1 9 3 4 c f P VOLUME 23 ^ A ffTED ^ NUMBER 78 Washington, Saturday, April 19, 1958 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT 2. Section 421.2339 is amended by add­ CONTENTS ing a new paragraph (g) to provide that Chapter IV— Commodity Stabilization if the warehouseman furnishes a state­ Agricultural Marketing Service Pa8® Service and Commodity Credit Cor* ment as provided in § 421.2338 (g) the Rules and regulations: poration, Department of Agriculture numerical grade and grading factors of Limitations of handling: the corn to be delivered must be shown Lemons, California and Ari­ Subchapter B— Loans, Purchases, and Other on the supplemental certificate. The Operations zona______ ____ 2588 new paragraph (g) reads as follows: Oranges, Valencia, Arizona [1957 O. C. C. Grain Price Support Bulletin and designated part of Cali­ 1, Supp. 1, Arndt. 2, Corn] § 421.2339 Warehouse receipts. * * * (g) I f the warehouseman has fur­ fornia______________ 258$ P art 421—G rains and R elated nished a statement as provided in Limitations of shipments: Commodities § 421.2338 (g ), the supplemental certifi­ Grapefruit_______________ 2586 Oranges_________ 2587 Subpart— 1957-Crop Corn Loan and cate must show the numerical, grade, Tomatoes, Florida; meaning of P urchase A greement P rogram grading factors and the weight -of the corn to be delivered. Where the grade, “producer” ___________________ 2588 eligible corn; warehouse receipts grading factors or the weight of the corn Agricultural Research Service The regulations issued by the Com­ shown on the supplemental certificate do Rules and regulations: modity Credit Corporation and the Com­ not agree with the warehouse receipt, Hog cholera, swine plague, and modity Stabilization Service published the entries shown on the supplemental other communicable swine in 22 P. R. 5521, 8&71, and 23 P. R. 207 certificate shall take precedence for the diseases; changes in areas containing the specific requirements of purpose of making loans and for settle­ quarantined_________________ 2589 ment of loans and purchase agreements. the 1957-crop com price support pro­ Agriculture Department gram are hereby amended as follows: (Sec. 4, 62 Stat. 1070, as amended; 15 U. S. C. See also Agricultural Marketing 714b) 1. Section 421.2338 is amended by add­ Service; Agricultural Research ing a new paragraph (g) to provide that Issued this 11th day of April 1958. Service; Commodity Credit Cor­ corn containing in excess of 13.5 percent poration; Commodity Stabiliza­ moisture stored in. an approved ware­ [ s e a l ] C lar en c e D . P a l m b y , * tion Service. , house under loan or purchase agree­ Acting Executive Vice President, Notices: Commodity Credit Corporation. ment and otherwise meeting eligibility Administrator, Agricultural Re­ requirements is eligible for price sup­ [F, R. Doc. 58-2947; Filed, Apr. 18, 1958; search Service; delegation of port if a statement is furnished by the 8:55 a. m.} authority to negotiate con­ warehouseman. The new paragraph (g) tra c ts ^ New York and Penn­ reads as follows: sylvania_________ __________ _ 2621 § 421.2338 Eligible com. * * * [1958 C. C. C. Cottonseed Bulletin 1] Alien Property Office (g> Corn when placed under a ware- Notices: house-storage loan or delivered from P art 443— O ils e e d s Vested property, intention to approved warehouse storage under a pur­ SUBPART— 1958 COTTONSEED LOAN PROGRAM return: chase agreement containing in excess of Roth, Julia__________________ 2632 13.5 percent moisture, shall not be eli­ This bulletin states the requirements Winterhalder, Wilhelm Karl_ 2632 gible, except that eorn represented by with respect to loans under the 1958 Cot­ warehouse receipts which indicate that tonseed Price Support Program formu­ Atomic Energy Commission the corn is ineligible because of moisture lated by Commodity Credit Corporation Notices: content only, will be eligible if the ware­ (hereinafter referred to as CCC) and the General Electric Co.; proposed houseman certifies on the supplemental Commodity Stabilization Service (here­ issuance of facility license___ 2622 certificate or on a statement attached to inafter referred to as CSS). A separate Grossman, Cornell; notice of the warehouse receipt that corn of 13.5 bulletin (or bulletins) will cover pur­ application_____________ 2622 percent moisture or less will be delivered chases of cottonseed under the 1958 Cot­ Civil Aeronautics Board substantially as follows: “ On com con­ tonseed Price Support Program. The Notices: , taining in excess of 13.5 percent moisture program will be carried out by CSS un­ Pan American World Airways, delivery will be made of com grading der the general supervision and direction Inc., and Northwest Airlines, r*0, - — — with — —_ percent moisture of the Executive Vice President, CCC. Inc.; Pacific Northwest-Ha- m an amount o f --------bushels, which waii renewal case; prehearing epresents the actual quantity obtained Sec. conference.