·HRIS A for everyone tvho takes or sho1vs MOVIES or SLIDES! 1J Two qualities available this year, both supplied only in the 4'.!-44 size - take up the slack with pillows. REGULAR QUALITY SANTA CLAUS SUIT ( No. 193) ~fade of red duvtt)·-oat, trousers llDd llat-trinuned ho 1'tllle. 111•<t Netv! c,;ldoth b, tr •Dd Imitation boot,, Fringe or ,.hlte wool .,,.eel °" bad, of haC. W hit(' uonl muqacbc and whhkcr set. Glo't'et aot lndttdcd. AVAILAB LE Blackhawk priced at only . ...... •.. , . $9,98 \VAl1T DISlEY 8mm. CARTOONS T OP QUALIT Y SANTA CLAUS SUIT ( No. 1400) '\fade o r rt<! corduroy. Coat, tl"Onse,. and bat are trimmed wttll ..-hit• p tu,h, Bla<" k leathttetfit belt, brack leathe-tt:tte bo(,", f ull wfa m.ade ot: fn color aml blacl~ attd tvhite &oft, c url.) Mite ,. ool on a molded fouOO:.tioa, mui.1..adJe a nd "'hbkert o n a foundation with el~lic are Included. A nally e-s tra qoalUy outfll Length each. about 100 -feet f u,. h<' :l ', duly U\.e' and ye:ars of se-rvke. Glofes are aoC lndudt-d. Ye~, three ad<litional color film; have just been added Blackhawk priced at only . •••... $ 2 7 .98 Color V ersion.,, each . ..• , • • •. .• ••.• , •• • • $8.49 to SAN F RANCISCO'S CABL E C ARS, to bring Blac.k· hawk's total in the color line to four-with more o n tile •lack and White V eriinm, each .. .. •• • • •• •• $2.49 way. As these are subjects aimed at the color market, we 'I 0 have edited them without text titles to reduce length and in 8mnt. and 16mm. soautd nIE BEACH PICNIC 11 ·ith Donald Duck and Pluto thus cost, and accompany each with a printed ~ccne-hy­ C'1 nrln D ickem' DONALD'S DOG LAUNDRY with Donald Duck scenc or seq11eocc-hy-sequcncc description of the action. A CHR IST M AS CAROL Ht r~ i ..- t h,- h r :irt :md -. out of Ch rf1otnt:l"i th, ~ortd' ~ m n"f wonderfn-1 DONALD'S LUCKY D AY with Donald Duck This means ;i a"ing, in th,· color prints, of hctweea 15% In Mor v r ome to 't'h·id tift>! You meet thrit gTJ\pina oht ,hm"r • Ebe ne- zer EARLY TO BED with Donald Duck to 35 % of v,n at the price would othcrni,c have to be. , ('roo~•- You' ll oih Bob Cr:1tchit nnd the cripplrd Tiny Tim. Yo u'D GENTLEMAN·s GEN1LEMAN with Mickey M ou~e thrill to Tirtv Ttm·~ p~;:n<-r of gr:..idtuffe, " God ble._~ u -., 1!'1"er'J' oncP' •nd Pluto " hen chr Spirit of Chrh tmas rt~cncr.ates Old Scrooee. You'll ha,e a 8mm. rnlot pri11tr. nbout 1/10-far $9.99 ha ppier Chri\ lmas ~ itb thh jo)·ous D k kens mo, ie? nIE HOCKEY CHAMP k. ith M ii kt'y Mouse and Pluto 8mm. blurk and whit<! prills, a/>011t /00-f ,'ct, 1 6mm, s ound ver s ion, about 3 00' , . $19.98 MICKEY'S PARROT with Mickey Mome and Pluto whm m ·nilable . S2.99 8mm. s ile nt version , abo ut 1 50' , •• , . $ 4 .98 PANTRY PIRATE with Pluto 16mm . <ilrnt c<1 for print ~. a',nut 200- fret $19.99 CHRISTMAS HYMNS PLUT O'S DRFA\-f l!OL'SI' with rluto / 6111111 ii, nt /•lurk and II hitc r>rint,, ahout DLrnn:. nurhin !'iinl?, rhe ~okmn :md h <" :1 utiflfl ! A"<' ~f:ui!'I "' In ft b r- :rnfl­ fnl <hnr•h .. ,,uinc .1,cou11X1ni~d hv n fot010u, b(h5' ch oir. ~1 nd then ttie PLUTO JUNIOR with Pluto 11 $7.,)9 200-fat wh, avt1tlahle . ... ... m , pir iu.i.: .. Silc uf "'1::! ltl, Hof) N i:.:h t. '' · TUGBOAT M IC KFY wuh M ic kcv !,!ourc, Donu!d nu, k and Goofy > 16mm. sou nd version , a b out 225'., • • • . $ 19.98 WINDOW CLF >\ 'sl· R <:; " ,1/r Donald Duck and Pluto AT THE Rf1B OF Tl I, A COLLECTION OF CAROLS .. Oh, fume A ll Ye T .:ll rhful .' ' "'io("I ,'' "'Jf C'":.me Uonn a \.ffdnh:ht H erc 's ., c.ni, jc(I for l"'llr rail tan, -•,hot in the ~:ucts a nd al 1ht.: n 11r. ( l<":1r.•• ••Jo_,, lo th~ \\'orld,'' '"H :ir k the Herald A flt"1·I" Sin '?