Bi-monthly • September - October • 2012 ISSN: 0976-2108 BARC NEWSLETTER BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE IN THIS ISSUE • Founder’s Day 2012 Address by Dr. Ratan Kumar Sinha, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission & Secretary to Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy • Founder’s Day 2012 Address by Shri Sekhar Basu, Director, BARC • Ultrafast Dynamics Investigations: Development of Femtosecond Time-Resolved Infrared Spectrometer • Genetic Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes • Design, Development and Deployment of Special Sealing Plug for 540 MWe PHWRs • Self Assembled Systems: Design and Drug Delivery Perspectives BARC NEWSLETTER In the forthcoming issue 1. Role of Cellular Redox Homeostasis in Modulation of Immune Responses. S. Santosh Kumar et al. 2. BARC Medical Cyclotron Facility: Performance and Achievements in the First Decade after Commissioning. M.G.R. Rajan et al. 3. Experimental Results of Microwave Drilling. Shantanu Das and A. K. Sharma 4. Development of an Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) K. Rajendra Babu et al. 5. Indigenous Development of High-resolution Atomic Beam Fluorescence Spectroscopy Facility for Precision Measurements of Isotope Shifts and Hyperfine Structure. G.V.S.G. Acharyulu et al. 6. An Overview Data Acquisition and Control Electronics of Neutron Scattering Instruments under NFNBR at BARC. R. M. Chandak et al. 2 I ISSUE NO. 328 I SEP. - OCT. 2012 BARC NEWSLETTER C O N T E N T S Editorial Note II BARC Celebrates Founder’s Day • √÷”√£÷÷Ø÷ç˙ ◊§¸æ÷√÷ 2012: õ¸÷Ú. ∏¸ü÷≠÷ ç„˙¥÷÷∏¸ ◊√÷≠Δ¸÷, ܨμ÷Å÷, Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ â˙ï÷÷‘ Ü÷μ÷÷Íê÷ ãæ÷” √÷◊ì÷æ÷, ≥÷÷∏¸ü÷ √÷∏¸ç˙÷∏¸, Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ â˙ï÷÷‘ ◊æ÷≥÷÷ê÷ ç˙÷ √÷”≤÷÷ͨ÷≠÷ 1 • Founder’s Day 2012 Address by Dr. Ratan Kumar Sinha, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission & Secretary to Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy 6 • √÷”√£÷÷Ø÷ç˙ ◊§¸æ÷√÷ 2012: ¡÷fl. ø÷Íè÷∏¸ ≤÷√÷„, ◊≠÷§Í¸ø÷ç˙, ≥÷÷≥÷÷ Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ Ü≠÷„√÷”¨÷÷≠÷ çÎ˙¶¸ ç˙÷ √÷”≤÷÷ͨ÷≠÷ 11 • Founder’s Day 2012 Address by Shri Sekhar Basu, Director, BARC 16 •24th DAE All India Essay Writing Contest 20 • Industrial