Assiut J. Agric. Sci., (50) No. (2) 2019 (200-205) ISSN: 1110-0486 Website: www.aun.edu.eg/faculty_agriculture/journals_issues_form.php E-mail: [email protected] Description of Heterodispus longisetae n. sp. (Acari: Heterostigmatina: Scutacaridae) from Soil of Citrus Orchards in Assiut, Egypt Eraky, S.A.; A.S. Abdelgayed; M.W. Negm; T.Y. Helal1 and S.F.M. Moussa2 1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. 2Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. *Corresponding author: [email protected] Received on: 4/3/2019 Accepted for publication on: 6/3/2019 Abstract A survey of mite fauna inhabiting citrus orchards in Abutig, Assiut Gover- norate, yielded the discovery of a new species, Heterodispus longisetae n. sp. (Acari: Scutacaridae). The new species is morphologically described and illus- trated. Keywords: Acari, Heterostigmata, Scutacaridae, Heterodispus, citrus, Egypt. Introduction and Ebermann, 2012), however, the Mites of the family Scutacaridae genera Archidispus, Imparipes and Oudemans, 1916 (Acari: Trombidi- Pygmodispus have never been re- formes: Heterostigmatina) inhabit corded from Egypt. The genus Het- soil, forest litter, decomposing or- erodispus Paoli, 1911 is worldwide in ganic substrates, moss and manure. distribution and consists of 35 spe- They are also associated with various cies, eight of them are described from arthropods including ants, bees, flies, Egypt, namely: Heterodispus elonga- beetles and arachnids (Metwali, 1984; tus Trägårdh, 1905, H. adrosii Met- Momen, 1989; Khaustov and Chydy- wali, 1984, H. aegyptensis Momen & drov, 2004; Khaustov, 2008), while El-Bagoury, 1989, H. aegyptiacus some species are fungivorous Sevastianov and Abo-Korah, 1985, (Khaustov, 2008; Jagersbacher- H. evansi Momen & El-Bagoury, Baumann and Ebermann, 2012). This 1989, H. osmani Sevastianov and family consists of 24 genera and Abo-Korah, 1985, H. rackae Met- more than 800 species (Zhang, 2011). wali, 1984 and H. youssefi Metwali, The genus Archidispus Karafiat, 1959 1984. Paoli (1911) established Het- contains about 70 described species erodispus as a new subgenus of Im- that are mostly associated with bee- paripes Berlese using H. elongatus as tles of the family Carabidae (Kurosa, type species. The present work de- 1980; Khaustov, 2008). Distinct fe- scribes a new species of Heterodispus male dimorphism has been known in from soil of citrus in Egypt. various scutacarids including species Materials and Methods of the genus Archidispus. Some spe- Samples of leaf litter and soil cies are phoretic and showing specific under citrus trees were collected from characters suitable for such behavior different localities in Abutig at Assiut (Ebermann, 1991, 1999). governorate. Mites were extracted Until now, two scutacarid gen- using Tullgren funnels and preserved era Heterodispus and Scutacarus in 70% ethyl alcohol. The collected have been reported in Egypt (Met- specimens were cleared in lactic acid, wali, 1984; Jagersbacher-Baumann mounted in Hoyer's medium on glass Doi: 10.21608/ajas.2019.41245 Eraky, et al., 2019 http://ajas.journals.ekb.eg/ slides, dried on a hot plate, ringed weakly developed while apodemes with nail polish and examined under IV very short and joined with post- a phase-contrast microscope (BH-2®, sternal apodeme. Apodemes V ab- Olympus, Japan). Measurements in sent. All ventral setae thick, serrated micrometers (µm) were taken with a and sharply pointed; setae 1a the graded eyepiece and illustrations shortest and 4b the longest. Setae 4b were made using a drawing tube at- inserted anteriorly of 4a, however, tached to the microscope. The termi- positions of insertions of setae 4a and nology and setal nomenclature used 4b quite variable among paratypes. in the description were according to Posterior margin of ventral metapo- Lindquist (1986). The voucher slide- dosomal plate convex. Pseudanal se- mounted samples were deposited in tae finely serrated; setae ps1 visibly the Acari collection, Plant Protection longer and thicker than ps2 and ps3. Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Setal lengths: 1a 27, 1b 29, 2a 28, 2b Assiut University, Egypt (FAAU). 