6- - Tills ZlDAT OREGOXIAX, TORTLAND, 3IAT 5, 1918. this season of the MacDowell Club. I "Paris Carnival" was produced ty the and possibly the last two under Mrs. I Fine Arts and its unique success makes Thomas Carrlck Burke a direction as I keener the anticipation lor this new president. She leaves soon for the work. The other performances will be East. for war relief. MONDAV MUSICAL, TOHORHOW. At a patriotic meeting of members Episcopal IBPIP The Monday Musical Club will be and friends of the Methodist quite busy tomorrow at its various Church to be held next Sunday, May 12, STEINWAY meetings in the Hotel Fontland. at 4 P. M.. in the Public Auditorium, to The board of management will hold help raise part of the SI, 000, 000 re- jjjl regular meeting: M. quired for the war funds of the church, SC ByJoszph la at 1:30 P. .At an attractive muslo programme has Edited C 2 o'clock all members of the club are prepared auspices I requested to be present for election of been under the of officers. Dr. William Wallace Toungson and the At 2:30 o'clock P. St. a musical pro direction of Jasper Dean MacFalL. The gramme pipe organist will be Mrs. Gladys Mor- will be presented, when this gan Farmer, of the First Methodist music will be rendered: Episcopal Church. The junior vested "Quartet in A Miner. On. 19" (Schubert): choirs of Methodist Episcopal churches allegro ma non troppo. andante, mlnuetto par- allegretto, finale allegro moderato; "An- of this city, about 350 voices, will dante Cantablle." from "D Major." quar- ticipate. Miss Goldle Peterson, soprano, tet (TschaJkowskr). 'William Wallace Gra- of the First Methodist Episcopal ham, first violin; M. Schuft. aecond violin; Church choir, will sing "The Long, M. Christensen, viola; Ferdinand Konrad. Long Trail," and Miss Harriet Leach, 'cello. soprano, of the Wilbur Methodist Epis- The management of the club extends copal Church choir, will sing "The an invitation to be present at this con- Star-Spangl- Banner." cert, particularly to members of the MacDowell Club and othen musical MUSIC BRIEFS. friends. Mrs. G. Oeschler (Genevieve Fisher), who has been presented in recital by HEX'S REHEARSALS TOMORROW. J. William Belcher and has been pass Beginning tomorrow night and until inr the cast year In the East, will be rurtner notice separate rehearsals oflin the city, filling a professisonal en the men's chorus of the Portland Fes- - I gagement, the latter part of the week. uvai unorus win Da held weekly Mon day nights In the Unitarian chapel, I Lucien E. Becker gave a successful Broadway and Yamhill streets. The pipe organ recital recently In the First Wednesday night rehearsals for full I Presbyterian Church. McMlnnville. The chorus will be continued as heretofore. I assisting soloist was Mrs. Katherine Work has now begun on the "Swan I Glen Kerry, contralto, of Portland, who and Skylark" (Goring Thomas), which. I sang charmingly several old English The Steinway holds peerless place with "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," will I songs, and also a group of compositions its be concerted numbers for Thursday! of her own. without question. The acceptance of its and Saturday nights of the Festival. June 6, 7 and 8. - I In the residence f Mr. and Mrs supreme worth is world wide. For over Increased Interest in the chorus work M. Tuttle last Tuesday a delightful pro score years Is now in evidence, because of the I gramme was given as a People's Instl three it has been the ideal of splendid assisting artists who will ap-- I tute benefit. Mrs. Gardiner talked of the great music masters. pear. army life In different parts of the world and Miss Ada Alice Tuttle ren COMI.VO MUSICAL EVENTS. I dered Strauss muslo written for "Enoch The Steinway costs but little more than Th iiminr Hr..w.f f .,. I Arden," with explanation of the differ other pianos. The cost really becomes day Musical Club will give Its annual I enl mo m programme In the Hotel Portland Sat insignificant in the satisfaction derived reef. urday and all members of the club are I R. T. Jacob, a student with J. Will from Steinway ownership. feoff JKrJerjee. Invited. Mrs. F. W. Tounew is dlrec-4ia- m Belcher, who has been musical dl tor of the Junior department. I rector of the First Methodist Episcopal Church South the past two years, left The Steinway may be purchased on con- juiss .dlck, who was to have I last week for Washington. X. C. where presented her piano students in recital I he was sent as a special representative venient payment terms. last night, has postponed her recital from the internal revenue office of this to Saturday night. May 11. in the city. Mr. Jacob will be absent about sembly room