149°24'0"W 149°15'0"W 149°6'0"W 148°57'0"W 148°48'0"W 148°39'0"W 148°30'0"W 148°21'0"W 148°12'0"W 148°3'0"W MATANUSKA RIVER DRAINAGE N Land Status and Public Access " 0 ' 0 ° 2 L a n d S t a t u s 6 PUBLIC USE EASEMENTS S t a t e P r i v a t e Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 17(b) easements exist to provide access across privately owned lands to reach General Cook Inlet Region Inc. public lands or major waterways. No hunting or fishing from School Trust Chickaloon Moose Creek or on an easement is permitted. No camping is allowed on Native Assoc. Inc. trail easements. Mental Health Trust Eklutna Inc. Other There are two types of 17(b) easements: site easements Other and trail easements. There are no site easements reserved M u n i c i p a l P u b l i c T r a i l s a n d in this area. The following trail easements were reserved across corporation lands. Municipal R i g h t s - o f - W a y t h i s m a p d o e s n o t s h o w a l l t r a i l s F e d e r a l EIN 1a D9 – An easement, twenty-five (25) feet in width, for R N DOT an existing access trail beginning in Sec. 19, T. 18 N., R. 3 5 " 0 ' BLM RS 2477 ROW E 0 E., Seward Meridian, running northeasterly to Wolverine ° ANCSA 17(b) roads and trails 2 6 Creek, then easterly, paralleling Wolverine Creek to public These data represent general land ownership information as of May 13, land. 2004. The land ownership pattern may change as the Native Village and Regional corporations and the Mat-Su Borough reach their land entitlements. In addition, many of the large landowners may sell all or EIN 3 C5 – An easement for an existing road, sixty (60) feet in width, beginning at the old mining community of Eska in T 22 N HISTORICAL ACCESS ROUTES Section 16, T. 19 N., R. 3 E., Seward Meridian, and proceeding north-easterly to public land. The State of Alaska claims numerous rights-of-way under Revised Statute (RS) 2477, including rights-of-way identified in AS 19.30.400. EIN 6 D9, C5 – An easement, sixty (60) feet in width, for an The validity of all RS 2477 rights-of-way will be determined on a case- existing road from the Glenn Highway in Sec. 7, T. 19 N., R. 5 by-case basis. E., Seward Meridian, continuing northerly to public land. The following RS 2477 trails are identified on the map: -0 EIN 11 D9 – An easement for an existing trail, fifty (50) feet in 69 T RST 427 Chickaloon River Trail width, paralleling the Chickaloon River in Sec. 19, T. 20 N., O D RST 433 Caribou Creek Trail R. 6 E., Seward Meridian. RST 447 Wolverine Creek Trail RST 564 Chickaloon-Knik-Nelchina Trail EIN 12b D9, L – An easement for an existing trail, twenty- RST 1429 Eska Strip Mine Trail five (25) feet in width, in Sections 16 and 20, T. 20 N., R. 6 7 Other access routes have been identified by the Department of E., Seward Meridian. 2 4 r Transportations in their “existing trail inventory”, published in 1972. e Many of these routes have already been identified as RS 2477 trails. T iv EIN 15 D9 – An easement, sixty (60) feet in width, for an S R R Those that have not are identified as: existing road from the Glenn Highway, through the 1 SE4SW4SW4 of Sec. 24, T. 20 N., R. 6 E., Seward Meridian, 3 DOT 69-0 Unnamed Trail - northerly to public land. 9 n DOT 69-6 Jonesville Premier Mine Road 6 o lo DOT 69-34 Puritan Creek Trail T a O k DOT 69-37 Weimer Lake Trail EIN 18d D9– An easement for an existing trail, twenty-five ic D h DOT 69-38 Kings River Trail (25) feet in width, from the Matanuska River in Sec. 7, T. 19 C EY DOT 69-5 Wolverine Lake Horse Trail N., R. 3 