The Student Newspaper of Imperial College 15 December 1999: Issue 1161 The Chemical Brothers live from Brixton Elite admissions oust the lower classes FELIX NEWSTEAM Dr Hassard explained: "We do our best with open days and summer Imperial has continually reinforced schools, but we get a smaller per• its position amongst the countries centage of respondents from state elite institutions - and a new report schools than we'd like...We give has revealed this can be largely UCAS seminars - but we find some attributed to an elite intake. private schools decline since they Rankings placed IC second run their own extensive and inten• worst in teh UK for bias against sive interview training, workshops state schools, with only 53 per cent on filling in forms, guidance on of its intake coming from compre- what counts.... which are probably hensives, just one percent more denied most to state sector pupils". than Cambridge. The ranking was Dr Eastwood, Director of Plan• based an a projected figure which ning and Management Information was correlated to the A-Level Systems, who is involved with the requirements of the intake. The College's admissions, stated cate• College fared no better in the class gorically that Imperial College cer• stakes, ranking as the seventh most tainly does not make it policy to socially exclusive higher education exclude anybody; it is open to all institution with just 5.1% of its who wish to come here and satisfy intake coming from the poorest the minimum scholastic require• neighbourhoods. However, as the ments. He pointed out "The one Government formulates its strategy thing we will never do is lower our to tackle high drop-out rates, Impe• admissions criteria. It would be rial has little to worry about with a unfair to students if we did so - low• rate of only 3 per cent - a figure ered entry standards might lead to being closely related to the high students struggling and eventually entry requirements. Student hardship for the new age Photo: Jonas dropping out", he stated, noting The figures, compiled by fund• graphics of admissions according and the schools liaison scheme as that "we do well on drop-out rates. ing body HEFCE, are the results of to ICU President Tasha Newton. major systems in their campaign to When people come in, they stay a socio-economic analysis of Finding it difficult to identify a par• attract the best students irrespective here to complete their degrees". admission figures for the 1997-98 ticular cause for IC's ranking (which of their background. Dr J Hassard, The Government are expecting academic year. They formed part of accounted for each institute's entry the physics department's school the Higher Education sector to take Higher Education's first ever per• qualifications) she stated, "A-Level liaison officer explained "as far as action over areas of weakness formance indicators, and have results are an established and fair recruitment is concerned, I can identified by the performance indi• highlighted the apparent bound• way of doing things and that means assure you that we neither discrimi• cators, Imperial College Rector, aries that those from less affluent certain groups will not be admitted, nate against nor favour state Lord Oxburgh stated that "It is backgrounds face throughout uni• but it is extremely concerning that schools. We always go on ability". entirely appropriate for government versity education. those from state schools are exclud• Unfortunately, contrary to pop• to identify its priorities and for uni• The average 27.4 A-Level point ed." ular belief, Imperial may not be versities to respond, to the extent score obtained by Imperial students The College cites the commu• doing its best in attracting the that they do not compromise their will undoubtedly affect the demo- nity work, the Pimlico connection, widest range of the best students. prime missions." 2 News Felix • 15 December 1999 Halls millennium night by torchlight Richard Taylor debates the future JIM GEACH students to state 'yes' or 'no' as to and the action is merely scare mon- of "our greatest asset" - the Con• whether they will be staying in Halls gering by the College to prevent too stituent College Union's Students in College accommodation over the millennium weekend, of many celebrating students staying in have been warned that, unless specif• which only an estimated 600-800 Hall over the millennium period, and ically stated otherwise, they will not be were returned. thereby causing a heavy demand on allowed to stay in halls over the mil• Residences Manager Sharine a depleted Warden and security serv• lennium weekend - despite the fact Brown stated in a letter to students ice. Chan qets up close and that their rooms have been paid for. that "wardens have been instructed A particular group affected has The Rectors Committee for Student been the international population, cian Jerry Sadowitz. Residences (RCSR) have made this who live a long