' '•ft'err' tfW ! 1 'i:\M& *!'A u i J j The VOLUME XX3fflL-J VANCOUVER, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16,1951 5 CENTS NO. 10 Ssa-—- - eiT -' i'iii j !B1*i^|||iWMiM>*w Gourley Resigns Camp 'TWEEN CLASSES Matchett And Ostrom Head Fort Camp Executive The Resignation last week of .Bob Gourley, Fort Camp Committee President, was announced at the Genera} Meeting To Hear of the camp's residents last night. i' *•$ • ••) •*" ' In his letter of resignation, Gour­ er ley stated that he found the at­ tacks made on him by the Ubyssey UNITED NATIONS Club will "quite unbearable." He also stat­ —Photo by Tom Hatch tr ed that several members of the 1 hear Mrs. W. Stevens, secrtary of . 7 s * FORCED TO DONATE blood in armories Monday afternoon was Ubyssey sports editor the Vancouver UN Association In Fort Camp Committee had' con­ Al MacGlllivray. He was kidnapped by angry engineers from his desk in tfxe pub office Arts 100 at noon today. Her topic stantly harried him. about noon, then carried bodily to the armories where he was given full treatment. But will the "The Price of Peace.'' DIPPERENT OPINION • By MARY STEWARD Another factor in - Gourley's re­ Al had no hard feelings after it was all over. Hs came back to Ubyssey offices with the sug­ Ubyssey Waff Writer signation was his difference of gestions that V we all do the same thing." I NT! BNATIONAL >TU PINT'S -* Opinion with the camp superinten­ Club will" hold their HrstTocIS! UBC students will have in dent. Filmsoc evening on Friday, October 19th opportunity to welconve Redshirts Riot Helps at 5575 Angus Drive at 8:30 p.m. ' Gourley did not elaborate on Her Highness Princess Elili- what these difference constitut­ * * •* beth and Prince Phillip whtn Presents ed." * To Boost Blood Clinic i the royal party makes an ap­ PROP. P.. C. WOOD will speak The committee accepted his im­ pearance during Saturdj^aS Engineers Capture Editor, 'Cage of Gold' on the Players' Club history In mediate resignation with regrets campus activities In Hut M6, Tues­ and appointed Bob Matchett as In­ football game. //''; Today's Filmsoc presentation Him To Giye His Pint will be "Cage of Gold" starring Jean day at 12:30. terim president. The party will arrive _«t the Mi- Simmons and David Fa-rrar. * * * dlum at approximately 4:30 p.tt. "WE WANT BLOOD!" thun A meeting was called (pr last on Saturday. They will be met it dered a band of beresk engin The movie will be shown ln the SQUARE DANCE show fer new night to choose a new president auditorium at 3:45, 6 and 8:15 p.m. the entrance by President •>£ eers as they descended oh the members of the Square Dance Club and also to elect for the first time In the auditorium. a vice-president to assist the presi­ tie who will officially greet Pub offices Monday afternoon will be held' Wednesday at 6 p.m. Students are reminded to bring ln Hut 04. dent ln his duties. Princess and her husband. "Get me It you can!" challenged their AMS cards. Admission will be Sports Bdltor Alex MacOillvary as 85 cents. * * * MATCHETT NEW PRES The procession will he ground the first Redshlrt's face Bob Matchett was elected presi­ Two technicolor films "Tickets into the keys of his trusty type­ SCOTTISH COUNTRY Dance dent by an overwhelming vote. around the track inside the still' to Jasper" and "Mexico and Guat­ writer. Club will meet Wednesday in Hut Brock Ostrom, author of the famed urn before stopping in front ofi*f|l emala" will be shown free in the Last year, when the Engineers in­ Ostrom Plan for Athletic Scholar­ grandstand where the party l^iil Anderson, AMS treas­ auditorium at noon. 04. vaded the offices of Ubyssey, Mac­ ships, was the camp's choice for .'My' ure* .Jfisterday set forth The led to the royal box. ' , .. <$£&• Oillvary slipped through their .tin- vice-president. gers .laying claim to the .title of After ths playing of Ood flif* students' lor photbs tajken dur- baseball manager. Matchett thanked the camp resi­ the King the party will be Iritj*- ing Registration Week. Students dents for their vote of confidence duced to Brigadier and Mrs. &iio>- VALIANT HATTLI Fine Books Anderson gave the reasons as and stated that as a long time wood Lett, Mrs. Norman MactteV This time, MacGlllvary battled resident, of the camp, he knew what zie, and other guests who #!$]?