PROJECT PHYSICS I I Text and Handbook O I I I I The Triumph of Mechanics c^ PROJECT PH-YSICS Directors F. James Rutherford Gerald Holton Fletcher G. Watson Published by HOLT, RINEHART and WINSTON, Inc. New York. Toronto PROJECT PHYSICS Text and Handbook Unit 3 The Triumph of Mechanics " Directors of Harvard Project Physics Acknowledgments, Text Section Gerald Holton, Department of Physics, Harvard The authors and publisher have made every effort University to trace the ownership of all selections found in this F. James Rutherford, Chairman of the Department book and to make full acknowledgment for their use. of Science Education, New York University Many of the selections are in the pubbc domain. Fletcher G. Watson, Harvard Graduate School Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made to the of Education following authors, publishers, agents, and individ- uals for use of their cop^xighted material. Special Consultant P. 1 Desagulier, T., The Newtonian System of the World, to Project Physics J. The Best Model of Government , an Allegorical Poem. Andrew Ahlgren, University of Minnesota P. 2 Descartes, Rene, The Philosophical Works of Descartes, trans. Haldane, Ehzabeth S. and Ross, G. R. T., Vol. 1, p. 299, copyright 1931 by Cambridge University Press. A partial list of staff and consultants to Hansard P. 2 "A Free Inquiry into the received Notion of Nature," Project Physics appears in the Text and The Works of Robert Boyle, Vol. IV, p. 362. Handbook, Unit 1. P. 3 Newton, Sir Isaac, The Principia, Motte's translation revised by Florian Cajori, preface to first edition (1687), p. xviii, copyright ©1961 by University of California Press. P. 5 Lucretius, On the Nature of Things, trans. H. Munro, This Text and Handbook, Unit 3 is one of the many George Bell & Sons, Book II, p. 51. instructional materials developed for the Project P. 5 Bacon, Francis, Complete Essays Including the New Physics Course. These materials include Text, Handbook, Atlantis and Novum Organum, edit, by Finch, Henry L., Resource Book, Readers, Programmed Instruction Washington Square Press. booklets. Film Loops, Transparencies, 16mm films, P. 6 Lavoisier, Antoine, Elements of Chemistry, (1790), a and laboratory equipment. facsimile of an original translation by Robert Kerr with new intro. by Professor Douglas McKie, Dover Publications, Inc. P. 22 Gerhardt, Die Philosophische Schriften von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1875-90, Vol. IV, p. 286. Eng. Trans, in Dugas, R., Mechanics in the Seventeenth Century, Central Book Co., p. 407. P. 41 Darwin, Erasmus, Botanic Garden —The Economy of Vegetation, J. Moore, p. 49. P. 43 Savery, Thomas, in Hart, I. B., James Watt & the History of Steam Power, copvTight ©1961 by Crowell Collier-Macmillan & Co. P. 50 Joule, James Prescott, The Scientific Papers of James Prescott Joule, an illustrated facsimile of the 1884 edition, copyright ©1963 by Dawson of Pall Mall. P. 56 Ibid. P. 58 Helmholtz, H. L. F., Popular Scientific Lectures, edited by Morris Kline, copyright 1873, 1881, ©1962 by Dover Publications, Inc. P. 63 Poincare, Henri, La Science et I'Hypothese, E. Flammarion, excerpt trans, by McClaim, John. P. 78 Lord KeKin, "The Size of Atoms,'",\'flfj/re, Vol. I, p. 551. P. 86 Frost, Robert, from "West-Running Brook," The Poetry of Robert Frost, ed. by Edwiu-d Connery Lathem, p. 259, copyright ©1969 by Holt, Rinehaii and Winston. Inc., copyright ©1956 by Robert Frost. Reprinted by permission of Holt. Rinehart and Winston, Inc. P. 92 Lord Kelvin, "The Kinetic Theory of the Dissipation of Copyright © 1975, 1970, Project Physics Energy." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, All Rights Reserved Vol. 8, p. 325. ISBN 0-03-089638-X P. 93 Nietzsche, Friedrich. "Der Wille zur Macht. 456789 039 987654321 Nietzsche: An Anthology of His Works, ed. Manthey-Zorn. Project Physics is a registered trademark Otto, Washington Square Press, p. 90. IV p. 93 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Hellas, ed. Wise, Thomas J., P. 40 (aeolipile) Science Museum, London. Reeves & Turner, pp. 51-52 not inclusive. P. 43 Newcomen Society, London. Pp. 93-94 Poincare, Henri, Kinetic Theory, ed. Stephen P. 44 (Watt in his laboratory) Figuier, Louis, Les Merveilles Brush, Vol. 2. p. 206, copyright ©1966 by Pergamon Press. de la Science, Furne, Jouvet et Cie, Paris. Pp. 120-121 Huygens, Christiaan, Treatise on Light, first P. 46 (train) Boston & Maine Corporation. published in Paris (1690), trans. Thompson, Silvanus P., P. 48 (steamboat) Science Museum, London. copyright 1912 by Dover Publications, Inc. P. 49 (top) Courtesy of General Electric Company; (bottom) P. 134 Power, Henry, Experimental Philosophy (1664), American Institute of Physics. reprinted 1966 by Johnson Reprint Corp., p. 192. P. 52 Professor Keith R. Porter, Dept. of Biology, Harvard P. 134 Donne, John, "The First Anniversary," Donne's University. Poetical Works, ed. Grierson, Herbert J., Oxford University P. 55 "The Repast of the Lion," by Henri Rousseau, Press (Clarendon Press imprint). Vol. 1, p. 237. courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, bequest