Pragmatism: A Select Bibliography, 1940–2010 John R. Shook This bibliography has seven sections: introductory and general works; history of pragmatism; analytic philosophy themes; continental and postmodernist themes; ethics and politics; and society and culture. The final section, compiled by the volume editor, includes the works cited in the editorial chapters of this volume (that is, Chapters 1–3 and 16–18: Introduction, Glossary, Research Methods and Problems, New Directions), insofar as those works are not listed in the the- matic sections of the bibliography. For tables of contents to many books, specialized bibliographies of the writ- ings of individual pragmatists, books published before 1940, dissertations, and other research resources, visit www.pragmatism.org/research. Introductory and General Works Includes anthologies and books collecting a pragmatist’s writings. Abel, R. (ed.), (1966), Humanistic Pragmatism: The Philosophy of F. C. S. Schiller. New York: The Free Press; London: Collier-Macmillan. Addams, J. (1906), Newer ideals of peace. New York: Macmillan. —(2003), The Selected Papers of Jane Addams, vol. 1: Preparing to Lead, 1860–81. Eds Mary Lynn McCree Bryan, Barbara Bair, and Maree de Angury. Urbana: Uni- versity of Illinois Press. —(2008), The Selected Papers of Jane Addams, vol. 2: Venturing into Usefulness. Eds Mary Lynn McCree Bryan, Barbara Bair, and Maree de Angury. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Anderson, D. (2006), Philosophy Americana: Making Philosophy at Home in American Culture. New York: Fordham University Press. Aune, B. (1970), Rationalism, Empiricism, and Pragmatism: An Introduction. New York: Random House. Reprinted, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995. Ben-Menahem, Y. (2005), Hilary Putnam. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Pihlström, S. (ed) (2011) The Continuum Companion to Pragmatism (London: Continuum Books) © Sami Pihlström and Contributors, 2011 ISBN: 978-0-8264-4224-6 http://philosophy.pihlstrom.continuumbooks.com Select Bibliography Beraldi, P. (2002), Il pragmatismo americano, intelligenza filosofica e ragione strumentale. Bari, Italy: Levante. Bernstein, R. J. (2010), The Pragmatic Turn. Cambridge, UK: Polity. Calcaterra, R. M. (1997), Introduzione a il pragmatismo americano. Rome: Laterza. Callaway, H. G. and Stroh, G. (2000), American Ethics: A Source Book from Edwards to Dewey. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Capps, J. M. and Capps, D. (eds), (2005), James and Dewey on Belief and Experience. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Carreira Da Silva, F. (2007), G. H. Mead: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge, UK: Polity. Corrington, R. S. (1993), An Introduction to C. S. Peirce: Philosopher, Semiotician, and Ecstatic Naturalist. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Depew, D. J. and Hollinger, R. (eds), (1995), Pragmatism: From Progressivism to Post- modernism. Westport, CT: Praeger. De Waal, C. (2001), On Peirce. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. —(2002), On Mead. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. —(2004), On Pragmatism. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning. Dewey, J. (1967–1987), The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882–1953, 37 vols. Ed. Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. (Cited as: EW = Early Works; MW = Middle Works; LW = Late Works.) Contains, for example, Democracy and Education (MW 16, 1916), Reconstruction in Philosophy (MW 12, 1920), Human Nature and Conduct (MW 14, 1922), Experience and Nature (LW 1, 1925), The Public and Its Problems (LW 2, 1927), The Quest for Certainty (LW 4, 1929), Ethics (with James Tufts, LW 7, 1932), A Common Faith (LW 9, 1934), Art as Experi- ence (LW 10, 1934), and Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (LW 12, 1938). —(1989), The Philosophy of John Dewey. Two volumes in one. Ed. John J. McDermott. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. —(1998), The Essential Dewey, 2 vols. Eds Larry A. Hickman and Thomas M. Alexander. Pragmatism, Education, Democracy, vol. 1; Ethics, Logic, Psychology, vol.2. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Du Bois, W. E. B. (1996), The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois Reader. Ed. Eric J. Sundquist. New York: Oxford University Press. Eames, S. M. (1977), Pragmatic Naturalism: An Introduction. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press. Feibleman, J. (1970), An Introduction to the Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Fisch, M. H. (ed.), (1996), Classic American Philosophers: Peirce, James, Royce, Santayana, Dewey, Whitehead, 2nd edn. New York: Fordham University Press. Flower, E. and Murphey, M. (1977), A History of Philosophy in America, 2 vols. