U a i v a r s i t y Arohlvas stang [^Polytechnic State University, 'n r.N o.6 8 ^¡deo by SCO,W 'Q'oy, '^ott 0/7 bang over They mesmerize the brain. They eat businesses have survived, others never like affair consisting of boards with quarters. They're frustrating. They ruin got started. nails pounded in them through which a your vision. 'They drive you mad. They “ A lot of people tried to get into it (the ball would roll. are addicting. video-game business),’’ he said. “ Most The machines slowly evolved into the They come in all shapes and sizes. lost their shirts. Like any business, you present day contraptions, which cost a And names. Tempest, Defenders, have to tend it or forget it.’’ Please see page 2 Robotron, Space Duel, Donkey Kong, Martini has tended his. An electronic Missile Command, Stargate, Zig Zag, engineer, he repairs his own Kangaroo, Monaco G.P., Zaxxon, machines—if they are repairable. Asteroids, Pac Man. Although the Internal Revenue Service They are electronic video games. And allows a three year tax write-off on the despite the criticisms leveled at them, machines, which cost more than $3,000 they’re fun. And they're profitable. each. Martini said that the games don't At least they have been profitable for last that long. m ' Atari. The Sunnyvale, California-based "If you own the machine itself, it unit of Warner Brothers is the world’s takes a minimum 12,000 plays to pay largest supplier of console and home for the machine,” he said. “ That does video game equipment. not happen overnight. I hope I can get According to estimates last April, my money back within a year. If not, Atari, which commands about 76 per­ I'm stuck with a lemon.” cent of the home-game market, expected The situation is not quite so tight in to sell $1.7 billion worth of home video the game room downstairs in the Cal Po­ consoles and coin-operated video games. ly University Union. According to That figure was six times Warner Games Area Manager Bob Jenkins, Brothers' income from their record while the U.U. may see a slackening off business, five times their film division’s in profits, they lease their machines and earnings, and 47 times the amount they therefore don't have to worry about made from their Oscar-winning movie lemons and paying off their games. “ Chariots of Fire’’. “ (Doin-operated games have always Intellivision, one of Atari’s top com­ been a major source of income in the s* m petitors, accounted for 25 percent of the games area,” Jenkins said. “ Our income billion dollar revenue in 1981 of its from the games has continually parent company, Mattel. escalated from the time we opened up (in But according to local video game ar­ 1971).” cade operators, the electronic video Jenkins said that he is presently in game has already peaked in popularity. the position of having to guess what the According to Alan Martini, owner of future will bring. The way he sees it, the m Martini’s Time Machine on Foothill and home video market has begun to take its Martini’s Family Fun Fair on Santa toll on the arcades. Rosa Street, the craze hit its peak a year “ I think there will be a stablizing ago.s trend rather than an increase this year,” “ A good number (of arcade operators) Jenkins said, adding that he would pro­ have gone bankrupt,’’ Martini, owner of ject a 10 percent drop in profits in 1983. Martini's Time Machine (video machine) Arcades are not new by any stretch of business have gone bankrupt in the last the imagination. The United States has year. Several large firms like had them since 1906, when they CinepiatronipA Iviyq fnihA . »I bo. ........ fegtwed. motion picture, machines and Martini opened his first arcade three music boxes. Hien, in the I930’s came and a half years ago. While his the first pinball machine, a pachinko- Pag* 2 Muatang OaNy If, Fabmaiy 7. IMS Arcades lose money: video craze pas| its peak Man, which was developed From pao* 1 volves threading one's way disabilities. Some .occupa­ their office l)oura " t o ] ^ y said. " I t has to be nm as in Japan. They introduced a quarter rather than through a variety of pro­ tional therapists have the games. ■ such. If you don’t run it as , a home version of Pac Man the nickel they did in the blems set in more than a found that learning disabl­ And in any one of the a good business, you get in in March of 1982. old days. The first elec­ thousand scenes on an Ap­ ed children benefit highly city’s video arcades, one trouble." Manufacturers have tronic video games weren't ple II home computer from the multisensory can usually find business The San Luis Obispo Ci­ come up with all kinds of of the quality that screen. Players can even stimulation the games pro­ people squeezing a few ty Council will vote Feb. 15 games to play on a screen. characterizes modern join a Time Zone club if vide. What sets video games into their lunch on whether to establish an One example is Time Zone, machines. According to they want to. games apart from tradi­ hours. ordinance requiring that, a home game produced by Martini, the first game Video Games are proving tional therapies is that pa­ But it is the younger among other things, would- On Line Systems. To play that really amounted to to be helpful in tients find them fun. patrons that have drawn be video arcade proprietors the entire game takes anything was Atari's rehabilitating brain- So do a lot of other peo­ heat to the arcades. Mar­ have to get land use p w -' about two and a half years Space Invaders. Atari injured patients and ple, adults as well as tini whose wife has taught mits and special licenses. or more. Basically, it in­ followed that up with Pac children with learning children. Martini opens his school in the area for 22 The city has a ------------ Family Fun Fair at 10 a.m. years, takes the problems moratorium on areas with because he says doctors in stride. four or more machines at like to come in between “ This is strictly an enter­ present, but the ordinance their hospital runs and tainment business,” he Please see page 7 SPECIAL o f f e r INCLUDES: Largest Selection COMPLETE 4 DENTAL •All Ne<evsary X rays eCleoning Best Service •Connplete intro Orol Enomination CHECK-UP eOiognosis ond Consuifotion < Wetsuit & Surfboard Repair Shop FOR .STUDENTS OWn»' Huj»'* Hi A;»;». AND FACULTY CALI 481-CARE 18 Month Extended Warranty E. Michael Stchula, D.D.S. $25.00 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry oaPvkrteu IMS W. Branch St. Arroyo Grande, CA TiShur HSSSSS HaiioRMan V j- i SURFBOARDS IS«. < Mf», y>f.i If ih (ittfll r*i A ^ Open 7 Days 879 Higuera Behind Korbs Free Parking 543-2211 VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL FREE TRANSFER 1 S T O P W hen you buy his shirt at i 1 m a r 1 regular price you also get 1 ^LAZA \ Your shirt for only V2 price j Mention this ad Top Stop Shop L to receive the special Madonna Plaza Expires Feb 15th, 1983 543-1325 u ■ O KNOW US IS TO LOVE YOUR DIAMOND MORE It’s so ca«y to be lured by a diamond. We ll leach you the inner secrets of diamond buying. Our business is based on earning and ki'cping customer contidence ,. and a love of diamonds. We'll give you the very finest for your money. So trust in its. You'll love us and your diamond all the more. VALENTINE’S DAY SALEM! Brasil’s Jewelers 720 Hiquera 543-8523 I N ) V Mf'f •• , V. 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