38, 3a 77, 3b 63, 3c 55, 4a 65, 4b 89, Results and Discussion 4c 57 µm. Distances between bases Cohort Heterostigmatina of setae: 1a–1a 29, 1b–1b 44, 2a–2a Superfamily Pygmephoroidea Cross, 35, 2b–2b 39, 3a–3a 15, 3b–3b 35, 1965 3c–3c 66, 4a–4a 28, 4b–4b 49, 4c–4c Family Scutacaridae Oudemans, 1916 63 µm. Genus Heterodispus Paoli, 1911 Legs (Figures 3 & 4). Setations Heterodispus longisetae n. sp. of legs I (solenidia in parenthesis): (Figures 1−4) Tr1–Fe3–Ge4–Ti4–Ts15 or 16(4). Female (holotype). Idiosomal Tarsus I (Figure 3) with distinct length 230 µm, width 172 µm; body sickle-like claw. Solenidion ω1 long oval to elongate. Dorsum (Figure 1). and finger-shaped, ω2, φ1 and φ2 Free margin of tergite C with marked smaller and thinner. Leg IV (Figure stripes; all dorsal setae finely serrated 4): Tr1-Fe2-Ge1-Ti3-Ts4. Trochanter and sharply pointed. Setae c1 and c2 with posteroventral axe-like projec- well developed and without alveoli. tion. Tarsus with long pretarsus and Cupules ia (tergite D) and ih (tergite minute empodium distally. H) small and oval. Setae h1 and h2 Males and larvae unknown. distinctly long. Length of dorsal se- Type material tae: c1 37, c2 34, d 40, e 35, f 37, h1 Holotype and paratype females 43, h2 40 µm. Distances between were collected from leaf litter under bases of setae: c1–c1 67, d–d 71, f–f mandarin; Abutig, Assiut, Egypt; 23 50, h1–h1 20, h2–h2 56 µm. Posterior February 2015; leg. A.S. Abdelgayed. margin of tergites C, D and EF Type materials are deposited in the smooth. Body surface finely stippled, Plant Protection Department, Faculty anterior margin of tergite C with fine, of Agriculture, Assiut University, longitudinal stripes. Egypt (FAAU). Venter (Figure 2). Apodemes I, Remarks II and sejugal apodeme (v-shaped) The genus Heterodispus com- well developed and merged with prises two subgenera, Heterodispus presternal apodeme. Apodemes III Paoli, 1911 and Teherodispus Ma- 201 Assiut J. Agric. Sci., (50) No. (2) 2019 (200-205) ISSN: 1110-0486 Website: www.aun.edu.eg/faculty_agriculture/journals_issues_form.php E-mail: [email protected] hunka, 1974 (Mahunka, 1977). Com- alveoli indistinct vs. simple and set monly, Heterodispus species have on distinct alveoli in H. chanti, (ii) setae c1 and c2 set on the outer free ventral setae sharply pointed vs. margin of clypeus but with few ex- blunt-ended in H. chanti and (iii) op- ceptions as in H. curryi Momen, 1989 isthosomal setae longer in the new and H. (T.) konrathi Mahunka, 1974 species than in H. chanti. setae cl arise behind the clypeus. The Etymology new species is very close to H. chanti The species epithet longisetae Soliman & Kandeel (in Zaher, 1986), refers to the distinctly long dorsal and however, it can be distinguished in ventral setae. having: (i) dorsal setae serrated and Figures 1-4. Heterodispus longisetae n. sp. Female. 1. Dorsal view; 2. Ventral view; 3. Tibia and tarsus of leg I; 4. Leg IV. 202 Doi: 10.21608/ajas.2019.41245 Eraky, et al., 2019 http://ajas.journals.ekb.eg/ Acknowledgment kyo: Zenkoku Noson Kyoiku Kyo- The authors are grateful to Prof. kai, 214–241. Dr. M.M. Kandeel (Faculty of Tech- Lindquist, E.E. 1986. The world genera nology and Development, Zagazig of Tarsonemidae (Acari: Het- University, Egypt) for confirmation erostigmata): a morphological, of the species identification. phylogenetic, and systematic revi- sion, with a reclassification of fam- References ily-group taxa in the Heterostig- Cross, E.A. 1965. The generic relation- mata. Memoirs of the Entomologi- ships of the family Pyemotidae cal Society of Canada, 118: 1–517. (Acarina: Trombidiformes). Univ. Mahunka, S. 1974. Auf Insekten le- Kansas Sci. Bull., 45: 29–275. benden Milben (Acari: Acarida, Ebermann, E. 1991. Das Phanomen Po- Tarsonemidae) aus Afrika. III. lymorphismus in der Milbenfami- Acta Zool. hung., 20: 367–402. lie Scutacaridae (Acari, Het- Mahunka, S. 1977. Beitrage zur erostigmata, Tarsonemina, Scuta- Kenntnis der Sistematik, Taxono- caridae). Zoologica, 141: 76 pp. mie, Ontogenie, Okologie und Ebermann, E. 1999. Kommentar zu den Verbreitung der Tarsonemiden. 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