Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-17-1985 The BG News January 17, 1985 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 17, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4339. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4339 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Thursday, January THE17,1985 J3CL NEWS Vol. 67 Issue 62 Telephone system rewiring delayed by Michael Mclntyre He said this would involve phone & Telegraph) on campus staff reporter closing down phone service for for two months now," he said. each building while it was being "There are almost 100 buildings Wiring work for the Unlversi- rewired, adding the interrupUon and they were built at different v's new phone system was would only last about one day. times with different architects ned to begin over the so each building must be physi- break, but James CORBITT SAID there is no cally examined to draw up (wir- Corbitt said yesterday that prob- Sroblem with running wires to ing) plans." lems were encountered and no ■e different buildings because THE UNIVERSITY is pur- physical work has been done. most of those wires are located chasing wires, phones and the Corbitt, associate director of in tunnels underground. He said AT&T System 80 computer from auxiliary support services, said the problem is that once the AT&T. he must meet with General Tele- wires are in the buildings they Corbitt said station surveys phone Electronics (GTE) to- must have some kind of protec- are also being conducted to de- morrow to negotiate some of the tion to comply with state codes. termine how different offices wiring problems. The Univer- This is why the wires must run use their phones and to find out sity presently leases a telephone through the conduits. the number of phones and the computer, phones, and wiring Corbitt could not discuss spe- features they will need. from GTE. cific bargaining points that will The problems with the wiring be used ui tomorrow's meeting will not affect the targeted com- He said the original plan was because he said they could jeop- pletion date of Aug. 16 for the to run new wires next to existing ardize negotiations. new phone system, Corbitt said. wires in the same conduit so a "We have sent GTE 12 points "we hope to have most of the later switchover could be made that we want to talk about, in-, academic and administration without interrupting phone serv- eluding the wiring changeover buildings done before the sum- ice. Conduits are pipes which and the hookup between (on-) mer," he said. "The bulk of the house the phone wires. campus lines and GTE lines off residence halls will be done dur- Corbitt said in some of the campus." ing the summer." buildings it is impossible to Even though no physical work Corbitt added there may be place new wiring next to the has been started, Corbitt said a some problems with Offenhaur existing wiring. We can save Sreat deal of planning is being Towers because they will be the University some bucks if one. receiving new carpeting over GTE will allow us to pull out the "We have had wiring people the summer, making it more old wires first," he added. from AT&T (American Tele- difficult to install the phones. Tax money to aid schools COLUMBUS (AP) - Aside from where they are most needed. ties. They demand prudent the jobs program. Celeste said Celeste, who was interrupted provision for economic setbacks his two-year state budget would by applause in the packed House that could occur during the next propose that "70 cents out of chamber about three dozen two and a half years. Celeste every new state dollar be in- times, said all the programs he said. vested in education during the outlined could be started within next biennium." the state's present tax structure. Senate Republicans have pro- He called for at least a 5 "And best of all, these initiatives posed a 30 percent tax cut over percent increase in basic state can be accomplished alongside three years. Celeste reportedly aid each year of the new bien- responsible cuts in Ohio's exist- will propose in his budget a 10 nium: a cap on tuition increases ing tax rates," he said. percent cut over two years. at public colleges and universi- Celeste said he would discuss BG News/ Susan Cross ties; "a substantial increase in BUT HE CAUTIONED details of his accelerated high- our minimum salaries for teach- against tax cuts that were too wayprogram Monday. Unusual pet ers: " and creation of a program large. Each one has been chosen Dave, a sophomore living on campus, keeps a 5-foot boa constrictor named Monty in his dorm room. of forgiveable loans to pay for "To avoid a return to the days because It can -'eartT* way for He received the pel snake from a friend after his piranha died last semester, see related story pmgt 3. the education of qualifying stu- of yo-yo budgets, our tax cuts investments in thousands of ad- dents who agree to teach In must be balanced against care- ditional new jobs throughout geographic and subject areas ful targeting of spending priori- Ohio," he said. Uhlmans to occupy Macy's building NUL cites The building currently housing Macy's date depends on the remodeling crew Macy's had announced on January 3 After Macy's declined to purchase the downtown will become a complete Uhl- and when Macy's vacates the building. that it would be closing its store after not site, the Uhlman Company contacted the increased mans department store following a The current Uhlmans store located at reaching an agreement on the length of a hospital board. Wood County Hospital Board decision 101S. Main St. will be remodeled into a new lease. The current lease expires Wednesday morning in which the Uhl- Uhlmans home store. March 15. The new store will be the seventh concern man offer was accepted. When Uhlmans obtains the Macy's According to Lelan Middleton, attor- largest in the Uhlman chain. The store According to Frank S. Baker, general building the new store will contain about ney for the Wood County Hospital Asso- will offer an expanded selection on wom- merchandise manager for the Uhlman five times as much merchandise than ciation which owns the building, Macy's en's clothes, along with departments for WASHINGTON (AP) - The Company, the company is making a the present store. wished to renew the lease on the building men, children, shoes, hats cosmetics, National Urban League said committment to the downtown because "We have a lot of larger stores, but we for only one year. jewelry, accessories and a beauty shop. yesterday that racial polariza- it believes the personality of the town have never had a large store in BG. One. Middleton said the hospital decided tion is increasing as blacks are lies there. of the primary reasons for this is be- that selling the building was in its best Larger stores are located in Piqua, left out of the economic recov- The approximate date for the opening cause there wasn't a building avail- interest rather than entering into a Newark, Sidney, Greenville, Mt. Vernon ery, but that there also is cause is May 15, but according to Baker, that able," Baker said. short-term lease. and in Traverse City, Mich. for black America to be more optimistic. Releasing the league's annual report on blacks in this country, which as in past years was T-shirts reveal personal expression, style sharply critical of the Reagan Administration, President John T-shirts among the people sur- not surprise me," she added. nated on buttons in the 1960s Jacob said the status of blacks by Jim Lesczynski, Jr. indication of the downfall of T- remains "grim." reporter veyed had raunchy messages Behling said similar mes- and later shifted to T-shirts. shirts, however. "I think T- or environmental/political sages are becoming popular on The reappearance of mes- shirts will be around for a long Yet be said, "I want to stress statements, she said. "This did buttons. Such messages origi- sage-bearing buttons is not an time," Behling said. the positive side of the picture," What you wear may be say- and pointed to evidence of in- ing something to the world creased social concern and ef- about yourself and society, forts by blacks themselves to according to Dr. Dorothy Behl- deal with economic and social ins. problems. She is involved in a continu- "The strongest message com- ing study of message-bearing ing out of black America in 1964 T-shirts. was that it became increasingly Behling, an assistant profes-. aware of its own strengths and sor of home economics in- increasingly willing to act inde- volved in a continuing study of pendently to achieve what it message-bearing, said by ob- considers its own best inter- serving messages on T-shirts, ests," Jacob said in an overview certain assumptions can be of the report, "The State of made about our society as a Black America, 1985." whole. "This does not signal any less- "I don't think any other ening of the responsibility of means expresses our senti- government or the private sec- ments as strongly (as T- tor ...," he said.
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