IBER 22, 1942 == , . Cards, Dodse,. Warmer Keep Wi ....... u It. Lou IOWA: 8eaUend UPl NMnP'" lIIo_n ....." THEI • DAILY IOWAN ird 8" .10" oil Pare « "'~r. -:-- Iowa City~s Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS A'100~.D ral,. IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1942 VOLUME ,.- ~ T.. Xtn NUMBER 311 !COUn~ , . Itioning ~~ipery IlWhlnery Will SO n COu nty by board consist. , rounty AM farmers to be rOUl1ly War Unred yester. lC boord will I!males. nl, which has I icarce 8nd 'nment at this ' c h~sed with. and must be Io be r' 31, 1942, Iroup incl Udes Advocates of Higher Taylor Forming Plans lUll ba lers, Gird Solomons ng machines, Soviet Defenders Slay 3,000 Iders, manure Farm Parity Ceilings For Post-War World eaders, com· 'eed grinders J ItrOWS, tertii: Gain Senate Support Against Violent Say Envoy Reached In (ounteraHack North of City ~ . elevators, h~y Important Decisions shredders, - Leaders Order Early B,. IUNay c. CAS my II, which \jI. In Talka With Pope mmachillefJ', Ad;ournment, les;n Enemy Thrusl biO W, W dnesday (AP)-Th d army, (i htin Ii reely farmer ceHI. BERN, SWITZERLAND, (AP) in the wreckage of talinJ.,"Tad, yield d two more treets to the Il lhe desired Quick Voting Survey -Myron C. Taylor, President battering aUack of reinfor ed I rman troop Tn day, the Soviet Dive Bomber Scores Roosevelt·s personal representa. high command IUll10UnC d today a th r at batH nt red its for current WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Hit on Jap Cruiser; tive to the Vatican, bas laid the 30th day. y, which In. advocates of writing hllher farm groundwork for post'\"ar colla­ parity price ceilings into the pend· U,S. Raids Continue III other parb of tb burning, mok ·fill d city, how,' r, the rylhes, forks, Ing inflation bill gained @upport boration in the La Its ot world Ru. siaM were Sl\id to be balding their grounu gain t tll attack. rehabilitation through his talks opera ted and , illfJJctill~ tr III nd u I Ill! th (I rman poured an ap- ~uipmen t at such a rate yesterday that ad- WASHING,rlON (AP) 'l'J with Pope Plus XII, In the opin­ not ministration leaders ordered an , 1 - 10 exe mpt Crom ion of veteran Vatican ob ervers, parently nul . stream or IIt'W men into the great lind bloody early adjournment and began a navy expcats violent Japanese batt! . hurried survey of the probable counterattacks on AlIIerican Taylor's first audience with the The midnight communique said the r d army ,~as count rat· 01 be placed voting alignment. positions in the Solomon islands Pope was last Saturday. ' tacking northwest oC ·talingrad, where 3,000 (1 'rman w re flBid )/ used farm Senator Brown (D-Mlch), author end is preparing accordingly. Since Saturday, TaylOr hES also 'usnl ot eer­ ot the bill, designed to live Pres i- Secretary Knox said yesterday. conferred with the British and to h8\'l' been kill d in tw daSH. Thi oppar ntly i an effort to !)lay appeal French envoy to th Vatican and ------------ - . cut communication, of the (ler· e USDA war dent Roosevelt his requested Lending emphasis to hls reo the representatives of conquered power to stabilize the cost of liv- port that the navy was on watch, mlln now in til eity, lor it was l special war Poland and YugoslEvia, and Is ex­ from fhi area that th y fil'llt he secretary ing, frankly conceded that the out- a communique told of dive Ipected to t(llk with other dlplo. come would be close and appar· bomb hits on a Japanese cruiser mats before his final audience Interpreting br k throu h til d f enUy was in doubt. li th t fA' Meanwhile, the communique IlIld, Asked for his view of the situa- prow ng nor wes 0 merl· with the Pope and his departure tion, Senator Barkley (D-Ky), the can·held Guadalrutnal and Dew for Spain. The War News the Cermaru launched a heavy Meet administration floor leader, grin- American air Ilttaeks on' enemy The Swi telegraphk _Iency attack with two infantry rellments DrawID. upon. her vast reserves of manpower, Soviet Russia constantly is iralnl~, thousanCl8 more sol. Nazis' Great Need: Explain ned and replied: • bases. reported from Rom that Taylor against the southern outskirts or "Do you expect me to say we are Land fighting on' Guadalcansl, dlers to be flung Into the battle against Germany. Some of these reserves ,are plc' tJlr~ a!HIve p~arlnl' held his ecood audieflCc with the New Cannon Fodder Stalinirad In an attempt to pene­ beaten?" limited to patrol activity, Intensi- for action "somewhere" In the Stallnl'rad area. By now they have probably joined Rds Ian forces fl~blln, Pope thill morning. He was with Program inside the city Itself. lrale the clly from that dJrection. 