meeting As-' 2, 18S3, in record book No. 878, psge 153: fixed at the following figures; City his application. Judge HelBley remarked brlde. Senator Charles Arthur Reed of William Joyce Sewell, Governor Foster soclatlon officials as Sa line, with what ■< Subject nevertheless, ao far as tbe same treasurer, $15,000; city collector, $10,000; tbat abless tba sentiment la West Grove Plainfield, Somerset county, seconded the M, Voorhees, Barker Gummera and they termed bis eccentricities, And they tony oe applicable thereto and this lease city clerk, $2,000; city constable, $1 ,000; ia granted aad accepted accordingly, to changes he will never license-a place nomination and placed Mr. Olcott’e name Franklin Murphy, Tho- district dele­ claim there is'nothing more behind tba city police justice, $600; city overseer of the regulations which may from time to there.; before tbe convention. Somerset’s Howl- gates are; First district, John M. Moore resolution than Bishop McCabe's whim, iime be adopted and promulgated for tbe poor, $200. The premium upon the same It wse established on tbe evidence of nee was seconded by Mr. klrkbrlde. The and William Bradley; Second district, citing the' two following resolutions also government of the eald camp ground and shall be paid for by the city, except fa Niart-Rogers, a surveyor, that the place candidates were tben elected by acclama­ State Comptroller William 8. Hancock prepared by him and read before the con- ??hicb are. hereby made psrt’o ftb is in- the case of the constable. ttrument as fully to all intents and pur­ Barrett wanted to open is within one mile tion. and Samuel W. llelden; Third district* ference: The ordinances for the paving and poses as if tbey were incorporated herein, of the'Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Asso- Middlesex county nominated Messrs, Oliver H. Brown and Frederick P. Olcott ; Resolved, That Bishop Hurst be re­ especially the regulation prohibiting the regrading of Sewall and Munroe avenues ciation’s property and this, under a law of Church and Tice, both of whom were Fourth district, Nathan H, Hart and quested to. sell out the American Univer­ Stopping of trains or locomotives, care or passed oa flpal reading and went into ef­ sity, although It Is worth today $2,5O0,O0&- the state, barred him from procuring a seconded by Senator Reed and Assembly* George W. Stickler; Fifth district, Shef­ <Jtber vehicles used ia the transportation fect at once,' field Phelps and Colonel William Bar­ and abandon all further,attempts to bulla Of passengers or freight at the structures license., -Thereupon tbe court refused to William Ford of West .Park was man Klrkbrido and elected by acciama- and endow It, to be erected on said ground nor upon grant Barrett’s application. , awarded; the contract for repaving tion. bour; Sixth district, Robert N. Hawks* Resolved, That Bishop Warren be re­ said ground nor at any point nearer than The bistory of Barrett’s place is inter­ The committee on resolutions, E. D. Worth aad Leslie D. Ward; Seventh dis­ quested to give up all farther attempts to Ocean Beach on tha south, or Deal on the and. regrading Munroe and Bewail ate- build up the Denver University. esting to the taxpayers. In 1888 Barrett Petteys of JCeyport, Jesse Collyer of trict, Flavel McGee and Edward M. Wat­ north, on the first day. of the week, com­ nues. The bidders were as follows; , son; Eighth district, Charles Fisk and Rev. John Homiley, formerly pastor of monly called. Sunday, .for the purpose of. was thrice Indicted .on the charga of sell -William Ford, -$ 1 ,0 0 0 George! W. Rog».. Middlesex, and S, L. WyckofI of Som­ -takissg ora or letting of passengers or Ing liquor illegally at the place in ques­ era, $1T402; M. E. Sexton, $1,400; T. V. erset, presented the following resolutions, George 'W. Decamp. the First M. E. chnrch of Asbury Park) freight, excepting io I'ases of accident or tion, He was acquitted once and the jury which were adoptid: and now located In Camden, was also re from some unavoidable cause. Provided, Hendrickson, $1,870. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. sponsible/ for considerable commotion. however, that if at any time the said disagreed twice. Gravel from the Ailenwood pits of tbe. Tbe Republicans of the . Third Con- He Introduced a resolution directing that party of the second part Bball deem It In '07 he operated the Bame place Manasqilan Gravel Company or Shark, giesslohal District congratulates oar fel­ nocessary to stop their trains nearer to nnder a license granted Peter Braun, and river gravel, at tha option of the'Street low citizens o s’ tbe magnificent results of The Appropriation for Memorial Day Cre­ the British flag be displayed, beside Ihe Ocean Grove than Oceaa Beach on the the wagon from the saloon kept tbe Committee, was ordered to be purchased font years of Republican government, ates a Clash Between the White and Stars and Stripes on the stage.
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