__________________ 2624 443.1401 Administration. alter drying the com and no lien for 443.1402 Availability of loans. Rules and regulations: processing will be claimed by the ware­ 443J.403 Eligible producer. 1957 annual airworthiness re­ houseman from the Commodity Credit 443.1404 Eligible cottonseed. view, miscellaneous amend­ c ^ Poration or any subsequent holder of 443.1405 Approved storage. ments resulting from: said warehouse receipt.” (Continued on p. 2581) Aircraft engine airworthi­ ness— ;_____________________ 2594 2579 2580 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued „ / CONTENTS—Continued Civil Aeronautics Board— Con. Pas» Federal Communications Com- Pase FEDERAimREGISTER Rules and regulations— Con. mission— Continued \ I « 4 ,-oT 1957 annual airworthiness re­ Rules and regulations: view, miscellaneous amend­ Frequency allocations and radio ments resulting from—Con. treaty matters; general rules Irregular air carrier and off- and regulations; reaUocation Published'dally, except Sundays, Mondays, route rules._____- _____ ___ 2595 of certain fixed, land mobile, and days following official Federal holidays, Rotocraft airworthiness: and maritime mobile bands by the Federal Register Division, National Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Normal category__________ 2592 between 25 and 470 Me______ 2601 ices Administration, pursuant to7 the au­ Transport category________ 2592 Stations on shipboard in mari­ thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Scheduled air carrier opera­ time services; frequencies for approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as tions outside continental working____________________ _ 2602 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ limits of U. S., certification tions prescribed by, the Administrative Com­ and operation rules_______ 2595 Federal Crop Insurance Cor­ mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Scheduled interstate air car­ poration the President. Distribution is made only by Rules and regulations: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ rier certification and opera­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. tion rules_________ -________ 2594 Cotton; Federal crop insurance, The Federal Register will be furnished by Civil Service Commission 1958 and succeeding crop mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1,50 Rules and regulations: years_________ ___________ _ 2586 per month or $16.00 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies Competitive service, exceptions Federal Maritime Board (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to from: Notices: the size of the issue. Remit check or money General Services Administra­ Agreements filed for approval: order, made payable to the Superintendent tion.________ __________ ___ 2585 Trans-Pacific Freight Confer- of Documents, directly to the Government Labor Department__________ 2585 ence of Japan, member Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. lines___________________ 2621 The regulatory material appearing herein Coast Guard Is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, Rules and regulations: Ward Garcia, S. A., et al_ 2621 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Inspection requirements; mis­ ,____ Federal Power Commission to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as cellaneous amendments______ amended August 5, 1953. The Code op F ed­ 26M Notices: eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Commerce Department Hearings, etc.: tendent of Documents. Prices of books and See also Federal Maritime Board. r Cox, Edwin L., et al_I______._ 2626 pocket supplements vary. Notices: \G len Rose Gasoline Co___ 2624 - There are no restrictions on the re­ Financial interests, statements Hope Natural Gas Co. and publication of material appearing in the of changes in: Equitable Gas Co______ _ 2625 Federal Register, or the Code op Federal Larsen, Harold_______________ 2622 Monsanto Chemical Co_____._ 2625 R egulations. Spraggon, John H__________ 2622 Sinclair Oil & Gas Co_______ 2626 Commodity Credit Corporation Sinclair Oil & Gas Co. et al._ 2624 Notices: FederaETrade Commission CFR SUPPLEMENTS Contracting officers; delegation Rules and regulations: (As of January 1, 1958) of authority to execute certain Cease and desist orders: documents_________ -________ 2621 Helene Curtis Industries, Inc_ 2595 The following Supplements are now Rules and regulations: Piedmont Products Co., Inc., available: Corn; 1957-croi> loan and pur­ et al______________________ . 2596 chase agreement program____ 2579 sea Isle Sportswear, Inc., Title 7, Parts 900 to 959 ($1.00) Cottonseed: et al__________ ____________ 2596 Titles ^22-23, Rev. Jan. 1, 1958 Loan program, 1958-________ 2583 Housing and
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