Since 1957 ' 1. ~ ' , r 1 .., , • !)C l A fi11.tr1c1.1lly inrlt p•·ndt>nt 'ltudPnt newspaper Gradfest aids in graduation preparation By RON SUAZO SUNDIAi S1Aff raduatmi; -.cmors and f-all 20)3 graduate' mu<;.I n:g1~er Gby March 51f1hc)' "am tu par· Uc1pate m tll1' -.cOlC"-C(' grndu.t11w1 und commencement ccremonte\ S1uden1s who do no' meet the dead· hne will not be ab~ to panK:tpatc m any ol the gra<l\Jatmn 1.:ercmome .... mcluchng Gr&Jt-e,t Gradfe,t a onc-d.t) c ... cnt I\) re hckJ March 17 ;U 1tll! Matat.kM' Boo~ store C.ompJe\. 1~ 'i(I up l<Y J.tudcnl\ 10 help them manab'C <1.ll the deWJ l!<i ol gradua1itm and coounencement -~nus~ rrqivaung students lO con- .s1dct their mlenrions to graduate." s.<ud Wilham Watkin~ . a~"struu as."tX'ialc JWAN• UCMSto.411.r~ vtcc president for Studem Allain; and Thoqh tti. Homec:omina camivaJ wu rained minute ha.lfdtne show at the Homecomin1 &a.,. chatrperson of the CommenceRlCnl out ~ Horn.comin1 lOCM crowned kl ketbiall 1arne. Summer Bernardo won queen, and Honors ConvocalJOn Comm1uee. - CSUN prifl/c• and prit\ce11, &Ions with a kins jonUhan Martinez won kins, Huy-A lexandra 1llc committtt cons1S1S of advisers, -.· an:d queen.1'.tle ~sts w~ ..c.lted after.,..,... ' Anctru1co won princess, and Robe rt l eay ma who won the royal fl01ltlons durins the ten- Fournier won prince. See GRAD. page 4 Provost candid~te . find.s CSU in jeopardy . • , , .. ·-;: . • ' . ·~ -; .... tt ....~ •• . ; :_-: ·~ ~ .; ._ ...,,.-. {, -.,'. ., ·· ':"W ,.,_ ........ , ,.:. , . , , ~ By SAL it1MtNANDEZ· · ·· ;: ... , • ~· • · ,:, ·.• ~ ..· ,-. -~.' ·:-'-"'I·•.. · . ...._ ..... ..__,._,_ .,.;.... 1f yoo .are qualified. wc"ll admit ~ou SIJNl)j,A1.STA~ -···- Budget cul'- arc changmg 1h1,. Klammer \31d · andidate for univ~rsi1y ··Whal is happemng (Ill) cumpi.1-.e" provost. Thomas P. Klam.. like Nonhridge, 1.s (that) higher Man- 'mer, dean of lhe College of dants (a.re bemg) set." Klammer said C Klammer said he 1.·on_1r;1ders ttuu to Humanilic5 and S9cial Sciences a1 Cal Stale Fullerton. met with a small he a oaep backward number of unlvcnity faculty in the .. Wtth the budge! the wa) 11 .,. Siem. Center on Monday we 'tNlll have 'Clme hm11a11on' ... ~ mcetin& was an opportunuy Klammer ..aid for uni'Vetsity staff and students 10 11\C n11ss1on of lhe CSU !'.Y~lem ha\ meet and question one of the three been 10 pc~v1dc studentlri wlth afford· candit1a1 .. hoping to fill 1he ...,ond able h1kher «tucation, and Klammer most important position in lhc uni- s.:ud he hopes 10 mamtam thaL vei-sity. The meeting ~as inlended - ..We sec thts IT\ISSIOO 1n JOOP3fdy. to provide the search commiuce --·IA C-oolio CollogoMop E..gloh,""""' ........_, and I hope thal we can preserve •l" wi lh input from l\ldenu and faculty .... Klammer saJd . who gave their opinions regarding -MA~ol""""9an . E~;,i.....-. , 1947 If budget problems persist, the provOSl candida1e. Pb.O ""'-~ ol ....;.