
2512 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. M.AROH 30, By Mr. E. B. TAYLOR: Of ex-soldiers of Lake County, and of citi­ ate. The Chair hears no objection, and it is so ordered. The Chair zens of Ashtabula County, Ohio. will announce during the day the managers on the part of the House. .Also, of citizens of .Ashtabula County, of ex-solditlrs of. Trumbull PETER MARCH AND OTHERS. County, and of 36 ex-soldiers of Andover, Ohio. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a r :n of the following title, By l\Ir. 0. B. THOMAS: Of45 ex-soldiers, and of ex-soldiers of Rich­ returned from the Senate with amendments: .. land County, Wisconsin. A bill (H. R. 3957) for the relief of Peter March, 'lhomas .T. Wright, Also, of George W. Bell Post, No. 53, Grand Army of the Republic, administrator, and others. of Wisconsin. The SPEAKER. This bill merely corrects, in the body of the bill and in the title, the name of one of the parties. The following petitions, praying for the enactment of a law provid­ The amendments of the Senate were read, as follows: . ing temporary aid for common schools, to be disbursed on the basis of In line 13 of the bill strike out" March" and insert" l\Iarck." illiteracy, were severally referred to the Committee on Education: Amend the title by striking out "March" and inserting "Marek." By Mr. ATKINSON: Ofthe Methodist Episcopal and United Breth- The SPEA.KER. If there be no objection, these amendments will be ren churches of Orbisonia, Pa. ' concurred in. By Mr. DE LANO: Of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, There being no objection, it was ordered accordingly. of Newark Valley, Tioga County, and of Oneida County, New York. SENATE BILLS REFERRED. By Mr. DORSEY: Of citizens of Columbus, and of citizens of Creigh­ The SPEAKER also laid before the Honse Senate joint resolution and ton, Nebr. bills of the following titles; which were severally read twice, referred By :Mr. D. B. HENDERSON: Of 327 citizens of Butler County, Iowa. respectively as indicated, and ordered tO be printed: ·By Mr. SHAW: Of Thomas W . Wells and 88 others, citizens of The joint resolution (S. R. 42) extending the provisions of an act elli­ Hempstead, Md. titled ''An act relating to arrears of taxes in the District of Col urn bia, '' By Mr. STEELE: Of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of approved March 3, 1887-to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Oakridge, Ind. The bill (S. 116) to incorporate the American Trust Company of the District of Columbia-to the Com.nittee on the District of Columbia. The following petitions, asking for the passage of the bill prohibiting The bill (S. 630) for the relief of Edwin Dei.. eon-to the Committee the manufacture, sale, and importation dr all aL;oholic beverages in the on Claims. · District of Columbia, were severally referred to the Select Committee The bill (S. 1338) granting an increase of pem:ion to Kate Q. Dal­ on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic: zell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. ATKINSON: Of citizens of the E:jghteenth district of Penn­ The bill (S. 1588) o anrend an act entitled "An act to provide addi­ sylvania. tional regulations for homestead and pre-emption entries of public By Mr. BUCHANAN: Of45 citizens and of98citizensoftheSecond lands," approved March 3, 1879-to the Committee on the Public district of New Jersey. Lands. By Mr. DOCKERY: Of 75 citizens of the 'I'hird district of Missouri. The bill (S. 1941) for the erection of a public building at Helena, By Mr. WICKH.Al\f: Of 81 citizens of the Fourteenth Congr~sional :M:ont.-to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. district of Ohio: The bill (S. 2005) to provide for the disposal of the Fort Wallace mil, itary reservation in Kansas-to the Committee on Military Affairs. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as follows: To Mr. RusK, for this day, on account of business. FRIDAY, Ma.rch 30, 1888. To Mr. o:NEILL, of Missouri, for ten days, on account of important The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by Rev. J. H . CUTHBERT, business. D. D., of Washington, D. C. To Mr. DARLINGTON, for four days, on account of important business. