Pate Eight THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1927 LEGAL NOTICE suggestions that he may d$em proper. qualifications prescribed for members lation otUhe Department or of a co m ­ given three days notice of the date of 1 be subjected to the penalty of, 110.00 mittee to be known as tbs Fir* O N - He shall keep a record of all business of the uniformed force, under Article II, mand oP % superior officer. trial and an opportunity to defend him- for each offense, mni.ee,mittee, methe met.first uiiyv«s..™appointed ***-*•man to do— tranaacteu by the Department and^ap- Section 12. known________ aa.1 ___them Chairman ..||,p .n nf of SB Hi.such IS fVASSt- Com­ self at a hearing of the Fire Commit­ 3— Any person who shall raise, create ERIFF’S SALE—-In Chancery of New prove all bills for^ expenses of the D e- Section 2—Each Volunteer Company tee. m ittee. .Xnartment. except those rendered for or continue a falsfe a arm o f fire or J e r s e y .__ ... ----- ------------- ~ tween December 1st and Decem­ AR TICLE V. operate a fire alarm box without rea- Sectlon 2—-All ordinance — ------ - and parts Of complainant, and Daniel Eben and Ber- fixed charges. ber 2ist of eac ordinances Inconsistent herewith are rha Eben, his w ife, et ala., defendants. Section I— General provisions— 1. Any »»n'«ble cause sha'l be subjected to a Section 6— He sh all keep an accurate and Assistant Foreman and Fire Mar­ person-rson wnowho snailshall during a lire dr I VS oftram_i2fi.0a. t.0_ $60.00. hereby repealed. «... SM fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. record and make an annual report to shal and such election shall be pre­ Committee. All charges shall be sped f»ydlnance to take, hffSCt M M I* By virtue of the above-stated writ of oT- operate any vehlc e over any hose 4—Any person who the Township Committee on the first sented to the Chief for approval and fie and com pla in t shall also contain a or ether fire apparatus shall be sub- 1 U8.e t°* flre hydrant without first ob­ diatly! fieri facias to me directed 1 shall ex- regular meeting of the year the num­ to the Township Committee for confir­ statement of the essential facts upon A d op tea : ;>oae for sale by public vendue, at the jected to a penalty of $25.00 for each talning permission shall be subjected to ber of alarms during the previous year, mation: and any vacancy that may oc­ which the charges are based, charges tindnee. ja penalty of $ 10.00. Sheriff’s office In the Court House In the amount of loss Incurred and the cur during the year shall be fl'led in a will be heard by the Township Com­ Chairman of Township Committs# he city o f Elizabeth, N. J., on 2—Any person who shall wilfully hln- ARTICLE VI. amount covered by Insurance so far as like manner. In the event of a failure mittee and member against whom der or molest a member of the Fire | Section 1—There shall be a Commlt- ATTEST: WEDNESDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF practicable. He shall keep .a record to fill the offices of Foreman, A s s is t­ charges have been preferred shall be MARCH, A. D., 1927 of all appointments, resignations, dis­ lfiepartment or any other Township tee of two members appointed In the T ow nship Cleijk. ant Foreman or Fire Marshal as above officer In the performance of duty shall usual manner from the Township Com- it two o’clock in the afternoon of said missals, removals and deaths of fire­ provided, the Chief shall recommend to lay. men as they take place with such other the Township Committee suitable fire­ particulars as may be necessary. He All that lot, tract or parcel of land men for such oitices and upon confir­ mtl premises, situate, lying and being sfra+P also keep a record of all fire mation of the Township CorffiMttve they in the Township of Hillside, Union badges distributed by him and #hall shall be deemed duly qualified and con- County, New Jersey. take a writtefKrecelpt from each mem­ siituted ?s such officers as the case CVGobocyseT ber of the Department to whom a badge may be. Each Company shal' also el^ct BEGINNING at a point in the wester­ may be given. a Secretary anfT shall adopt such rules HILLSIDE THEATRE ly line of Winchester Avenue distant Section 6—It shall be the duty of the >>•■•<1 by-laws as may he necessarv tor HOLLYWOOD AT LONG AVENUE * —-lyorrh west-sniM..Lhj:.e,e h-undre d a ndL f i f t y Chief to see, that all laws, ordinances, their government