way from home and decision based on fears of the possi• have not seen loved ones for some ble failure of emergency services and time. One such student had arranged utilities, as well as the "greater risk of in advance for his girlfriend to stay health and safety issues" associated with him in hall over the Christmas with the turn of the millennium. Presi• holiday, and up until the Accommo• dent Tasha Newton explained "Over dation Office stepped in, he was told the summer there was an idea from this would be fine. Confusion set in College that all students should be when the letter was received, inform• moved into one hall, to look after ing him that the guest would not be them all in one place". That idea has allowed. After some distress, it was since been dropped by the RCSR and established that as long as the matter it has been decided that people of deciding to stay in Halls is sorted es with an intetview with should stay in their own hall, but out locally (ie so the Wardens and should explicitly state whether they Happy new year Photo: Jonas security of the Hall know you are will be there or not. there), then there shouldn't be a prob• Many students have expressed not to grant permission for any guests lem. Mr Butcher explained "it is the concern over the fact that they will not to be in Hall between 1 8.00 hours on Union's job to tell students this". have the freedom of deciding at the 27th December 1 999 and 1 8.00 on Thankfully, that case has now been last minute whether or not they want 2nd January 2000". The letter went sorted out, and the girlfriend can stay. to stay in London during this period, on to say that failure to comply with ICU is currently attempting to and there has been a suggestion that these terms will be considered a "dis• rectify the mass confusion, and is try• College are in breech of contract on ciplinary offence". Kevin Butcher, ing to let students know that as long the matter. Deputy President (Education & Wel• as the Wardens and security know, Questionnaires were distributed fare) commented that "barring stu• they are well within rights to have Wise words (ar to all halls in November, instructing dents access to their rooms is unfair", access to rooms. In Brief CAMBRIDGE FAILED BY sugar-filled soft drinks, but not management structure will offer A bumper nineteen page section INSPECTORATE after drinking weak (about 1% dedicated expertise to academics this week, with reviews and pre- alcohol by volume) beer, which wanting to take their inventions to Leading teacher training institution contains more complex carbohy• the market. Homerton College, Cambridge, drates. Inappropriate insulin has failed an inspection by the release during breast development schools standards watchdog, Ofst- is thought to be involved in cancer, RESEARCH: IS IT ed. The inspectorate said that two although the mechanisms are cur• REALLY WORTH IT? out of six of Homerton's postgrad rently speculative. training courses in physical educa• Vice Chancellors have asked ito me moutn ot hell? tion were "poor". researchers to update a study of LEEDS AWARDED £20 the relationship between basic FOR INNOVATION research and economic perform• BEER IS GOOD FOR ance, to further back-up their Your essential guide to all YOU - IT'S OFFICIAL Leeds University has been massive• demands for more cash from the (and some of the worst) o ly buoyed by an investment of £20 government. Although comprehen• Christmas. Belgian scientists have found evi• million from finance giant the For• sive work was carried out by statis• dence to suggest that teenagers' ward Group, deigned to help aca• ticians at Sussex University in consumption of soft drinks rather demics to commercialise new 1 996, these findings have now ben than weak beer is linked to breast ideas. seriously questioned, as they cancer. The study, reported in New Alan Wilson, Leeds Vice Chan• apparently "over emphasised the Scientist, shows that levels of the cellor, said he was thrilled with the importance of the ability of basic blood sugar regulating hormone agreement, which had taken about research to generate useful new piay-oirs ana rixrures insulin rise rapidly after drinking 1 8 months to put together. A new information". 15 December 1999 • Felix News 3 Tuition fees threatened Medical Library relaid SUNIL RAO of Students (NUS) - in writing to ANDREW OFORI include reference materials, a pho• MPs, Downing Street and every tocopying room, video workstations, The run-up to Christmas should see national newspaper. According to Worries over the Charing Cross library offices and PCs. The first floor a bombshell dropped - at least as ICU President Natasha Newton, library renovation, voiced at the Vice will house a smaller section of the far as university education is con• the letter will include text to the Principal's Question Time last week, library along with UMO and other cerned.
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