O Ś WIĘ CIM ISSNISSNN 1899-44071899-9 4407 PEOPLE CULTURE HISTORY no. 16 April 2010 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 16, April 2010 EDITORIAL BOARD: Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine EDITORIAL This issue of the magazine 10 and it was even harder rible and unexpected facts. selves and raise our aware- was published in a time to understand and explain We can only hope that this ness of life that we can di- diffi cult for all Poles–dur- it. We should remember to situation will make us bet- rect only seemingly. ing the National Mourn- be together in this diffi cult ter and we will be able to ing, when it was yet hard period, maybe it will help use the wave of sadness and Paweł Sawicki to believe in what had hap- us to get back to normal life emotions that stroke us so Editor-in-chief Editor: pened near Katyń on April and to deal with those ter- heavily to strengthen our- [email protected] Paweł Sawicki Editorial secretary: Agnieszka Juskowiak-Sawicka Editorial board: Bartosz Bartyzel Wiktor Boberek A GALLERY OF THE 20TH CENTURY Jarek Mensfelt Olga Onyszkiewicz Jadwiga Pinderska-Lech Today we have a spring- trunk large enough for the of useful birds. One of their old MAPLE growing in the Artur Szyndler time, green and ecological small hands of a child. We “generations,” perhaps be- courtyard of the building at Columnist: topic! The history of this hid our treasures there: cause of their wild instincts, 23 Jagiełło Street. A tree of Mirosław Ganobis tree is the history of this ten- girls—rag dolls, ribbons, came to like the branches our childhood games and Design and layout: ement building, in whose and beads. Boys—wires and limbs of the tree and almost magical fascination. Agnieszka Matuła, Grafi kon courtyard it grows, and the and sticks that could later fl ew up onto it to sit as if on Everything has changed! Translations: history of those who live in be used for something, and a perch. This was an inter- Not many of the people from David R. Kennedy this home. pocketknives. Someone esting and common sight: that time are still around, Proofreading: The old, leafy tree… In the said that probably because like a tree in an exotic land the games are over, and the Beata Kłos spring with its green leaves, of the magic of the trees and populated with a squawk- building has changed its Cover: full of golden purple in au- hollows, the items left there ing fl ock of birds. function. But the tree—al- Photo by Emanuel Berry tumn, fi nally reaching the overnight—would double! Today, the tree, though a bit most immortal—as it was— Photographer: earth and covering it with That from one pocketknife, butchered, still stands and is still the same! And those Paweł Sawicki a crisp carpet. With seeds, two, from one doll—two! grows. The hollow within children from under the which like little helicopters We checked this magical it has long grown over and maple umbrella?... I have fall, whirling to the ground. possibility many times, but has become a part of the written about their adult The time about which I in the dampness and wet- trunk. In the spring, as usu- fate, that has been meaning- PUBLISHER: write—in other words, long ness of the hollow nothing al, it turns green, and in the ful for the town, more than ago—at a low level, just right ever multiplied! autumn it spreads its crunch once! Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum for a child’s eyes and hands, In the courtyard there was leaves. And what kind of was an opening in the tree a coop with a small number TREE is this? This is a plush Andrzej Winogrodzki www.auschwitz.org.pl PARTNERS: Jewish Center www.ajcf.pl Center for Dialogue and Prayer Foundation www.centrum-dialogu.oswiecim.pl International Youth Meeting Center www.mdsm.pl IN COOPERATION WITH: Kasztelania www.kasztelania.pl State Higher Vocational Schoolol in Oświęcim www.pwsz-oswiecim.pli i l Editorial address: „Oś – Oświęcim, Ludzie, Historia, Kultura” Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau ul. Więźniów Oświęcimia 20 32-603 Oświęcim e-mail: [email protected] Photo: www.kasztelania.pl Strollers on Jagiełło Street. Photo from Mirosław Ganobis’s collection “A Gallery of the 20th Century” 1413121110987654321 Oś—Oświęcim, People, History, Culture magazine, no. 16, April 2010 Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum NATIONAL TRAGEDY. ETERNAL REST… On 10 April 2010 in the catastrophic airplane crash in Smolensk, the President of the Republic of Po- land, Lech Kaczyński, lost his life. He was fl ying, leading a nearly one hundred person delegation to commemorate and honor the Polish offi cers murdered 70 years ago in