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. Leave of absence was also granted to the subcommittee of the Com­ mittee on Commerce, consisting of. Mr. BRYCE, Mr. LAGAN, and Mr. DISPOSITION OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS BY INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. THOMAS H. ll. BROWNE, to visit the proposed bridge across Staten Isl­ The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of and Sound, in company with a similar committee of the Senate. the Interior, transmitting a statement of the number and disposition of ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. public documents received by that Department, ::~.lso submitting a report Mr. KILGORE, from·the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that relative to the sale and to the printing and disposition of public docu­ they had examined and found dul.Y enrolled bills ofthe following titles; ments; which was referred to the Committee on Printing, and ordered when the Speaker signed the same, namely: _ to be printed. A bill (S. 2220)·to correct an error in and to further amend "An act ABSALOM RILEY VS. THE UNITED STATES. to authorize the Georgia Pacific Railroad Company to construct bridges The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the assistant across the Sunflower, Yazoo, and Tombigbee Rivers in Mississippi," ap· clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a copy of the findings of fact proved March 3, 1887; - - in the case of Absalom Riley vs. The United States; which was re­ .A. bill (S. 1663) authorizing the Little Rock and Alexandria Railway ferred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Company to build certain bridges in the State of Arkansas; A bill (H. R. 1481) making.an appropriation to construct a road and ANDREW CATHEY VS. THE UNITED STATES. approaches from Pineville, La., to the natioiial military cemetery near The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the assistant that town; clerk of the Court of p!aims, transmitting a copy of the findings of fact A bill (H. R. 3749) for the relief of Frank Baker; and in the case of Andrew Catheyvs. The United States; which was referred .A. bill (H. R. 4556) . to confirm New Madrid location, survey No. to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. 2889, and to provide for issue of patent therefor. G. SILBERBERG AND OTHERS VS. THE UNITED STATES. INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, BA.RCELON.A, SPAIN. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the assistant Mr. RUSSELL, of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a copy of the findings of fact consent to report at this time a joint resolution from the Crmmittee on in the case of G. Silberberg and others vs. The United States; which was Foreign Affairs, relating to the invitation of the Spanish Government referred to the Committee on War Claims, and ordered to be printed. to the Government of the United States to participate in the interna­ AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. tional exposition to be held at Barcelona, Spain, in April, 1888. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a bill of the following The SPEAKER. The joint resolution will be read: subject to ob- title, returned from the Senate with amendments, and with the request jection. · for a conference with the House: The joint resolution (H. Res. 140) was read a first and second time. A bill (H. R. 1473) authorizing the President of the United States to It is as follows: Whereas the Spanish Government has extended to the Government of the arrange a conference for the purpose of promoting arbitration and en­ United States an invitation to participate in the international exhibition which couraging reciprocal commercial relations between the United States of is to be held at Barcelona, Spain, commencing in the month of April, 1888: .America and the Republics of Mexico, Central and South America, and Resolt·ed, etc.. That said invitation is accepted, and that there be, and hereby is, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United 8tates not other­ the Empire of Brazil. wise appropriated, the sum of 82-5,000, or so much thereof ns may be necesMry Mr. McCREARY. I ask unanimous consent that the House non­ to effect the purpose of this resolution, to be expended in the discretion of the concur in the amendments of the Senate and agree to the conference Secretary of State for the purpose of such representation at said exhibition. SEc. 2. That it shall be the duLy of the Secretary of State to transmit to Con· requested. gress a detailed statement of the expenditures which may have been incurred '.rhe SPEAKER. Is the reading of the amendments d.emanded? under the provisions of this resolution, together with any reports which may be Mr. BRECKINRIDGE, of Arkansas. Let them be read. made by the representatives of this country at said exhibition. The amendments were read. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the present consideration of The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. McCREARY] the resolution? asks' unanimous consent that the amendments just read be non-con­ Mr. ALLEN, of Mississippi. I object. curred in, and that the House agree to the conference asked by the Sen- Mr.
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