Safety Awards: 2011 22 • Release of the Founder’s Day Special Issue of the BARC Newsletter 23 • Founder’s Day Guest Lecture 24 • DAE (Excellence in Science, Engineering & Technology) Awards 2011 26 Brief Communication • Ultrafast Dynamics Investigations: Development of Femtosecond Time-Resolved Infrared Spectrometer 33 • Development of a 400 keV Radio Frequency Quadrupole 34 • Tetrofosmin Kits for Myocardial Perfusion Imaging 35 • Unveiling the Mechanism of Extreme Radiation Resistance in Deinococcus radiodurans by Comparative Proteomics 36 Research Articles • Genetic Analysis of Type 2 Diabetes 37 Suresh KG Shettigar, C. Shailaja and Ratnakar K. Kulkarni • Advanced Research on Master Curve for Safety Assessment of Reactor Pressure Vessel 42 J. Chattopadhyay, B.K. Dutta, K.K. Vaze and S. Acharyya Technology Development Articles • Design, Development and Deployment of Special Sealing Plug for 540 MWe PHWRs 51 G. Sharma, S. Roy and R.J. Patel • Decontamination of Alpha Contaminated Metallic waste by Cerium IV Redox process 56 J.G. Shah, P.S. Dhami, P.M. Gandhi and P.K. Wattal • Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitor: Beat to Beat 62 Vineet Sinha, R.K. Jain, G.D. Jindal, C.K. Pithawa, C.D. Kapse and Bhagyashree Sarade Feature Article • Self Assembled Systems: Design and Drug Delivery Perspectives 69 Gunjan Verma, Jayita Bhattacharjee and P.A. Hassan BARC Scientists Honoured 74 ISSUE NO. 328 I SEP. - OCT. 2012 I i BARC NEWSLETTER Editorial Committee From the Editor’s Desk Chairman We have recently celebrated the 103rd birth centenary of Dr. Tulsi Mukherjee, Director, Chemistry Group our Founder, Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha. On this occasion, an in-depth analysis of our achievements in DAE was presented Vice Chairman Dr. N. Ramamoorthy by Dr. R.K. Sinha, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission and Senior Advisor to Director, BARC subsequently Shri Sekhar Basu, Director, BARC narrated major achievements of BARC. The complete text (both in Hindi and Edited by Dr. K. Bhanumurthy English) are covered in this issue along with various features Head, SIRD related to the event. Associate Editors for this issue This issue also includes four Brief Communications and Dr. S.M. Yusuf Dr. P.V. Varde six