\jao, Er.gi•.i. ...,_ ood .......,..,. Klammer said he would hope to "f diinlt it'a ift1p0rlanl IO hear can· ""· 1971 make cuts to the umvers11y ma way didales ard their potlll($) !Jf VICW," said that would lea.st affect academK pro- ~­ grams. Pan of the cut~ may be ~ he °'"' Viii&,' vice president of - AuoclCltitVw:ePres.diln.~~CSUfl995- Affairs. 1999 sull&csu;, m reducing the number of Villa ..id ho is k:.oi<mg for ,omcone -°"""· Collogool-oodS.X... So• pan~ t 1me Jecturers. collepii and effective in -1cing wim ~CSl#-19' 1-1 99.5 . "(The) fact is (lhal) you have far • larJ< number of &l\ldents arid faculty. o..;...~ol........- . CSUI' 1999-1991 fewer pon-bme lecturers during budg· Klammer addreast(t qUC1ilioos 0-, 0.,...-ol fftgl;.i. ood Compm-oh .. - · el CUIS." Klammer said. CSUf 1912- l VU ....,wna-.:tt. enro11ineno. and 111e As an c..:amplc. KlammeT recalled j'.l(JL<iibiluyol f'utulo budp CUil .ft'cct- C...-......... lhao during ohc early 1990s. lhcre ina tile Um V<fSily. He alll!l e>.p!tSSed I p.,,., Collogo of..__ ood Soool -. CS!* were around twlH.hirds lcw. pilrHime stmnc desino I<> W<ll1< cloocly wW. uni- lecturers ao Cal Swc Fullcnoo. A vcnity (acuity, and to maintain I limi1od budgeo_ Klammer said, pro- .llr""C !Ocus (JO ~ the ..,.. \ldes few opuons. dcn:ric PfOIJllfftS or rhe university, Klammer saJd that he has w<rl.od desl'ite fU1111Cw problems. the uni\lt:tS1ty in 1971 as an Enghsb mer hai held have prcpare<I horn w m the CSU S}>lem during Bnancial Kllunmtr ,....veil Ins dooorate In profesM. handl<o the prov""' pottion, bccsu>< of hani'ilups in !ho PB" aoo lhal such cuu lin&lifb Ind Ii~ from the Uni- S111<.'< then. he ha• held a numbct elpcricrn;:e they ha\.e Pfl.l"1dcd. arc oemporary. .......,. of M'ichlpn in 1971, wlltn! ho of admirustAuve position m Fullet- Klammer 181d. "We .-S w tell pccple • won1 Ai<tho'wMfintpoq>Or"110deolwidl •oo. includrng chair of the lln1u1stics Klammer Slaled coocem "'llardin& alwo be ID.c dloir.," Klammer ""'1. 1arJ< ..i- ~ 11 CSUN. deportment. and also chatt of the the new erwollmt:rit l'tlqUUallCOCS and '"Th1np WIH j<( - · (And) when He bepn M Cal S1ato Flili<r- 13n&hsh and comparative hocrature procuc.. that"""" been gcarod OOWtlll thi11&5.,., good, "'e ttnd IO fO<iCI ohcy IOll ll\on!y mc.altor, dcplrtmcn1. · mdu<1ng thc - stud<ru admiood """'., stty like lh4$." "I 1"• lbrilled Iha people' called From tm 10 11199, Klammc:r ~ totlleUNV<nity. TWo n'IOft: candidMcs wlH be vlSil- "'profcloor.'" ~WI. · vice pmiOcnt of a:adclnit "II Ii"! definitlOll of our 111C tlle Cfl\1)ll$ and wiH bc a~ 0> Klammer has been II car s.... Jill&"""' .. Cal ScllC f\lllcrtoa. m&SMOll." ~ ""'1. 'Th" IS tile on Mardi I ond 3. Thnto ond FUI.._ for 34 yun. He JOlned The '""""'·pooitionl lhll 1(.1-- 11..