'More Than EDOu~h' fied somewhat Sunday, the com- the Pontirt 50 minutes. For Hitler Machine RUBS Ian m 0 r tar I, however, in debate, Earlier in the day, admlnistra- munique sBid, but "Our positions . The dispatch said he was ex­ opened up on them and wiped ssociation 01 pected to lca ve Rome by pia ne By KIRK!; L. lMl' ON out about a battalion, fru t.raUni Cor Victory September 26 s tler a probable Wide World War Anab' t the attack. night at 7:30 ~~ ~:~~~:h:}J:~;~:~£:; re::~n i~~E~a:i rS~:~:s were Say 'RAF Attempting to Boftle New ~ork ' Has , Alerf third audience. The tremendous twin· pronged Two B/oek Gain han, Both lion may come to a vote today. car~ied out Saturday and Sunday. I :. a. ' For Over Half Hour' drive Hitler loosed last May in In the .treet filhtin, In which uding fresh. southern Russin and north Africa The oWce of prIce admlnistra- T the GermaN made their two­ ttend, N FI f b PI t M ' r has made hUlle strides, dealt atai­ block ,I[n, ont Russian lormation topic, "Or­ ~~~ ~~in:m!~~m~~t:a~ai°: I~S~ H~~ul:E~:,~T~~~T~~~ ' ' aZ'1 ee y an Ing Ines 'No Hostile Aircraft' Illinois Lawyer gerini blows to the Russians and killed more thcn 300 nu[ oWcers War World." I\i"ht t\ 'Would resul\ \n a 10ur or LIA, Wedneuky, ~ept. la, (AP) the British, but obviously failed and men, damaled ten tanka and I the AfSV five per cent. rise in the cost of -AUIed bOmbers sCored two to achieve any decisive results lor destroyed nine motor vehicles, the ""'__ "-,,_, __ _ _ _ f -l. ,..,. _ ... _ ... ~_ tined. Prof. living Index, hit. en a Sapaoese sblp Aerial Operations Ijmuiden. The British lost two NEW YORK, (AP)- A report this year. "r'l! Wife Murdered i hei(l. 11 nit *he German ctor ot de­ ~DIlUOUl. Th re no p bl Under the provision in the house In a o~hl raid at Rabaul, N'~ .... Over ~"AftlIV w,. ...... hnmh"ro ." ... - n .. h ....• ;" .,,- ... -. ' _rir.'i~·-;'liPla~ wis oper. etUer, ,rad­ bill tor loans of 90 per cent of I-lmaUoll~~'7":»·--' ~ ... light offemJives. · • B U L LET IN estimate from any source by which drive toward the Grotn,. oU field •• ,ate, are in pa..-ity, OPA laid tne COst of llV: aDnolUleed ioda,. On Extensive Scale Observers pointed to the risk allng over a seaward area" caused to judge thc cumulaUve attrition The high command said heavy ing would Increase by $670,000,- wbich the air command is willing a blue aIr ra ~d alert lasting 34 PRINOnELD, III. (AP)- of axis manpower reserves but in Hghtlnl continued In the MOldok 000, Involving a one per cent rise The first day army "flying for· LONDON, (AP)-Brltain'~ ex- to run. to plant mines in the Ska- mlnutes last night in the New York Capt. Thomas J. O'Connor of that tact or more thon any other area, but made no mention ot an,. in the index. However, It added, tresses" bombed IIIId strafed shore tensive and continued aerIal mlne- metropolitan area. the Illinois '-te police saId that may lie the sure Indices of both soviet withdrawals. Meet under the new pari~ formula installations at Rekata, on Santa sowing in enemy waters was ex- gereak, the Kattegat, the BalUc Radio stallons lett the air at lh~ hacked and battered bodies the outcome and the duraUon ot Tbe communique allO fepOried umnae wlll proposed by the farm bloc the cost Isabel island, about 185 miles plained by some London obser- and even the Kiel canal. 6;57 p.m., on orders of the first of Charie A. Nash, ILllomey for the war. tba t a part,. of Ru Ian marla", p.m. In the of living would Increase by $3,- northwest of the Guadalcanal vel'S today as an effort to fore- Mines W()uld not necessarily interceptor command, and resu- tbe Internal revenue department Manpower LimIte4 In the BJuk sta area. hacl made Jf!et supper 000,000,000 to $3,500,000,000, with airfield, and bombed Gizo island, stall or harass any German at- keep enemy naval forces cooped med service when the all-clear was at st. Louis, and his wife, were Axis manpower resources are a nl,M reconnalaanee ralel on ew pledges, 8 jump of 4 or 5 per cent in the 215 miles northwest of the air· tempt to slip the heavy nSli naval up, one of these experts conceded, flashed at 9:31.foond In an automobile la t Ibn/ted. New territory won In enemy J)OIUion Wellt of u.e s, alumnae index.
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