articles. Special mention may be made of the article “Non-invasive blood pressure monitor”. Members Dr. Tulsi Mukherjee The Editorial Committee congratulates Dr. Srikumar Banerjee Dr. N. Ramamoorthy and Dr. Sandip Basu for their outstanding achievements. Dr. D.N. Badodkar, DRHR Dr. A.P. Tiwari, RCnD We are of the opinion, that the diverse R&D articles covered in Dr. Madangopal Krishnan, MSD this issue will enable the readers to not only get to know the Dr. A.K. Tyagi, CD Dr. P.V. Varde, RRSD developments in other areas, but also arouse their curiosity. Dr. S.M. Yusuf, SSPD Mr. Avaneesh Sharma, RED Dr. C. Srinivas, PSDD Dr. G. Rami Reddy, RSD Dr. S.K. Mukherjee, FCD Mr. G. Venugopala Rao, APPD Dr. A. Vinod Kumar, EAD Dr. Anand Ballal, MBD Dr. K. Bhanumurthy, SIRD Dr. K. Bhanumurthy Dr. S.C. Deokattey, SIRD On behalf of the Editorial Committee ii I ISSUE NO. 328 I SEP. - OCT. 2012 BARC NEWSLETTER BARC CELEBRATES FOUNDER’S DAY √÷”√£÷÷Ø÷ç˙ ◊§¸æ÷√÷ - 2012 ¥÷”ê÷ª÷æ÷÷∏¸, 30 Üåü÷„≤÷∏¸ 2012 õ¸÷Ú. ∏¸ü÷≠÷ ç„˙¥÷÷∏¸ ◊√÷≠Δ¸÷ ܨμ÷Å÷, Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ â˙ï÷÷‘ Ü÷μ÷÷Íê÷ ãæ÷” √÷◊ì÷æ÷, ≥÷÷∏¸ü÷ √÷∏¸ç˙÷∏¸, Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ â˙ï÷÷‘ ◊æ÷≥÷÷ê÷ ç˙÷ √÷”≤÷÷ͨ÷≠÷ õ¸÷Ú. ≥÷÷≥÷÷ ≠÷Í ≥÷÷∏¸ü÷flμ÷ Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ â˙ï÷÷‘ ç˙÷μ÷‘çŒ˙¥÷ ç˙÷ ≤ªμ÷Ê ÿØ÷œô¸ √÷ÈÈÈ◊ï÷ü÷ ç˙∏¸, ãç˙ ö¸÷Í√÷ ≠÷‡æ÷ ∏¸è÷fl, ◊ï÷√÷ Ø÷∏¸ Ø÷∏¸¥÷÷ù÷„ â˙ï÷÷‘ ◊æ÷≥÷÷ê÷ çÍ˙ √÷§¸√μ÷÷Í” ç˙fl Ü÷≠÷Í æ÷÷ª÷fl Ø÷fl◊ú¸μ÷÷Í” ≠÷Í ãÍ√÷Í √÷„Ø÷∏¸√ô“¸åì÷∏¸ ◊≠÷Ÿ¥÷ü÷ ◊ç˙μ÷Í ΔÓ¸, ◊ï÷≠Δ¸÷Í≠÷Í ∏¸÷¬ô“¸flμ÷ ◊æ÷ç˙÷√÷ ¥÷Î ¥÷Δ¸üæ÷Ø÷Êù÷‘ ≥÷Ê◊¥÷ç˙÷ ◊≠÷≥÷÷μ÷fl ΔÓ¸Ö Δ¸¥÷÷∏͸ ◊æ÷≥÷÷ê÷ ´¸÷∏¸÷ ì÷÷◊ª÷ü÷ ç˙÷μ÷‘çŒ˙¥÷ ◊æ÷ñ÷÷≠÷ ãæ÷” á”ï÷fl◊≠÷μ÷ÿ∏¸ê÷ ç˙fl ª÷ê÷≥÷ê÷ √÷≥÷fl ø÷÷è÷÷Ü÷Í” Ø÷∏¸ ç˙÷μ÷‘∏¸ü÷ ΔÓ¸Ö Ü≠÷„√÷”¨÷÷≠÷, ◊æ÷ç˙÷√÷, Ø÷œ§¸ø÷‘≠÷ ãæ÷” àØ÷μ÷÷Íê÷ √÷”≤÷”¨÷fl ◊æ÷◊ø÷¬ô¸ ê÷◊ü÷◊æ÷◊¨÷μ÷÷Í” ≠÷Í Δ¸¥÷Í ≠÷÷◊≥÷ç˙flμ÷ â˙ï÷÷‘ çÍ˙ á√ü÷Í¥÷÷ª÷ çÍ˙ √÷≥÷fl Ø÷Δ¸ª÷„Ü÷Í” ¥÷Î ¥÷Δ¸üæ÷Ø÷„ù÷‘ àØ÷ª÷¤≤¨÷μ÷÷Î ç˙fl ãç˙ ◊æ÷√ü÷ÈÈÈü÷ ∏θï÷ Ø÷œ§¸÷≠÷ ç˙∏¸≠÷Í ç˙fl ø÷åü÷fl §¸fl ΔÓ¸Ö á≠÷ ç˙÷μ÷‘çŒ˙¥÷÷Í” ≠÷Í Δ¸¥÷÷∏͸ à™÷Íê÷÷Í” ãæ÷” ç˙á‘ Ü≠÷„√÷”¨÷÷≠÷ ãæ÷” ◊ø÷Å÷ù÷ √÷”√£÷÷Ü÷Í” ç˙÷Í ◊æ÷ç˙◊√÷ü÷ ãæ÷” Ø÷œ÷Íü√÷÷◊Δ¸ü÷ Δ¸÷Í≠÷Í ¥÷Î √÷Δ¸÷μ÷ü÷÷ §¸fl ΔÓ¸, ü÷÷ç˙fl æ÷Í Δ¸¥÷÷∏͸ ◊æ÷≥÷÷ê÷ ç˙fl Δ¸fl ≠÷Δ¸fl ≤÷◊ªç˙ §Í¸ø÷ ç˙fl æμ÷÷Ø÷ç˙ ï÷π˝∏¸ü÷÷Î ç˙÷Í ≥÷fl Ø÷Ê∏¸÷ ç˙∏¸ √÷çÎ˙Ö õ¸÷Ú. 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