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Føllesdal, D. (ed.), (2001), Philosophy of Quine, 5 vols. New York: Garland. Frankel, C. (ed.), (1960), The Golden Age of American Philosophy. New York: George Braziller. Goetzmann, W. H. (2009), Beyond the Revolution: A History of American Thought from Paine to Pragmatism. New York: Basic Books. Goodman, R. B. (1990), American Philosophy and the Romantic Tradition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Pihlström, S. (ed) (2011) The Continuum Companion to Pragmatism (London: Continuum Books) © Sami Pihlström and Contributors, 2011 ISBN: 978-0-8264-4224-6 http://philosophy.pihlstrom.continuumbooks.com Select Bibliography Goodman, R. (ed.), (1995), Pragmatism: A Contemporary Reader. London and New York: Routledge. —(ed.), (2005), Pragmatism: Critical Concepts in Philosophy. 4 vols. London and New York: Routledge. Gunn, G. (1992), Thinking Across the American Grain: Ideology, Intellect, and the New Pragmatism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Haack, S. (ed.), (2006), Pragmatism, Old And New: Selected Writings. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. Hamilton, P. (ed.), (1992), George Herbert Mead: Critical Assessments. 4 vols. London and New York: Routledge. Hampe, M. (2008), Erkenntnis und Praxis: zur Philosophie des Pragmatismus. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. Harris, L., Pratt, S. L., and Waters, A. (eds), (2001),American Philosophies: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell. Hartshorne, C. (1984), Creativity in American Philosophy. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Haydon, A. E. (2006), Pragmatism And the Rise of Religious Humanism: the Writings of Albert Eustace Haydon, 3 vols. Eds Creighton Peden and John N. Gaston. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Press. Hester, D. M., and Talisse, R. B. (2004), On James. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth-Thompson Learning. Hickman, L. (2001), Philosophical Tools for Technological Culture: Putting Pragmatism to Work. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Hildebrand, D. (2008), Dewey: A Beginner’s Guide. Oxford, Oneworld. Hook, S. (1974), Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense of Life. New York: Basic Books. —(2002), Sidney Hook on Pragmatism, Democracy, and Freedom: The Essential Essays. Eds Robert Talisse and Robert Tempio. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. James, W. (1967), The Writings of William James. Ed. John J. McDermott. New York: Random House. Reprinted, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978. Includes “Annotated Bibliography of the Writings of William James”. —(1975–1988), The Works of William James. Eds Frederick H. Burkhardt, Fredson Bowers, and Ignas K. Skrupskelis. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard Univer- sity Press. Contains, for example, The Principles of Psychology (1890), The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy (1897), The Varieties of Religious Expe- rience (1902), Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (1907), The Meaning of Truth (1909a), A Pluralistic Universe (1909b), Some Problems of Philosophy (1911), and Essays on Radical Empiricism (1912). Joas, H. (1993), Pragmatism and Social Theory. A translation of Pragmatismus und Gesellschaftstheorie (1992). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Johnson, E. C. (ed.), (1960), Jane Addams, A Centennial Reader. New York: Macmillan. Kemp, G. (2006), Quine: A Guide for the Perplexed. London and New York: Continuum. Kennedy, G. and Konvitz, M. R. (ed.), (1960), American Pragmatists: Selected Writings. New York: Meridian Books. Kuklick, B. (1985), Churchmen and Philosophers: From Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey. New Haven: Yale University Press. Pihlström, S. (ed) (2011) The Continuum Companion to Pragmatism (London: Continuum Books) © Sami Pihlström and Contributors, 2011 ISBN: 978-0-8264-4224-6 http://philosophy.pihlstrom.continuumbooks.com Select Bibliography Kuklick, B. (2001), A History of Philosophy in America, 1720–2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Kurtz, P. (ed.), (1968), American Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook from Pragmatism to Philosophical Analysis. New York: Macmillan. —(1990), Philosophical Essays in Pragmatic Naturalism. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. Levine, B. (1996), Works About John Dewey, 1886–1995. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. Lewis, C. I. (1970), Collected Papers of Clarence Irving Lewis. Eds John Goheen and John Mothershead, Jr. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Locke, A. (1989), The Philosophy of Alain Locke: Harlem Renaissance and Beyond. Ed. Leonard Harris. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Lovejoy, A. O. (1968), The Thirteen Pragmatisms and Other Essays (first published in 1963). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. MacKinnon, B. (ed.), (1985), American Philosophy: A Historical Anthology. Albany: State University of New York Press. Malachowski, A. (ed.), (2004), Pragmatism, 3 vols. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Malachowski, A. R. (2010), The New Pragmatism. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Univer- sity Press. Margolis, J. (2007), Pragmatism Without Foundations: Reconciling
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