-y of Nonhrid&e and f\lllcnotl - locabaoo ....... Alli l"' - d!.sc"-1. Palestine takes case to tribunal Tiffi HAGUE. Ndlloiands Israeli 6flkials said under· They 1lope a ruling .,,Unst ous, Walled enclaves . .,,_ (AP) - The Palestinians Sl'<lr"I the ,_, fol the bonier. lsl'BCI will lead ID the removal l$llld hos ~ ibotJt opened their aise .,Unst lsn¥ol's The Al Aqsa Martyrs ~ Bri'"""', of the ball'ier. ~oftlll\ .blnier, It says West llaj)k bllrri<r in !he t(olOl1cl an Jrrned group widt ties 10 ln its Wtitlcn arguments.. die bonier is ,.,.. """"!l' and ooun on Mooday, a IMdmof1< Ya..'fel' Araf•t's Fai.h move- Israel claimed the ooort has ro officials ha¥e ~ to Sun- day's poof hearing !Ital brinp '-'" poli· -~ claimed responsibt1i1y. 8"dtority o.er the.-. It'*>" suicide bombi"8 as cie$ btf,.. an inll:rnational lri- O.illlidc .the ho..-ing .. ""' the dispule should be resolved of the 1-1 fur"'""""""""' wnal for the fi"' time. ll<ace Palace, ~ of ~ negOOalion&. and lhlil Al-IGdwa oondernned sui- N..,,.. A~Kidwa. thief of acliviSIS on bodt sides of the dis- ial<ing the mater to coon will cide bOmbinp and attacks lhe Palesrinian de~ !he pute enp,god in an efllO!iooal undermine the U.S.-backed againsl civilians on both skits of r.,.. lo - the tribu!llll, bottle for public opinm "rood map" i-ic pion. , the conflic~ bul said Israel ulli· International argu<>:iaaai!ISllhebotricrandin Palestinian su~ Documen,. submitted by matcly i$ R:Sponsible. ..This phenomenon is 11\o ....,k of fa""' of the c:oun's authorily to man:hed lo the trom the United N:iboos io the roun -Id"""" ~ • 1'.tnder 8ll opinloo "" illl legalily. the Out.ch Patlia!Tlent a few are "staggeringly tolally silen• lstaeli p>licies and U.S. Marines sent into Haiti's capital "This wall is. not aboot sccu~ miles away, cbanllng and ClUT)'- on the subject of Palestinion !er· includina !he ll'lendes~ col<> rity. It is about enttonching the ing grophk: phoC<ill of f>ak:,tinian rorism," said an Israeli back· nit.ation of our In!.• PORT-AU-PRINCF_ Ha111 (Al') Fifty U.S. Marines occupo1ion and the de facto children killed by Israe li sol, ground paper. While Israel is oot formally \frearned min the capital Monday lo pn:Jf.ect the U.S. Embassy and 11111•:.atioo ()f llllge"""' ()f the · dier!t The demonsll'alion was The P.J~inian.i; oppose the participating. it is clearly con· 11' staff. while goverrnnent k)yali'st.;; set flaming barricades to Palestinian lalid," Al·KidWll IOld one of many acros.< lhe Arab route of lhe bonier, which dips a:med about lhe Cll'!O. It sent a hlocl. the mad fmm rebels. lhreruening to move on Pon -au~J~nce . the tribunal. world showing !>,llidari1y wilh. several ml~ into the West Bank small team of legal expem 10 Fngh1.ened Cabmct muuMers were ask.mg fnends for places l<l The I S·Judge lnlematiooal the PaJestinjan.s.. al points. They say !ha! when monitor the proceedings. ano hide, -.eninf governmcm sources sau.t, a d.1y after the rebels Coon of lusti<x planned lhree Israel hos submitted wriuen oompletOO. the bwner will make helped mobilize the dernom!ra· u.1Uit;ll.e<l 1wo po!ice sl.'ltion!I outside the rapib:d and sei1..ed Haiti 's days of hearings, wllh all of the arguments challenging the it im~iblc f<Y the Palestinian~ lions outside the building. ."CQ)nd -largcst cny. Ca1lrHmticn. with liule rcs1sumcc.
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