of Hotel Portland. Fol four months, Dealers in SieinTDay and Other Pianos, Pianola lowing the music programme there will Pianos, Duo Pianos, Victrolas and Rec- a Art be social hour, with refreshments. Miss Pearl Shaffer sang by request ords, Player Music, Music Cabinets, etc. Mary "My Mother's Bible" and "The Ninety Ellen Mullen will give a re and Nine" at the Sunday service of the cital, which will take the form of a held in the 5?r. oTtMBJn 1 SeortT" MiV. ShaS'er ha. been InTon! Church' MAdyvanced?udentf wU? held at the Men'sV Resort this past eea j tribute and a silver offering will be sonf!'and has been prepared for recital ill' r,.. taken. work by Miss Mary Ellen Mullan. e Sherman.a&.CA Mrs. Helen Fromme Schadler will old, a violin It i'c .n're"t'.?f. r -- tuiVnt ot 'the 'p.cTf Con.erWVry of SIXTH AXD MORRISON STREETS lit Z1??JZ, at? (Opposite Postofflce) the near in Music, appeared in a successful recital future the Multnomah Hotel in the First Baptist Church, Eugene, PORTLAND under Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed's direc- Monday night. S E A TTL E TACOM A S POKANE. tion. Mrs. Schedler has a clear, sym- last His violin work pathetic soprano which she uses with Is spoken of in terms of high praise. much musical ability. His programme was an unusual one e the rendition of four concerts, one each May 21 has been chosen as the date by Ambroslo, Llpinski, Raff and of the concert at which John Claire Vieuxtemps. The piano accompanist Monteith, baritone, will appear in The w" E-- Crocker. Master Haney is Dalies, Or. The concert will be given Poen of as a violinist of more than Johnson, Duck. Dorothy as tallv. He robs It of the mystery mat Helen Hlen a oenerit lor The Dalles Red Cross, r midl- has ever stood In the way of good sing Robertson, Mae Smith and 1'aul and is beingarranged by Mrs. Carleton '" . ' ' clearly dividing Reeder. S I A WTJ v. .w Ing. He indicates the Williams. The wnman'e as....... dmivui uuiiiiiih.wo physical which Mrs. Williams Is director, will Dwell Club, Mrs. Julia Marquam. line between the mental and beginning to doubt my Judgment pro-conc- It In a very "I'm give a part of the programme and the chairman, presented a delightful phases of 'singing, and does new soprano," said the Urst ts ana forci- about the music last Jhurs-even- few words. He deals directly will be one of the musical fr,mra 0' In"n support and control. manager, who had been wildly enthu- of the season. Mrs. May Van da5r- - at Washington High School. bly with breath siastic "Why?" asked the second Dyke-Hardwic- 8o'1B were rendered by Mrs. J. Curtis In Its relation to tone. His dedication of this city, will act approbation from all who have manager. "None of the other sopranos as accompanist for Mr. Monteith. Simmons. In costume. Mrs. Connell will win seem be of her." Kansas Jessee was a charming accompanist known the great artist Campanarl dur. to Jealous and Robert A. Millard s flute added lng his reign at the Metropolitan Opera-Hous- e. City Star. Miss Cora Ayers, lyric soprano; Miss be read by e. messo-sopran- o, much to the muslo For the first The book should Nlta HUstrom, and Mrs. treat alike." In Musical America for April 27. Is Bud Smith, soprano, all students of time probably hundreds of children students and teachers page pictures, John vere introduced to our native folk nearly a interview, with rialrn Hontaith ).. Raymond...A. Sullivan, dramatic with Hartridge Whipp, baritone, now of leading soloists In the Musicalih. Show leonna, which they greatly appreciated Mrs. City, recently of this given hearing. soprano, and George wiinur neeo, dra- New York and last week in Vancouver. Wash., tenor, appeared in recital last city. He gays that because he read n matic he-co- by Lodge I TTTTTTTTTl the Elks' for the benefit Thursday night in Chehalis, Wash. Musical America he was inspired to of the Vancouver Red Cross. They are I Miss Bernice Simmons, a talented correspondents state that a singer. He thinks that the all members of the Women's Music piano student, and Just 13 years old, ap Letters from present war change American com- I was a most successtui will Club chorus of that citv. which will noarort under rilrpcflnn of Dr. Emil the recital position. One .of the pictures of Mr. "T-- T purpose Is en-- 1 , I OR the of adding greater! in our community and that It give its Soring concert soon. Unna In nknn rxnltal In the Little was 2 years old and H music variety and color and tol titled to the greatest consideration on Whipp is when he ACTIVE IX CUB-RE- -T Theater, last Tuesday night, assisted enjoyable programme was the other is as he Is today.
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