E., Seward Meridian, southerly along the right bank SKA VALL ANU R AT R M GE of Carpenter Creek to public land. AN E R OOS 8 M 7 GENERALY ALLOWED USES E EIN 33 C5 – An easement, fifty (50) feet in width, for an E On state land and rights-of-way managed by the Department of existing road from Sec. 5, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., Seward Meridian Natural Resources (DNR), “generally allowed” uses (11 AAC 96.020) northeasterly, thence southerly to public land in Sec. 5, T. 18 do not require a permit. Generally allowed uses include motorized DO N., R. 4 E., Seward Meridian. T vehicles if use of the right-of-way does not cause or contribute to 69 N 33 -3 " T 4 0 water quality degradation, alteration of drainage systems, significant RS 2 4 ' 0 EIN 36 – An easement for an existing trail, twenty-five (25) 3 R 5 rutting, ground disturbance, or thermal erosion. - S ° T 21 N 9 T 5 1 1 6 6 feet in width, from trail EIN 1a D9 in Sec. 20, T. 18 N., R. 3 69-3 6 4 DOT State law prohibits driving a motorized land vehicle across or through E., Seward Meridian, northwesterly to Wolverine Lake Road 20 N T a stream that is used by salmon, steelhead, sea run cutthroat, Dolly T O in Sec. 7, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., Seward Meridian. D Varden, Arctic Char, Sheefish, or whitefish. For more information D contact the Office of Habitat Management and Permitting within the O EIN 108H (IC 1413) – An easement, sixty (60) feet in width, T Department of Natural Resources. 6 for an existing road from the Alaska Railroad Right-of-Way, 9 - Uses allowed on these easements are limited to: northerly to the Glenn Highway in the Moose Townsite within 3 U.S. Survey No. 1152. INSET 3 5 ·25 Foot Trail – travel by foot, dog-sled, animals, snowmobiles, two DOT 69-32 and three-wheel vehicles, and small all-terrain vehicles under 3,000 12b pounds gross vehicle weight. M k e D9,L A e R ·50 Foot Trail – travel by foot, dog-sled, animals, snowmobiles, two r S T T M 5 C 6 Lake ng and three-wheel vehicles, and small and large all-terrain vehicles, A 4 INSET 1 Lo e 8 & G a m e O D e p tt .. o ff F ii s h & G a m e t te N Si track vehicles, and four wheel drive vehicles. i ation 3 tate Recre - S n S tt a tt e o ff A ll a s k a O 15 U a r 9 S r N e S 6 D9 ·60 Foot Road – uses allowed are those allowed for a 50-foot trail " v E G K 0 A u g u s tt 1 9 ,, 2 0 0 4 -- D rr a ff tt i ' plus automobiles and trucks. T 0 R A 5 R O 4 ° 56 1 T A D S 6 R V N A G L s E g L 6 in E K D9,C5 N C T 20 Y o N R a OO l ICKAL CH 6 E E CASTL C re e k 7 -3 9 6 T O 4 D 4 6 5 L T S R r T 19 N r e e v iv i R R 3 20 a 4 n 1 t C5 i T Lake s S it H R Summ u S n Site a Recreatio State t R c a k 18d h e s e l C 1 u t D9 r t n a i a r P E t p L a e a k n s e M te s e r r P C u b R R l i c 5 4 U e E E s s e o o SUTTON C r A M ee r k e a OT 69-6 D N " 0 ' k 0 4 e ° e 1 r 6 C N T 19 la il 33 s T 18 N a C5 W 108 H INSET 2 Ravine Lake Wolverine Lake Bonnie Lake ke La e INSET 1 INSET 2 INSET 3 rin ve Bonnie Lakennie Lake ol Bo W e State Recreationre Saittieon Site N k tate Rec " a S 0 36 ' 69-5 L 0 DOT 4 ° R a v 1 i n e 6 L a k e RST 447 L a k e i e e 1a B o n n ak e e L D9 n ni 12 i on 12 r B 06 Location 15 e W A- D RO d TAIN D9 O lv oa ZY MOUN T RO ermit R LA o W BLM p 6 Sa 241 9- W wm AA-55 3 R ill 2 S Sit poi T e R nt 4 oa Co 4 d A mm 7 -0 un 519 ica 42 tion 36 Miles 0 1.25 2.5 5 7.5 10 149°24'0"W 149°15'0"W 149°6'0"W 148°57'0"W 148°48'0"W 148°39'0"W 148°30'0"W 148°21'0"W 148°12'0"W.
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