of Samuel A. Lewisohn, 1951. P. 57 (Goethe) painting by Angelica Kauffmann, 1787, Harvard College Observatory; (Schelling) pastel by Friedrich Tieck, 1801, collection of Dr. Hermann von Schelling. P. 58 Koenigsberger, Leo, Hermann von Helmholtz, Braunschweig Druck und Verlag, von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn. Picture Credits, Text Section P. 65 (wrecker) Harry Redl, LIFE MAGAZINE, © Time Inc.; (ocean liner) courtesy of Kenyon & Eckhardt, Inc. and Cover photograph, p. 134 "Locomotive Wheels" by Farrell Fugazy Travel Bureau, Inc. Grehan. P. 70, 135 (margin, third firom top) Courtesy AMF-Voit. P. 2 (watch assembly) Swiss Federation of Watch P. 71 (balloon) U.S. Air Force. Manufacturers; (Blake drawing) Whitworth Art Gallery, P. 86 American Institute of Physics. University of Manchester. P. 91 (Maxwell) Courtesy of Trinity College Library, P. 3 Albert B. Gregory, Jr. Cambridge; (colliding balls) PSSC Physics, D. C. Heath & P. 4, 135 (top margin) Pictorial Parade, N.Y.C. Co., 1965. P. 92 (light bulb) Dr. Harold E. P. 5 (thunderhead) Peter M. Saunders. Woods Hole Edgerton, M.I.T. ; (bonfire) Oceanographic Institute, (bonfire) Colgate University. Colgate University; (landscape) "Mount P. 7 (Lavoisier portrait) painted by Jacques Louis David. WHbamson—Clearing Storm," 1944, Ansel Adams. Courtesy of The Rockefeller University. P. 93 Thompson, Silvanus P., Life of William Thomson, vol. P. 12 Boston Patriots Football Club. 1, MacmiUan and Co., Ltd., London. P. 14 (hockey players) Pictorial Parade, N.Y.C; (space P. 94 P. E. Genereux, E. Lynn. vehicle) National Aeronautics & Space Administration; P. 96 Greek National Tourist Office, N.Y.C. (galaxy) Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories; P. 100, 111, 135 (bottom margin) Magnum Photos Inc., (colliding balls) National Film Board of Canada. N.Y.C. Werner Bischof P. 17 The Boeing Company. P. 105 Union Pacific Railroad. P. 18 (galaxy) Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories; P. 117 "Singer with Lyre" from red-figured amphora (colliding cars) Henry Groskwsky, LIFE MAGAZINE, © attributed to the Brygos painter. Courtesy of the Museum of Time Inc. Fine Arts, Boston. John Michael Rodocanachi Fund. P. 20 (Huygens) Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences P. 119 National Film Board of Canada. and Letters, Amsterdam. Pp. 120, 122-123, 125 (ripple tank photos) Courtesy, Film P. 21 (Descartes) the Franz Hals portrait in the National Art Studio Educational Development Center. Museum, Copenhagen. P. 121 Courtesy, College of Engineering, University of P. 22 (Leibniz) Burndy Library, Norwalk, Conn. California, Berkeley. P. 27 "The Little Prince" ft-om THE LITTLE PRINCE by P. 125 (radiotelescope) National Radio Astronomy Antoine de Saint Exupery, copyright 1943 by Harcourt, Observatory, Green Bank, W.Va. Brace & World, Inc., reproduced with their permission. P. 128 U.S.' Nav7. P. 28, 135 (margin, second from top) Russ Kinne—Photo P. 130 Schaefer and Seawell Researchers. P. 133 (anechoic chamber) Bell Telephone Laboratories; P. 35 Albert B. Gregory, Jr. (concert haU) Hedrich-BIessing P. 36 Dr. Harold E. Edgerton, M.I.T. P. 143 U.S. Na\^. P. 37 Dimitri Kessel, LIFE MAGAZINE, © Time Inc. P. 39 (camel & waterwheel) C. W, Kirkland, LIFE MAGAZINE, © Time Inc.; (reversible overshot waterwheel) Agricola, Georgius, De Re Metallica, 1556, Houghton Library, Harvard University; (windmill) M. G. All photographs not credited above were made Walker, LIFE MAGAZINE, © Time Inc. by the staff of Harvard Project Physics. Science is an adventure of the ivhole human race to learn to live in and perhaps to love the universe in which they are. To be a part of it is to understand, to understand oneself, to begin to feel that there is a capacity within man far beyond what he felt he had, of an infinite extension of human possibilities .... I propose that science be taught at whatever level, from the loivest to the highest, in the humanistic way. It should be taught with a certain historical understanding, ivith a certain philosophical understanding, xvith a social understanding and a human understanding in the sense of the biography, the nature of the people who made this construction, the triumphs, the trials, the tribulations. I. I. RABI Nobel Laureate in Physics Preface Background The Project Physics Course is based on the ideas and research of a national curriculum development project that worked in three phases. First, the authors—a high school physics instructor, a university physicist, and a professor of science education—collaborated to lay out the main goals and topics of a new introductory physics course. They worked together from 1962 to 1964 with financial support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the first version of the text was tried out in two schools with encouraging results. These preliminary results led to the second phase of the Project when a series of major grants were obtained from the U.S. Office of Education and the National Science Foundation, starting in 1964.
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