• J»e follows: . valiantly against the (renzled mob. Discover As proved from the success of improvements the camp needed, seated ln the box. >> The Engineers, backed by heavy On Display and that he would do'hls utmost to the 1948-49 Tdtem, which contained reinforcements, gave their famed Mrs. Lett will present Prinoees everyone's picture, It seemed es­ make It a home for aH occupants, war cry as they surged out of the 'Gold Mine' again. It took only 23. Elizabeth with a beautifully carved sential for the success of the To­ Hrock Hull with MacOillvary wi­ SKATTLK — (CUP) — Univer­ slate Totem pole as a gift from tiie tem to have every student's pic­ thering high above their heads. In Library sity of Washington Student's University. ture Included. Alex's numerous admirers lined Union is •'surprised and delighted" The Sedgewick Memorial room UNIFORM PIX the road to the Armories. Many ALL ACTIVITIES During this time the game will with recent finding of errant bank The theaters demanded a uni­ wept openly as he was manhand­ In the U.BC library will bo the have been brought to a halt, but accounts totaling $2342, form ty^e "head and shoulder" pic­ led by the Redshirts. scene of an unusual display of fine CANCELLED FOR will be resumed at_ this point and The cache was discovered while ture on the AMS card befoi;e they Sclencement dragged their victim British books until October 24th. will be viewed by the royal pttrty would accept them for students' re­ through the Caf and then into the clealng out files of the Huskle BIG AMS MEETING for approximately ten minutes. ' Union Building. Two bank books duced rates. Armouries. One hundred British books on a All campus meetlnga end acti­ from University district banks lis­ Vaughn Lyon wiU then make-a The . AMS election committee variety of topics have been chosen vities will be cancelled Thurs­ KINO NURSE ted deposits dating from 1929 in statement on behalf of the |||- strongly recommended that pic­ by the British Council as the best day noon so that students can A kind nurse took pity on the balances of $1,260 and $1,081. dents, and with the playing of O* tures be placed on every card be­ •attend the AMS meeting In the pale, trembling boy and gave him Last deposits listed were ln and most representative samples of Canada, the royal vtslt^to* UBC IfWl fore they were Issued. 1 Armouries. a bottle of coke. A massive Red- 1942. ' binding , typography and printing be over. The administration desired a pic­ • • * * shirt snatched it from Alex's grasp ture of every student for their rec- The deposit belongs to the old produced In Britain in 1950. Jack Lintott, co-ordlnator of and downed it in one gulp, bottle cords ,for which they were willing Women's Federation of the Uni­ student aotlvltlea told the Ubys­ and all. It is"- particularly Iterestlng to to pay 5 cents ot the total 50 cents versity of Washington, long since sey Monday he has stopped sll They managed to squeeze the note how British publishers bave -•*• cost per picture. changed to Association of Women student meetings so thet as International last drop of blood from his arm adapted themselves to paper short­ FOR FILES Students. many students as possible will as the blood-crazed Engineers attend the meeting on constitu­ The picture would remain on file No withdrawals has been made ages and limited materials for danced around his bed in triumph. tional revision. for the students* convenience If from one account since 1933, til binding. House ****** though the Women's Federation VRC'u International House o. copies were needed for passports The exhibit contains excellent "Nothing except possibly the S Red Cross officials report that activity manager continued to add he opened officially next SuWdiy or application forms. samples of wood cuts, reproduc­ blood drive will go on," he said. over 900 pints of blood have been money. by Mrs. Sherwood Lett and fir. AMS originally Intended to col­ tions of some of the best engrav­ donated on the UBC Campus. Ths meeting, originally sche­ N. A. M. Mackenzie. '' lect the fee and explain the details The manager died ln 1942 and, ings by William Blake, and some The clinic continues till Friday duled for last Wednesdays waa when the photos were taken, but apparently, maintenance of. (die ac­ original and unusual jacket covers. and will be open between 10 and 4. postponed when only about 400 The tea at Acadia Camp will p* the administration refused to allow counts died with her. Public can view this display the first official function of Mrs. AMS to collect the 25c or to notify No appointments are necessary. students attended. Over 1000 stu- The money will be turned into each week day from 11 a.m. until ents are neded for a quorum. Lett, wife of UBC's newly elected -students that they were to be the general student fund. 6 p.m. Chancellor. charged difrlng registration.
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