subject to approval feet from the Intersfection of the west­ rules, regii'ationa and ordprs relative ntrd stre4t wl<*» and ordinances as m ay w / n e erly line of said Winchester Avenue to the Department are promptly en­ be adopted by the Township Committee Saturday— March 5 with the northerly line of North Ave­ forced and obeyed and ail derelictions for the regulation of the Fire Depart­ T t & e t nue;' thence south sixty-seven degrees or transgressions that may come to his ment. y ~ \ Harrison Ford and Phyllis Haver in "THE NERVOUS WRECK" fiftv-five minutes west one-hundreU knowledge are promptly investigated Section 3—All ■ Volunteer Firemen feel; thence north twenty-two degrees and reported to the Chairman of the shall attend ail alarms of fire when it Comedy News, Fables five minutes west fifty feet; thence Eire Committee. Pie shall have power is possib’e-to do so/hnd they should ask north sixty-seven degrees, fifty-five and it shall be h\is duty to summarily to be excused byJ the officer in com 2 DAYS I .^minutes east one hundred feet to the suspend from duty any member of the na^d neiore leavln Sunday and Monday— March 6 and 7 SPECIAL! westerly line of Winchester Avenue; Denartment for insubordination or dis­ Section 4—All volunteer Firemen thence south twenty-two degrees five orderly conduct orany flagrant viola­ shall be under the direction of the Chief NORMA SHEARER in minutes east fifty feet to the BEGIN­ tion or disregard of any law, ordinance, and Assistant Chief d|r officer In charge ii NING. Being lot No. 98 on Map o f L iv­ rule, regulation or order; such suspen­ at all alarms of fire ingston Lark, situate adjacent to Eliza­ sion to continue until' the Township Section 5—All active Volunteer Fire Good House Cleaning “ UPSTAGE ” beth, New Jersey, filed in the Union mvu-n jt tee have acted thereon upon men of the Fire Department of the County Register's Office, April 20, 1920. recommendation of ,the Fire Commlt- Townshilp of Hillside^ who shall have Necessities answer the Also— “ THE BLACK BOTTOM” SAMUEL 11. TOOL, Sheriff, attended in each year SO per centum of Decree amounting approximately. Section 7—He shall promptly report- i tie rtiaiTns of fire shall receive the sum help wanted ads in the Comedy News *4,575. to the Chairman of the Fire Committee of F ifteen dollars (J15.0D) to be paid Israel B. Greene, Sol’ r. any officer or member of the uniformed to him by the Township, out of the daily papers. The right Tuesday—March 8 DOUBLE FEATURE BILL! Fees $15.38 E DJAHT Feb. 11. « force who bv reason of age, disease, ac moneys raised by general tax levied, eident or other disability cannot fully, to cover any losses that each one may brushes, brooms, mops, All Star C .«t in “ THE WALTZ DREAM ” TOWNSHIP HILLSIDE promptly and properly perform full have incurred attending upon and put­ *A CAT WATCHING A ditty in the epartm ent. ting 'out fires^fT"TRV Tow nship. polishes, etc., make house MOUSE |S CARELESS And— Read H ow e, in “ THE KENTUCKY HANDICAP" Notice is hereby given that.Vhe fol­ Section 8—He shall see that all laws Section 6—Jvhen aVl active Volunteer COMPARED TO A VIUAGE lowing ordinance has been missed by and ordinances rela tin g to fire p re­ Fireman has served \seven years he cleaning much easier and Comedy vention are observed and shall perform shall becoftte exempt affd automatically WATCHIMG A WIDOWER? ihe Township Committee ofJme Town­ every woman knows it. ship of Hillajdi^^Umnty oL^Jnlon, State duties as mav be prescribed by the drop from/the active list of his Com­ With a radio you “ watch” >f Nev^ Jersey, ojpTtrsCjeading at a laws of the State of New Jersey or di­ pany, this! would in no way deprive Wednesday—March 9 ' the world and “ listen in” at neeting^bf the /tfownship Committee rected by the Township Committee. him of bdlng appointed to the uni­ FRED THOMSON and SILVER KING in field on W ednesday/ evening, M arch 2, Section 9—The Assistant Chief shall formed fpree. Stop putting o ff the will to the news and music of 1927, and will b^Xtesented for second be next In rank to the Chief and in hls Section 7—No person or persons shall far distant points. You have ind ttnal reading and adoption at a absence sha’l have all the powers and for Any purpose take or cause to be necessary purchases and “ A REGULAR SCOUT” neeting of the said Committee to be duties prescribed for the Chief.
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