Katyń. With him, all those aboard the fl ight were killed: the First Lady, the highest offi cials of the Polish State, Members of Par- liament, bishops and chaplains, generals and offi cers of the Polish Army, veterans, representatives of Katyń Families and other social organizations, offi cials of the Government Protection Bureau and the plane’s crew. Many of these people were worthy of merit for Poland. Among them were individuals, whose ties to the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum were exceptionally strong. Tomasz Merta, the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the General Conservator of Antiquities was killed in this catastrophe. A man of exceptional insight, understanding and personal sacrifi ce for the cause of historical memory and the education of new generations. Also killed was Andrzej Przewoźnik, Secretary of the Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites, a member of our museum Council, who established countless Memorial Sites and monuments to the military and martyrdom in Poland and abroad. The list of victims also includes Father Roman Indrzejczyk, Chaplain of the Polish President, who recited the prayer “Eternal Rest” on 27 Jauary 2010 in Birkenau for the vicitims of Auschwitz. Among the victims was also Lieutenant Colonel Czesław Cywiński, President of the Association of Armia Krajowa Soldiers, and uncle of the direc- tor of our Museum. To the families and loved ones of the victims we offer our deepest condolences. “Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.” Photo: Chancellery of the President Poland, PAP, gazeta.pl MEETING WITH MIECZYSŁAW KITA ieczysław Kita—does not look like he is 90 years old—gives the impression of a calm and somewhat humble man. But his book “I was there” describes a brave, contentious, young man who has escaped the greatest oppres- Msion because of his ingrained cleverness. Mieczysław Kita speaks parents and sent to the gas. then I’ll work for you as gamme, next he was sent back the memoir entitled “I was spontaneously, but you can He remembers a Yugoslavian a driver”—“You’d drive me, to Auschwitz from where in there,” published by the see that he has thought his man who struck an SS man but straight to St. Peter,” an- October 1944 he was evacu- Auschwitz-Birkenau State speech through to maintain and then was shot by him. He swered Kapo Maruta. ated to Gross-Rosen, in Febru- Museum in 2009. the chronology of events. becomes emotional when he From the history he tells, the ary 1945 he was transferred to The meeting with Mieczysław At Auschwitz he was a pris- talks of how a friend shared picture of Mieczysław Kita is Flossenbürg-Hersbruck, and Kita took place on 23 March oner for almost three years, a potato with him during the that of a strong and relaxed then in April 1945—to Dach- 2010 at the Auschwitz-Birk- worked in various Komman- evacuation march. man, resistant against his neg- au, where he was liberated by enau State Museum in connec- dos, and remembers many On several occasions ative fate, but above all a good the American Army. tion with a workshop for tour facts connected to the history Mieczysław Kita pulled him- and completely compassion- For 25 years he has lived guides. of the camp, for example: tear- self out of what seemed a ate man that accompanied the with his family in Skarżysko- Gabriela Nikliborc ing down houses in the village hopeless situation thanks to feeble. When asked what was -Kamienna. He is the author of Publishing Department A-BSM of Brzezinka, the murder of luck and his sense of humor. needed to survive the ordeal Jews in the so-called Little Red With a smile, he speaks of of the camp, Mieczysław Kita and White Houses, as well a time when he and his friends answered: “health, a strong as building of one of the gas accidentally dumped a cal- psyche, and lots of luck.” chambers in Birkenau. dron of soup they were car- Mieczysław Kita was born Each of these facts is connect- rying to the block, and then in 1921 in Psary-Podłazy ed with personal experience: Kapo Maruta took the effort near Kielce. During the Sec- tragedy and victory. To this to gather the leftovers of soup ond World War he worked day, his voice cracks when from other blocks and in this in the underground under he speaks about a young way Mieczysław Kita and the pseudonym “Bystry.” Greek, Aaron, much liked in his friends “ate like never be- In October 1941 he was de- his Kommando, who was fi rst fore,” when it seemed like nounced and arrested for sterilized by the Nazis and they would not get their help- his work as he says him- later murdered.
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