~· nnrJ The following five titles are available in Un i.:tc n "- la tion 11\ <i:ik-.bur-r:. lllinois. thl' IO\\O o fte n kno ,,n a '- ·· fhe "~ilent ',J;:::ht''- .\11111-: b y a bo,,.~· choir a~ain,1 a t3pical bllo~, Chri.,tmas J{d > or lbL" R\1rl i1wto1f', for ar th s ., 1J int it$ ~t. t ouis T w1P C it )- h ne black and white versions only: ,(lllllt?. c roS'-<..'.'- 11._ ("h k~go-D c nvc r m :,in lin,:. :in d it-; J,,;. n n'it-tS City line b r anc il..:s tilf to the c:ou lh, llhOh"'li!'r.ip hcd in tC)<.t. thi,;, film p 1ominc- nt1y frature<; 1 6 mm. sound vergio n, abou t 300', ••• . , $19.98 CHRISTMAS 11'. TO'! L\ '- D (Sil/v Symphony) t,.·o. 61~4. a ~-1')-- ~ 1,pc f rc-ight 1o,:om<Hi\.c d n inl! '-OlnC ~re-t: tacul;1. r ,-huntin ~ j n rh c vanh •this lumh l' n ~ o ld bahy i.,;, now wire in ~<,me THE FIRST CHRISTMAS MICKEY'S OUT BOA RD -..ith ~ficki•y Mou., e f.._ ncc a.t<,uo,I ..1 n, .. 1wi;-it·1unnr plan, <'r o n !-(1rne farm or r an~)l) . ,ind MICKEY PLAYS SA~ fA -..·ith Jfick <'y Mou ,c in ~ tdi~inn :,: numb~r i f the- 8 u rl •1~1· t0n'~ Zcph, 1, , im.:l ud in~ the onQin:11 • itk 16mm. 1;011 n d film - a full t_n o r C' els o r :1l mo1e,1 800 rH·t- tdtini: the l >t~nvcr 7.,,..; r,hyr rt-plac( d lJ!-t ~t- ~tr "-il h a new and b ir.:,er Yi;,,.1:1-d o m<' , to , ,. o r the b irth l"lf o n r ~:n ionr. Jt r,it·h1 ;<'., th<' , i,ion, or \t:1r, and PEG LEG THE PIRA TF (Silly Symp/1011_,) t,Jin Cthi; or'.i: m.d p ;r I h .1;;(' bt:<"'1 r n,,,1 ':.;: t:d 1n<1 ;1n· n o w th"· T t,.,._ Jo.. t·r>h , th c-i r trip to the Co, i n o f J o .. (· p h ', h irth. rhe ,, i 1i, ,, Me n, the 7erihH~ b, 1wcen llr11H·r l-n<l l> l ll .s,I J\ \· ;Ut,1t,h,: in S1nm t·11l 0 r ;1nd '-11<.· l)h t·rd,, ;ind thC' R.ih<- in the "bnl!'<:r-~111 t.: Ht<'li H h n:1rraf(d l'ilh lflllz IIX SHOOTI:R MKKFY Mickey Mow e Hl'cW1 and 1.0 l <,m111. i.:oTor . ~muc di:1 log11 ::- a 1ul a ma,i!nifinnt mu,k;1l ,t·orc o[ o rch c~ft'a and choruc;. \\ t h ii:hl} Tt'tommcnd it. ~ 1 6mm . souncl ver sion , about 8 0 0' . , .. $ 49.98 DONNER - PASS -~ S,'1.l,E! IT CAME UPON A MIDNIGHT CLEAR I h<' tr;1<lifiot1;.i l Chril,fma" f:iirol prl!scnh:d ;1~:1 in,t a pictorial' hack:;:round BRA ND NEW, F'I RST QUALIT Y ""it11 th.- ,,o rris -.u1wtim po,td. ll'ILD l.1IFE, ll'ILD FLO\l1ER 16mm. sou nd version, a b o u t 1 00' . , , •• , , $3.98 atul NATIONAL PAltl{ JINGLE BELLS f hi, -.pri::hll'.' Chri,tnrn,; •c,n:: h~,; :1 mo,t dfL'(lh<- 11irtori .1l 'l"rt•t;t·nf ti(,nt 2"' x 2" C'OLOR SLIDE SF.TS , uJlt·rimpo,ccl wor d,. "'ifh lhc ..c·,•rc p n-.,cuh.·d in li<Uh \- uin· ;ind in, l r<t l· Eight slides per set, list price per set $1. 95 nitrlt,il ;icc- 0• 111uni111L·nt, 1 6 mm, sound v e rsion, about 100', ••• • •. $3.98 iJ~ our pr~ ~nt ~tr<k hold<: out, hur any o f tht M"IS i n the f,,lkHf"• In t at th e Tf."i!u h r li~ t pri ... e o[ ~ I ·~s (-111y :'l.n\ o!hr ~i"1p 1l' ~rt /ln.11< , l,ri1tir111 A 11, ,r,o,·., Em the li.. r for only le additional a combinattun of an)' two ~t·11 for only $1.961 THE LITTLE MATCH G I RL 'i«·«.-l.. i11;:: llll· Jl itifol comfort fr~m th<' rlamc- or on,_. n( h•·r m ;1frhC"'li on a TOUR '.'- non.\ l hri,rma~ F,e, it li~hl\ a mal.!iC '"- a., lo lhe, \1-0ll !h-rful ~ini:-dom .SF.COND or ~;1nr:1 <'l:lu,! Iler(' the Spir-it of ( ' hri, tm.,-. ,·rf'nfe-.. a r. lo w nf ,,armth :.1111 i,J (h(' ice· anrl , no,\. "lh<' J \Uk .\l :1trb Girl lin,h :1 \\orlrt of lo,e $1.95 SF.T •. nd Jau;.: hlcr, and e,cn th,: h:lppy J>romh e o f a bt·ftt:r to ntorron! ou m3y l,'luy anv n 1mh:r of r:ilr,i; n n thi~ comh ln:1 rion r, rk~ f'f 1 6mm.
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